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Teased by Fire

Page 6

by Molly O'Hare

  “Jesus Hank, I thought they called you Tank for a reason? Stop messing around and fuck me!” she growled, before she pushed her ass all the way back causing him to enter her fully.

  The sensation of her tight walls clamping around him, shot his every nerve ending on fire. He spanked her. “You’re a naughty girl. I will punish you for that.” He spanked her again, loving the way her ass jiggled around him.

  She pushed back once again causing him to enter even farther into her. “You’re already punishing me by not fucking me. Come on, Hank. Fuck me.”

  “Oh, you’re asking for it,” he said moving inside of her painfully slow. He was in charge, not her.

  “No, I’m begging for it.”

  Her words sent a new wave of possessiveness over him. He pushed onto her back making her bend at the waist even more before thrusting inside of her with a rapid force.

  If she wanted to be fucked, he was damn sure going to give it to her. Every last fucking inch.

  “Yes!” she screamed as he moved inside of her with more force. “Harder! Hank, now!”

  Who was he to deny her? He increased his movements, as her walls clamped down on him. Her wet heat almost burned him as pleasure surged throughout his body.

  Dropping her leg, he straightened her, before moving one of his hands to her core, the other wrapped around her chest keeping her in place as he pounded into her.

  The second he found her clit, he pinched it causing her to scream in pleasure.

  “That’s right come for me, Olive. Come now.”

  As her body convulsed around him, he felt his orgasm take hold. He thrust one more time before emptying himself deep inside of her.

  Chapter Nine

  As Olive finally started to get her breathing under control the reality of the situation sunk in.

  Holy crapolie! Olive’s eyes widened when she realized Hank was still inside of her. Oh my god. Oh my god. What do I do?

  Hank freakin’ Parker.

  Hank of all people had his man-whore dick buried inside. Of. Her. Oh shit!

  What the hell had she just done?

  One step at a time, Olive. Taking a deep breath, she pushed her hips forward. It took everything in her not to moan when she felt Hank slip out of her. Seriously, what in the hell was wrong with her? Good going, Olive. Please add this to your list of mess-ups.

  Her heart started to race as her chest tightened. Refusing to look behind her, because lord knows, nothing good would come out of seeing Hank’s face, she tried to figure out her next move.

  Get to bedroom.

  Lock bedroom door.


  Sounds reasonable enough.

  Now to figure out a way to get past Hank and put her plan into action.

  However, it seemed as though Hank had other plans. The moment she lifted her hand to push the shower curtain back she felt his arm wrap around her midsection pulling her close to his body.

  Well, okay then.

  Feeling Hank move behind her, sent a new wave of desire through her. Too bad it was accompanied by a new wave of panic. Oh, come the freak on, body. Get a hold of yourself.

  As she tried calculating her next move she felt him lean into her before brushing his lips against her neck.

  Then he was gone.

  Olive stood there in the shower in utter and complete shock.

  Finally taking the chance she looked behind her, and sure enough, Hank was nowhere to be found.

  Did he really think he could stick it in me then leave without even a word? She didn’t know why, but that pissed her off. That was my plan, not his! If anyone was doin’ the bang and bounce it was me. I called it. Hank didn’t get to play out her plan. Even if that meant marching straight into his bedroom and dragging his ass back into the shower so she could be the one to leave him. Well, then so be it.

  Stupid Hank.

  She turned off the water, as her mind raced with what had just transpired. This is what you wanted, Olive. Stop being angry. You can go back to living in your room and in your fantasy world. She could buy one of those small fridges, and live out of her room. Only coming out when she knew Hank was at the station.

  This could work. See, plans are easy. She mentally pat herself on the back. Crisis averted.

  Olive pulled back the curtain with a smile on her face and a bounce in her step. Too bad it was short-lived. Her mouth fell open in shock when she saw Hank waiting for her. Her favorite fluffy towel wrapped around his waist.

