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Beautiful No More

Page 21

by MJ Nightingale

  Cat loved her gifts. Each of his sisters-in-law had a gift for her, and she had purchased gifts for each of them as well, when Andreas had taken her shopping. It seemed so long ago. She bought him and each of his brothers a new wallet. Each of the girls was given a beautiful Hermes scarf. Her special gift for Andreas was a set of cuff links and the stone in them was black opal. The colors were brilliant, with a mix of blue, and grey. When he thanked her, she kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, “When I saw them it made me think of all the times I got lost looking into your eyes.” He understood then, the blue and grey entwined. It had been a thoughtful present.

  “Grab that one for me, the rectangular one, Johnny,” he asked, wanting her to open one of his gifts now.

  Cat pulled off the elaborate ribbon. “So, beautiful. Did you wrap it yourself?” Her hands starting taking the corners of the package peeling each one back.

  Andreas did not ask her why, but he saw she had done this with each of her gifts, and had not torn into it like the rest of them. He had a feeling he knew why, but did not want to make a big deal out of it now.

  Nikko laughed and Cat looked his way inquisitively. “Cat, none of us wrapped the gifts we got our woman. We always, er, um bribe Angela to do it.”

  Cat smiled then and understood. “Sorry then. It has been many years time since I had a gift at Christmas time,” she confessed. Andreas knew also that his suspicions had been confirmed. She was taking pleasure in the moment.

  The paper was removed and a white box showed her a picture of an ornate silver frame. She looked at the lovely intricate pattern swirled into the bottom. The etched word on the bottom of the frame read, ‘Family’. It touched her that he would purchase something intimate, and perhaps she could get a photo of them to put in it, or one of him and his brothers. He cleared his throat. “I already put a picture in it. Open it.” His eyes shone brightly.

  She shook her head. She didn’t remember taking a picture with him, unless he had one from the evening they had attended the Christmas Charity Event. She opened the box on one end, seeing it had already been opened there once before. “I put the picture in myself,” he teased and she smiled at him lovingly as she pulled out the frame not even looking at it. “What do you think?” he asked, indicating the photo staring back at her of her great grandparents that she had yet to look at.

  When Cat looked down at the picture, her heart plummeted and then soared. She remembered this picture. Her cry rent the room, and she dashed her head into Andreas’ chest twisting, so people could not see her cry. It was their wedding photo. “How? How?” she cried.

  He felt her tears dampening his chest and held her tight. This woman he loved who had lost it all but endured. He had his family surrounding him always and he wanted that for her. “It was in some files I got that I was not supposed to have. A fax of the picture anyhow. I called my friend and he stole the original. It was a small one. I had it enlarged for you. I hope you like it.” She was nodding, crying silently still hiding.

  “I love it. It is the best gift I can ever think to receive.” Her voice muffled against him.

  “You look like her, Cat, so beautiful.” He traced his thumb along the image of her grandmother in her wedding dress, standing next to a man in a Russian uniform, smiling below his groomed mustache.

  Cat began to turn to look at the picture once more, turning slowly and wiping her face. She smiled, lip trembling at the crowd watching her. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I have not seen their faces in a long time. I was beginning to forget,” she whispered, choking once more.

  Several of the girls had tears in their eyes and Blaze was passing around the tissues. When he gave Cat one he said, “Andreas is right. She was beautiful like you.”

  She nodded and then clutched the frame to her chest. Looking at Andreas with tears still in her eyes, she whispered her thanks as he claimed her lips.

  “Okay, more gifts,” Nikko chimed in to lighten the mood. He resumed passing out the presents.

  Her gifts included a beautiful sweater set from Lisa, earrings from Bella, and Ronnie had given her a silver cuff bracelet. Andreas still had one more gift yet to give her, but he wanted it to be last. After his first gift, he was sure if he gave it to her now, the festivities would end with more crying.

