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Red Willow (Crime Kings Book 3)

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by May Gordon

  Red Willow

  Crime Kings Book 3

  May Gordon

  Copyright © 2018 by May Gordon

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Photo: Bigstock Photos

  Cover Design: May Gordon

  Editor: Elizabeth Neal

  Created with Vellum


  May Gordon

  Red Willow


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Thank You

  Crime King Series

  Books by May Gordon

  Coming Soon

  May Gordon

  Bringing you sweet, sexy and safe reads! Happily ever after guaranteed!

  Warning: This author writes what she likes to read. That means there will be instalove, OTT Heroes, and, brace yourselves, virgin characters at times. If none of those float your boat, you might want to find another book. If they do, you're in the right place.

  Red Willow

  On the outside, Novak Norwood, the crime king of California, has everything he could possibly need - good looks, money, and friends. He’s satisfied with life, at least that’s what everyone thinks, but it’s a lie. Beneath his fake smile is a pain that will never heal, which Novak thinks he deserves. And then he meets Willow.

  Willow Walsh is a free spirit, which is what brought her to L.A. Her whole life changes when she meets Novak who becomes her focus, her love. But when Novak’s past literally returns with a vengeance, they have to fight as one to stay together, but will either come out unscathed?


  Novak- Nineteen-years-old

  I stare at my father, bloody and bruised just like my mother and younger brother. They all look like death. I don’t know why my hand is shaking, as is the gun in it. I’ve shot people before, but never my own family, yet here I am prepared to kill all three or at least I think I am.

  “Do it,” Kent Booth says from behind me in a sharp voice.

  He’s the crime king here in California, and I’ve worked for him since I was fifteen. I’ve done a lot of shit for him, but I never imagined I’d end up here. I look around the old warehouse, the slaughter box as we call it. We bring people here to torture and ultimately kill, and the three most important people of my life, my picture-perfect family, are in front of me on the bloodstained floor like standing corpuses.

  The room is full of Booth’s men, fifty at minimum, which means I’m outnumbered and outgunned. There’s no way out. I could die with them, but then who would make them pay?

  I raise my hand and point the gun at my father’s head. I know what will happen if I don’t do this, they’ll torture them more, make them hurt, and die a slow and painful death. I can't let that happen. I see my father weakly nod, telling me it’s okay and that he understands. How he’s so calm I have no idea, it’s taking all my willpower not to fall to my knees and cry like a little bitch. This wasn’t the plan, far from it, but we ended up here. I look towards my mother and brother, both crying silently, completely defeated.

  “I love you all,” I tell them, making sure I look them in the eyes one by one.

  Then I pull the trigger; once, twice, and a third time.

  Their bodies fall to the bloody ground and I want to do the same. I want to aim this gun at my own head to join them, but I don’t. I have work to do, finishing what my father started.

  “Good job, Novak. Now we can put this behind us and move on.” Kent slaps my back like some proud father. Sick motherfucker.

  What Kent doesn’t understand is that I will never forget this nor put it behind me. I will remember this moment every day for the rest of my life, and do everything in my power to take him down and make him suffer more than my family did.

  But for now, I wait.

  Chapter 1


  I sit in my usual spot and watch her like always. Willow Walsh. My reason for breathing. I should feel guilty, but I don’t. I basically stalk her, either personally or through the guard I hired to watch her. They give me constant updates, especially when I’m out of town. She’s been my obsession for the last two years.

  I was driving home from a club I owned early one morning when I saw her, slamming on my breaks to get a second look. She was so beautiful with her short blonde hair and baby blue eyes in a red pea coat. For some reason, she’d remained me of Tinkerbell. I followed her to a piece of shit diner where she worked as a waitress, and so began my obsession.

  I immediately put guards on her around the clock and started eating there once a week, which turned into three times, before it got to the point I was there every time she was on shift. When I’m away for work it's unbearable and I feel sick to my stomach. I want nothing more than to be with her, to pull her into my arms and hold her, kiss her, love her. But I can’t. I'm too dark, to fucked up for a sweet thing like Willow. So, I’ve watched from afar and it’s been so hard to stay away from her, and lately, it feels utterly impossible.

  We talk a lot, something that started as chit chat like she does with regular customers, but then we moved to more in-depth conversation. From what I know from Willow herself and the background check I did on her, she’s a small-town farm girl from Minnesota that came here with a dream of being a painter. She’d been waiting tables at that shitty diner since she’d moved here, and though I've done everything in my power to give her money, she just won't take it. I even made up a scholarship fund for her, but she refuses. I had to go as far as buying the building she lived in and evicting her to force her to move to a safe area.

