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Beautiful No More

Page 20

by MJ Nightingale

  Gio was stabbing a finger against his brother’s chest. “Get your ass in the car, and go apologize to that woman. Don’t miss this chance. Don’t fuck it up. Beg for forgiveness, get on your God damned knees if you have to, and hope and pray she will forgive you.”

  “Not happening,” was his only reply as he stormed out of his office. No one spoke. All eyes on him spoke volumes though.

  “You are being a stubborn, pig-headed, proud ass of a man who has his priorities seriously screwed up.” Ronnie’s simple statement punctuated the silence. She got up and walked out of the room slamming the door loudly on her way out.

  * * *

  No one was listening to the show any longer; no one heard the commentator’s final words as the credits began to roll. But, Spiro did. That bastard had used her just like every other man before him. His beauty. “Wherefore art thou, Romeo?” the reporter commentated.

  I’m here, he thought as he got up from the sleazy motel room bed, and flicked off the television. And I have to go find my beauty. I have to make her understand. Tonight.

  Chapter 30

  Go Get Her

  Andreas felt like a low-life. He implied unspeakable things about Cat. His brothers were right about that. Their wives too. He was beginning to second guess his decision. Thinking about Cat and how she must be feeling drove him to the breaking point.

  He went out onto his balcony to enjoy the balmy breeze, but nothing soothed him. He imagined her watching the show, alone, in her hotel room. He knew she would be stoic and brave. It was who she was. But deep down inside his heart was torn to shreds. Saying those things had been a message to Sal. Come for me. Leave her alone. Leave them all alone. He just hoped it would work. He hadn’t told his brothers the plan ahead of time even though they figured it out by now. They would have tried to talk him out of it. Of that he was sure, especially after the raking over he got that night and every day since, whenever one of them got a chance to catch him alone.

  The sun’s last glimmer of twinkling light faded from the bay. The sun dipped below the water, its light gone. Like his. Come Sal. Come for me. Leave the people I love alone. Don’t hurt Cat.

  * * *

  Christmas Eve was just a week away, and his family had pretty much given up hope on him. The episode of Forty-Eight Hours had garnered a few tips, places Spiro might have been in the between years, but nothing definite yet. No leads on where he was hiding now. The man was being hunted nationally and so far nothing was turning up.

  They found the car he’d purchased dumped in another small town in Florida not far away. The police assumed he hitched a ride and left the state, but at the very least the area.

  Cat was still holed up in the suite he rented at the Sheraton-Marriot. With festivities being planned for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, the family was becoming more irritable with him for isolating Cat. It was killing him too, if he had to admit it to himself. They were courteous to him when Johnny was around, but other than that, he was given glares, sympathetic, or disapproving looks, so he holed up in his study. He was sorely tempted to get drunk, completely wasted on more than one occasion. But he feared he would lose his nerve and seek her out. When this was all over, he promised, he would try to win her back, beg her forgiveness. He hoped she would understand. He just had to keep them all safe.

  He also thought about calling Tony again. It was his tech team, BJ and Lily, who had found Sal, but Andreas did not know where to look next. Sighing, he picked up the phone to call Tony Alvarez. It was late, but he had his cell phone number and gave it a go.

  Tony picked up after the first ring. “Tony,” he answered.

  “Hey Tony. Sorry to bother you so late,” he started.

  “No problem. What’s up?” Tony knew just from the sound of the man’s voice he was low. He had been following the story on the news and felt bad for his friend. He had watched the program and understood why the man said what he did. It went against his moral fiber, but he understood trying to keep someone safe at all costs, even if it meant denying them and yourself happiness in the process.

  “It’s this case. I can’t figure out what to do next. I’m at a loss.”

  “Whatever I can do, you know I’ll do it,” he stated.

  “That’s it, I don’t know where to go, what to do next? It’s not like me. I’ve usually got a backup plan. Some contingency. An idea or hunch. But this time I got nothing.”

