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Captured by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance (Bratva Brotherhood Book 2)

Page 11

by Bianca Cole

“Trust me, Mila,” Lyov grabs my hand and presses his lips to the back of it. “I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” He presses his lips to mine gently in a quick, chaste kiss. “Andrei doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

  No one has ever called me Mila before, but I kind of like it. I try to smile, but it feels forced. I nod and let him lead me out of the bedroom, which has become our refuge. All I can do is hope we both make it back here soon.

  Andrei is standing in the main entryway of the townhouse, arguing with Vera. “What do you mean I’m not going?” she says, setting her hands on her hips.

  “Vera, don’t push me on this.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “There’s no reason for you to accompany me.”

  Lyov clears his throat, alerting them to our presence.

  Andrei turns around to face us. “Good. Let’s go.” He claps his hands and turns back to face Vera, taking her hands in his. “Listen to me. Stay here and look after the place for me. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  She’s about to open her mouth when he kisses her passionately. The intensity reminds me of what I share with Lyov. They look at each other with such adoration. Andrei seems like such a cold man, but when he looks at her, the coldness melts.

  As I walk past Vera, she grabs my hand. “Good luck, my friend, stay safe.”

  I give her a smile and nod. “Thank you.”

  An SUV is waiting outside to take us to the airport. Lyov and Andrei haven’t mentioned where we are flying from, but I don’t even have my passport with me. I don’t expect it to be a problem as if they fly privately, then I won’t need it.

  Lyov lets me get into the back of the car first, before entering after me. Alexi sits on the other side of me. He is going to accompany us.

  Andrei slides into the front passenger’s seat and gives the driver the address.

  I can’t help but feel on edge. None of them know what my dad is like. He’s a backstabbing, cruel son of a bitch who cares about no one but himself. Lyov grabs my hand and squeezes, saying nothing.

  He can probably sense I’m tense, but I can’t help it. We’re heading straight for a blazing inferno without regard for the consequences, and yet I can’t voice my concerns. Andrei is pakhan. He most certainly wouldn’t take lightly to a woman telling him what to do.

  The entire journey, which takes about an hour, is made in silence. The driver pulls into a small private airstrip where a jet is waiting for us. There are certainly no TSA checks here.

  Lyov exits the vehicle, holding the door open for me. I get out, wobbling a little when my feet touch the floor.

  He grabs hold of my hips, steadying me. “Are you okay?”

  I draw in a deep breath. “I don’t know.”

  Lyov’s hand slides onto my back, sending sparks through my veins. “What are you thinking, Mila?”

  “All I can think is we are walking right into a trap.”

  Lyov glances at Andrei, who is already boarding the plane. If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about the New York brotherhood pakhan, it’s that he doesn’t like to mess about. He’s straightforward and direct. It’s a good quality in some ways. “It’s possible, but we have to agree to this meeting.”

  Alexi stops short of getting on the plane, looking back at us. “Hurry up, the both of you.”

  “Come on. Maybe your dad will surprise you and agree to peace.”

  I sigh heavily. “You don’t know my dad.”

  He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “You’d be surprised how much I know. He is power-hungry, and you’re kidnapping will make him look weak.” He shakes his head. “We have to hope he will see reason.” He takes my hand in his and presses his lips to the back of it. “We have no choice.”

  “I know.” I do know that Lyov isn’t in control here. He doesn’t call the shots and never will. Andrei is his master. He has to obey him.

  He pulls me toward the plane, leading me into the lavish jet. It’s far more extensive than my dad’s jet, which isn’t surprising. There’s a reason why he’s going after the New York brotherhood’s territory. It’s by far the most lucrative territory in North America.

  Andrei sits at the front, and he gives us both a small nod. Alexi sits on the other side. I’m thankful that Lyov walks us to the back, giving us some degree of privacy from the other two guys.

  The pilot enters the plane and heads straight into the flight deck. As we take out seats, the engines come to life. It’s about a three-hour flight to the meeting point, Florence, South Carolina, which is mid-way between Miami and New York.

  Lyov keeps hold of my hand, chasing away some of the nerves beating around in my stomach. Together we will be okay. At least, that’s what I hope.

  “Why would Andrei agree to the peace talks?” I ask as the plane begins to move.

  Lyov glances at me. “What do you mean?”

  I shrug. “Andrei said he wanted a reason to go to war with my dad for years.” My dad has been out of touch for years. All he cares about is money and power. It didn’t surprise me to learn that he has been making a play for New York territory and become increasingly aggressive in the past few months. He’s always been the same.

  He shakes his head. “Andrei would like to take your dad out, but war means many lives lost. If he can avoid it, he will do at all costs. Even though he said the opposite.”

  I rest my head back and try to push my doubts out of my mind as the plane cruises toward our destination.

  About an hour and a half in, I’m woken by Lyov shaking me. “What is it?” I ask.

  There’s a devilish look in his eyes as he leans toward me. “I need you.”

