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Red Willow (Crime Kings Book 3)

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by May Gordon

  “What's going on?” Quinn asks.

  “Foster just informed me some men have been asking about me. Apparently, they work for Davis Booth.”

  “Fuck,” Quinn grunts.

  “As in Kent’s son?” Lawson asks with an edge for clarification.

  “Yes,” I growl out, already annoyed and worried with the unknown. “Something is coming, I just have no idea what.”

  “Let us know if you need anything,” Lawson says.

  “Thanks for letting us know. And call if you need us, man. I mean it,” Quinn tells me.

  “Will do. We’ll talk later about shipments,” I say before ending the call.

  I lean back in my chair and rub my hands over my face. I can already tell this is going to be a shitstorm, and I'm trying not to see it as a bad omen that Davis pops into my life again right as Willow asks me out.

  “What’s troubling you, son?” Ted asks as he walks into my office.

  He’s aged over the years, but still looks great for sixty. As one of the only people I trust completely, he knows exactly what happened with my family.

  “Davis Booth's name came up today, and it threw me off,” I tell him.

  He looks a little shocked at that and asks, “Anything we should be concerned about?”

  “Not yet, but I have people on it just in case,” I grunt back to him.

  “Let me know what I can do. I worked with his father a long time, so I know how his mind works.”

  “I will,” I tell him and return to reading through some papers. After a while, I glance at the clock and realize I only have a few more hours until I get to pick up Willow. I can't help but smile, just the thought of her changing my mood.

  “Willow brain?” Ted asks.

  I groan which makes him laugh and I join in. “She actually asked me out,” I say with a grin.

  “Well, hot damn.” He smiles wide before adding, “She’s such a sweet young lady.”

  Hearing him call her sweet puts my excitement on hold and I start to second guess the whole thing. “Yeah, she is,” I murmur in agreement.

  “Hey now, none of that,” he snaps at me. “Regardless of what you may think, you deserve happiness and Willow is exactly the type of woman who’ll give you that.”

  I stare at his eyes and I know he means it, so I nod, agreeing with him.

  “Besides, hopefully the date will cool your stalker tendencies,” he jokes.

  I laugh and say, “You're crazy if you think that will ever stop. It’s for her protection, and because she’s my woman she’ll need it more than ever now,” I tell him.

  He chuckles, then a small smile crosses his face. “Go and enjoy yourself. This is the start of something life-changing. Don’t stop it before it begins, son. I’ll still be here to protect her, don’t worry.”

  I take a deep breath, finally relaxing a little. “Okay, I won't as much.”

  “Good. Now shower and shave because that girl deserves the best.”

  I take another deep breath and let it out, pushing all my self-doubt and thoughts of Davis out of my mind. I want to enjoy tonight, stress free of all my dark bullshit, and with Willow, that becomes easier every minute I spend with her.

  Chapter 4


  I finish applying my red lipstick, then look myself over in the mirror. The red dress I’m wearing is second-hand and a size too small, which means it fits me like a glove. I hope Novak likes it. This has always been my color, at least that’s what my grandmother said. I feel the same nervous excitement from earlier bubble inside me, this moment a long time coming. When he was gone, even though he kept me at arm’s length, I was so lonely, feeling his loss even more than usual. The knock sends tingles up my spine as I do one last spin and check my reflection. God, I hope he thinks I look all right. I’ve never really cared what people thought of me, but I do about Novak’s opinion.

  I rush to the door and open it, Novak in a suit takes my breath away like it always does. It’s his usual choice of clothing, but this one is sharp, navy and incredibly sexy on him.

  “Wow. Don’t you look handsome?” I smile at him.

  His eyes go wide when he sees me, so I guess the dress does looks good on me.

  “Willow, you look stunning.” His voice is low and full of emotion. “That is definitely your color.”

  I give him a nervous laugh as I say, “Thank you.”

  He clears his throat. “I have a car downstairs, you ready?”

