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The Lawyer

Page 20

by Olivia Saxton

  Trish’s hand slid to the back of his neck – into his thick dark hair. She let out a long moan. “Oh, yes,” she whispered in his ear.

  Sweat glistened on their bodies. She was moaning more now. Trish felt her body warm as the pleasure of David inside her started traveling up her waist to her chest.

  David tightened his arm around her waist. His other hand grabbed her bottom and gave it a little squeeze. She moaned louder.

  “That’s right, take it….take it all,” David said huskily.

  She felt her body about to release. The words I love you popped in her head. She bit his shoulder to keep from saying it aloud. David’s body trembled. Her cries of pleasure were muffled against his shoulder. His pelvis shoved into her as he moaned her name.

  They quietly held each other as their breathing slowed. David lifted her up and laid her down on the bed. He rested on top of her- nuzzling his head between her breasts. Their breathing was slow and deep.

  After a few minutes, David lightly kissed the side of her breast. “You’re incredible,” he said.”

  Trish smiled. “Me? What about you? I was trying to keep up with you,” she breathed.

  David let out a chuckle and raised his head. “Are you all right? Do you need anything?”

  Trish smiled at him. She never known a man quite like David. He was so considerate and sweet. She thought of her girlfriends’ husbands in L.A., they all complained about how their husbands would just roll over after sex and fell asleep. No cuddling and no talking. Even her own husband did that. Not David, not only was he holding her, he asked if she needed anything.

  “Oh…I,” she stuttered.

  He sat up a little more. “What is it? What do you need?”

  “I’m thirsty. I was going to reach over for a drink. I have sparkling wine on ice on the nightstand.”

  David started to roll over to the other side of the bed.

  “David, I could have-”

  “I want to,” he said with a smile. He stood up and looked at the nightstand.

  Trish felt a chill. She sat up and pulled the blankets up from the end of the bed, covering herself as David opened the sparkling wine. He poured it into a glass and took a sip. “This is pretty good. Did you get it at that gourmet store downtown?” he asked and gave her the glass.

  “Yes. They were having a tasting that day. I bought a couple of bottles of it,” she said and took a drink of it.

  David walked to the dresser and pulled out a pair of black pajama bottoms. He put them on and walked back to the nightstand. Trish had finished her drink and moved closer to the nightstand.


  Trish smiled. “Yes, please. I’m really thirsty.”

  He smiled and took the glass from her. He filled it up again and gave it to her.

  “Thank you. Aren’t you going to have some?”

  David grabbed a strawberry out of the bowl next to the wine. “I had some scotch earlier. Don’t want to mix,” he said and bit into the strawberry. He sat down on the edge of the bed and offered Trish a bite of the strawberry. She took a little bite and giggled.

  He smiled. “So, what is that box next to the strawberries?”

  “That’s your Christmas gift. I had the urge to get you one, but wasn’t sure if I was going to give it to you.”

  “You already gave me a gift. You,” he said and gave her a smooch on the cheek.

  “Well, I guess you’re getting two. Open it.”

  David turned and picked up the box. He removed the lid and pulled back the tissue paper. It was a gold tie clip. “Wow, thanks.”

  “That’s gold.”

  “Yes, it will go well with the gold cufflinks Ted gave me for Christmas; or should I say you bought me for Christmas.”

  “I didn’t-”

  “Don’t try to cover for him. For six years he has bought me a tie for Christmas. I also know he hates to shop. He gets a sexy young assistant and wham everyone gets good gifts for Christmas. It wasn’t that hard to figure it out,” he said with a smirk.

  “Okay, you caught me. Did your mom like the crystal punch bowl?”

  “She loved it, and Dad loved the monogrammed scarf.”

  “Good,” she said with a smile.

  He smiled back. “I’m glad you brought food. I didn’t have anything in the refrigerator.”

  “You’re telling me. I opened your fridge and I saw a carton of milk that expired a month ago and a few cobwebs.”

