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Omen's Sign (Iron Vex MC Book 5)

Page 7

by Elizabeth Knox

  Reno nods, as does Abyss, and they proceed to take off their cuts and fold them neatly. Meanwhile, I slide mine off my shoulders and look at the woman in front of me. She takes off her helmet, surely not understanding what’s happening right now. I take off my helmet and set it on the handlebars, then look right back at her. I could just fold my cut up and hand it off to Finley, but I don’t want to.

  It’s been three weeks, but Gemini and I have been hot and heavy. As much as I try to deny we’re something, we’ve been something since the moment we met. I take my cut and put one sleeve through her arm, then slide her other arm through the opening on the other side.

  She furrows her brows at me, I imagine a bit surprised at what I’ve done, and I cup her face in my hands. “I need to go, but I will see you tonight when I get back.”

  “War, I don’t like this.” She’s never once called me by my real name. “I don’t like the way this feels like I’ll never see you again.”

  “You will. We only have to wait a few hours, and I’ll be right back with you, baby girl,” I murmur lowly as I take a step closer to her. I press my forehead against hers, and she closes her eyes.

  While my palms are cupping her face, I capture her lips in a sweet kiss before breaking it, and Vex comes right up beside me, grinning widely. I know what she’s thinking, it’s what everyone’s probably thinking. I just put my cut over Gemini’s body, and they all know what it means. It’s a subtle way of telling everyone she belongs to me.

  Abyss walks over to Finley, who’s standing outside the door with her eyes on me. As a businesswoman, I’m sure she’s aggravated I’ve even done something like this, made a claim to one of her employees. But that’s all Gemini is. Finley isn’t her damn pimp. Abyss hands her cut, Vex’s, and Reno’s off to Finley, and she takes them with a nod. Finley understands what they mean to us, so I’m certain she’ll keep them safe until we return later tonight.

  “Be careful, please.” Gemini’s voice comes out in a soft whisper, and I press my lips to the top of her forehead.

  “I’ll be fine, baby girl. This isn’t my first rodeo.” I tell her as I throw a leg over my bike. I put my helmet back on and start the engine up, ready to make the almost four-hour drive to Lynchburg.

  Just as I thought, we got to the gas station a few minutes before we were supposed to. Now, I’m not sure if it’s because we’re in the dead of winter, or if it’s because they’re calling for snow later tonight, but no one is on the road. One thing I will say is how Virginia does a good job at keeping their interstates clean and salted. Some other states like Pennsylvania just don’t give a damn. It’s almost like they place bets to see if you wipe out. Whenever we head back home, at least we’ll be riding up through New Jersey. If we go through Pennsylvania, at least it’ll only have to be for a little while.

  Tracker rolls up, driving a massive truck. It’s the kind you’d see in The Walking Dead mowing down zombies. There’s another truck behind him, not quite as flashy, but it’ll get the job done. His window is up, but he’s looking in the back of his cab and talking to someone. Shortly afterward, a dark-haired dude comes out.

  Tracker rolls down his window. “Aries here is gonna keep an eye on everythin’ for y’all.”

  I give Tracker a nod, and the four of us get off our bikes and get into the trucks. I sit up beside Tracker in his, and Vex is in the cab sitting behind me. She’s sitting next to Viper. Meanwhile, Reno and Abyss are in the other truck with Cyprus.

  “Glad to see you back in action, Vex. Must be nice to ride with your own club again,” Tracker tells her.

  “It is. It’s nice to have my family down here,” Vex tells Tracker with her thick Scottish accent.

  She doesn’t have the support of her blood family for being a lesbian, so when she joined the club, she became ours. She’s a great person, and I don’t know why her folks can’t be supportive of her, but whatever. At least she’s across the pond from them now.

  It takes us about ten minutes to get back to the old off-the-beaten path Lou tipped us about a few weeks back, and sure enough, Tracker steps on it, rolling in like he’s the damn ATF. He slams on his brakes once he’s in the center of the campground, and Viper is hot on his tail. We all hop out of the trucks, leaving them running, and a man comes rushing up to the trucks.

