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The Chosen

Page 13

by Kaitlin Himmelstoss

  She nodded. She drew a long breath and looked up, chasing away the sad thoughts.

  “Shall we walk together? Arman and I have just purchased some tasty desserts to try after brunch. I know how much Gorm loves sweets.” she said with a smile.

  Gorm blushed slightly.

  “I can confirm that statement as being truthful.” he said with a wink.

  They started to make their way towards The Springs when an unwelcomed face appeared in their path. Desmond stood with his arms crossed glaring at the group.

  “Off on another adventure Lady Marfell? Any conspiracies to share?” he said in a condescending tone.

  He glanced at Arman. “It appears Lord Marfell has joined the ranks, were you able to thwart his kidnappers and their magical ways?” he sneered and gave a slight laugh.

  Dagny drew a long breath and smiled.

  “Chairman Hargrave, pleasure to see you on this fine day. My friends and I are heading to celebrate and have brunch together, and yes, Arman is safe back home. You were right, he was just off in The Thumb, passed out in the brothels, just as you said he would be.”

  She laughed and glanced at Arman giving him an affectionate smile. Desmond stood speechless. He was caught off guard, she was lying to his face and smiling.

  “What are we celebrating?” he asked slightly put off.

  Dagny looked at Leif, Gorm and Revna and then back at Desmond.

  “Friendship, something you know nothing of.”

  He stood there feeling as if she held this power over him. She was powerful, he knew this. He had taken her; he had taken Arman. Both of them he was ordered by the warlocks, his “friends” to do. He had no friends, he was alone. He had nothing of companionship and it burned him from the inside.

  Just as he was standing there a large white splat of bird poop landed on the shoulder of his crisp blue dress coat. It was more liquid than solid and it started to slide down a bit as the fabric absorbed it. The group looked up and saw Crowley sitting up on the edge of the roofline of the building they were near.

  Dagny let out a laugh.

  “Crowley!” she said.

  She quickly looked down at Revna. “Isadore! He is back!”

  Desmond felt his stomach turn at the name. He snorted and walked away quickly before drawing more attention to himself. Seeing them back in Crown Bay meant that The Order had failed. The Argent Brotherhood had managed to thwart their plans. He was so baffled by this. The Order was so powerful, he had seen the warlocks, he knew what they were capable of and they promised him so much, they helped him rise to his position of authority from the slums of The Thumb. How could such a rag-tag group of undesirables outwit, no, out power them?

  As the group departed towards Marfell estate Revna was still puzzled by Dagny’s response to Desmond.

  “Why didn’t you tell Chairman Hargrave the truth about Arman?”

  Dagny glanced at Revna.

  “He wouldn’t have believed us and besides, if Arman and I are going to hold any position of power in high society Crown Bay, we can’t have people thinking we are crazy conspiracy theorists.” Dagny said with a smirk.

  “Or casters.” Leif said with a raised eyebrow.

  Dagny blushed looking at him.

  “Or casters.” she whispered nodding.

  They finally reached Marfell Manor where they enjoyed a delicious lunch and discussed their future plans. While Leif had not sought out a new assignment for them, they were still open to options, so nothing was set in stone yet.

  Arman had decided to continue with the management of his father’s shipyards and, with the help of some individuals who were aware of Dagny’s newfound abilities, they were now in connection with Clover. Arman was going to continue the shipyard front of the business, while Dagny had decided to try and work within Clover, even though this meant a great deal of time away from home.

  “How long will you be gone?” Revna asked, slightly saddened by this news.

  Revna and Dagny had become very close. It was the first time Revna had a female friend that she was comfortable around.

  “I am not sure. Clover has a sanctuary somewhere, its location cannot be known, not even by me, simply to protect those residing there. I hope I will be able to learn how to better manage my powers, so that I don’t lose control again. The results could be deadly and the last thing I want is for anyone to get hurt because of me.”

  Revna understood but still felt a sense of sadness. “I will return and visit. They say there are teachers there. I will become stronger.”

  “We will fight alongside each other again.” Revna said with a smirk.

  Dagny nodded.

  After brunch the group stayed a while and chatted. They had developed a good solid friendship with each other and the Marfell’s were strong allies with the Argent Brotherhood. They knew they could both rely on each other in the future.

  Leif, Gorm and Revna all said their goodbyes and departed the estate. Dagny and Arman saw them out, walking them down the driveway. When they reached the entrance where the gate was, Isadore was standing there off to the side, under the shadows of the trees. No one noticed at first, but Dagny caught sight of him.

  “Isadore.” she said surprised.

  Everyone looked over. He took a few steps towards the group, maintaining his cold emotionless expression. His piercing blue eyes glanced them over. Leif grew a big smile.

  “Izzy, welcome back. You look well.” he said stepping forward and grasping his upper arm in an appreciative grip.

  “Leif, how have you recovered?” he asked.

  “Quite well. All of us, really, we are all very good. We were just concerned with you. You have been gone far too long. We were worried.”

  Gorm nodded in agreement.

  “You could have sent a letter.” Revna said slightly angry. “We thought you were dead.”

