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Forever My Knight

Page 15

by A. R. Ford

  Chapter 29


  “How the hell did this happen?” Lukas rages.

  Morgan shrugs. “He came up with the bail somehow.”

  Terror began to build inside me once again. Lukas swears, a fist slamming into the wall. The anger fades when I struggled to sit up then move from the bed. He is at my side, an arm going around me. I nearly become a shivering, emotional mess but calm as he holds me.

  “Sarah, I’m sorry to ruin your day. I thought you should know. I’m gonna put some coffee on,” Morgan says from the doorway. “We should talk about increasing security.”

  “Thank you, Morgan,” I manage before he closes the door.

  Lukas cups my face in both hands, gazing deeply into my eyes. “I won’t let him hurt you. I’ll kill him if he ever threatens you again.”

  I know with certainty that Lukas means it. “Let’s go talk to Morgan. I could use some tea and I know you need coffee.”

  John and Riley join us at the dining room table. The discussion evolves into a debate about the best methods of providing security around the clock. I interrupt before a shouting match erupts. “If you bring my laptop, I can make a spreadsheet that would help.”

  The men look at me without speaking. Morgan speaks up. “Sarah, don’t worry yourself with this.”

  “Roman is after me, not any of you. I have a vested interest in this. My life depends on this,” I say in a voice that is much stronger than I feel.

  Lukas leaves the table only to return with his laptop. “Will this work?”

  I nod and get to work. Manipulating the mouse with my left hand is the only difficulty I experience. Lukas assists as needed. Within ten minutes a spreadsheet detailing coverage, the number of personnel needed, and areas of concern are ready to present.

  Lukas smiles at me upon seeing the spreadsheet. “You never cease to amaze me, Sarah. There’s something else I need to discuss with you.”

  “I’m not sure how I feel about before breakfast surprises,” I giggle.

  “I want to resign from Bright Enterprises and partner with Morgan on the security firm. We talked about it briefly in Washington. It’s a reality now. I think if we provide cybersecurity services the company will grow quickly. It’s a new and exciting opportunity,” he adds.

  I lean close enough to kiss him. “Do what makes you happy. I think working with your brother will make you happier than Bright Enterprises, but it’s not my call. I’ll support any decision you make, Lukas.”

  A checkup at the doctor’s office two weeks after the attack leads to the removal of the staples and several lab tests to check my blood and urine for signs of infection, anemia, or other problems. I wince as each staple pops free. Lukas is pale, eyes dark with emotion as the surgeon bandages the healing wounds.

  “You should start using your arm and hand. I can arrange for physical therapy,” the surgeon says. “I’ll see you back in a month for another checkup.”

  The drive home is quiet. Lukas remains withdrawn, only responding to calls coming through the car’s blue tooth system. Reminders of the attack are uncomfortable for both of us, more so for Lukas, it seems. I know it is best to let him process this without pressure. Concern grows after spending most of the day and evening alone as he retreats to the study. I shower and change into a t-shirt and baggy sweats before finding him.

  A lamp on the desk leaves a golden pool of light to illuminate the room. Lukas sits with his head in both hands. He looks up, frowning as I enter. I feel suddenly uncomfortable as if I’ve intruded.

  “I’m working,” he snaps.

  The sudden display of his temper is more than I can bear. “I didn’t mean to disturb you,” I murmur. “I’ll go.”

  I make it to the door. Lukas catches me, his hand clutching my left wrist. “Sarah, don’t go.”

  He pushes me against the wall before devouring my mouth in a heated kiss. He seems almost desperate. “I’m sorry, babe. I shouldn’t take it out on you. Every time I see the gunshot wound it reminds me you almost died. Sarah, it was too close,” he says against my hair.

  “Lukas, I’m here. I’m okay,” I reassure.

  His hands fist in my hair, voice hoarse. “I need you, babe. Not here.” Evidence of his arousal digs into my belly.

  I can only nod as he takes my hand, leading me to the privacy of our room. We haven’t made love since the attack. I realize Lukas has waited for an all-clear from the doctor.

