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Omen's Sign (Iron Vex MC Book 5)

Page 8

by Elizabeth Knox

  I’m not hard, at least not yet. Right now isn’t the time, and it’s what I’m silently telling myself as she keeps moving her body against mine. “Gemini.” M tone is a warning, and through her smeared makeup, she looks into my eyes.

  “Please, I need this distraction. I need you to make it all go away. Please, just make it go away.” Tears spill down her cheeks, and I know how badly she needs this. I stop holding myself back and hook my arms underneath her legs, then press her back against the cold tile. She hisses at the sudden temperature difference, and I line my dick up at her entrance.

  Slowly, I force my way inside her tight heat. She moans as I drive myself deeper inside of her and wraps her arms around my neck. My lips are against her ear, and I listen closely to the water hitting the tile floor, and to every breath coming from her mouth. I love the way it hitches when I’m bringing her pleasure and how she lowly mews when she’s getting close.

  She wraps her legs around my waist, forcing me deeper inside her, and I move a bit more. I don’t want to go too fast, wanting this to be slow but impactful. “I need it rough, Warren.” Gemini sobs and I know what she’s asking for. She wants the pain. She loves it when it hurts, and slowly we’ve explored her pain tolerance more and more over the last several times we’ve had sex.

  “Fuck me hard, please. I need it to hurt.” Gemini’s now crying, pleading with me to give it to her in a way I’d rather not right now. But still, she’s vocalizing what she needs from me and it’s my job to take care of her. So, I pull her up a little higher, forcing her to unwrap her legs from around my waist, and I hold her against the wall while I slam my cock inside her. She cries from the impact of my thrusts, and I keep it going, not stopping until she tells me she’s ready. She rides out one orgasm and then we hit a second, but she’s still needing it, begging me, pleading for more.

  I take my cock out of her pussy and line it up at her ass, slowly inching myself inside her. She loves anal, and fuck, I love it too, but I need to be gentle at first. I wrap my mouth over her budding nipple and bite down.

  She screams out in pure joy, and I rock my dick inside her tight hole. She shudders around me, so I take a hand and shove three fingers inside. Her ass is filled with my cock, and I have three fingers inside her pussy. Gemini’s essence coats my fingers, and I flick my thumb over her hardened clit.

  “Is this what you wanted, baby girl?” I ask her, my mouth a mere few inches away from hers.


  “Yes, what?” I ask her, staring into her eyes, waiting for her to realize what we are. What our relationship is.

  “Yes, sir,” Gemini says, and I capture her lips, claiming her mouth the way I did the first time we kissed. I ravish every part of it while slamming my cock in her ass and fingering her hard. Her orgasm shoots through her body and she shakes in my grasp. Still, I keep going, letting her ride this out. She needs this release. She needs it more than she even cares to admit.

  Her eyes are open and she’s looking right into mine, and in this moment, seeing her in complete bliss, it’s the moment I realize I’m in love with her.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Last night was fucking horrible, but it was good too. I sound crazy and I know it. Hell, sometimes I feel crazy. I know I was lucky to act the way I did and get away, but I was even luckier Omen arrived when he did. If he was even a few seconds later, I might be dead right now.

  I crane my neck to the right and to the left, slowly stretching my body before I open my eyes. Once I do, I realize Omen didn’t leave me. He’s directly beside me, snuggled against my comforter. He has a leg thrown around me, and I roll onto my side. All I want to do is get a good look at him.

  He’s the most perfectly imperfect man I’ve ever met. He makes me believe in love again, something I thought I lost years ago when the realities of my parents’ marriage were unfolded. It made me see the world in a different light, and it was a curtain I didn’t want to be pulled down. But like everything else, it was. The real world was shown to me, and it was only by tragedy that the world was showing its true face.

  Omen opens his eyes and smiles. “Morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning,” I murmur back as I inch closer to him. Our noses now touch, and he wraps an arm around my back. “I could stay like this with you forever, you know.”

