Book Read Free

Teased by Fire

Page 7

by Molly O'Hare

“No, you’re right here with me, Olive. I’m not some alien creature your twisted, but sexy as fuck mind came up with.”

  Olive rapidly blinked at him a few times. Had she said those words out loud? Crap on a stick.

  Hank laughed before she watched his features soften. He gently placed his forehead on hers. “How’s your head, Olive? Are you sore anywhere?”

  Her face scrunched. Did he want to know if her who-ha was sore? Who asks that? See this is why I avoid human interaction. Shit gets weird.

  “That crash sounded loud when you fell earlier. You don’t have any pain, right?”

  Oh. She mentally hit her forehead. He was talking about the wayward fantasy involving the bane of her existence that lead to all of this mess. A mess that included getting boinked by the person causing her frustrations.

  Taking a calming breath, she did her best to ignore his close proximity. “I’m fine.”

  Was she really fine, though?

  Hell freaking no.

  She desperately needed to retreat back to her room to try and make sense of all of this. Maybe she could make a rope out of her sheets like she’d seen in prison escapes and make a run for it from her window.

  It could work.

  Who was she kidding? It wouldn’t work. With her luck, the sheet would come undone the moment she put her weight on it.

  As she tried to come up with a plan that didn’t involve her falling to her death, Hank’s voice broke through her thoughts.

  “When did you start writing?” he asked moving away from her before he sat at the end of the bed, giving her some space.

  Her brows pulled together. “Oh no, how about you tell me when and how you found out?” she countered.

  “The other day, I was looking for my keys and you had your computer on the coffee table. I read a few paragraphs and then everything clicked. Then, I looked you up.” His whole face lit. “I must say, I’m pretty impressed. I’ve been reading your books ever since.” When he winked at her, her idiot knees wobbled. “I especially liked your firefighter story. I pictured you were writing about me.” The smug look he gave her made her lips thin. “Although, no sane person would put on their bunker pants and suspenders without a shirt on. That’s asking for chaffed nipples. Not to mention how unprofessional it would be.”

  Ground open up and swallow me whole. I’m begging you. Or better yet, send in the Zombies. I’m waiting. How dimwitted had she been to leave her laptop in plain sight? She knew better.

  Cursing herself, she started to pace the room. “Now you know my secret. Wonderful. Abso-fucking-lutely wonderful. I’ve spent the better part of my adult life hiding what I do. I cover all my tracks, I keep to myself and then I somehow get complacent with you here and my careless self leaves my laptop out and bam you find out.”

  She continued to pace through the room, thinking about how she can reverse any damage she was sure Hank would cause her.

  “Why do you need to hide it?” he asked. She was taken aback by the sincerity in his voice.

  Ignoring it, she snapped her head in his direction. “You’ve met my parents. Do you honestly think they’d do okay with this? Hell Hank, they threw a “sorry our daughter is a disappointment” party after I declared a degree in English Literature.”

  Hank’s face hardened. “That was a dick move. I never liked how they berated you in front of people.”

  “You’re preaching to the choir there, Bub.”

  The way her parents acted wasn’t new to her. From when she was a child to now, it never changed. When she was younger any free time she got, she spent it at the Parker household. It was safer there. Even with Hank continually making her the butt of his jokes, it was better than being with her parents. They’d either ignore her or if they weren’t ignoring her, they were constantly telling her how she was worthless. If she wasn’t going to be a lawyer or a doctor to carry on the Quinn name in an honorable way. She wasn’t good enough for them. End of story.

  Olive blanched.

  No. She was not going to go back down that path again. She long since accepted her fate when it came to her parents. And right now, she had bigger fish to fry.

  Like the fact that she slept with her best friend’s brother.


  And the worst part was… she liked it.

  She liked it a hell of a lot.

  That was another can of worms she was going to have to deal with once she escaped from her room and boarded a plane to Mexico, never to be seen again. She’ll deal with those feelings there.

  Olive shook her head before she looked down at her body. Oh, shit crackers. Why the hell was she still naked?

  Her lumps and bumps were just hanging out in the open for all of the world to see. Oh god, she was in the middle of having a naked fight with her best friend’s brother who was just as naked as she was.

  A naked fight. Who the hell has naked fights?

  Her nakedness thoughts were interrupted when Hank spoke. “Don’t worry about what your parents think, Olive. They’re uptight assholes. I’ve read your books. You’re good.”

  Not sure what to say, and feeling uncomfortable, Olive crossed her arms over her chest, shielding at least some of her dignity. She nodded. “Thanks, I think.”

  “Does Miranda know what you do?”

  Olive bent down and picked up her favorite towel before placing it around her body. “Yeah, she’s the one that encouraged me to write in the first place. She also helps me when I have plot holes or if I’m having a hard time working through a scene.”

  Hank observed her, his head slightly cocked. “You spend most of your time writing, don’t you?”