  He undresses me as soon as the door is closed, hands caressing my body as he exposes it. Then he undresses and my mouth goes dry, a rush of desire puckering my nipples. Lukas is a thing of beauty, his body delineated by muscles. The dark hair on his broad chest brings a twisting finger of desire through my core. His lips move along my jawline to my neck. The sensation is exquisite and breathtaking. I press my lips against his chest, tongue flicking at the flat nipples until they harden. My hands caress the lean, muscular ribs.

  Lukas guides me to the bed. “Lie on your side, babe. I don’t want to hurt you.” He curls against my back, a hand sliding between my thighs. I gasp as a finger slips inside me, teasing until I squirm. Then, his thick arousal slides inside me, pushing deep. I can only gasp and am met with his deep groan. “You feel so good.”

  Our movements are unhurried. I know his fear of hurting me restrains his need. It does not take long before I spiral out of control, crying out as my body clenches around him. Lukas’s fingers dig into my hip as he finds his release. We are magical together. I drift to sleep with Lukas holding me tight.



  Knight Security LLC. The silver letters affixed to the building signify our new venture. I meet Sarah as Riley drops her off at the front entrance. I lead her through the lobby showing off changes the building has undergone since the shooting. A reception desk manned by two uniformed security guards and a metal detector greet visitors to the company. Sarah signs in, provides identification, and clips on a name badge before we walk through the metal detector.

  “Impressive, Mr. Knight,” Sarah murmurs as I take her hand then tuck it in the bend of one arm.

  We are the only people within the elevator’s depths. I press Sarah against a wall before covering her lips with mine. My hands fist in her hair, tugging back to improve access to her throat and neck.

  “Sarah,” I groan against her ear. “You’ve beguiled me, madam.”

  “No more so than you beguile me, good sir,” she reminds me while nestling into the protective circle of my arms.

  The elevator door opens on the second floor only to reveal more changes. Knight Security has added a secondary reception desk manned by another security guard and keyless entryway. Sarah arches a brow at me.

  “The changes were necessary after the incident, Sarah. Come, let’s get your fingerprint programmed into the keyless system.” I won’t apologize for the changes.

  An office set aside for remote security houses the equipment necessary to program her fingerprint into the keyless entry system. A technician scans her index finger before programming the image into a computer.

  “She’s good to go, Mr. Knight. The fingerprint is in our system,” the tech says after a few seconds.

  “Thank you,” I reply before guiding Sarah out the door to my office.

  I am distracted by a call from a company inquiring about cybersecurity. While I discuss options and costs with the company’s representative, Sarah receives a call. She steps toward the window, slightly out of earshot, and talks in hushed tones with the caller. When the call ends, Sarah sits in a chair, face pale, phone clutched in one hand.

  “What’s going on, Sarah?”

  “The surgeon,” she murmurs while looking at the floor.

  “Is something wrong?” I kneel in front of her, hands cupping her face as concern grows.

  “I’m anemic. The surgeon says it’s probably because of blood loss. I need to start taking an iron supplement, and I have to make some dietary changes. That explains why I’ve been
so tired lately.”

  A sigh of relief comes at her words. It’s a bump in the road, but it is one we can address.

  Chapter 30


  Over the next few days, I work tirelessly to organize information on all the clients the company has gained. Then, I put together a spreadsheet of income earned from each company. I double-check the information when it shows that cybersecurity is gaining ground on traditional security. Lukas will be pleased. Spreadsheets give a breakdown of the particulars. I sit back with a smile at the end of another long workday. My cellphone rings before I can print the spreadsheets.

  “Sarah, this is Detective Akins. How are you?”

  A chill runs down my spine when I hear his voice. I realize he only means well but it brings reminders of a horrifying incident that still haunts my dreams. “Detective Akins, how can I help you?”

