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If You Take My Hand (Beachside Sweet Romantic Suspense Book 1)

Page 15

by Rimmy London

  “It’s not what you think, I… ” he fell into silence, his expression showing the internal battle that was raging.

  “Are you in love with her?” The question had been on my lips all night, and I couldn’t hold it back another second. A long pause stretched on until I was sure the answer was yes.

  “No,” he sighed. “No, I’m not in love with Enrica.” From what I had seen tonight, he had just told me an outright lie.

  “That’s not what it looked like,” I said, a little anger creeping into my voice. He groaned lightly, running one hand through his hair.

  “Ella, it’s not what you think. Enrica, she… ” he shook his head, stopping himself and turning from the view to study my face. “I need you to trust me on this one.” I let my breath out, frustrated. Givanni’s face softened, and he brought his hands up, resting them on my shoulders. The wind blew my hair across my eyes, and he ran his smooth hands along my face and pushed it out of the way. With one hand lingering in my hair he leaned forward, and that was enough for me to see Oriana’s reflection in the door behind him. I stepped back quickly, anger flaring up inside me.

  “Stop!” I hissed, “This is not a game Givanni. You don’t have to fool anyone else.” I ducked under his arm and headed for the door.

  It was a lonely taxi ride and I had no idea what Givanni had spent the time doing. I was too busy studying the invisible imperfections in my window. I didn’t wait for my door to be opened and made my way to the house without looking back. Quietly heading up the stairs, I couldn’t hear a sound but I knew he was behind me. I continued a few steps into the dark room before stopping.

  Givanni stepped in front of me, blocking my view of the inviting bed. His arms wrapped around me softly with one cheek resting on my head, burying me in his familiar suit. I lifted my hands to his sides, trying to build up the strength to push him away. But his comforting warmth was hard to resist, and I stood there until he stepped back. “I need you to believe me, Loriel,” he said quietly. “It’s not what you think. I can’t say more.” Exhausted, I looked back into his sincere face... and somehow believed him.

  Chapter 12

  A light tap on the door startled me in my half-awake state. By the look of sunlight in the room, I could tell I’d slept in again. I sat up, trying to smooth my tangled hair. “Yes?” I mumbled, glancing at the recliner and finding it empty. The door creaked open just enough for Oriana to lean her head in.

  “Mi scusi, Loriel, I just wanted to let you know that we have breakfast downstairs anytime you two are ready.” Her eyes swept the room as she spoke, and I wished I had thought to slide to one side of the bed or the other. Instead, I was dead center with all the blankets wrapped around me, looking very solo. “Is Givanni up already?” she asked with a bit of concern making it through her calm voice. I glanced around the room.

  “I think so,” I finally said, not coming up with anything brilliant. She nodded.

  “Okay dear, whenever you’re ready. There’s no hurry.” Smiling back at me, she closed the door again.

  I wandered into Givanni’s bathroom and found it spotless. Just as it had been the night before. An eerie feeling invaded my stomach and I trotted across the room to check my bathroom also. Empty. Confused, I slumped into the lounge chair and gazed ahead, worrying about whether I should go down to breakfast or try to find him somehow. I shook my head. He knew what he was doing, I didn’t need to worry. But when something thumped against the window I jumped from the chair and crossed the room in two leaps, pulling it open. Givanni fell through head first and landed on his back with a thud. I cringed. Kneeling down I reached for his shoulders and looked into his grimaced face.

  “What happened?” I whispered frantically. He didn’t answer. “Do you need a doctor?” His arm was wrapped tightly around his torso but he shook his head, stretching one foot out and looking a little more relaxed.

  “No Loriel, I am a doctor,” he said. I rolled my eyes. Resting the back of my hand on his forehead I tried to remember what I should be looking for. He grabbed my hand and pulled it down to his chest. “I’ll be okay, it’s only a sound beating.”

  “Well last I checked, beatings could do some pretty sound damage, doctor,” I answered. He took a deep breath and grimaced, the air choking off. My hand flew to his shoulder. “Do you need some water? Have you slept at all?”

  “Yes to the first, no to the second,” he croaked, managing a smile. I sprung up, hurdling the bed and returning in five seconds time with a small glass of water. Pushing himself up on one elbow he looked at me again. “Relax, I promise I will be okay.” He sipped the water slowly, draining the cup.