  Andreas got his brothers season Buccaneer tickets. They all loved Football, as did he. It was fun going to the games with them and it had become another one of their traditions. They surprised him this year and all chipped in together to purchase him a boat. He was shocked. When he opened the framed photograph, he was confused at first. Then they explained that it would be delivered tomorrow. He had been talking about getting a small speed boat, something to go on quick trips.

  Johnny was still unwrapping gifts long after everyone else had finished. His pile was by far the largest. A new iPad, clothes, video games, a remote control helicopter and a new guitar that Andreas got him were all great hits.

  When the last gift was opened, Andreas was beginning to sweat. He hadn’t thought about it until now. The fear and worry just started this morning. But he’d run out yesterday to purchase her second gift. When the idea had come to him, he decided to do it this way, publicly, the grand gesture. She deserved it. But, now he wasn’t so sure. Was this something a girl preferred to be private, and more romantic? His doubts emerged.

  The small box in his pocket weighed heavily. But, when she placed her head on his shoulder, as Lisa and Bella began to clean up, he knew the time was right. Perfect. She fit so well into his life, into his heart. Into his family.

  “Not so fast, girls.” He took a long intake of air, and let it out slowly. “Th-There is one more gift.” Cat sat up as he pushed off the sofa and made his way to the center of the room.

  “Where?” asked Nikko, still on all fours peering under the tree through the mess of torn Christmas wrapping paper. “I don’t see anything.”

  “It’s in my pocket,” Andreas grumbled. “It’s for Cat.”

  The room became quiet as all eyes focused on Andreas. Immediately, everyone sensed his tension. Nikko quickly scrambled to his feet.

  “What is it?” Johnny asked, coming to stand beside his uncle not picking up on the change in atmosphere in the room. “Is she going to cry again when you give it to her?”

  Gio opened his mouth to reply. But instead, suppressed a gasp. Lisa sat tight lipped beside him rubbing her elbow. She knew he was going to say something very inappropriate and did not want him to ruin his brother’s moment.

  “Probably,” he stated simply not breaking eye contact with Cat. But he ruffled Johnny’s hair and pushed him in the direction of his parents swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat.

  His palms were sweating. He rubbed them on the pajama bottoms he wore. She was smiling up at him a confused expression on her face. “Yes, what is it?” she repeated glancing between him and Johnny. There was laughter in her eyes.

  He pulled the velvet box out of his pocket, and opened his palm before her revealing the small black box. Cat’s eyes had a moment of panic, a tell-tale furrowing of her brow, and then he saw the question there. One of the girls gasped.

  He sank to a knee before her, and flipped open the lid of the box. Cat’s hand flew to her mouth. Bella cried out.

  “No,” he heard Cat murmur behind her hand. But tears were flowing again. He took that no as just a sign of shock, not refusal. Her expression was one of joyous bewilderment. It gave him the courage to continue.

  “Don’t say no yet, Cat, I haven’t even asked.” He smiled trying to lighten the mood further.

  She was shaking her head, small dainty hand still clasped over her face.

  He cleared his throat. “Cat, the moment you walked in my door, I felt something in my world change. Before you even said a word, I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that told me you were something special. Once I took your case, it wasn’t long before you began to chip away at the ice around my heart. You made me realize t
hat happiness is risking pain. I’ve been a fool, I know. Stubborn. Blind, and proud, but if you can look past all of that, there is nothing more I want to do, than cherish you for the rest of my life. I do love you, and I want everyone to know it. You know I do, and the road might not be easy, but woman, I need you. I want you. Please,” his eyes sparkled, and he paused before finishing the speech he had practiced in his mind. “Just say yes.”

  Tears streamed down her face, as she began to nod vigorously. She wiped the back of her hand across her face. “Yes. Andreas. I would love to marry you.”

  With that he grabbed her off of the sofa and swept her into his arms circling her around the room. It was where she belonged. When she tilted her head to look up at him, her words were spoken softly. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” He captured her lips and claimed her before his entire family. Her family now too.