  Omen smirks. “Then come to New York with me.”

  Is he serious? Or is he just messing around? I make my confusion known. “Are you . . .” But before I can even finish what I’m about to ask him, he answers.

  “Yes, I want you to go back with me.”

  I can’t. It’s the first thing that comes to my mind. There’s too much negative shit back for me in New York. Too many ghosts that haunt me from the past. He knows I’ve done things that’re bad, but what he doesn’t realize is how they’re things I’m responsible for. It’s why I hate my family so much, because if it weren’t for us, a lot of people would be alive. We’re responsible for so many deaths and the weight of it will forever be on my shoulders.

  “Warren,” I call him by his real name, needing him to understand the seriousness in my voice when I let him down easy. “I have another year left on my contract.”

  “Then I’ll buy you out of it,” he suggests, without even giving it a second thought.

  I’m telling him the truth, but I’m merely using my contract as an excuse. I can’t go back to New York. I just can’t.

  “I can’t just leave my contract a year early. After everything Finley’s done for me, it would be a giant slap in her face if I fucked her over. When I make a commitment, I honor it. You of all people should understand.” I don’t mean for my tone to come out so cold at the end, yet it does.

  “So, what, I’m just supposed to leave you here like I don’t give a flying fuck about you?” Omen grumbles. The happy expression falters from his face and he rises from bed. He goes over to where his clothes are and starts putting them on, even his cut. But as he picks it up, he turns to look at me. “Do you even realize what it meant when I put this over your shoulders, huh?”

  “No, I didn’t, but Finley and Mara-Lee explained shit to me really quick,” I tell him.

  “So, what do you think about it then? Do you think what I did is a big joke?”

  I shake my head. “No, of course not. I don’t think it’s a joke at all.”

  “Then why the hell are you using the remainder of your contract as an excuse for staying here. I have the money to buy you out of it, Gemini, so for fuck’s sake, just let me. I want to be with you, and I think you want to be with me, so what’s the problem?” Omen puts on his cut and slides on his shoes.

  I swallow hard, knowing I’m not ready for him to see me in such a different light. “Wow, you can’t even fuckin’ tell me.” Omen shakes his head, and before I know it, he’s grabbed his phone, keys, and he’s slammed my bedroom door.

  He’s angry, but I don’t blame him. If our roles were reversed, I’d be really upset too, but the worst part is I’m terrified he hasn’t just walked out of my bedroom. I’m afraid he’s walked out of my life.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I don’t think I’ve ever been angrier, if that’s even the right word in the first place. I’ve practically spent the last three weeks with this woman. Not to mention the fact I’ve blown through so much money just to spend time with her, but I don’t want to believe what we are is simply a business transaction. There has to be more to us than just money and sex. I feel like there’s something there, something deep and personal.

  Shit, she calls to me in a way other women have failed to do. She’s strong, independent but yearns for release and structure. She’s the perfect submissive, and I have both the years and patience to train her into the best one she can be. Sure, our sex has been kinky, but we haven’t driven into what a true BDSM life would mean for her.

  I want Gemini to be my ol’ lady, but I want her to be my submissive as well. I want her in every aspect
I can have her, and her shooting down my idea like she did earlier today only pisses me off. It’s like she wouldn’t even listen to me about it. I barely got a fucking word out, and she was telling me no, how it would be an insult to Finley. I don’t want to believe it’s a bunch of bullshit, but I call it how I see it.

  I went back to the hotel Abyss and Reno have been staying at since we’ve been here in Virginia Beach and ended up telling Abyss what went down. She asked, and I’m not the type who’s gonna lie about shit, so she told me to chill the fuck out, then go back and hear Gemini out. Only, none of us expected to get a call saying one of our own is missing. Now I’m in Night’s Bliss and I’m heading back upstairs, hoping she isn’t working tonight.