  “Would you like more?” I asked, ready to jump to my feet again. He shook his head, pushing up farther so that he was resting on his hand.

  “Maybe you could help me get up. I should probably change. And then I think I’ll crash for a while, even though I can smell Oriana’s cooking downstairs.” I nodded, crouching down behind him and wrapping my arms around his chest. Pulling up with all my strength, I felt like I was hardly any help as he groaned and struggled. He nodded his head in the direction of his bathroom and we walked forward slowly, but he seemed surprisingly capable of doing it himself. By the time we reached the sink, I felt like simply an armrest. He leaned over the counter and I stepped away, watching as he turned on the water and tested the temperature with one hand.

  “Uh…” He looked at me a little reluctantly. “Would you be able to get me some clothes?” He nodded at the closet. “In the bottom drawer, maybe just something comfortable?” I spun on my heels and headed into the closet, pulling open drawers and searching for ultimate comfort. Finally deciding on some black cotton pants and a green rugby-striped shirt I turned around only to gasp at the sight of his back. He looked over with an apology on his face. “It’s not as bad as it looks,” he said quickly. My eyes didn’t move from the black and purple splotches and raised bumps scattered across his back - almost bloodshot. Walking forward I brought one hand toward his back, stopping so that it hovered just over his skin, afraid to even touch him. Finally putting my hand on his arm I shook my head at his reflection.

  “How did that happen?” I asked, not sure I even wanted to know.

  “A baseball bat can be pretty effective, especially when you’ve got a couple guys to hold him down.” My stomach turned. “I’m lucky that Senic and Falen were with me last night or it might have been a different story.” I shook my head again, this time just trying to rid it of the mental picture Givanni’s description had created. When I opened my eyes, he was holding one hand out for his clothes. I dropped them in his palm, hesitating.

  “Do you - need any help?” I asked tentatively, knowing that even if he did he would probably say no. He sighed, shaking his head.

  “No, thank you though. It might take a while, but I’ll get it.” I nodded, stepping out of the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

  Not much time had passed until I was walking back up the stairs with two hot plates piled with food. I managed to get the door open and stepped into the room, shutting it with my hip. Givanni was completely out, face first on the pillows. I figured lying on his back would probably be out of the question for awhile. Setting his plate on a small nightstand next to the bed, I was surprised to see his eyes open lazily.

  “Thank you,” he mumbled, struggling to prop himself up on one elbow. He stabbed one thin-rolled crepe drenched in sweet orange sauce and fit it into one bite. I sat in the recliner, crossing my legs under me and eating in silence. The taste was amazing, rich, and filling. Looking up, I saw that Givanni’s plate was lying on the nightstand, empty. I stacked our plates and walked them to the corner table, leaving them for later. Feeling lazy again, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to pass some of the day on the recliner. Trying to be quiet as I stretched out I glanced at Givanni again, seeing that he was watching me. “You don’t have to stay with me,” he said, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth.

  “Sorry, but it wasn’t
you I was thinking about. I’m pretty sure I would fall over if I didn’t get more sleep.” He closed his eyes, exhaling in a quiet ‘hmm’.

  “Did Oriana suggest we eat in bed?” he asked. I thought of the strange explanations I wove downstairs in order to sound convincing.

  “Not exactly. But seeing as how you stayed up all night with a headache and I needed to make some phone calls, she was happy to help.” He chuckled lightly before catching his breath. In the next minute he was breathing slow and steady, and even though I tried to sleep I couldn’t keep my eyes closed long enough. There was too much in my head. I tried to make as quiet an exit as possible.

  Voices at the front of the house had me wandering in that direction, smiling at Adriano and Emilio as they looked up in unison. They were getting ready to go out, along with Dario and Oriana. I saw each of their faces look past me and up the stairs, clearly searching for Givanni. But no one asked the obvious question. “Well then, Loriel!” Dario boomed. “Have you two decided to join us?” I smiled at his happy voice.