  My brows hitch up at the suggestion of being intimate here. “Lyov, we can’t—”

  He silences me with a kiss, making me hot in an instance. “Mila, be a good girl and do as I say.” He nips at my bottom lip. “There’s a bedroom at the back of this jet. Go there now, undress and wait for me.”

  I glance toward the front where it seems Andrei is engrossed in his laptop, and Alexi is fast asleep. After one more glance at Lyov, I stand and do as I’m told. My stomach twists with excitement as I close the door behind me, moving toward the bed.

  I undress and then turn around, wondering what to do with myself. If Andrei were to walk in on me right now, I’d die of shame. The door opens and to my relief, Lyov is standing there. He raises an eyebrow. “I told you to undress.”

  I look down at myself. “I am undressed.”

  He narrows his eyes. “You’ve still got your bra and panties on,” he growls.

  “Oh.” I unclip my bra and let it fall to the floor, before hooking my fingers into the waistband of my panties, and pulling them off. “Won’t Andrei be annoyed if we fuck in his bedroom?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “He’ll never know, and something tells me it wouldn’t bother him anyway.” He pushes me back toward the bed. “Lie down.”

  I do as he says and lie on my back, watching as he pulls off his shirt. It doesn’t matter how many times I see him like this, every time I’m in awe.

  His fingers tease slowly down to the button at his pants, freeing it and slowly dragging them down his hips.

  The thought of him fucking me here, in Andrei’s private jet, makes my thighs quiver. It’s forbidden and naughty and exciting.

  He pulls his boxer briefs down, freeing his thick, long length. It springs to attention, glistening with pre-cum. “On your hands and knees,” he orders.

  I do as he says and turn to rest on my knees, bending at my waist and arching my back in invitation. He spanks my ass, making me gasp. I bite my bottom lip, knowing I need to be quiet. Andrei and Alexi aren’t far from us.

  Lyov spanks my ass cheeks repeatedly, forcing me to bite my bottom lip. It’s almost impossible to remain silent.

  “What do you want?” Lyov murmurs.

  “You,” I whisper.

  He spanks me again. “I can’t hear you.”

  “I want you to fuck me,” I say, louder.

  He groans and spanks me again. “Naughty girl.” He rubs the swollen head of his cock through my slick arousal, sending a pulse of need right through me.

  I whimper as the need building inside of me is excruciating. It doesn’t matter when or where, Lyov knows how to get me aching for him. I buck my hips backward, but he holds me still.

  “Don’t move,” he orders, voice gravelly and deep. It’s enough to send a shiver right down my spine.

  He thrusts into me without a word, filling the gaping void that existed where he fits. I groan, finally feeling some release from the ache. We fall into a rhythm, moving together as one. Lyov is gentle with me for the first time since we met. There’s a difference in the way he fucks me.

  I’ve known it for a while now, even if neither of us has uttered it out loud. I love this man and he loves me. A warm blissfulness pulses across my skin as we make love passionately in the back of Andrei’s jet.

  While we’re together like this, it feels like nothing can stop us. For now, my worries about my dad and his plans float into the background. For now, only the two of exist in this world.



  Something doesn’t feel right. We’re standing on the runway in Florence, South Carolina, waiting for Veselov’s plane to arrive. He’s later than scheduled. It’s putting me on edge.

  Andrei seems as calm as ever, but Milana is tense. I keep my arm around her waist, holding her back against my chest — the need to protect her rules me every hour of every day. I hate not knowing what is going to happen when we meet with her dad.

  We are like sitting ducks here, waiting for them to rain fire on us.

  “I don’t like this,” I say, finally voicing my concerns to my pakhan. Andrei may perceive it as a weakness, but Milana’s welfare is too important to risk.

  “Neither do I,” Milana mutters.

  Andrei glances at the both of us, seemingly unconcerned. “The plane is delayed. It’s not unusual.” He glances at Filip, the jet pilot. “Filip, can you track their plane?”

  He gives him a nod. “Sure, boss.” He walks back toward the jet and disappears inside.

  Andrei is always the practical one. It’s unlike me to let my emotions get the better of me, but when it comes to Mila, I’m careful. She’s the single most precious thing to me in this world. The drone of a plane’s engine catches all of our attention, and finally, I see it heading down toward the runway.

  I grit my teeth together and prepare myself for the brunt of what is to come. Veselov is going to go mental when he realizes the man who kidnapped his daughter has also bedded her.

  According to my contacts, Veselov has been trying to find the highest bidder to sell Milana off to for a couple of years—ever since she turned sixteen years old. It makes me sick thinking about it, especially that he would considering selling her underage. Andrei hates the practice of selling women, be it in an auction or form of a dowry.

  It’s something Andrei has set about trying to stop, ever since Vera went through hell in the capture of the virgin auction runners. It didn’t go down well with the auction runners, but Andrei shut it down. I’ve got a feeling Vera was part of the driving force behind it.

  The plane touches down and Andrei takes a step closer to me, dropping his voice. “Follow my lead and don’t speak unless I tell you to.” He glances at Milana. “You too, princess.”