  I’m at the apartment and walk on in. Gemini’s sitting on the couch in the living area with an ice pack pressed against her jaw, and as her eyes land on me, she stands. “Have you taken any painkillers?” I ask her, hoping she isn’t being stubborn about it.

  “Yeah, just did a few minutes ago,” she comments as she walks out of the living area and toward her bedroom. I follow her, and she goes inside, sits on her bed. Meanwhile, I stand in the doorway. I don’t want to fall back into sleeping with her if things go sideways, or if she tells me she doesn’t see things the way I do. So, staying a good ten or so feet away is probably a smart thing.

  “Are you going to come in, or?” Gemini asks, drawing her brows together.

  “I’m fine here for now, thanks,” I tell her as I cross my arms. “But I wanted to talk to you about what happened earlier.”

  Gemini nods. “Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you out. I was just blabbering because I’m afraid, Warren. I’m terrified of going deeper into this with you, but I’m scared I’m going to lose you too.”

  “What’s more terrifying to you?” I ask her.

  Within a second, she’s answering me. “Losing you is scarier than I care to admit. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this yet, but being vulnerable is terrifying to me. Being hurt by someone I love isn’t new to me, and it’s a wound that’s burned me for years. So . . . I guess what I’m trying to say is opening myself up to you in the way I have, I did it without even realizing. That being said, I’m glad I did because you make me so happy, Warren. You’ve made me realize my self-worth, and I’m falling head over heels in love with you, and I’m sitting here, terrified you’re going to walk out of this door and never come back. I’m scared beyond belief that you’ll realize you deserve better than me, and you won’t give me a second thought.”

  Fuck, now I won’t have her thinking shit like this. I walk into her room and shut the door, walk around her bed and pull her up into my arms. “Baby girl, I don’t want you sayin’ shit like that ever again. You deserve everything good in this world, and I mean it.” Gemini starts crying, and I take a hand and place my palm on her cheek that isn’t swollen. “And baby girl, you had my heart that first night. I didn’t know it would happen, and I didn’t know you captured it so quickly, but I wouldn’t ever be able to get you out of my mind.” I bring my lips down to hers and claim her mouth, kissing her with hunger and force. She meets my movements and her tears smear against my skin. She starts to take my cut off, but I can’t fall into sex with her right now.

  I break our kiss and look into our eyes. “I want to fuck you, but I can’t. There’s an emergency up in New York, and I need to go as soon as possible. But we need to get somethin’ straight before I leave.”

  “Okay,” Gemini says, waiting for me to say more.

  “You’re my woman, my ol’ lady, my baby girl, and my submissive. I know you’re not blind to what I am, Gemini,” I tell her as I take my fingertips against the curls of her hair.

  “You’re correct. I know, and it’s evident now more than ever. But I need you to know I’ve never done this before. I don’t know what I’m doing here, Warren.”

  I suck in a deep breath through my nose. “It’s okay. I’ll teach you. Now, are you determined to work this remaining year out here?”

  Much to my dismay, Gemini nods.

  “Okay, we’re going to set some ground rules.”

  She swallows hard. “Like what?”

  “No men. It’s something I’m asking of you. From this point on, the only man who fucks you is me. You can stay here for the remainder of your contract, and I’ll come down to visit, and then I’ll get you up to the clubhouse for some long weekends. I don’t want our relationship to suffer. All I want us to do is thrive.” I search her eyes and tears threaten to spill, so I press my lips on the ‘x’ below her right eye, hopefully keeping them at bay.

  “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, Warren.” She’s used my real name more times than I can count over the last few days, and I’m kinda digging it.

  “Good. Now, I hate to be in such a rush, baby girl, but I need to go. One of our members is missin’, and it’s a dire situation. I love you, and I’ve asked Finley to personally ensure your safety while I’m away. You will have extra security until I’m back, something I’m paying her for, and I did give her a warning I’d be having this conversation with you.”

  “Okay.” I press a kiss to Gemini’s lips, and then I’m on my way. I have a long ride back to New York.