  “I would love to, but I think Givanni will be upstairs for a while. I don’t think he got much sleep last night.” Oriana nodded sympathetically, but I noticed how she kept her eyes away from mine like she knew I wasn’t telling the whole truth. “Where are you going?” I asked, wanting the conversation to move on. Dario was happy to answer.

  “Ah, to Mondello Beach. You should join us - its beauty is something you will not soon forget.” The ocean sounded like freedom compared to the last couple of weeks. I slipped on my sandals, happy to follow them out the door.

  The family took two cars, with me joining Oriana and Dario. “Let’s stop at the market, shall we?” Dario sounded like he had already decided, and turned as he spoke. We followed along staggered houses that mimicked the curve of a hill and quickly gave way to level ground. A courtyard surrounded by shops and stands was crowded with people. Coming to a stop, Adriano and Emilio pulled up behind us.

  “What’s this?” Adriano asked as he stepped out of his car and threw a beach towel in the backseat.

  “This is the market,” Dario answered dryly, then under his breath. “Someone has to show this lovely lady around.” The boys both glanced at me. Walking forward, I looped my arm through Dario’s.

  “Well, that’s an offer I can’t refuse.” Dario’s head lifted a little higher as he took to showing me all the shops and food pavilions we passed. The entire place smelled of fresh bread and cinnamon, and it made my stomach growl. I stopped at a jewelry stand and Dario released my arm to continue on to a small bookstore. Oriana picked up a silver earring from the cluster in front of me and let the beautiful stones dangle across her hand. She held it to my ear, both of us looking into a small mirror propped at the top of the case. “Beautiful,” I acknowledged before pulling out a delicate silver necklace with one tiny starfish glimmering at the bottom.

  “But that is more your style,” Oriana said, the comment sounding much more like a compliment. I smiled back at her, nodding my head before carefully lowering the little starfish back in its case. Together we crossed the cobblestone street, joining the rest of our group as they wandered through aisles meant only for one in the small bookstore. Stacks and piles of books were fit in every corner and along every surface. Towers of mismatched novels leaned precariously. I pulled out a thick book with beautiful pictures of Italy on the front and searched for the beach everyone was so excited about.

  “Find it yet?” Adriano asked. I glanced up to see him leaning over the pages.

  “No, I guess not,” I admitted. “I was looking for Mondello Beach.” He nodded his head before looking out over the bookshelves. Following his gaze, I saw Emilio smile back from the other side of the small store.

  “Hey Emilio, Ladielle is looking for Mondello Beach,” he practically shouted. I glanced at the salesman still submerged in his work, but he didn’t seem to mind. Emilio weaved through the maze of books, eyes not moving from my face. Nervously I smiled back, not daring to take my eyes off him to replace the book I still held. He didn’t stop until he had practically run me over. Leaning toward my face, he was inches away before he finally spoke.

  “Well, let’s show it to her,” he whispered. His brother pounded him in the shoulder, forcing him back. I flipped the book closed, taking my eyes from the confusion of Emilio to replace it on the shelf. Oriana stepped into our tight circle, taking my arm.

  “Shall I rescue you?” she asked, shaking her head at her boys as they watched us leave the store. “Let’s go,” she called back to Dario. “The beach is waiting.”

  * * *

  I gazed out at the half-moon shaped bay that stretched into a wide arc and allowed the ocean water to calm and deepened its already brilliant color. For a popular beach, it was mostly deserted, and I guessed that the weather this time of year wasn’t always so temperate.

  My thoughts couldn’t stay from Givanni for long, however, and I wondered how much time it would take him to recover. It was ridiculous to keep this from his family. It would become fairly obvious that something was wrong when he got up later in the day. “Let’s walk down the beach!” Oriana was waving from a distance, her and Dario already starting at a brisk pace. Emilio threw a football at Adriano so hard it pegged him in the chest and bounced off. Yelling in Italian, Adriano snatched the ball from the sand, but Emilio was already sprinting toward me.

  I backed up, not liking the look of things, but before I could object Emilio bent down scooped me up. Bent over his shoulder, I laughed as he ran, considerably slower than before, to catch up to the group. Passing Adriano, I could hear his laughter as he tried to catch up to us.