  Tony sighed. The man was wrecked. He was in love with the woman, that was obvious, but when it came down to it, the man was proud. Tony knew that all too well. His brothers in arms were like that too. And stubborn when they thought their way was the right way. “Hey, Andreas,” he sighed, knowing he was about to interfere, but from his experience it was sometimes an outsider who could see the most clearly. “Can I give you a bit of advice, man to man?” he asked. He was going to give it anyway, but wanted to give the man warning ahead of time.

  Andreas combed through his unruly black locks knowing what was coming. “What?” he asked.

  Tony started. “This thing you have with Cat and that program. I know that was bullshit. My Sherrie screeched at the television. Wanted me to have your balls. I told her why I thought you were doing it. To protect Cat. But man, you gotta live too. And what you’re doing isn’t living right now. You need that girl, and she needs you. Time. Time can slip away from us, and we can waste a lot of it. Don’t waste it. Not a moment. You need to grab hold of that woman and take every moment you can.”

  “God, I miss her,” he confessed. “It tears me up thinking of her all alone. But, I just can’t risk it.”

  Tony called bullshit. “Andy, someone told me once . . . there is no happiness if you never experience pain. But all you got is pain right now. Take what you can. Shit happens all the time, and you will only regret this time you lost with her.”

  That hurt. Thinking of the what ifs. Shit happened all the time. If all they had was now, he wanted it. “I do. Love her.” It broke him to say that. It was the first time he said it aloud. He couldn’t believe it. “If I knew she was safe, my family was safe, then maybe . . .”

  He heard the urgency in Tony’s next words. “The safest place she will ever be is in your arms. Go get her, Andreas. Go get your woman. End this bullshit. As for Romeo, once you know your woman is safe, then you will figure it the fuck out.”

  Something clicked. In that moment he knew he was wasting precious time. He would have regrets if something happened to her. His parents’ deaths had killed him emotionally. But she had made him realize he could love again. He was being a complete idiot. He thanked Tony for the advice, and Tony told him he would have his tech people do a little digging on this Spiro on their own and see if they could uncover anything they had missed.

  When he hung up, he picked up his jacket and practically burst out of his study. Gio and Lisa were just returning from a night out.

  “Where the hell you going?” Gio hammered out when Andreas nearly knocked him over in his rush to get out.

  “I’m getting my damn woman,” he called over his shoulder as he took the steps down two at a time.

  “Thank you, Jesus!” He heard Lisa laugh at her husband’s rejoicing. But he didn’t hear anymore as he jogged down the driveway towards the garage.

  Chapter 31

  In My Arms

  It was nearly midnight when Andreas took the elevator up to the suite he had booked for Cat. He called ahead and let the security detail know he was coming. He found both men outside her door. Mitch was the first to greet him.

  “She is up. We just did a sweep, and told her you were coming.”

  “Don’t screw it up,” Mitch mumbled under his breath as he pushed open the door to allow Andreas to enter.

  Andreas nodded at the man. “I won’t,” he returned, seeing the warning look in the security man’s eye. He didn’t blame the guy for his loyalty to the woman he was bound to protect. But he knew it should have been his job all along. Yet another reason to kick himself.

  When he walked into the dimly lit suite, he saw her sitting over by the windows that looked out over the Tampa skyline. She was reading, and turned slightly in her chair and glanced his way. “Andreas,” she spoke the word softly. It was a simple greeting that gave nothing away. He began to approach.

  He tried to seek out her eyes, but she avoided him as she put away the iPad she had on her lap.

  “I’m sorry I came so late,” he started.

  “I’m surprised you came at all. It’s been nearly three weeks,” she murmured, glanced up quickly, and then looked away. He saw the sadness there.

  “Cat,” he sighed, squatting down before her. He took her hands in his. “I don’t know where to begin. But, I’m sorry. So sorry, for pushing you away and treating you like I did.”

  “I never . . .,” her voice wavered, but she continued, “expected that from you. I thought you were different.”