  “Yep,” I say before grabbing my coat and purse then closing the door behind me.

  He guides me down the stairs to his car and opens the door for me. His hand on my back as he does feels like he’s branding me. We chat during the drive, something I find comes easy for us. Novak helps me out when we arrive. The gallery is small but fancy and there are lots of people here.

  “I never even thought to ask if you enjoy art?” I question once we drop off our coats.

  He chuckles as he replies, “Never took an interest, to be honest.”

  “Well, I’m glad I get to open your eyes to it.” I take his hand and lead him to the first painting.

  I tell him about the artist, the themes, and then we move along to the next. We pick up wine and talk some more. As we circle around, I notice all the looks women give Novak. I see it at the restaurant too, they fall all over him, but he only smiles politely then brushes them off. But I can see through it, the one he gives them, it's so fake, strained, and lonely. When he does it with me, I know it’s real, and that makes me want to know every little thing about him. We stop at a painting of an L.A. beach.

  “This reminds me of what my grandmother used to do,” I tell him.

  “She was a painter?” He asks, surprised.

  “Yes, she grew up here and spent a lot of time at the beach. She’d paint it all the time.”

  “I’ve never been,” he admits.

  I look at him in absolute shock and ask, “Never?”

  “Never,” he confirms.

  “And how long have you lived here?”

  “All my life.”

  “How is that even possible?” I sputter out.

  He shrugs and says, “Don’t know, just haven't.”

  I start to ask more when I see Antonio waving at me from across the gallery. Without thinking, I once again take Novak's hand and lead him that direction.

  “Thank you so much for the invite,” I smile at him.

  “Willow, so nice to see you again. And I'm glad you could make it,” he says, returning it. His eyes then go to Novak and narrow in annoyance. I feel Novak’s hand tense in mine, then he pulls me into his side and lays his arm over my shoulders.

  “Antonio, this is Novak. Novak this is an artist friend of mine, Antonio.”

  I don’t understand why their gazes are so icy as they watch each other, Novak is so much bigger and stronger than him, so I decide to defuse the situation.

  “Okay, well I still have a lot to show Novak. Thanks again,” I say before pulling him away from the chilly atmosphere.

  “Who the fuck is he?” Novak whispers growls and I’m a little taken back by his tone.

  He seems angry, but not at me. Is it at the thought of Antonio and me being something?

  “Novak, he’s just a friend,” I tell him. “That’s all he’s ever been.”

  He relaxes and a smile crosses his face, but I can't help but pose a similar question to him.

  “What about all those beautiful women always throwing themselves at you. Are they just friends?” I ask in a teasing voice, but it's just a cover for my own insecurities. The thought of Novak with any woman spikes my body with jealousy.

  He stops and braces my shoulders so I’m looking at him. “Willow, I only have eyes for one woman and that’s you. No one else.” I smile at his words. I relax instantly, and the jealousy disappears.

  “Well, with that out of the way, can we enjoy the rest of the evening?”

  “Of course. Anything for you.” He leans in and kisses my cheek.
I suck in all my breath when his lips touch me. God the effect he has on me drives me crazy.

  All too soon the night comes to an end and we’re driving back to my apartment. He walks me to my door, and I’d give anything just to have a few more minutes with him.

  “Thank you for being my date,” I tell him shyly.

  “I’ll always be your date from now on.” He takes a step closer, encroaching in my space, but it’s a welcome invasion. His hands run up my arms before holding my chin as he says, “I’m going to kiss you now, Willow.”

  “Why?” I stupidly ask when I want nothing more than for him to kiss me senseless.

  “Because I’ve been dying to since the first day I saw you.” And then he does.

  It’s slow, gentle at first, then something snaps in him, or maybe in me, and it turns hungry, passionate, and raw. Like all our pent-up feelings are exploding from our lips touching. And suddenly it all stops.

  Novak is breathing heavily and so am I. It's like we can't catch our breaths. “I need to stop, or I’ll pin you to this door and have my way with you,” he growls.