  He laughed. “I’ll comp to the milk, but there are no cobwebs.”

  “It’s bad. I actually shrieked. I heard an echo,” she said and laughed.

  He laughed, too. “I’m glad you brought something. I think I worked up an appetite.” David put his hand on her knee.

  “I think I did, too. I’ll go fix us a plate.”

  “No, you stay there looking beautiful. I’ll get us food. After all, you cooked.” David gave her a long kiss and stood up.

  Chapter 32

  When David returned with a tray, Trish had put her teddy back on. She also put on his white dress shirt over it. She sat up in the bed. Her hair was lightly tousled and looked as soft as feathers.

  “Well, what do we have here?” she asked cheerfully.

  David sat the tray over her lap and carefully sat down on the edge of the bed- looking at her. “It appears to be Darlene’s macaroni and cheese, rolls, and roast with potatoes and carrots; thanks to a lovely woman.”

  Trish smiled. “And other things, two glasses of water and a gift box.”

  “I got you something too, but I was too much of a coward to give it to you.”

  Trish tilted her head to the side. “You’re a lot of things, David Shaw, but a coward is not one of them.” She grabbed the box as David grabbed a fork.

  She opened the gift box, inside was a black jewelry box. Trish slid it out and opened it. A tennis bracelet with rubies and diamonds sparkled at her. “Oh, David.”

  “You like it?” he asked.

  “I love it, but it looks like it cost a lot.”

  He smirked. “Don’t worry. Business has picked up, and I think it is only going to get better. Ever since you showed up, I’ve had lady luck on my side.”

  “Aw.” She swooned and put the bracelet on. “Thank you so much.”

  They spent the next thirty minutes feeding each other and talking about what they did earlier that day. They curled up in bed – holding each other.

  “Where do we go from here?” Trish asked.

  David smiled. “We’ll do what other couples do. Go out to lunch, dinner; make wild passionate love until we can’t see straight.”

  Trish giggled. “That sounds good to me.”

  “Good. But, there is something I need to know.”

  “What’s that?”

  “What did you tell Santa on Christmas Eve?”

  “David, what does that matter now?”

  “You were depressed that night when I called. Even though you’re fine now. It bothers me that you were hurting, and I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t know how to fix it.”

  She raised her head from his shoulder and looked down at him. “I- I went to the cemetery that morning. I put flowers on my parents’ and grandparents’ graves.”

  David furrowed his brow. “You went by yourself?”


  “Why didn’t Darlene go with you? You could have called me. I would have gone with you.”

  “I had to do it alone. I kept putting it off for so long. I’m glad I went, but it made me think about things. I realized that I was alone. Other than a cousin in New Jersey I haven’t seen or heard from since I was eighteen, I’m the last living Truman. Between that and my divorce being final, I got a little down. Santa just reminded me how blessed I truly am.”

  David hugged her tight against him. “You’re not alone. You have me now. And if something is wrong or you feel….depressed, I want to know about it, okay?”

  Trish gave him a small smile. “Okay.” She rested her
head back on his shoulder, and he caressed her back as they fell asleep.


  Trish woke up at midnight. She slowly slipped out of David’s light hold and got out of bed. She picked up the strawberries, wine, and the glasses and left the room. She went into the kitchen and washed dishes and cleaned up.

  She was walking back into the living room when her cell phone rang. Trish quickly went to her purse. She didn’t want the noise to wake David up. She opened her phone. “Hello?” she whispered.

  “I have been calling and calling. Where are you?” Darlene asked.

  “I’m at David’s. You knew where I was going. You made the macaroni and cheese.”

  “Yes, but you didn’t say anything about staying out all night.”

  Trish plopped down on the couch. “Sorry, Mom.”

  “Well, Daddy did say that I was worried for nothing. He went to bed two hours ago. I was just surprised. You were so adamant about having time and space to think. I didn’t think you’d- you know.”

  “No, I don’t know,” Trish teased.