  “What is the meaning of this!?” he asks while wearing some sort of white tunic shirt. Well, this is something new.

  I scoff, “You should know. We’ve warned your people to get lost, and all you do is move to a new area. Let me make this clear, the Iron Vex MC will eradicate every last one of you for the pain you’ve caused us.”

  The man chuckles. “Oh, now I see. You’re angry for what happened to his son.”

  His son. He must be talking about Rage, considering Rage’s father is the founder of these fascist bastards.

  I don’t bother answering this fucking idiot. “We’ll push you out the same way we did in Boston.”

  “I don’t think so. We’re going to keep following our life’s path, and we’ll make the world a pure and innocent place.” Shit, this dude is a lost cause.

  “There’s no excuse for what you’re doing,” I tell him, clenching my teeth as anger begins to rise within me.

  He shakes his head, seeming disappointed. “The fact you believe what you’re saying is saddening. We need to cleanse the earth and make it pure again. The women who lay beside another who isn’t their husband are adulterers, and the jezebel who continues to act in a promiscuous way will die. It is our right to wash them of their sins, as it needs to be done.”

  “Fuck, there’s no reasonin’ with these bastards, is there?” Tracker shakes his head, probably annoyed I’m even wasting my time.

  “No, they have a few screws loose,” Vex tells him.

  “More than a few,” Abyss mutters.

  “Why don’t you join our cause? We could use men and women like you, ones who have no problem washing the world of its filth? We’re heading to a place very soon, one where women are paid to be jezebels,” the follower says, and his delusions are obviously what he believes.

  Now, I don’t know if there’s more than one club like Finley’s, but I won’t take the chance. Gemini and her co-workers will stay safe. They won’t fall prey to bastards like this. “Fuck you, and fuck your message. Get out of here, and crawl back to whatever hole you came out of.”

  “No. We will gladly die for the cause. This world is riddled with filth, and it’s our duty to clean it. I won’t let you stand in our way. As a matter of fact, we won’t let anyone stand in our way,” the cultist yells in my direction, and I reach behind me and grab for my gun.

  “Don’t. There are kids here,” Vex whispers lowly, just within earshot.

  “Darlin’, we have no choice. These bastards need to be taught a lesson,” Tracker tells her, and he’s right.

  I, for one, am not gonna keep standing by letting women get attacked by crazy-ass people like this. This cult killed Rage. Sure, he wasn’t a damn angel, but he was Boss’s dad, and when she lost him, it fucked with her. We saw the Prez of our club in so much pain, and all we wanted to do was stop it. I think it’s why we’re so determined to end these motherfuckers.

  The cultist who’s been talking to us the entire time reveals a sawed-off shotgun, and the next thing I know, he’s lifting it up into the air. I yank my gun out from behind my back and fire. The cultist drops to the ground, and blood slowly pools out of his head.

  “Fuck, you’re a good shot. Remind me not to piss you off.” Tracker cackles like a crazed hyena and gunshots ring out around us. We’ve just started a shootout, and we’ll damn well finish what we started.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Mara-Lee drove me back to Night’s Bliss, but it wasn’t right after Omen left. She and Finley sat me down, and we all had a conversation about what was going on between Omen and me. But Finley dropped a bomb that there was meaning behind what Omen did, sliding his cut over my arms and all.
She told me he essentially just said I’m not only his to protect, but his to cherish as well. I don’t understand all of this biker lifestyle and all, but I do understand one thing: it’s complicated as hell.

  I left my cell in Mara-Lee’s car, so I flagged her down and got her keys. I didn’t see anyone by the back door, which is a bit weird, but something could be going on in the club that pulled the guards from their post. Not thinking anything of it, I walk over to where Mara-Lee’s designated parking spot is. I haven’t heard from Omen in hours, and my appointment just left, but my stomach is tightening with worry.

  I unlock Mara-Lee’s car, and sure enough, my phone is in her cupholder. I grab it and I’m still leaning in her car while I open my text messages and tap on Omen’s name.

  We’re on the way back. I’ll see you soon. Call you when I get to the club.