  It must be the rush of emotions and hormones because I can't control the giggle that leaves my mouth. Luckily, Novak smiles as he takes a step away.

  “Goodnight,” I reluctantly tell him.

  “Goodnight,” he says in the same tone. “I’ll text you later,” then he turns and leaves.

  Watching him walk away makes me sick to my stomach. After two years of knowing Novak, I already knew I had a strong feeling for him, and when he was gone I realized they were stronger than I originally thought. But now, after spending the evening with him, I know they’re far deeper than I could’ve ever imagined.

  I love him.

  Chapter 5


  My face hurts from smiling so more than I have in my entire life.

  I haven't stopped since I walked away from Willow after that fantastic kiss. Believe it or not, it was my first. Maybe I should be embarrassed that I’m a thirty-four-year-old virgin, but knowing that Willow will be my first and only everything makes me glad I waited. Not that it was hard to do so. I’ve always felt damaged, dirty, far too gone, and worthless to even think of a relationship with any woman, not that one ever turned my head. Sure, tons throw themselves at me, but they're all as fake as my usual smile. I want the real deal, and Willow is that, even if I don’t deserve her.

  A knock on my office door takes me out of my trance and I look up to see Luke. “How were the recent shipments?”

  “Everything is in order. You said you had a special assignment for me when you called?” He asks as he takes a seat.

  “What?” Ted inquires as he pokes his head in. He lives in the second house on the property and oversees some of my men, and apparently, my life. I swear he’s like a nosey father most days.

  I roll my eyes before answering, “I need you to dig into a man, scare him a little as well.”

  “Who’s the target?” Luke asks.

  “His name is Antonio, early thirties. He’s an artist and was at the opening last night. Look at the security footage,” I tell him.

  “Who is this boy, son?” Ted asks, clearly interested.

  I let out a breath before saying with a growl, “A friend of Willow’s,” stressing the word friend.

  “Now, now, don’t be scaring them off,” Ted scolds me and I can't help but glare at him.

  “He’s not one. He watches her like he wants her, and I can't have that. He needs put in his place.” I look at Luke who has a goofy smile on his face. “What?” I snap.

  “Nothing, it’s just nice seeing you in love, instead of the hard-ass with the sociopathic smile.”

  “That’s going a little far,” I grunt at him.

  Luke laughs a bit evilly before saying, “Okay, boss. I’ll get on this.” He pauses for a beat then shamelessly asks, “So, how was the date?”

  “Yes, do tell.” Ted is just as evil. They’re like a bunch of old gossiping women.

  Regardless, I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. “Amazing. She’s perfect.”

  “Son, you need to marry her before some other man takes her from you,” Ted tells me.

  “No one will take her from me,” I growl before shaking off my anger and concentrating on work. The last thing I need is to get riled up. I glance at my phone and see I'm running late for an appointment. “Come on. We have a meeting.” I get up and head for the door.

  We drive to the warehouse where the new firearms are and are busy looking them over when my phone rings. I pull it out of my suit pocket and almost drop it when I see it’s Willow.

  “I’m taking this outside. Finish the deal,” I nod to Luke.

  I step outside and answer, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. I’ve been through hell and back, yet I’ve never reacted like this.

  “Willow,” I breathe out.

  “Hey.” Her voice is like a song, and I grin instantly. “I was calling to see if you’d play hooky with me.” I can hear her smile over the phone, and I can't help but laugh.

  “And what did you have in mind?” I ask.

  “Come to the beach with me,” she says, her excitement spilling out.

  I’m shocked and have no idea how to answer. I’m about to decline when her next words change my mind.

  “Please Novak, I’m already here, and the weather is perfect. It’s a great day for your first time,” she pleads. Suddenly the vision of her in a bikini on a beach full of men enters my thoughts.

  “I’ll be there in thirty minutes,” I agree.