  Darlene exhaled. “You know. Go all the way.”

  Trish stifled a laugh at the out of date phrase. “I have to admit, I hoped it would happen. I would have felt pretty humiliated if David rejected me with what I had on when he came home.”

  “Oh my! I want details,” Darlene said.

  The bedroom door opened, and David emerged. He walked to the sofa and sat down next to her. Trish mouthed, it’s Darlene. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist.”


  “Yeah, I can’t talk about that now.”


  “David is up and-”

  “Oh, okay, tell him I said hi.”

  Trish chuckled as David started nibbling at her free ear. “Darlene says hi.”

  “Hi, Darlene,” he said and continued to suckle on Trish’s earlobe.

  “He said-”

  “I heard him. Ask him if you two are girlfriend- boyfriend now. You better be after tonight.”

  Trish smiled. “Darlene wants to know if we are girlfriend and boyfriend, now.”

  “Yes,” he said and started kissing her neck.

  Trish giggled. “He said yes,” she whispered.

  “Good. I’m going back to bed. You two have a good night. I assume you’ll be home tomorrow.”

  “Yes, I’ll be home tomorrow,” Trish said with a smile because David found that sensitive spot on her neck.

  “Okay, bye,” Darlene said and hung up.

  Trish closed her phone. “You are bad. Doing that while I’m on the phone.”

  David looked up. “I couldn’t help myself. Let’s go back to bed.”

  “You know, I’m not tired.”

  “Who said anything about sleeping?” he asked with a wicked smile.


  The next morning, David and Trish lay on the sofa watching TV when the phone rang.

  “Ugh. Ignore it. It’ll stop,” David said.

  “What if it’s your family? Maybe they are checking on you,” she reasoned and sat up.

  David sat up. He reached for the phone and answered it. “Hello.”

  “Hey, David. I’m dying to know - how did things go last night?”

  “Ted, I can’t talk-”

  “It’s okay. Talk to him. I’m going to take a shower,” Trish said and stood up.


  David watched Trish go into the bathroom. “Yeah, I’m here,”

  “Oh, is Trish still there?”

  “Yeah, but it’s okay. She went to take a shower.”

  “Well, I guess that’s the answer to my question. I hope you’re not mad at me for lying to you.”

  “Don’t worry about it. The best Christmas gift you ever arranged for me,” David said with a smile.

  “Great, so is she going to spend the day with you?”

  “If I’ve got anything to say about it, yes,” David said. “Why?”

  “Mom wants to have brunch with all of us and Trish, if possible.”

  “Oh, is Mom mad about last night?”

  Ted laughed. “Mad? No way. She knew all about it. I told her that Trish had a surprise dinner arranged for you and Mom was ecstatic.”

  “Sounds like Mom likes her.”

  “Yeah, so brunch? Can you two make it or not?”

  “I’ll ask Trish.”

  “Brunch is scheduled for one. If you can’t make it, please call Mom.”

  “I will.”

  “I got to go. Bye.”

  “Bye,” David said and hung up.

  David heard the water running in the shower. He started thinking about shower beads hitting Trish’s bare skin, and Trish holding a bar of soap as she ran it over her shoulders. David smiled and went to the bathroom.

  He quietly opened the door and closed it. David dropped his pajama bottoms as he looked at the shower curtain. He strode to the tub and pulled the curtain back. “Hey, good lookin’.”

  She gasped. “David! You nearly scared the life out of me. I didn’t even hear you come in.”

  He stepped in behind her. “Sorry, I decided I needed to shower, too,” he said with a smile. Her hair was in a loose bun.

  “I see,” she said with a smile. She was holding a bar of soap. “If you promise not to get my hair wet I’ll help you… shower.”

  “Deal. I would love your help.”

  She flashed her perfectly white teeth as she lathered the soap in her hand. “Let me get behind you.”