  Her eyes narrowed. Stupid. Freaking. Hank. And, how dare he use her towel. Just because he was inside of her, does not give him the right. Oh god, Hank Parker had been inside of her… Olive’s eyes widened.

  “I was wondering what was taking you so long,” he said, grabbing another towel from the rack. Before she could say anything, he wrapped her in it.

  Within seconds she was out of the tub standing in front of him as he started to dry her off. As her mind tried to register the fact Hank had once again picked her up so effortlessly, she stood there dumbly letting him do whatever he wanted.

  He was ruthless. Hank dried every inch of her body. The towel skimmed lightly across her arms, legs, breasts, all with ease as he made sure to reach every crevice of her body.

  Her very naked body.

  She snatched the towel from him, as she covered herself. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  He quirked his left brow. “Drying you. What does it look like I’m doing?” Reaching for the towel he easily pulled it from her grip and continued his task. “Spread your legs.”

  Her whole body crimsoned. “You are not drying my who-ha.”

  Hank quirked his eyebrow. “Don’t be so stubborn.”

  Olive’s body being exposed was instantly forgotten. She placed her hands on her hips and looked him square in the eye. “I’m the one that’s stubborn? Have you met yourself?”

  Hank barked out a laugh “You’re cute when you try and act tough. Now, let me dry you.”

  Did he have a death wish?

  She stared at him wide-eyed. There was no way in hell someone could convince her this was not some sort of alternate universe. Looking around the tiny bathroom once again, she felt Hank move the towel between her legs.

  “That’s enough of that.” She stepped away from him.

  Hank shifted back before he burst out laughing. “Olive Oil, what am I gonna do with you?”

  “Absolutely nothing.” Grabbing the towel, she wrapped it around her body before dashing off to her room. She’d make sense of what corner of hell she’d just come from later.

  She only made it as far as the door before she found herself in the air flung over Hank’s shoulder. “Let me go you big oaf.”

  “Not on your life.”

  The moment Hank saw Olive make a run for it, he let his instincts take over. There was no way in hell he would let her retreat to her room.

  Especially, not after he finally got a taste of her.

  It’d be a cold day in hell before he let her slip past him.

  Bouncing her on his shoulder making her sturdier, he smirked. He did his best to hold in his laughter as he felt her flailing around. Without even a second thought he smacked her ass, causing her to still instantly.

  “Did you just smack my butt?” she growled.

  “Yup.” He did it again for good measure.

  Olive started pounding on his back. “I will kill you. Mark my words, Hank Parker, the second you let me down prepare for my fury.”

  This time he did laugh not caring anymore. “I’m looking forward to it.” And boy was he ever. An angry Olive, was a fun Olive in his eyes.

  Keeping his hand on her ass, he took a step into the bedroom, his eyes spotting Dog on the foot of his bed, instantly. The cat looked at him, then Olive, before yawning. “Move it, young lady,” he remarked.

  I don’t need your innocent eyes seeing what I’m about to do to your soon to be mommy.

  “I can’t move anything you Neanderthal until you pu
t me down.”

  Hank smacked her ass again, before smirking. “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Dog.”

  Her whole body stiffened as he felt Olive actually try to climb up his body searching for the high ground. “Where is it? Is it going to attack? Oh god, my ass is in the air. It’s like the perfect target for the she-devil.”

  Hank smacked her ass again, causing Olive to jump. “Stop calling Dog names.”

  “Tell her to stop trying to eat me!”

  “Only one pussy is getting eaten tonight and it has nothing to do with Dog.” Hank tossed Olive onto the bed and watched her bounce a few inches, causing her towel to fall open.

  She’d never looked more beautiful than she had at this exact moment. With all of her curves entirely on display it made his mouth water.

  Her face was flushed, and her breathing was ragged, causing her breasts to rise and fall.

  He needed her.

  At this point he didn't think he could survive without her.