  “I am a man, stupid, pig-headed sometimes. But I meant none of it. I was trying to protect you, lure him out.”

  She was shaking her head, and still could not meet his gaze. “Look at me, Cat. Please,” he begged.

  He saw the shimmer of tears there. One spilled over her dark eyelashes and splashed down her cheek. He stood abruptly, and pulled her with him. He wiped the tear away. “I never want to make you cry, or hurt you. I swear, if you give me the chance, I will never hurt you again.”

  She looked up at the man she loved and spoke from her heart. “I never cried much before I met you, now I seem to be doing it all the time.”

  Andreas ached for her, knowing he had caused her this pain, but when her sad expression began to change and he saw a bit of a smile coming from the corners of her mouth, he surged ahead. “Cat, my love, I do love you. I want you to know that. I just was so confused, and thought I was doing the right thing. I’m an ass. God knows, Ronnie has told me that enough these past few weeks. But I am. I love you woman. I was wrong. Please let me make this right.”

  “You love me?” At his nod she went on. “I thought you loved me. I was so torn by your actions.” He saw the war and confusion going on in her eyes. She was trying to work it out. “But then the money, the words, the callous dismissal. It really hurt to hear those words coming from you.”

  He let out a tremulous gasp, his heart racing with worry. “Cat, please say you will forgive me. I was so scared he would come after you or my family, and I didn’t know what I was thinking. Cat, before you came along, I was a shell of a man, my family’s armor, and I didn’t realize I had anything else to give except that. But you made me see otherwise. I want you back in my life, in my home. You are already in my heart.” He clutched at his chest and waited with bated breath for her answer.

  Her eyes looked deeply into his. One more tear escaped. “Andreas, I love you too. You know that. But I have a hard time trusting in other people. I have only had myself to rely on. Giving my heart to you, I fear it will destroy me.”

  “I promise, if you give me this chance, I will cherish that love, protect it, the right way.” Please say you will give me another chance.

  “Oh Andy,” she threw her arms around him and cried into his chest. “Please don’t hurt me again. I do not know if my heart can break again.”

  “Never, Cat,” he promised as he held her in his arms. He would never let her go. Never.

  * * *

  Christmas Eve came and everyone was excited to have Cat back with them. Andreas’ mood improved and they all eventually forgave him. When she walked in on his arm the morning after he retrieved her for breakfast, Ronnie was the first one out of her seat to greet her. She hugged her and then punched Andreas in the arm. “Never do that again.”

  “Good morning and I won’t,” he mumbled as the other women quickly got up to hug Cat and welcome her home.

  After each of Andreas’ brothers got in their two cents, he addressed the room. “Yes, I came to my senses. I was an idiot. I admit it, but now let’s eat, we got celebrating to do. He glanced at Cat, took her hand, and led her to the front of the room. She took the seat to his right still holding his hand and she gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “Yes, but you’re my idiot,” she laughed huskily. Everyone laughed and breakfast was a happy affair for the first time in weeks.

  * * *

  Christmas Eve dawned and there was not much left to do. They were having their cousin and his wife, and his Aunt Mary over to celebrate the holiday together, and tomorrow morning they would exchange gifts and have a quiet day at home. Andreas planned to dote on Cat and give her all the attention she deserved. He was still making it up to her for his foolish behavior. He told her incessantly he loved her, wanting her to hear and believe the words.

  In the afternoon, he tried to lure her upstairs for an afternoon love making session, but the girls had other plans. They grabbed her by the elbow so they could all finish with their wrapping and have some girl time together.

  That left Andreas with his brothers who were once again challenged to one of Johnny’s infamous Xbox tournaments.

  “Son, no Xbox today.” Gio saved them. “How about poker? That way we can all play at the same time?” he suggested to a whoop from Johnny who loved playing with all his uncles.

  “I’ll go set up the table in the study. Uncle Nikko, you get the snacks,” he ordered. “Dad, run up and get my wallet.” Everyone laughed and they all headed to the study to have a little game time while the girls finished what they needed to do.