  “For the most part. Although the past couple of weeks I’ve been in this weird funk. None of my words are coming out right. I can’t seem to get any of the characters to speak to me.” She’d never felt more vulnerable in her life. Miranda was the only person she talked about her writing with. Right now, she felt like Hank had opened her up and was examining all her insides.

  “What’s been distracting you from your writing?” he asked softly.

  Why is he talking to me like this with his twig and berries just hanging out in the open?

  She felt her face heat. Jesus, Olive, how in the hell did you get yourself into his mess?

  Her eyes scanned his body again. Oh, for Pete sakes, Stop looking at it!

  See Hank had been a distraction since he moved in. It was his fault her words stopped flowing. And now that they’ve bumped uglies she doubted she’d ever get herself back on track.

  The corners of Hank’s mouth lifted. “I don’t know what the blush means, but I like it. I also like knowing you blush from head to toe.”

  His words caused her face to heat more. Anytime now universe. I’m waiting.

  “What do you normally do when you are stuck?”

  Olive shrugged. “It depends where I am stuck at. If its character development, I make charts, if it’s a plot twist that has been upside down, I call Miranda. If it’s the sex, I watch porn.” The moment the words were out of her mouth she groaned. For fucks sake, Olive. Did I really just say that?

  Hank cleared his throat. “Porn, huh? I can dig it.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Where are you right now. What are you stuck on?”

  Swallowing she looked down at her feet. “You know, I think I’ve decided I’m done with this conversation.”

  As she turned away Hank called out. “Olive wait, hear me out. Maybe I can help.”

  Her brows shot to the ceiling. “How?”

  “You already know I want you. I’ve told you that, you’ve also just told me when you’re stuck you do research.” He leaned back on the bed, giving her the perfect view of his body. She’d be foolish not to do a quick lookie loo, so she did.

  “I’ve been pretty busy working doubles at the station,” Hank continued ignoring her perusal of his body. “I haven’t had any me time. Maybe we can both help each other out?”

>   “Again, how?”

  A smug look ran across Hank’s face. “I let you have complete access to my body for your research, and in turn I get sex.”

  Olive rolled her eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding me?”

  “I’m not. We already know we’re good together. Let’s see where this goes.”

  She looked at him dumbfounded. “That is a horrible idea.”

  Pushing himself upright, he looked her in the eyes. “Do you like when my dick is inside of you? How about my tongue?”

  She couldn’t answer him.

  “Use me for your research, Olive.” Hank had a smug look on his face.

  Why am I even considering this? she asked herself. Her eyes moved to his dick. That’s why.

  She placed her finger on her chin. Could she use him? This was Hank after all. It wasn’t like they hadn’t already done it. And until now, she forgot how much she missed sex.

  Plus, sex with Hank was fun.

  Her mind started racing, Miranda did say Hank would be perfect research material. On the upside, this would save her computer from getting any more viruses.

  “If we do this, we do it on my terms,” she announced.

  “Your terms,” he agreed. “But, I have some terms too.”

  She crossed her arm over her chest. “And what might that be?”

  “We do this with each other only. You don’t sleep with anyone else and I won’t sleep with anyone else.”

  She stared at him. That wasn’t going to be a problem for her, it was more likely to be a problem for him. She took a deep breath while her mind replayed the heroines in her stories. They were always so sure of themselves, and they never turned down an opportunity in fear of the repercussions.

  They were strong.

  They were determined, and she wanted to be like them.

  “Fine,” she huffed, before taking a step closer to him. “But, we are keeping this a secret. No one finds out. Not even Miranda.”

  Hank grinned as he leaned back on the bed. He crossed his hands behind his head before crossing his ankles. “Deal. Now drop your towel.”

  Chapter Eleven

  It had been five days since Hank and Olive agreed on their arrangement. And, it had been a whirlwind for her ever since.

  Like right now. Olive had no idea how she ended up agreeing to go to a cookout the fire station was hosting at a nearby park. Yet here she was, in the car, sitting next to an extremely smug Hank.

  The jerk.

  Albeit, a sexy jerk, but still a jerk.

  One moment she was in the living room writing, and the next Hank was between her legs asking her to accompany him. What was she supposed to say? He could have asked her to shave Dog and in that moment she would have agreed.

  He played dirty and they both knew it.

  So, now here she was in the car being forced to participate in human interaction. Gahh, she shuttered at the thought. She needed someone to explain to her how her life had literally been turned upside down and so fast?

  Thank god she was getting sex out of the deal now.

  Sex that was used against her to agree to go to this cookout.

  Olive huffed before crossing her arms over her chest as she sunk further into her seat.

  “It’s not going to be that bad,” Hank said drawing her from her thoughts.

  She snapped her head towards him. “Says you. You know all these people. I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb.” Olive fell further into the seat.

  “You know some of the guys, Olive. They helped me move in.”

  Yes, how could Olive forget the shirtless firemen that moved him and the creature in? She narrowed her eyes at him. “I don’t know them, know them,” she grumbled.

