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The Chosen

Page 12

by Kaitlin Himmelstoss

  “I had hope you would rejoin us Isadore, but I see you will be nothing but trouble for me. Time to end this once and for all.” he shouted over the buzzing sound of the energy he was collecting.

  He released his attack and it slammed into Isadore. He fell backwards and crashed into the broken stone that was gathering on the floor from the compromised walls. Dagny screamed his name, but he wasn’t moving. Dante stood a moment drawing deep breaths watching Isadore for any movement. He remained still.

  He let out a sigh and a slight smirk grew in the corner of his mouth. He turned and looked at Dagny, who was on the floor screaming to Isadore. He started towards her. She looked up and saw him approach. She got to her feet and clenched her fists at her sides. She was gritting her teeth as her entire body was sucking in energy. Dante watched this a moment and stopped his approach.

  His expression was now very alarmed as he saw her glaring at him, drawing in energy at an alarming rate. A blast of that magnitude would bring down the entire structure. He shouted to her, but his voice was carried off and muted over the growing buzz that now engulfed the room. She was going to explode.

  Chapter 16

  Revna was being helped out of the fortress by Arman. He had her arm around his neck as he scooped his arm around her waist and guided her out and down towards the broken stairs. Gorm was dragging Leif along in a similar manner. When they reached the first decent of the stairs they stopped to rest and catch their breath.

  They could hear and feel the vibrations still going on. The fight had not ended.

  “We have to keep going.” Gorm stated.

  The group all knew they had to make it as far away from the fortress as possible. There were many more warlocks around and they could easily be caught again, but they all feared what was happening and if Dagny and Isadore would make it out alive.

  Inside, Isadore was starting to regain consciousness. He had not been killed, but the blow he took from Dante was severe. He was badly injured and could feel internal damage. He would need an elven healer, but first he had to get Dagny out.

  He painfully pulled himself up to his feet. The entire room was shaking and trembling with energy. He looked over and saw Dante had retreated back towards the platform where he was seeking cover behind the malachite slab. Dagny was now a blinding bright ball of blue-white energy and it was only growing.

  Isadore shielded his eyes as he tried to approach her. She was screaming as the energy raced into her. Each step was a struggle, not just from his injury but from the powerful winds and outpouring energy that was manifesting around her. When he was just at her side, he screamed to her, but his voice was muted by the screaming sound of the energy surrounding him. He reached forward and grabbed Dagny on the arm.

  He pushed into her thoughts, he could see she was still there, she was afraid and angry, she was focused on killing Dante. She was deaf to anything other than that. Isadore concentrated and pushed energy from his hands into her arm where he gripped her. The change in energy caught her attention.

  She quickly looked down at his hand and then up at him. It was Isadore, he was alive, he was her friend.

  “Isadore.” she said staring at him.

  The energy was fading down. The bright glow was calming and reducing. The screams of energy were now a dull hum as they eventually faded into nothing. Dagny was exhausted and when she released her draw of energy and returned to normal, her eyes rolled back and she passed out. Isadore quickly grabbed her and scooped her up, grunting a painful strain as his injury still tormented him.

  He knew he had to get her out of there. The entire process had damaged everything surrounding the room. He retreated to the door as the walls crumbled and fell.

  “Isadore! You cannot take her from me! She is the chosen, she belongs to The Order!” Dante shouted from across the room.

  The heavy stones slammed down around the room, making it impossible for Dante to go after them. He remained back near the platform, practically hugging the malachite slab. “ISADORE!” he screamed.

  Isadore turned just before the door. He watched as the walls and stone crumbled around and started caving in around Dante. He looked up and saw the walls near him were falling as well. He turned back and moved through the door and down the hall. He didn’t stop, not for the shaking walls collapsing around him or the stabbing pain in his side that appeared to grow with intensity as he moved along.

  Gorm could hear the rumble. He turned quickly as he paused looking back. The rest of them all turned to watch. Higher up in the fortress that loomed above them, they could see dust rise from the stones that were collapsing. The fortress was massive and this small collapse was nothing, just one room of thousands.

  In their minds they all feared the worse. Arman watched with horror.

  “Dagny.” he whispered.

  Revna looked at him. She could see his face grow slightly pale.

  Just as she was about to try and comfort him, from the side of the structure came Isadore. Gorm spotted him right away.

  “Izzy!” he shouted.

  Leif looked up and felt relief when he saw his old friend. In his arms was Dagny. Arman left Revna’s side for a moment and ran to him.

  “Is she alive?” he asked out of breath.

  “Yes, please take her.” Isadore said struggling.

  Arman scooped up Dagny and relieved Isadore of the burden. Revna gripped her shoulder and watched seeing Isadore was far from alright.

  “Isadore.” she said concerned.