  “Emilio, no need to show off like a little boy, she’s already taken.” They laughed together, and I joined in, smacking him in the back when I felt like my stomach couldn’t take being stabbed with his shoulder anymore. He jogged to a stop, setting my feet back in the sand and holding onto my shoulders.

  “Mi scusi, beautiful girl, I didn’t realize. Whoever this young man is, I sure hope he is worthy of you.”

  “Of course he’s not worthy of her, brother, that we already know.” Adriano’s voice was lowered as he walked ahead of us, but it was easy to hear the comment.

  Emilio didn’t reply and instead turned to me with a question in his eyes. I had hoped we were past the sympathy looks. Smiling back at him I skipped to a faster pace, knowing that the teasing would stop when we were close enough to Oriana and Dario, and I was right. We walked in silence, with me trying to ignore the looks thrown my way. Emilio was persistent. The stretch of sand was longer than I thought, but eventually, we came to a small peninsula. Ships drifted lazily along the horizon, making the already setting sun even more beautiful.

  “The sun does not last long enough this time of year,” Oriana said softly. The comment seemed to remind our small group of the walk back, and slowly they began to head toward our blanket in the distance. I stood watching the boats for a moment longer, soaking up the scenery. “Are you happy with him, Loriel?” My head swung around to meet Emilio. “Sorry,” he fumbled, looking embarrassed. “I thought you knew I was here.”

  “It’s okay.” I started the walk back.

  “So, are you?” His voice was quiet and sincere. I sighed, wishing I didn’t have to answer.

  “Emilio,” I paused, looking back at his concerned face. “I’m grateful that you’re looking out for me, but there’s really nothing to worry about.” His expression was unchanged. I exhaled in a puff, looking down at the sand. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but things between me and Givanni are fine. They really are.” He gave me another sympathetic look before turning his attention to the ocean. Stopping, I grabbed his arm, pulling him toward me. “He is more than you know, so stop giving me sympathy, Emilio. You’re seeing things that aren’t there.” He took my hand in his and my throat tightened nervously, the cause for his concern finally sinking in.

  “Loriel, I believe you. But does he feel the same way about you? Does he kno
w,” he brushed a strand of hair out of my face. “What an amazing woman you are?” I stepped back, sliding my hand from his.

  “You don’t know me well enough to give me that compliment,” I answered, continuing through the sand. He was walking with me before I had taken two steps.

  “I have only just met you, that’s true. But sometimes it doesn’t take long to know someone. Loriel, I respect you regardless of what you decide with Givanni.” He had quieted to a whisper now, and I watched his face as he spoke. “I just want you to know that you will have support from the family. We were all surprised at his behavior to you. That is all I will say.” He walked ahead of me, scooped up his stuff and headed for the car. I groaned silently, running to catch up to Oriana and Dario. But when I reached the car, Oriana rolled down her window.

  “Why don’t you ride with the boys, Loriel? Adriano loves showing off his car.” I glanced at the flashy red convertible, sighing. “Okay,” I grumbled. Emilio hopped out of the front seat, winking at me before squeezing into the back.

  “Hold on, Loriel,” Adriano warned. “We’re leading the way home.” I reached for my seatbelt as the car jetted forward. We flew by Dario and his disapproving look. But when we neared a row of shops and restaurants, Adriano slowed. “This is where you and Givanni should go. Every restaurant on this street is incredible.” I turned to admire the different stores.

  “Or we could just take her there now,” Emilio chimed in, leaning forward so his arm was over the back of my seat. Emilio glanced at his brother, looking a little suspicious. I raised my eyebrows at Adriano and he nodded back, deciphering my expression and stepping a little harder on the gas. “No,” he answered. “I think Oriana has something planned for tonight. We’d better head back.”

  Before long we were out in the wide hills, ocean on one side. “Your parents sure are in a great spot.” I sighed. “I love this part of Sicily, at least from what I’ve seen. It’s where I would choose to live, away from all the rush and distractions. It’s beautiful.” I gazed out my window at the dark ocean sparkling with moonlight, not really caring if anyone answered. Feeling a hand brush mine I glanced over to find Adriano smiling back at me. He dipped his head to the backseat where Emilio sat fast asleep with his mouth hanging open. Trying to whisper my laughter, I felt a little more comfortable now that Emilio was asleep.


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