  It was only a few months ago when she finally agreed to work at one of the restaurants I own. At least the food is better here, and I can see here without some lame excuse. Over the last few months I’ve felt more of a need to be closer to her. I’m not sure if it’s seeing my best friends fall in love or after two years my patience is wearing thin. We exchanged numbers and have been texting a bit lately, nothing too serious as I’m her boss after all, but it's still not enough for me.

  After seeing what Lawson and Quinn have, I started to fantasize that just maybe I can have it too. But Cleo and Molly are different, both were born into this life, where Willow is sweet and soft. How could I ever bring all my darkness onto her? I would never forgive myself if I tainted her, but I'm fighting an uphill battle because my heart and soul knows I need her, and I'm getting really tired of fighting it. Especially after this last trip when I was in Ireland and helped saved Quinn's ass and attended his wedding.

  Willow finally notices me, and a thousand-watt smile crosses her face. God damn did I ever miss that. She finishes with her customer and as she walks toward me, I can tell she’s very excited to see me. She doesn’t realize I feel the same about seeing her. She sits on the other side of the booth, her glow lighting up the whole room.

  “Well hello, stranger. How are you?”

  “Willow,” I say, unable to hold back my own smile.

  “I think that’s the longest you’ve been away. I missed you, Novak.” She reaches out and grips my hands. Between her tou
ch and words, emotions and arousal rush through my body.

  “I missed you too,” I tell her honestly.

  “So? How was Ireland? Let's see some photos,” she says, giddy with curiosity.

  “Sure, but first.” I pull out a small gift box and slide it across the table, something that’s become a ritual for us. Ever since the first time I went away after meeting her, I’ve always brought her back a little gift, and it’s always red. Her favorite color.

  “I know I should say something like you shouldn’t have, but I actually love all your little gifts.” She smiles then rips it open. “Oh Novak, they’re stunning!”

  It’s a set of white gold Celtic warrior shield earrings with red rubies in the center. She quickly puts them on and they look beautiful on her, or she makes them that way.

  “You can’t imagine how hard it is to find something red there,” I joke, making her giggle.

  “Well, like always, I appreciate it. Now let me see those pictures,” she pushes.

  I laugh and pass her my phone, I’ve shown her pictures of Lawson, Cleo, Quinn, and Molly before, even talking with her about them.

  “Wow, Cleo looks so beautiful pregnant, and Molly is a stunning bride.” She smiles dreamily. “And you, Mr. Norwood, look dapper as always.” She gives me a sexy little wink and passes back the phone. I can’t believe it, but I blush from her compliment. “So, how was it?” She asks.

  I tell her about the trip, well some of it. She thinks I’m just a businessman, and I hate lying to her, but she doesn’t need to know what I do, and quite frankly I'm scared to death what she’d think of me, how she’d see me if she did. It would kill me to see anything but that sparkle in her eyes when she looks at me.

  “How are Luke and Ted?” She asks, moving on.

  Luke is my second-in-command, and Ted was a friend of my father’s who now acts as my adviser of sorts. They’ve talked with Willow over the last two years, and just like everyone else, they’re captivated by her. I roll my eyes, a little annoyed because she always asks about them and I want all her attention.

  “They're good, busy with work. How have you been?”

  “Oh, you know, same old same old. Work, home, work.” She gives me a sad smile as she admits, “I barely have time to paint.”

  I know exactly what she does because of my men. I just wish I was a part of her life, so I can give her everything she could ever want, make it so she could just paint and travel.

  “So, the usual?” she asks, taking me out of my thoughts.


  “Coming right up,” she smiles and, as I watch her walk away, I feel a familiar pain in my chest. I want her so much it hurts. I need her, but I don’t want my dark stain to touch her, yet staying away is getting harder every day, and I don’t know how much longer I can do it.

  Chapter 2


  I can't stop smiling.

  Novak has been gone a few weeks, busy with work in Ireland. I miss him because he’s more than a usual customer. He’s intrigued me from day one, hiding so much under his fake smile, and sad eyes, and for some reason, I want to know everything about his life that caused both, to be there for him, to make him happy once again.

  I deliver his drink and dinner, and we chat a little. I always notice his eyes on me, observing protectively. I know for a fact he’s hired some sort of security to watch over me. At first, I thought it was crazy for him to do such a thing, but then I realize it was his way of looking out for me, and I started to feel glad for them after getting off so late at night. I walk past the kitchen and stop to stare out the window. The restaurant sits along the beach, one of the many reasons I moved here.

  I was born and raised in a small Minnesota town by my grandparents after my parents passed away. My grandma taught me how to paint, and I fell in love with it and L.A. from the stories of her time here as a child. So, when she died three years ago, I sold our farm and made the journey here, living my life day by day.