  “Great, I’m on the west side. It’s quiet here.” Knowing she’s not in a populated area tames some of my worries, but still, I need to get to her as soon as possible.

  “I’ll be there soon.” I end the call and dial my security team next.

  “Boss, I was just going to call you,” Leo answers.

  “I know where she is and am on my way. Kill anyone who comes within ten feet of her.”

  “Seriously boss?” He laughs at my overprotectiveness.

  “You know what I mean. Just keep an eye out,” I say before hanging up.

  I walk back in and Luke and Ted are talking to my arms dealer. “You guys got this?” I ask.

  “Yeah, boss,” Luke nods and Ted gives me a smug smile. Somehow, he knows exactly who I’m going to see.

  I jump into my sports car and burn rubber home where I quickly throw on a pair of swim trunks, then pack a towel and a change of clothes. I feel weird not wearing a suit in public, it’s like a shield most days, but Willow has already disarmed all of them. Getting behind the wheel again, I head to Willow. There are quite a few people here in my opinion, but it’s not like I have any concept what a busy beach looks like.

  I spot Willow right away, it’s hard not to. Just like my vision she’s wearing a fucking red bikini, her blonde hair piled on top of her head. She’s sunbathing for the whole world to see, and some men have already taken notice. I storm forward and block the view of one of the jackasses who was ogling her. I stare him down with a deadly growl until he backs up and leaves with a huff.

  “Novak.” I turn to see Willow braced on her elbows looking up at me. It takes all my power not to focus on her amazing body. “I’m so glad you made it.”

  I shake my head, trying to calm down the beast in my shorts and look her in the eyes. “Happy to be here,” I admit then take my towel and put it beside hers before laying down.

  “You know you can tan better with your shirt off,” she giggles.

  I smile, liking that she teases me, then sit up and pull it off. It’s not until I hear her suck in a breath that I remember my scar. It runs from my belly button to my hip, a nasty, ugly gash from when I killed Kent.

  “Oh, my god, Novak. What happened?” I feel her hands trace it, and just like that, my thoughts return to what I hope my shorts are hiding.

  “Just an old injury. A story for another day,” I tell her and grasp her hand, bringing it to my lips.
br />   A faint blush comes over her, and her sweet smile burns me up with love and passion.

  “Did you bring sunscreen?” She asks.

  “No.” I say like the beach amateur I am.

  She digs into her bag, bringing out a tube. “I can do your back.” I hold in a groan, the thought of her touching me driving me bonkers. “Turn,” she gives me a little nudge.

  I do, and by the time she’s done I’m dizzy from arousal. I need to keep my mind off sex, which is funny because it never crossed my mind before meeting Willow.

  “How about a dip in the water? That’s one of the main reasons people come to the beach, right?” I quickly lather my front and arms before helping her up.

  We spend the rest of the afternoon swimming, sunbathing, talking, and laughing. A sense of peace came over me, everything about her is so natural and pure. It’s as if her light outshines all my darkness. I feel at home.

  Sooner than I would like we find ourselves packing up and I’m walking her to her car.

  “How was your first trip to the beach?” She asks, leaning against her car.

  “Perfect,” I tell her truthfully. I never thought I’d like it, but with Willow, I think I will anything we do together.

  “I’m glad you had fun,” she smiles shyly at me.

  And with that, I can't take it any longer and lean in and kiss her. I push her up her car aggressively and take her mouth. She responds in an instant and wraps her arms around me to pull me against her. There’s no way she can’t feel my hard cock at this point. I can feel her shy tongue dip into my mouth and it only pushes my craizer. It goes on for a long time as we just enjoy each other and the moment. Once again, I find myself having to pull away because I feel like I’m losing myself, my control. I could easily fuck her right here and now if the idea of other seeing piss me the fuck off.

  “Wow, I want to do that more each time,” Willow says, her voice breathy.

  “And we will be doing much more.” I give her one last quick kiss before moving back. “I’ll call you later,” I tell her.


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