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One Thing Is Certain... Everything In Her life Is About To Change.Can The Man She's Come To Trust Really Be The Reason She's In Danger?And When She Learns The Secrets 0f His Past, Will She Still Want To Be Part 0f His Future?Being hired as Chief Financial Manager for a massive oil company had been a dream come true, but when Loriel overhears more than she was supposed to know, she soon realizes her boring job has placed a target on her back. And for reasons she doesn't understand, in an effort to blackmail her boss, unknown criminals have decided to use her as bait.When she meets Givanni, she's quickly lost in the way he protects her. He seems genuine and honest, but there's something behind his eyes that she can't read. And it all comes rushing around her like the tide when a stranger breaks into her apartment. Whoever the man was, he wasn't a thief. He wanted Loriel. But what could she have that's so important? Her determination to uncover the truth only pulls her deeper into a world she didn't believe existed. When she ends up bound for Italy pretending to be Givanni's girlfriend, everything becomes tangled, and her heart isn't certain what's real or fake.But what can she do when, faced with a future where they might not make it out alive, it becomes desperately more important to make it out together?