  * * *

  Two limos pulled up outside the Marino home to take the family to Mass. Andreas had ordered them to transport the family to church and back. They also served to keep them safe, and at church they were accompanied with most of their security team. Only Lucas stayed back to keep an eye on the house.

  Once back home, the men were set to the task of bringing out the platters of food the woman had made earlier that afternoon.

  The table had already been set for the feast and after everything was brought out and placed onto the buffet tables everyone began to eat. To eat and laugh.

  There were marinated olives, bruschetta, Gnocchi, Italian Egg drop soup, Cavatelli with sausage and eggplant, Capons roasted in butter. And Cod with Tomatoes & Basil, as well as two kinds of pasta. For dessert, his Aunt Mary brought rice pudding, figs with honey, and an Italian Cheesecake with a sweet cranberry compote.

  As was their custom, they talked, laughed, shared stories, and ate until midnight getting up and serving themselves from the heavily laden buffet table.

  Everyone was ready to go to bed, and Johnny who was stuffed but managed to stay up with the adults this year listening to all of their stories, ushered them upstairs. He was very excited about Christmas morning and all of the presents. He suggested they should sleep over every Christmas Eve so they could share the morning together as well as the evening. Andreas liked the sound of that as he squeezed Cat’s hand.

  Johnny fled to the room he was staying in, and each pair headed into theirs. Andreas and Cat then finished the long walk down the corridor until they reached their door.

  Andreas looked down at Cat who muttered something about going into a food induced coma, and he hoped she would want kids of her own. He was imagining her belly growing with his child as she patted her overstuffed stomach. She felt his look upon her.

  “Why are you looking at me so funny?” she asked, cocking one eyebrow.

  He smiled as he opened the door to his room and she went in before him, “Two reasons actually.”

  “Oh,” she turned and began to unzip her dress as he finished closing the door, admiring her body as she stripped. “And what are they?”

  “One, I hope you are not too full and can stay up a bit longer.” He shook his eyebrows at her insinuating what he wanted rather than saying the words.

  “I think I can manage that,” she laughed, kicking off her shoes, and letting her dress fall around her feet, she stepped out of it.

  Andreas’ cock sprung to life. Her bra and panty set kno
cked the wind out of him. The sheer black panties, high cut, clung to her, and the demi bra she wore held her high and gave him an amazing view of her breasts.

  “And the second one?” she asked, quirking up her own eyebrow at him.

  He couldn’t think. He couldn’t remember. It was something about kids, about putting kids in her belly. He approached wanting to touch every inch of her. Taste her. Love her.

  “The second thing?” she asked once more, stepping out of his reach.

  “Kids, I want kids with you some day,” he murmured out huskily.

  She laughed and ran towards the bed with him stalking her all the way. She lie before him, as he began to disrobe in a hurry to join her on the bed. Her hair was spread around her like a halo, and he felt blessed to have found her. Or rather, she had found him. She was speaking, and he inclined his head so he could focus on her words. “I know I am a modern woman, but before I have any of your babies, Mr. Marino, I am still old fashioned enough to want a proposal,” she challenged.

  His smile lit up the room. “That my dear Cat, can be arranged. Because, I most definitely plan on marrying you some day.” Soon too.

  Her heart blossomed with those words, words she never in a million years ever thought she would hear. As her heart opened, so did her arms and Andreas crawled into them.

  That night, and early the next morning before Johnny banged on all their doors to wake them up, yelling the words, “It’s Christmas!” he showed her just how much he planned to love her, how long and how hard. He was never letting her slip through his fingers again.

  Chapter 32

  The Best of Times

  Andreas’ heart swelled Christmas morning as he watched Johnny tear into his Christmas presents. Cat sat next to him on the sofa in front of the tree in his large formal living room. Ronnie and Nikko played Santa Claus passing out all the presents, while Lisa filmed and took pictures to capture every moment.


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