  “I wanted to see if you could meet with the DA tomorrow. Roman’s trial is set to start two weeks from now. We want to go over everything to make sure you’re prepared.” Detective Akins pauses then continues. “His attorney is saying you wanted to continue a relationship that started before your engagement ended with Simon Hart. He is also saying that your brother-in-law is the reason you got shot. He says the struggle made the gun go off. I want you to be prepared for this.”

  My stomach churns at Detective Akins’s words. “I did not have a relationship with Roman, before or after the engagement with Mr. Hart ended. How can he say that Morgan caused the shooting? I...He raised the gun and pointed it at me. Morgan saved my life, Detective Akins.”

  “Our investigation backs up your story, Sarah. We also have video footage from the security cameras that shows everything that happened that day. Would nine in the morning work for you?”

  Lukas knocks at the door before entering. Once he sees my face, he is by my side reaching for my hand. I love this man so much. He supports me in so many ways. “I…I don’t know, Detective Akins.”

  “Sarah, I realize this is difficult for you. Without your testimony, Roman could walk. Is that something you’re prepared to have happen?”

  I sit back in the chair, sigh, and close my eyes. A chill has settled in the pit of my stomach. “Of course not. I’ll be there tomorrow.”

  “Bring your husband if that would make you feel better,” Detective Akins replies. “See you tomorrow, Sarah.”

  I end the call then toss the phone on the desk. “The trial is supposed to start in two weeks,” I murmur. “The DA wants to meet with me tomorrow. Please say you can go with me.”

  “I intend on being there every step of the way, Sarah,” Lukas reassures me.

  “Roman’s attorney is trying to say Morgan caused the gun to go off. Why would he say that?”

  Lukas kneels by my chair while he continues to hold my hand. “Because that’s the only way assholes like that can get ahead. They lie, cheat, and steal, Sarah. I’ve worked with enough of them over the past few years to understand how it works. Now, let’s get you home. I’m starving, and I can only imagine how hungry you are.”

  Riley meets us in front of the building while John walks us out. I am eternally grateful for the security crew who have become friends and are almost like family. I feel more secure than ever with them. Lukas and I cook dinner together then eat at the dining room table in relative silence.

  “What if he’s found innocent?” The question has been in my mind since I woke up in the hospital. Roman has money, influence, and a powerful attorney who is skilled in manipulating the system. It is my greatest fear.

  “He won’t get away with what he did to you, Sarah. The jury will see right through his lies,” Lukas reassures.

  “What if they don’t though? What if they believe what Roman and his attorney say? What if they don’t believe me? He could get away with this, Lukas. What if he comes back for me again?” My words come out in a rush as my deepest fears are revealed. I cannot bear the thought of facing Roman in the courtroom, yet I know it is necessary. Without my testimony, he could walk out of the courtroom a free man.

  John interrupts our conversation. “Lukas, Sarah, you have an unexpected visitor outside. He says he must speak with you.” John looks instantly uncomfortable as he glances from me to Lukas.

  “Who is it?” Lukas asks.

  “Simon Hart. He says it is urgent that he speak with you and your wife. He says he has information about the man who attacked Sarah.”

  Lukas pushes back the chair and stands. A muscle twitches in his jaw, both brows are drawn together. I recognize it as signs of anger brewing. I go to him, my hand resting on his arm as I look up to meet the now hard, emotionless midnight-blue eyes.

  “Lukas? What if it’s something we need to know? Simon wasn’t always a bad guy.”

  “I don’t like it,” he snaps, a hand rubbing his chin.

  “John can kick him out if he gets out of line. And you’re here. Are you afraid he might try to do something to me?” I ask as he pulls his arm away.


  “Lukas, I know you would never let anyone hurt me if you could possibly prevent it from happening. Simon was close to Roman. Now he wants to tell us something that could mean Roman pays for what he did to me. You want that as much as I do.”

  “Alright!” he mutters. “Show him in, John. But if he so much as looks at you the wrong way I’ll kick his ass off the balcony.”

  Simon enters the great room with John at his side. He nods nervously at me then Lukas. “I, uh, I know this is awkward. I had to come after I heard what Roman did to you, Sarah.”

  “Make your point,” Lukas growls. Oh dear. He is not happy.