  Hank threw the towel from around his waist onto the floor before he slowly crawled up the bed towards Olive.

  Her eyes widened, as her cheeks heated.

  That’s right baby.

  He loved seeing the desire in her eyes. It egged him on like nothing else. Her whole face filled with a lust he craved.

  When he was halfway up the bed, Olive’s legs fell to their sides, giving him the access, he sought.

  Looking between her legs, he was greeted with the most perfect view of her core. A core, he was about to get well acquainted with.

  Instinctively, he wiped his chin. Wait, am I drooling? He looked back at her plump pussy.

  Yeah, he was probably drooling.

  As he lowered himself between her legs, his face only inches from her center, he looked into her eyes that were filled with need which he was sure matched his own. “Silly Olive, did you really think I was done with you?”

  Chapter Ten

  Hank fell to the bed after emptying himself inside of Olive once again. Fuck, I could get used to this, he thought as he worked to get his breathing under control.

  Once Olive let go, she fucking came alive. She gave as good as she got. Hell, this could be his new workout.

  Hank licked his lips.

  The taste of her pussy was something he wanted to feast on for the rest of his goddamn life. She was the perfect combination of salty and sweet. And when he sunk into her, it was like nothing he’d ever felt before.

  Olive Quinn. Sex goddess.

  He smiled at the memory of him behind her. He didn’t think he’d ever rode someone as hard as he did her.

  She’s made for me.

  Closing his eyes, he let his body relax in the moment. That was until he felt the stubborn woman move out of his grasp.

  Opening his left eye, he saw Olive bend and pick up her towel before placing it securely around herself.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, pushing himself onto his elbows. He cocked his brow at her when he saw her shy away from him.

  “My room.”

  Pushing himself fully upright, he stared at her retreating form. There was no way in hell he could let her leave this room. He knew the second she did, he’d lose her. “Why?”

  She turned and faced him. Her mouth was slightly open, and her eyes wide. “Did you really just ask why?”

  “I didn’t stutter.”

  “No,” she agreed with annoyance. “You didn’t.”

  Hank crossed his arms over his chest. If she wanted to play this game he would be more than willing to participate. “Then answer me. Why are you trying to sneak out?”

  She rolled her eyes while she placed one of her hands on her hip. “I’m not sneaking out. If I were sneaking out I would have tiptoed out of here. Instead, I rolled over grabbed my towel and walked. No sneaking involved.”

  Oh, he was going to like this. He gave her a half smile. “If you weren’t trying to sneak out, why won’t you look me in the eyes?”

  “I am looking you in the eyes.”

  “No,” he stated. “You’re looking at my chin.”

  The spark of annoyance that ran over her features had him holding back his laugh. He loved being able to rile her so easy.

  “I’m going back to my room.”

  One thing he knew for certain about Olive Quinn was that she never backed down from a challenge. “Olive, look at me,” he said sternly, putting the challenge in his voice.

  “Fine,” she huffed. Her eyes reluctantly moved to his. “What do you want?”

  The fire he saw in her made his mouth curve into a smile. This was the feisty Olive he loved. The Olive that would tell you how you were an idiot without even batting an eye. “Drop your towel,” he demanded.



  Throwing her hands in the air, Olive spun on her heel ready to storm off to her room. “That’s it, I’m out of here.”

  His excitement of the situation grew. He knew exactly what he needed to do.

  “Quinn Sparks wouldn’t leave.”

  Olive froze.

  What did he just say? She turned slowly. That’s when she saw his face in a wide grin.

  “Excuse me.” She paused. “What did you say?” she asked calmly praying she’d heard him wrong.

  She knew she hadn’t with his whole face lit in mischief.

  Oh, crap on a stick! Taking a deep breath, she took a step closer to him.