  The kiss broke with a sigh, and a touch of foreheads, until Ronnie called out, “The ring. The ring. Let’s see the ring.” Cat stepped back, and Andreas who was still clutching the box, pulled out the round cut brilliant diamond. He had gone out yesterday to a shop he had heard about here on the island called the Three Graces. They dealt in antiquities, and he had wanted something spectacular and unique. The moment he saw it, he knew it was the one. The center cut diamond was over a full carat, the clarity and color flawless, the band of white gold was etched with roses on both sides and seventeen brilliant cut stones adorned them. The etched rose vine along either side made it appear as if it were clutching the stone in its very center. When she looked closely at it, as he settled it on her finger, her tears began anew. Her great grandmother’s maiden name had been rose. It was why she had chosen it to be her new middle name. She knew this man before her would mend her heart, and chase away all her fears. Her great grandmother would have approved. She flashed the ring to the girls, and then threw her arms around Andreas once more.

  * * *

  After everyone congratulated the couple, and amidst more tears, they all decided to head upstairs to shower and dress; they would reconvene in an hour for a late breakfast.

  Hand in hand, Cat and Andreas walked up the stairs. Two months ago, she would have never fathomed her life would have led her down this path. For the first time her future, hers with the man beside her to lean on, looked hopeful. Yes, they both had their demons, a past that was intricately interwoven because of a monster, but together they could find the happiness that eluded them for so long. Two wounded souls, brought together.

  When he closed the door softly behind them, she turned and went into his waiting arms. “Andreas, my love, you may think I am silly for asking this now, but are you sure you want me?” When he looked down on her with those blue eyes, like the sky, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth, the little bit of doubt she had evaporated.

  “There is no one on this planet more perfect for me than you,” he whispered and then claimed her lips. The kiss that ensued took her breath away and chased away her fears.

  When he parted from her, he looked down at her mischievously. “What does my fiancée want to do? We have an hour,” he reminded her.

  She laughed. Last night had been amazing. The lovemaking had gone on far into the night, and they had little sleep when Johnny awaken them. “Actually, I’d like to do my yoga, if you don’t mind?”

  The look on her face was apologetic, but he understood. Their night had been long, and they had an eternity together.

  He nodded that it was okay. “If that is what you want, I guess, I can get in a quick run. All this food!”

  He patted his lean torso drawing her eyes to his perfectly chiseled form and the v that hinted at what was beneath his pajama bottoms. She knew what he was trying to do. She was sorely tempted to change her mind in that moment. “You’ve got nothing to worry about.” She licked her bottom lip enticingly. She could tease too, she thought and laughed when she heard his growl. But she backed away before he could grab her. “I, on the other hand, can’t keep up with all the food you eat.”

  He relented. “Okay, so no fun now, but a quick work out, and then we can shower together.” His eyebrows raised and lowered mischievously. “We haven’t done that yet.”

  Cat laughed. “Hm, that sounds like it could be fun. I’m going to go change, and I’ll meet you out by the pool in a half an hour. I want to be outside today. The weather is beautiful.”

  “Perfect,” he winked as she passed by him. Turning on his heel, he slapped her rear when she turned to go change. “I’ll see you later.” Grabbing his running shorts and sneakers, he quickly stripped as she went to the bathroom to change. He left before she returned knowing that if he lingered any longer, neither one of them would be getting in any real workout.

  * * *

  Cat did a quick version of her routine. She chose to do her stretching by the dock today. Soon this perfect view of the bay would have another boat, she mused as she perfected her breathing. That would be fun, she thought. She loved the water and missed being out on it. Her great grandfather had owned a boat. When she was a young girl, he had taken her out in his small boat in Marken and Volendam, two nearby fishing villages. But this boat would be something much grander than she had ever been on. She finished her stretching and knew Andreas would be back soon, so she sat on the edge of the dock to meditate and think about her great grandparents. How happy they would be to see her now. Her world, her life, was just beginning, and each day it was looking more beautiful than the last.