  They traded places. The water beat on his chest. David leaned his head under the sprinkles as Trish rubbed soap on his back. Her soft hands massaged his shoulders. He took his head out of the water and ran his hands through his dark hair, shaking away the loose water.

  “Oh. Easy, Mr. Splash Man,” she teased and smoothed soap down his backside.

  David turned around to face her as the water beat on his back. The steam from the water surrounded them. Trish rubbed one soapy hand over the top of his chest. David reached for the bar of soap in her other hand. She let him have it.

  He ran the bar down her back as she rubbed his chest. They came together in a kiss. His erection grew. It rubbed against her stomach.

  He groaned against her lips. “Turn around, sweetheart,” he said in deep voice.

  She slowly turned around.

  David lathered the soap between his hands and placed it on the soap holder. He reached around her and cupped her breasts. She leaned against him. Soap suds lathered on her bosom as he squeezed and rubbed. Her breath caught when he flicked her nipples with his thumbs.

  Her nipples toughened with arousal. He continued to flick them as Trish’s breathing quickened. Her head pressed against his wet chest.

  “Oh, you’ve done it now. You got my hair wet,” she said raggedly.

  A sly smile crossed his lips. “It’s not wet. It’s damp,” he said huskily.

  She chuckled. “Do you ever stop being a lawyer?”

  “I’m afraid it’s in my blood. Now, bend over Ms. Truman.”

  Trish leaned down.

  “Move up a little and brace your hands against the wall, please.”

  As she did it she asked, “Am I being frisked?”

  He couldn’t help laughing. “Yes, spread your legs, please.”

  She did as she looked over her shoulder.

  David stepped to her. He took himself in hand and moved his erection around her sex. He found what he wanted and pushed in. She let out a moan. She was tight and wet. He slowly moved in and out of her. He reached around and cupped her breasts as Trish started to meet his movements.

  “You’re so… passionate, and you feel so good,” he groaned.

  After a few minutes of him pumping inside, her walls tightened. She lifted her head and started making light moaning sounds, almost like a purring. He moved one hand from her breast and slid it down the front of her stomach. He kept working south until he reached her soft black hair. He worked his middle finger
between her folds to rub her clitoris. He thrust deeper into her and he rubbed.

  “David!” she cried and grabbed his hand below. “It’s too much.” She let out a moan.

  He kept tickling her button and quickened his deep thrusting. “Oooh, it doesn’t feel good?”

  “Uh, it does, but-” she stopped as her legs trembled, and loud moaning replaced her protest. Her moaning shuddered through him, and he had no choice but to allow the release. David pushed and stilled in her as she cried out his name – twice. Her knees buckled. David felt her slipping and caught her by the waist with one arm. He slowly guided them both down in the tub. He loosened his grip on her after they were safely settled. The steam from the shower kept them warm as they caught their breath.

  Trish leaned her back against his chest.

  “We better pull ourselves together and get dressed,” David breathed.


  “We’re having brunch with my family at one, sweetheart.”

  Chapter 33

  A few days later, David and Mrs. Hinkle were going over a list of tasks. “On a personal note, I would like for you to send a bouquet of flowers to Trish- at her home.”

  Mrs. Hinkle smiled. “What do you want the card to say?”

  “Say, I am looking forward to New Year’s Eve.”

  Mrs. Hinkle made a note on her pad. “Anything else?”


  “What are you two going to do for the New Year?”

  “I’m taking her to the ECTV ball.”

  “Oh, you’re going to make use of the tickets Mr. Manley gave you. He was so grateful that you won the custody suit for his son that he dropped the tickets off personally. Handsome man.”

  “Mrs. Hinkle,” David teased.

  She chuckled. “I still got my sight young David. But, I’m afraid I’m a tad too old for Mr. Manley. A man who owns his own TV station and is a millionaire usually dates young women- way younger.”

  David shrugged. “Anything can happen.”

  She smiled. “I understand why you feel that way.”

  “Hello?” a woman’s voice said from the reception.


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