  “Before all this happened, I met Roman for drinks. He got wasted, which wasn’t a surprise. Then he started rambling on about you turning him down after the rehearsal dinner and how he was going to get even with you, Sarah. I couldn’t stand hearing him say that. He lied about everything. I recorded him on my phone. Just in case,” Simon says with a tremor in his voice. “I never thought he would shoot you. I’m sorry for everything, Sarah.”

  My eyes widen at Simon’s revelation. Lukas swears then asks, “Do you have a copy for us?”

  Simon takes a flash drive out of his jacket pocket. He hands it to Lukas with a smile. “This might help with the trial coming up. His attorney is a sleazeball that his family has used in the past for anything from divorces to real estate deals. I did a bit of research on him. It looks like the attorney has had a few shady dealings in the past. It’s all in there.”

  Lukas takes the flash drive, glances down at it, then back at Simon. “Why did you do this?” The tension between them has evaporated.

  Simon smiles again as he glances at me. “I was foolish enough to believe a lie straight from Roman’s mouth. I’m trying to make amends. Just take care of her. She’s a special lady. I’m glad you found each other. Everyone deserves to be happy.”

  Never in a million years did I expect this turn of events. Simon knows the truth and now has come to help us win the case against Roman. I don’t hesitate as I walk toward Simon then give him a brief hug. “Thank you. You’ll never know what this means to us.”

  Lukas steps forward and shakes Simon’s hand. “I don’t know what to say except thank you, Simon. If there’s ever anything I can do to repay the favor, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  The awkwardness returns as we stand there glancing at each other. Simon clears his throat and bobs his head. “I should go now. Sarah, it’s good to see you so happy. Lukas, it was good to see you.”

  John shows Simon out as I stand there amazed at the turn of events. Lukas grins at me. “Let’s see what he gave us, babe.”

  A review of the contents shows a list of files documenting the attorney’s dirty dealings and disciplinary actions taken by the bar association. It contains an audio file that chills me to the bone. Roman is drunk, slurring his words, ranting about the revenge he intends to have. I close my eyes as I listen to it. So much anger and hatred residing inside one
man. I can only wonder at the reason for his hatred of me. Lukas gathers me close as the audio file ends.

  “We have everything we need, babe. Hopefully, the DA will be able to put this to good use tomorrow,” he says. “Maybe you won’t have to testify after all.”

  “I hope that’s the case,” I murmur. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than avoiding another face-to-face meeting with Roman. Tomorrow will tell us everything we need to know. I say a silent prayer that Simon’s information will be enough.

  Lukas pulls his cellphone out, dials a number, then speaks to the person who answered. “Nick, it’s good to hear your voice. I need you to dig a bit deeper into something for me. The man who shot Sarah and his attorney. Dig deep. Use any resources at your disposal.” He pauses and listens as the man named Nick replies. “We have some information that we can use tomorrow. I always believe where there is smoke there’s fire. I want the fire. Get back to me as soon as you have something.”

  “Who was that?” I ask when the call ends.

  “A private investigator I met recently. Retired cop with a lot of experience,” he replies in a cold, matter-of-fact tone of voice. “If Simon found this without any specialized training, I can only imagine what my guy can find. I’ll bury him and the attorney before this is over.”

  I swallow hard and nod. Lukas is an apex predator. He is good at the game and plays for keeps. I hope Roman and his attorney are ready for what comes after.

  Chapter 31


  Sarah is pale and beautiful in an ivory dress that complements the wild mane of hair. She continues to make progress with regaining full use of her arm and hand after the shooting. Today, she insisted on showering, dressing, and fixing her hair with no assistance. The once angry, bruised wounds have healed but remain an angry red. Seeing the wound does not bring the sickening sense of dread that it has in the past.

  We are somber as we walk to the SUV. Riley chats with us as we drive toward the DA’s office located downtown near the Warner courthouse. Sarah holds my hand, her head is down as she looks at the floor. I can feel a tremor in her hand which belies the quiet calm she displays.


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