  Isadore looked over at her.

  “My apologies. My recovery took longer than anticipated, but I am healed. I did not mean to cause distress to any of you.”

  Isadore looked over at Arman and Dagny. “I see you have both settled back into your lives here in The Springs.”

  “Yes, Dagny and I wanted to try to return to somewhat of a normal life, however, I don’t think anything from here on out will ever be quite the same as it was before.”

  “Will you be remaining here in Crown Bay?”

  “I am. I plan to run my father’s shipyards and continue his relationship in supporting Clover.” Arman said.

  “Then they have reached out to you?”

  Isadore wasn’t surprised, Clover was very powerful, almost as powerful as The Order, only their purpose was to protect, not conquer.

  “They have.” Arman nodded with a smile.

  Isadore nodded understanding. He looked at Dagny.

  “And are you remaining as well Dagny?”

  She looked at him feeling his stare as it looked through her. The sensation of fear was no longer there but comfort. She didn’t fear him as much, despite his intimidating appearance.

  “No, I am leaving Crown Bay. I am joining the sanctuary that Clover provides, so that I can learn how to control my abilities better. I know I need guidance. I feel this would be the best place for me, for now.”

  Isadore was impressed. His whole reason for coming to The Springs to see Dagny was to guide her towards leaving and going with Clover to learn how to control her abilities. She was powerful, more powerful than anyone he had met. He had dismissed the theory of a prophesy so long ago, feeling it was nothing but foolish fabricated stories he was being fed, but he saw and felt her power that day in Malachite Fortress. Had he not been able to calm her down, she would have exploded with energy and took down the fortress, along with him.

  “I am pleased to hear this. I will be checking in with you, as will Crowley.”

  Dagny smiled and gave a slight laugh.

  “Of course, I welcome your presence anytime.”

  The group departed The Springs. As th
e four members of the Argent Brotherhood were reunited again, they all pondered over their latest adventure and wondered what was in store for them in the future.

  “This job paid well, we are set for a while, but I am anxious to get back out there and continue to rebuild our reputation.” Leif said.

  “Our reputation wouldn’t need rebuilding if you and Gorm wouldn’t drink so much in the taverns.” Revna said.

  Gorm scoffed.

  “I am not the one that cannot hold his liquor. Leif is always trying to one-up someone for something, and don’t get me started on Harold Kramer’s wife.” Gorm argued.

  Leif groaned.

  “Can we not bring him up again. I have made it two weeks without having to deal with him, I would like to keep it that way.” Leif said.

  “You need to settle that mess.” Revna said firmly.

  “I know, I said I would and I will. I am just waiting for the right opportunity.”

  Leif was avoiding the situation entirely. Isadore listened in amused as Crowley swooped down and landed on his shoulder. Leif glanced at him a moment.

  “Harold is not within sight.” Isadore said not looking at him.

  Leif smiled with a satisfied nod. For now, he would use Crowley to scout out his travels, until he was ready to face Harold. “I do have something to discuss with you all.”

  Leif raised his eyebrows and exchanged glances with Revna and Gorm.

  “What is it?” Leif asked curious.

  “My time in Thornwood allowed me the ability to recover, using the Ambrosia Springs, a very sacred pool to the elven folk. I am in debt to them, as I have been in the past. They have, in exchange for helping me recover, request our assistance in a matter.”

  Leif was now very intrigued. The elves of Thornwood were highly regarded, and to be asked for assistance meant the Argent Brotherhoods reputation was indeed valid.

  “What kind of matter?” Gorm growled.

  Gorm was a Vanguardian, all individuals from Vanguard were suspicious of elves, it was in their general nature.

  “I was not given the details of the assignment, only that if the Argent Brotherhood was willing to entertain it, we should arrive in Thornwood to speak to the Queen. She has extended an invitation to us.”

  Revna felt her stomach churn with butterflies. Thornwood was a magical and mysterious place. She had never been there but had always wanted to go. This sounded exciting.

  “I am in favor.” she said nodding.

  She tried not to sound too excited. She glanced at Leif. “It will be good work, elves pay well, and the assignment may be interesting.”

  “Like what we just went through wasn’t interested enough?” Gorm growled.

  Leif laughed.

  “Fair enough Gorm, I understand your reservation towards the elves. We haven’t agreed to anything, but I am in favor of hearing the Queen out.” Leif said nodding at Isadore.

  Isadore gave a barely noticeable nod.

  “Very well. I shall make the arrangements. When would you like to leave?” Isadore asked glancing at Leif.

  “LEIF ARGENT! You rat bastard!” Harold shouted.

  Leif looked up and spotted him across the way as he charged towards them, shoving and pushing people out of his path.

  “I am actually ready to depart now. Shall we?” Leif said with a panicked smile.

  Isadore looked up surprised. Crowley had not spotted him during the sweep. He glanced at the crow, who cawed loudly as if shrugging.

  “Well then, to Thornwood.” Isadore said with a crooked smirk as the group took off to the docks.

  If you enjoyed the adventures of The Argent Brotherhood, you can continue the series with Book 2 The Golden Lantern.




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