  I look at Novak and see him watching me, again, and give him a smile and little wave. Over the last few weeks he seems to have opened up more to me. It took a long time to get to this point, and though I’ve been too chicken to do something in the past, today I feel like taking that chance. I’m not sure if it’s because he was gone for so long, or I've just run out of patience, but I’ve decided I’m going to ask him out even though I have no idea what he’ll see in a farm girl like me. When I finally get a free moment, I walk back to his booth.

  “How was everything?” I ask, almost bursting with nervous energy.

  “Perfect as always,” his voice, thick and smooth, does things to me. His smile doesn’t help.

  I hand him his bill and, as usual, he places a large amount of cash on the table which includes a very generous tip.

  I shake my head because I always tell him not to over tip, but he never listens.

  “So, I was wondering,” I trail off, getting nervous again.

  “What?” He asks, sounding interested in what I want to say.

  “If you wanted to go on a date with me? There’s this art gallery opening downtown tomorrow night and I’d love for you to go with me,” I rush out.

  He looks shocked, his eyes wide and his mouth open looking almost comical, and I hold back a giggle. We stare at each other for what seems like forever before he finally answers.

  “Yes,” he replies softly then clears his throat and says again, stronger this time, “Yes.”

  “Great. It’s at seven,” I smile brightly at him.

  “I’ll pick you up at six-thirty,” he tells me.

  “See you then,” I say after scooping up the bills from the table and walking away.

  I can't stop smiling, and suddenly all that nervous energy turns into pure happiness and excitement. I can't wait and have a feeling this is the start of something new for us.

  Chapter 3


  I’m working in my office, well, I’m trying to. I haven't stopped thinking about Willow. I tell myself daily that I need to keep my distance from her, keep it to chitchats and casual texts, nothing more. But when she so boldly asked me out, I was stunned, and all my self-control and good judgment went out the window. I just couldn’t resist agreeing.

  “Hey, boss man,” Luke says as he comes in with some paperwork.

  I barely look up when he enters and instead ask with a grunt, “What's up?”

  “I got the earnings report from the fight rings, drugs, protection, guns, and, of course, all the legal businesses as well,” he tells me as he puts the files on my desk.

  I'm not listening as he goes into detail about god knows what as my mind wanders back to Willow like it always does. I think about how feminine she is, how soft, and how great she smells. Damn, I really do love everything about her.

  “Boss?” I snap out of my trance and glance at Luke. He has a weird expression and it makes me wonder how many times he’s said my name. “Willow brain?” He smirks.

  He and Ted always rib me when it comes to Willow, so I just roll my eyes and say, “Screw off.” He laughs at me, but I just ignore him as I continue looking through the papers.

  My cell rings, causing yet another distraction, and I see it’s Foster.

  “Hey, man,” I answer.

  “Hey. Just checking to see if you got a chance to look over the recent inventory list I sent.”

  “I have and it looks good. I talked to Porter in Chicago and he has a guy who’ll pay almost double for some of it, which means we’ll make a good profit,” I tell him.

  “Good. I called for another reason as well,” he says before pausing which makes me nervous as he’s not one to beat around the bush.

  “What is it, Foster?” I press him.

  “Some people have been asking questions about you,” he says.

  “Who do they work for?” I ask, though it's not uncommon to get men from other crime families or organizations asking around about us. We’re influential and gain a lot of attention in
the underworld, but if Foster is sounding uneasy, then something is up.

  “Davis.” The name pushes me right to the edge. I haven't heard or spoke it in years, yet it still makes my blood run cold. “Who is this guy?” Foster asks.

  Davis Booth, son of Kent Booth.

  Foster doesn’t know my backstory. Hell, Lawson and Quinn don’t even know the full of it. That’s how deep down I keep this shit, and I'm not ready to tell Foster the whole story.

  “Let's just say he’s a skeleton in my closet, one I haven't had to deal with for many years,” I tell him. “Can you find him for me?” I know Foster has a knack for hunting people.

  “Of course,” he says slowly and I assume he must hear the seriousness in my voice. “I’ll keep in touch.” And then he hangs up.

  “Everything okay?” Luke asks.

  “Yeah, but I need you to double check that the pushers on the west end aren’t skimming product or money. I know we’ve been having problems with them. Make sure you keep them in check,” I tell Luke.

  “Right away, boss,” Luke says before standing and leaving.

  As soon as he’s gone, I dial Lawson and Quinn via a conference call and they answer right away.

  “What's up?” Lawson asks as he comes on the line.

  “Novak,” Quinn says in greeting.

  “We have a potential problem and I want to give you guys a heads up,” I tell them, cutting right to the chase.


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