  She pushed her self over to him. He gripped her arm and she could feel how weak he was. “You are in no condition to travel back to Sard.” she whispered.

  Isadore was struggling to breathe and his normally pale face was even paler, almost transparent.

  “I have sent for help.” he whispered looking up.

  She saw his eyes were black. He was using Crowley. “Just get us to the forest line.”

  Revna had Gorm help Isadore, while she and Leif supported each other. They took their time carefully going down the broken stairs. It seemed to take twice as long as when they were climbing up it,

  When they finally reached the forest line, they rested a moment. Revna and Leif’s injuries were minor compared to Isadore’s. They were concerned as he was struggling to stay conscious.

  Dagny was still unconscious. She was breathing and appeared to be fine, but she wouldn’t wake up. Revna was beginning to get worried. As her fears started to manifest in her mind, a tall cloaked man approached them in the woods.

  “Good morning.” the man said.

  The group was startled and drew their weapons. He came into the light of the rising sun and showed his face. It was a tall, slender elf. His ears were pointed at the tip and his features were sharp and striking. His short black hair was trimmed roughly around his handsome face. “I was told to come here by Crowley?” he said slightly amused. “He insisted it was urgent.”

  Revna let out a sigh.

  “Yes, please, our friend is injured. He is in need of elven healing.” she gestured to Isadore.

  The elf looked around the group, assessing the situation and then, when satisfied, he gave a fast whistle song, to alert his companions. Surrounding the woods, several more elves came out, all tall and slender with pointed ears and mysterious features.

  They approached Isadore as he sat on the forest floor, unable to speak or move much. The elf looked him over a moment. “Isadore, it has been a long-time old friend.” the elf whispered.

  His face was concerned as he and the others started their healing. It was nothing more than placing their hands upon Isadore and performing a spell, but Isadore’s injuries were grave. Dante’s strike was meant to kill him and it was doing just that.

  The group was there for over an hour while the elves worked on Isadore. He was unconscious, allowing his body to try and heal. While he displayed no physical injuries, his internal ones were critical.

  The sun was now hanging above the trees, rising more and more with
each minute. The forest was starting to glow with the morning dew saturating all of the leaves surrounding them.

  “We cannot stay here; we are still too close to Malachite Fortress.” Revna said looking up at the looming structure.

  Her eyes had scarcely left the site, searching for any movement or anyone coming down to find them. Her only departure from the intense scrutiny of the structure was to look at Isadore. It was almost difficult to see him in this condition.

  “Isadore will need to come back to Thornwood to continue healing in Ambrosia Springs.” the main elf said.

  He had been managing the healing process on Isadore. The rest of the group was unaware, Isadore and this elf were very old friends. It happened that they were passing in the forest nearby when Crowley spotted them seeking help. Thornwood was still quite a distance away.

  “Will he be alright?” Leif asked sitting up.

  “He should be. His recovery may take time. Ambrosia Springs will ensure this and speed up the process.”

  The group silently nodded. Isadore would be brought to Thornwood, the hidden and mysterious city of the elven folk. It was difficult to find the city, and not many knew where it was. To gain entry, one would need to be invited and the elves were very protective and did not like outsiders.

  The rest of them stood watching as the elves carried Isadore away through the thick forest. They paused a moment, hoping they would see their friend again. Just above them in the trees, Crowley was sailing from branch to branch, following the group, ensuring that Isadore was watched over.

  As the group decided to depart back towards Sard, a rat squeaked loudly around Gorm’s feet. The giant let out a yelp and then felt embarrassed seeing the familiar rat.

  “You, stupid rodent! Stop sneaking up on me!” Gorm growled at it.

  The rat looked at him and tilted his head. Leif smirked and squatted down.

  “Isadore left with the elves. He is hurt, but I know he would thank you for your help back there. You were very brave.”

  Gorm gave an odd look to Leif as he stood up. Leif shrugged.

  “You speak to animals now?” Gorm said with sarcasm dripping off the words.

  “It doesn’t hurt to be polite to animals Gorm. Isadore has shown me they see all and they can hold a grudge. I am just ensuring that this rat is aware of my appreciation for his help. I wouldn’t want him sneaking up on me and biting me on the foot.”

  Gorm paused a moment thinking and became nervous. He let out a slight laugh and then looked down at the rat.

  “Little one, if you hurry, you can catch up to the elves. Keep an eye on Isadore for us, will you?”

  With that the rat squeaked again and took off scampering through the forest. Gorm let out a chuckle and watched a moment. He then looked back at Leif who was watching him with one raised eyebrow. “Like you said, it doesn’t hurt, right?”

  Leif laughed and shook his head.

  “We should get moving. It will take us more than a day to reach Sard, especially at our rate.”