  Chapter Seventeen


  It hasn’t even been an hour yet since Omen left, and I already feel an emptiness in the pit of my stomach. I know it’s merely because he’s on his way back to New York, but this emptiness is sickening. I hate it, and if this is any indication of how I’ll feel while we’re apart, I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it. I’m not sure if I’ll be strong enough, which might sound pathetic to some, but I can’t explain the calmness he brings over my entire being when we’re together.

  I’ve never liked the girls who fall head over heels for some random guy, but before I knew it, I was becoming one of those women who do. Only, I didn’t realize how some of these men can be.

  “Gem?” Chastity calls my name as she raps her knuckles on the other side of my door.

  “Yeah?” I call out to her.

  “Hey, Finley’s here to see you. Do you feel up to chatting with her?” I hear the mumblings of Chastity explaining to Finley that I’ve had a pretty nasty headache since the incident last night. I appreciate what she’s doing, trying to give me time to process what Omen and I talked about, but there’s no need for it.

  “Yeah, she can come on in,” I call out, and the door opens momentarily.

  Finley walks in wearing her usual jeans, leather jacket, and typical white T-shirt. “Hey, glad to see you with ice on your cheek,” she mentions as she walks in. She shuts the door behind her and goes to the armchair I have near my vanity table. “May I?”

  “Yeah, go for it.”

  “So, I spoke to Omen a couple hours ago. He wanted to let me know a few things, and while I know he’s the VP for the Iron Vex MC, I wanted to verify what he was saying. You and I both know we’ve had clients who grow rather attached to the talent.” Finley’s being careful with her words, but I know what she’s insinuating.

  “Finley, I’ll stop you right now. He’s not imagining this. I’ve fallen head over heels for him, and he’s practically said the same thing to me,” I tell her, and she parts her lips slightly.

  “Oh, I see. I won’t lie, I was hoping he was imagining things a bit. You’re one of my best girls.” Finley offers me a smile and laughs.

  “Unfortunately, he’s not crazy.” I laugh, feeling I can lighten up a little bit. “What did he say to you?”

  “He told me he was claiming you as his ol’ lady, and then told me how he was going to be heading back to New York due to an emergency. But this is where he lost me for a bit. Omen told me you’d be staying here to fulfill the rest of your contract. Is that true?”

  “It is,” I tell her with a nod.

  Finley presses her lips into a tight line. “I don’t understand.”

  “What is it you’re not understanding?”

  “Why wouldn’t you
speak to me and go with him? You have the money to buy yourself out of your contract, Gemini. After all, I know how much you make. But the part that threw me off is how he offered to buy you out, but you told him no.”

  “Did you tell him I . . . I could afford to buy myself out?” I hope she didn’t. She could’ve made me look shady, and the thing is, I don’t want to tell him about the dark parts, not yet at least. I need a bit more time, and I know I’ll have to tell him eventually, but he might look at me differently after it comes out, and I can’t bear it.”

  “No, but I don’t get it, Gemini. Why not go to be with the man you love, unless something else is holding you back?”

  Finley wouldn’t understand. I don’t know too much about her life, considering she’s only my boss, but at the same time, she doesn’t know much about me other than who my father is. She agreed to hire me when most did background checks on me and found out I had a fake ID at the time. She allowed me to explain my situation and ended up giving me a shot.

  “I’m not ready to go back to New York just yet,” I admit, and Finley licks her lips and nods.

  “You’re going to have to tell him eventually, otherwise it could ruin your relationship.” I know she’s trying to play the line between a boss and a friend, but I’ll make sure nothing bad happens between Omen and me.

  “When the time is right I will tell him. I promise.” I don’t know if she believes me, but it doesn’t matter if she does. All that does matter is if Omen believes me when the time comes.

  “Okay, well, I only came in and bothered you to verify the information was correct. He told me something about you only meeting with women starting today, is that accurate?”


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