  God, a sigh of relief washes over me, and I finally feel my heartbeat returning back to normal. He texted me that a little over three and a half hours ago, so depending on traffic, he should be here soon. I hope he’s taking his time on the roads, though. It’s icy out since the temperature dropped.

  Fuck, what if he slid on his motorcycle and he’s in a ditch somewhere?

  No. It wouldn’t happen. If it had, I would know by now.

  An excruciating pain at the back of my head pulls me from my ridiculous thoughts and I realize I’m being yanked by the back of my hair. My feet are knocked out from under me and I go flying backward. Still, I’m being pulled and I kick and scream, but it’s to no relent. There’s a hard impact on my head and everything goes dark.

  I wake to a throbbing pain and I’m in a dark alley. There’s a flashing red sign for Night’s Bliss to my left and I realize where I am. I was just dragged over here, and if I can get up quickly, I can make a run for it.

  “Don’t even think about it, you stupid bitch.” A man’s deep voice comes from my right, and I glance over to see a man in dark clothes flipping a zippo lighter on and off.

  “Well, I can tell you’re a real charmer,” I grumble.

  He glances over at me, and I know what I just said was stupid. I should’ve kept my mouth shut, but I’ve never been the type who’s done so.

  He rises from whatever he’s sitting on and makes his way over to me. My guess is it’s some sort of crate from the seafood restaurant down the alley. He reaches down and grabs me by the chin, “If I were you, I’d keep my mouth shut. It might make some of this easier.”

  Scoffing, I’ve already gone against his advice. “We both know it’s a lie. You’re going to do whatever you want, regardless if I speak. It’s how all you weak men are. You think—” Before I can finish, his fist is slamming into my jaw and he knocks me so hard my head hits the concrete wall behind me. I don’t know which hurts worse, my head or my jaw. Both are throbbing and in pain, and as I open my mouth slowly, I realize bits of blood are coming from my lip.

  “I wasn’t planning on hitting you in your pretty face, but you had to make things difficult. Fuck, I guess you’re Szymon’s daughter after all.”

  Ah, one of the enemies my father called to warn me about.

  “If you’re doing this to hurt him, you’re only wasting time. He’s a pig who only cares about himself.” I spit on the concrete below me and look up at the deranged man.

  “Spoken like someone who wants to get out of this, but you won’t. I came here to pass a message along to your greedy father, Tatiana.”

  What he’s saying is laughable, so I do. I laugh because this is hysterical. “You must not understand the type of man he is. He only cares about his money, his drugs, and his own ass. If you think killing me will upset him in the slightest, you’re wrong.”

  The man steps into the moonlight, and he’s gnawing on something, maybe chewing tobacco. “Men like him always protect their daughters. They save them and keep them from harm, so finding you was a bit surprising. I will let you in on a secret,” the man kneels next to me, “I don’t plan on killing you. I’m going to fuck you until I’m done with your useless cunt, and then I’ll turn you into a drug mule. Fitting, don’t you think?” he snickers in my ear and I bring my knee up, hard.

  He groans loudly and grabs me by the top of the head, but I kick with all of my might. I even claw at him with my stiletto nails, knowing they’re sharp enough to do some damage. “Ah, fuck! You stupid bitch!” He snarls and lets go of me.

  I turn back and look at him, seeing he’s covering his eyes. Good, this is it, I can make a run for it. I run as fast as I can toward the club, and the sound of a motorcycle exhaust gets closer and closer. Omen. He’s coming. I just have to make it a bit longer.

  A gunshot rings out, and I fall to the ground. I look all over my body, but I’m not hit. Fuck, I need to go. I need to keep running.

  I get back up and run in heels across the parking lot. They click and clack against the pavement, and Omen comes to a stop in front of me. His eyes search mine for some sort of answer on what happened, and he turns his bike off, throws his helmet on the ground, and reaches for his gun.

  Sure enough, the man who’s after me comes running from the alley toward us. “That’s him. He’s. He’s trying to t-take me,” I stutter around the end of what I’m telling Omen, and without question, he aims and fires.

  The man stumbles but ultimately falls to the ground, and blood begins to coat the pavement from his mid-section. My knees buckle, and I start to feel sick, but Omen’s quick to turn around and catch me before I fall.