  Chapter 33

  The Worst of Times

  He had her. He fucking had her. He couldn’t believe it. His patience this time had paid off. The boat lurched in the surf. And then hit the beach hard as he pulled her right up on to the shore. He didn’t give a shit. It was a rental. He had used up most of his savings renting the boat each day since Andreas had taken Catarina from the hotel. Yes, he had been watching the bridge, waiting for his car. Waiting to go get Catarina back. He knew the man would break and bring her back. Catarina was a woman you could not get over.

  He rented the boat every day for the last seven days, taking it out each morning. Something told him to go in the morning. He would blend in well with the other tourists enjoying an early morning boat ride or the fishing. The waters along Ann Maria Island were calmer and many came out in their water craft, even over the holidays.

  He glanced back at the lovely creature lying on the bottom of the boat. She was out cold; the jostling of the waves, and his quick escape had not even made her stir. His car was just twenty feet away. He parked it on this stretch of beach because it was allowed here, and there were not a lot of people in the early mornings. Today was no exception. Especially considering it was Christmas Day.

  He noticed just one couple walking and one other couple with a child further up on the beach. They noticed him, and turned his way when the saw the boat come aground. “My girlfriend got sea sick,” he waved them off. The man nodded and turning to his wife, they kept walking in the opposite direction. It was a quiet inlet used by only locals and their guests, but it had been the perfect spot to make his getaway. The second couple, a bit closer, called over. “Do you need any help?”

  “Nah, I’m good. I’m just going to get her to our bungalow we rented.” He pointed in the direction of the small buildings across from his car. “Then I’ll go return the rental.”

  The couple resumed playing with the toddler, and he swept Catarina into his arms. His cock stirred just holding her. “Sleep, my beauty,” he whispered as her head rolled onto his chest. “Soon, the world will never interfere with us again.”

  He climbed out of the back of the boat, one leg at a time, and sat on the edge. Sliding down he carried his love gently to his car. When he reached to open the passenger side door, he heard the man from the beach once more. “Are you sure she is okay?” he asked.

  Spiro risked a look back, and the man had gotten up out of the sand. He hastily pushed Catarina into the car. “She took Dramamine, but it made her drows
y.” He closed the car door just as the man reached the car. “We are fine. Really.”

  The man tried to peer around Spiro, but Spiro stepped into his view. The man gave him a startled look, and then his eyes widened slightly before he took a step back. “Um, okay, yes, I’ll be off then.”

  Spiro felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. The man recognized him despite his disguise; he was hustling off to his wife and child very quickly.

  He would have killed them, but he just didn’t have the time. Plus the noise would bring out other people. If he didn’t leave this instant his plans would be ruined. That man was a lucky bastard, he thought, as he hustled around to his side of the car. He got in and the rental started right up. And then he left. His prize, his beauty, asleep by his side. It was where she was meant to be.

  * * *

  Andreas ran.

  He cut his 10K by a third and picked up his pace, getting his run done in record time. He was happy, truly happy even though Salvatore was still out there. He knew he would get him, or someone would with all the media attention the case was getting lately. He couldn’t hide forever. Not anymore. He’d make sure every Police Department in the country was looking for him, but today he would put him out of his mind. He would focus on Cat and his family.

  She was his family now too. Heart swelling, he jogged the last few steps to the driveway and immediately rounded the house to head for the dock. She’d told him she would be there. But he didn’t see her as he approached, and for a moment it startled him. She’d said she would wait.

  He slowed his steps and was about to turn and head back to the house when a flash of red caught his eye. It looked like a package. He smiled. A gift from Cat. He began to walk down the pier when he caught a glimpse of Marcus, one of his security men walking the perimeter. They had just two on duty today. Being home for the day, they had let the other men spend it with their families. He waved as he continued the trek, the gift appearing larger as he went. It was a small red box, about the size of a watch, he guessed. What had she gotten him?


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