  Rolling his eyes, Hank turned back to the road. “I’d say you’re a pain in my ass, but you already know that.” Hank chuckled at her appalled face. “How about I make you a deal. We stay for two hours and if after two hours you still want to kill everyone, we’ll leave. On the way home, we’ll pick up your favorite ice cream. Sound good?”

  Olive couldn’t help but side-eye him. “What’s in it for you?”

  “You sleep in my bed tonight.” He looked at her. “The whole night.”

  This caused her to grumble even more. “I get two pints of ice cream and you lock that monster out.”

  Hank shook his head with a laugh. “Deal.”

  Olive did her best to ignore his amused face as she pulled out her phone and looked at the time. Two hours, she could do that. She could suck it up for a few hours and in return be rewarded with ice cream and sex. That would be a win-win if you asked her.

  She swiped across her screen and opened up her recent text messages.

  She maneuvered through her phone pulling up her and Miranda’s recent conversation.

  Quickly she sent off a message:

  He’s making me go out to be with people…

  Olive wasn’t surprised she got a reply within seconds.

  It’s about damn time someone got you out of the apartment.

  Rolling her eyes, Olive sent back her reply:

  You don’t get it. He’s making me go to a cookout with the people at the station. Miranda, you know how I don’t do well in crowds.

  Why was Miranda such a piece of work?

  What crowd? You’re going to be surrounded by hot men. I’d kill to be in your shoes right now. Damn, I just wiped drool from my mouth.

  Olive shuttered in disgust.

  You do know you’re gross right?

  Dang it, Olive missed her. She was happy Miranda was living her dream, but she couldn’t help but feel how her absence affected her.

  This is coming from the woman who writes erotic romance…

  Narrowing her eyes at her phone she sent her reply.

  Sex isn’t gross.

  Annoyed, Olive was about to put her phone away when another reply came in.

  Neither is looking at hot men. Now, make me proud. Go out there mingle with said hot men, and if you’re lucky you’ll get lucky.

  If she only knew…

  Use this as a research opportunity, Olive. Don’t make me come after you!

  Olive rolled her eyes. She didn’t know about using this as a research opportunity, but she did know one thing. Looking down at her shirt she grinned from ear to ear. She was positive she’d be getting a reaction from Hank’s station mates.

  Absolutely positive.

  Hank pulled into the park with Olive at his side. He still couldn’t believe the turn of events that had transpired. The past five days had been his ultimate fantasy come to life. Who would have thought Olive not only would have agreed to move their relationship into a better direction, and in a way that involved him getting to taste every inch of her body any time he wanted? He also still couldn’t believe how truly mind-blowing she really was.

  Just this morning she jumped him in the shower.

  He was one lucky bastard.

  Now if he could only make her see, he wanted this to be permanent. He wasn’t quite sure how to make her understand that, but he’d figure it out. Hank was just glad, his “only them” terms were being met.

  If he got word any other man had touched her, hell even looked at her, he’d lose his shit.

  His hands clenched the steering wheel with more force.

  Then there was her ridiculous, “no one else could know” clause. Leave it to Olive to still find a way to drive him batshit crazy.

  Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw her sitting in the seat, her bottom lip between her teeth. The unease he saw in her features, made his gut clench.


  Doing his best to tamper down the lump in his throat he vowed to show her a good time. That was the whole point of bringing her to this cookout. She didn’t have to spend her entire life cooped up in the apartment. There was a world of adventure out there for her, she just needed to take a step out the front door. Plus, he liked the idea of being able to show her off in front of his friends.

  He reached out his right hand, before placing it on her knee. “Don’t look like someone kicked your dog.”

  She snapped her head towards him. “I’m not.”

  “Olive, you look like I’m taking you to the death chamber.”

  “You might as well be.”

  Hank rolled his eyes before he gave her knee a quick squeeze. He then leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.

  “What are you doing?” She quickly pulled away.

  “Comforting you.” He cocked his brow at her.

  Olive wiped her cheek. “Not where people could see!”

  With a huff, Hank opened his door. “Leave it to you to be a buzz kill.”

  “I am not a buzz kill. We have rules, mister.”

  Hank ignored her as he hopped out of the car and jogged over to the passenger’s side of the vehicle.

  When he opened the door, the annoyed looked on Olive’s face, made him smirk.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” she grumbled before hopping out of the car.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’ve seen me naked.” She cringed. “It creeps me out.”

  “I have seen you naked.”

  “I know that and you know that. But the rest of the world doesn’t need to know that.”

  Yes, they do, Hank fought himself to not speak the words out loud. They all need to know you’re mine and to back the fuck off.

  Knowing he couldn’t say what he wanted, he decided to change directions. “Olive Oil, I’m looking at you like this because I still can’t believe you wore that shirt.” He watched as she looked down at her top.

  When she glanced back at him, the smirk on her face said it all.

  “This old thing?” Her eyes gleamed with so much mischief it was hard not to laugh.

  “Yes, that old thing.” Hank’s brows shot up. “You do know the second the guys see you in a “Bigfoot Doesn’t Believe in You Either” shirt they are going to be all over you, right?”


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