  Leif looked over at Dagny who was resting in Arman’s lap. He was still holding his sister, who was still unconscious. Arman looked exhausted.

  “I’ll carry her for a bit.” Gorm said approaching Arman.

  With that Gorm picked up Dagny and the group started back towards Sard, leaving Malachite Fortress far behind them, hopefully, for good.

  When they reached Sard they stayed there in the city for two days recovering. Dagny woke up in one of the bedrooms they rented and saw Arman sleeping in a chair next to her bed. At first, she thought it was a dream. She wanted to reach out and touch his face but feared she would wake up.

  When he opened his eyes, he saw her staring at him and smiled.

  “Dagny, you are awake. How do you feel?” he asked concerned, reaching to her and grasping her hands.

  She looked at him feeling overwhelmed.

  “Are you a dream?” she whispered.

  “No. I am here. We are in Sard and we will be returning to Crown Bay soon. We are going home.”

  Dagny was slightly disoriented. She couldn’t remember much of what happened at first. It was almost a shock and her mind tried to block it out to protect her. Eventually, she started to remember and piece together everything that happened. She had to face the reality that she was a caster.

  The group was all on the mend and they had gathered to eat that morning to discuss their return trip. Since they didn’t know how long Isadore would be recovering, they would have to leave without him and hope he would eventually return to Crown Bay when he was able to.

  “Do you think they will come for me?” Dagny asked.

  The group was quiet a moment. Leif looked up and smiled.

  “I believe, Dagny, that you will be too powerful to simply take. It is why The Order was trying so hard to take you before your powers manifested. In a way, you are like Isadore now. They will always be tempting you to join, but they have no control over your mind.” Leif said trying to reassure her.

  “But I don’t know how to control my powers.” Dagny said softly, as if she were embarrassed to be a caster.

  “You will learn, we will find you a mentor, someone to teach you who isn’t a member of The Order.” Arman said rubbing her shoulder.

  She was quiet a moment thinking. She looked around at the group and smiled.

  “I don’t know what I would have done without your help. All of you risked your lives for me and Arman. I know that is what I hired you for, but I never expected to have such a friendship grow from this experience. I don’t know how I will ever repay you.” she smiled.

  Leif cleared his throat slightly.

  “Well, Dagny, if you wish to help us, spreading the word that the Argent Brotherhood is a reputable and reliable group, especially among your wealthy friends, would be greatly appreciated by all of us.”

  He gave a slight wink. Revna rolled her eyes. Leif was always a business man, always thinking about making gold. Dagny let out a laugh and nodded.

  “Of course, I will be remarking to many at how reliable your group is, and I will be giving you your payment once we return to Crown Bay.”

  Leif gave a slight nod and a smirk. He was going to miss her tagging along with them. Now that she was a caster, she could prove to be a useful fifth member to their team. He tossed the idea around in his head and chuckled. Maybe in time.

  Chapter 17

  The return trip to Crown Bay was uneventful. When they reached the port, they docked on the northern side of the bay and were near The Springs. Arman and Dagny returned to their estate to try and settle back into their normal lives, but nothing for them would ever really be normal again.

  Leif, Gorm and Revna returned to The Thumb to rest and recover. It had been two weeks since they returned. Revna had often visited with Dagny to check on her and to visit with Arman, which whom she had become very close with. She ran into Leif and Gorm on her way back from such a visit.

  “Revna, haven’t seen you in a few days, are you well?” Gorm asked.

  “Yes, quite well, in fact I was coming to find you both. The Marfell’s have invited us to brunch. Both Dagny and Arman are eager to see you both. They have much to discuss.” Revna had a slight glimmer in her eye.

  Leif smiled.

  “Wonderful, Gorm and I were just trying to decide where to go to eat.”

  “And I never turn down free food.” Gorm said laughing.

  They three made their way through The Thumb heading towards the Royal Commons. Leif spotted Dagny and Arman leaving a shop. Dagny spotted him and waved happily.

  She approached them with a smile and didn’t hesitate, leaping in to give Leif and Gorm a hug.

  “I have missed you both, you look well.” she said.

  She was dressed proper, with her hair done up and her perfect flowing dress cascading down to the ground. Arman was polished as well, with his hair combed and dress attire matching Dagny’s in style.

  “Good to see you again Leif, Gorm.” Arman sa
id giving a hefty handshake to each. “Will you be joining us for brunch?”

  “Yes, we were just on our way to see you.” Leif said.

  Dagny was pleased to see them but she noticed Isadore was still absence. She was almost hesitant to ask how he was as each time she inquired with Revna, the response was the same, they had heard nothing.

  “Any word on Isadore?” she asked softly, hoping for news.

  Leif gave a regrettable smile.

  “Nothing yet, we are hoping to hear soon.” he said.


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