  “It’s okay. Don’t worry about a thing. I’m gonna handle this,” Omen tells me as darkness takes over my vision.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Carrying Gemini’s body toward the back door, Cedric comes rushing out. “I heard a gunshot. What the fuck just happened?”

  “Some bastard was after Gemini. Look at her fuckin’ face,” I snap, not meaning to be a dick to Cedric, but he glances down to see blood on her lip and the right side of her face swollen.

  “Fuck, okay. I need to call Finley. Where’d you shoot him, on our property?” Cedric asks.

  I shrug. “I guess so. Don’t know, man, but he’s in the parkin’ lot.”

  “Okay, I’ll go get the guys to move the body, then we’ll get the cleaners out here. Did she say why he was after her?”

  I overheard her on the phone with her father the other day, warning her about men coming for her. It looks like that’s happened. Either that or she has some fucking looney-ass client. Regardless, I’m not giving Cedric information unless it’s accurate. “No, she rambled out some shit and then passed out. I was lucky I caught her in time.”

  “Okay,” Cedric nods, but he’s zoning out like he’s focusing on how to make this all go away.

  “What can I do to help?”

  “Nothing. You take her upstairs and make sure she’s okay. We’ll handle the rest. It’s better if it’s an in-house cleanup, you know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, I got you. If you do need anything, though, let me know.”

  “It’s doubtful, but if by some chance I do, I’ll contact you,” Cedric says, and then he’s walking away and starts talking into an earpiece.

  I make my way up the two flights of stairs and head straight into the apartment area. Chastity is sitting on the couch, and her eyes practically pop out of her head when she sees us. “Oh my lanta, is she okay?!”

  “Don’t know. She passed out. You got ice packs in here or somethin’?” I ask, and Chastity jumps off the couch, rushing toward the kitchen. She flings open the freezer door and grabs an ice pack, rushing back over to me as I set Gemini down on the couch.

  She even hands me a tea towel, and I use it to hold the ice pack against Gemini’s face. She squints, and I hate this for her. After a few moments, she flutters her eyes, and soon enough, she’s awake. She looks around and homes in on her surroundings, and much to my surprise, she stands up, and the ice pack and tea towel fall into my hands. “I can’t. I can’t be in . . . I can’t.” None of what s
he’s saying is making sense. She starts walking off toward her bedroom, and I follow her closely, making sure she’s okay.

  Once she’s in the door, she starts stripping, which I find odd, and Chastity’s feet hitting the wood floor causes me to look back.

  “Omen, is she okay?”

  No, obviously not, but I won’t be a dick right now. She just watched me bring in her best friend unconscious with a swollen cheek. “I’ll make sure she is. Do you guys have ibuprofen here?”

  “Shit, we just ran out,” Chastity tells me.

  “Okay, well, if you want to help, run out to the pharmacy and get some pain killers, and maybe more ice packs. It would probably be good to have extras in the freezer, ready for when she needs them,” I suggest, and Chastity nods.

  “Okay, you got it! I’ll get her some miso soup too. It’s her favorite, and . . . I’m sure she’ll want something in her stomach eventually.” I didn’t know they had a twenty-four-hour Japanese food joint down here, but cool.

  I head into Gemini’s room and shut the door behind me. She’s naked and she’s now in the bathroom. I walk over to her bathroom, and in the short time, she’s in her shower under scalding hot water. Shit. I strip out of my clothes so they don’t get wet and walk inside, and she drops down to the tile floor.

  Tears stream down her face and her makeup smears. It might be wrong to think this right now, but she’s gorgeous, even with her face swollen and makeup a mess.

  “I . . . I’m disgusting,” she cries out, and I’m quick to wrap my arms around her body and pull her against me.

  “You are not. You’re beautiful, baby girl. You’re precious,” I tell her as I press chaste kisses to the top of her head.

  Gemini wraps her arms around me like a spider monkey, and I rub her back, hoping it will soothe her. We stay like this for ages, and eventually, she lifts her head and kisses me. I kiss her back, and she places her knees on either side of me and grinds her pussy against my dick.


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