  “You heard me, Olive Oil, or should I say Quinn Sparks.” He winked at her. The fucker actually winked at her. She didn’t know whether to cry or run. She knew what was coming next. It was always the same when someone found out what she did. They’d laugh in her face, go out of their way to make jabs about her, then they’d assume she was some weird sex freak and that she was easy-

  Wait a minute.

  Olive’s mouth fell open. “You fucking asshole!” She leaped into the air, her target acquired.

  “Whoa, Olive.” Hank caught her in mid-flight. “What the hell has gotten into you?”

  She ignored him as she tried her best to pull out of his grasp, so she could turn around and beat the crap out of him. How dare he use her. Just because she wrote sexy books did not mean her body was an open invitation.

  Screw him.

  The second she got back to her room she was calling Miranda and letting her have it. Her stupid brother had ruined her life.

  Hank squeezed her tighter, which only pissed Olive off more. Looking around she saw her knee was right next to his man junk.

  Seeing her opportunity, she pulled her knee back.

  “No, you don’t.” Hank’s hand stopped her knee from hitting her target only frustrating her more. In fear for his junk, he let go of her to cover his man meat… Albeit, man meat she would need to store into her memory to use for one of her characters later…. Seriously, how in the hell did that thing even fit inside of me? Ignoring her wayward thoughts, she took her chance and punched Hank right in the jaw.

  That’ll teach the jerk.

  “What the fuck?” he hollered letting go of his dick to cup where she’d hit him.

  Seeing her chance for escape, Olive jumped back grabbing her towel that had flown off in her attempt to dive bomb him and flung it around her tightly. “If you thought for one second I’d be easy ‘cause you found out what I do for a living, you are sorely mistaken, Hank Parker. That was a dirty thing for you to do. I know you’ve never really liked me, but that was beyond wrong.” Anger coursed through her body. If she thought what Josh had done was bad, this was ten times worse.

  This was unforgivable.

  “What the fuck are you blabbering about?” Hank asked still rubbing his jaw.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You somehow found out what I write and wanted to see if I was a sex-crazed freak.” She jabbed her finger in his direction. “Let me tell you something, Hank. I write love stories. Stories that pull emotions out of people and their lives. Sex is a part of life.
Therefore, it goes into my books!” she yelled.

  Screw this and screw him.

  Olive turned ready to leave. She’d deal with what to do later, but right now she needed to get the hell away from him.

  How in the heck could she have been so stupid?

  This was all his fault. His shirtlessness made my brain dumb. Shirtless sexy men, make otherwise sensible women’s minds go to mush.

  “I know. I read them,” Hank announced.

  She froze.

  Hank really read her books?

  Slowly, she turned to face him, her gut clenched. The second she saw the humor in his eyes, she’d lose it.

  She was wrong.

  No humor stared back at her. Her heart slammed against her chest. Instead of humor, she saw something completely different…

  Olive watched in awe, as Hank jumped off the bed and moved toward her, a predatory gleam in his eyes. “I’ve spent the last few days reading every single one of your books, Olive.”

  His eyes drilled into her. “I’ve always thought you were sexy. Those curves you keep hidden away could make a grown man fall to his knees.” His eyes scanned her body. “I’ve wanted to sink into you for as long as I can remember.” He licked his lips before he continued, “When I found out you had this secret side of you, it only made me want you more. My sweet little Olive Oil has a side of her that’s begging to be explored.” He stood directly in front of her causing her to back up to the wall. “But mark my words, Olive Quinn. Even if you only edited textbooks, I’d still want to bend you over right now and fuck you until you scream my name. Your writing doesn’t change how bad I’ve wanted you. It’s only icing on the cake.” He placed his hands on either side of her head, boxing her in.

  Hank’s presence was more than she could handle. Situations like this only happened in the stories she wrote about.

  Never in real life.

  Closing her eyes, she did what she always did best. She started compartmentalizing his words. This was nothing more than a dream or nightmare, whichever way you wanted to look at it.

  Maybe, just maybe, I really have been transported to an alien planet.


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