  Andrei calling her princess rubs me the wrong way, but I keep my mouth shut. He has been more than fair to both of us since I landed him in this mess. We’re here because neither of us could resist the pull to each other, forcing my brotherhood to sacrifice peace for our happiness.

  Sure, Andrei paints it as if Veselov is the reason for the war, but everyone knows that this wouldn’t have happened if I could have kept it in my pants.

  We wait as the jets engines turn off, and the private airstrips workers set up the steps to the craft. Even as we wait, I can’t shake the feeling of unease. Milana knows her dad wouldn’t agree to negotiate, and deep down, I know it too.

  After three years of war with the Los Angeles brotherhood, he is yet to even meet with Luka Romanov. All the signs point to this being a trap.

  The door to the jet opens, and Georgy Veselov appears at the top, descending the steps onto the airstrip. Milana tenses in my arms, pushing herself tighter against me. Her brother, Dima, is the next to appear from the jet.

  The agreement was that we would both only come with two men. Alexi is, therefore, waiting on the plane. I wait and watch for more movement on the jet, wondering if he’s drawn us into an ambush.

  Surprisingly, no one else follows. I sigh a breath of relief, as the two men walk toward us. They both look rather calm, considering we’ve told him we have no intention of giving back his daughter.

  “Veselov,” Andrei calls, stepping forward to address him. There’s a line already drawn that neither of us can cross. It’s part of the negotiation agreement.

  “Andrei, I can’t say that it is a pleasure.” His eyes switch to me and Milana. “What is this nonsense about not giving my daughter back?”

  Andrei beckons both of us forward. Milana grabs my hand, and we walk to stand by his side. “My spy and your daughter have fallen for each other. I have no intention of breaking them up.”

  Georgy laughs a high pitched laugh. “My daughter doesn’t have a say when it comes to who she ends up with.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “I’ve already swapped for her hand in marriage. The deal is done and set in stone. I won’t leave here without her.”

  Andrei takes another step forward. “It seems we are at an impasse then, as we will not give her up. Not to mention, she has no wish to go with you.”

  Dima steps forward, right up to the line. “She doesn’t have a choice.”

  The evil glint in his eyes tells me they are up to something. I’m not sure what. A commotion behind us makes my heart rate spike. Before I know it, a pair of hands land on my shoulders, dragging me back and away from Milana.

  I try desperately to keep hold of her. Someone grabs her by the waist, hoisting her into the air and away from me. Andrei attempts to fight against the men who have seized him, swinging punches left, right and center, but it’s no good. He’s overpowered.

  “Lyov,” Milana shouts, as she watches.

  The man who grabbed her doesn’t struggle with her kicking and punching, as she desperately tries to break free. Her eyes are wide as he begins to carry her up into the jet. All I can do is watch as Veselov’s men hold me down to the ground.

  We should have seen this coming. Andrei is too damn honorable to bring back up. If he agrees on terms of a meet, he sticks to them. It’s a weakness he needs to overcome. The bratva don’t honor terms of agreement often. They’re all snakes that backstab in an attempt to make it to the top.

  The bratva is about who has the most power, and it doesn’t matter how you gain that power. If you have to lie and cheat, then you do it. Otherwise, someone else will.

  As I watch Milana disappear into the jet, a sense of failure overwhelms me. I promised I would protect her, and yet I’m powerless. Veselov meets my gaze, laughing. “Rough them up and send them on their way,” he orders.

  The men begin to kick and punch me, but I hardly feel the pain. All I can feel is the pain of failing my woman. I fight back, writhing on the ground with all the strength I have.

  Somehow, I find the power to throw them off me. I punch one of them in the face, and another in the gut, downing them as fast as I can.

  Georgy is a hundred yards away, getting into the jet. I break into a sprint. “Milana,” I shout her name, seeing her looking out of the window of the plane.

  It speeds Veselov up as he dashes into the plane. The door shuts, and the engines whirl to life, as they remove the steps. I’m seconds too late. I consider jumping onto the plane, but I know it won’t do any good. Our only option is to try and chase them through the sky.

  Milana presses her hand to the glass of the window, t
ears streaming down her cheeks. I want to tell her I’ll find her. I want to say to her I won’t let them get away with this.

  Why would she believe me?

  I told her I’d protect her, and I failed. A hand lands on my shoulder, and I swing around to land a punch. It’s Andrei, and his face is bloodied and bruised. The men who had attacked him are rolling around on the floor or unconscious.

  “We need to get in the plane now, if we’re going to follow them,” Andrei says.

  Thank God he is thinking the same as I am. I follow my leader back to the jet as he barks orders at Filip. Alexi follows quickly, face also bloodied and bruised. We all probably look a mess, but not as bad as Veselov’s men.

  The man is a disgrace. He left his own brotherhood men on the tarmac, abandoning them in an attempt to save his skin. It says a lot about a pakhan.

  As quickly as possible, Filip has Veselov’s jet on the radar, ready to follow him.

  “Don’t lose him, whatever you do,” Andrei says.

  It’s clear now that I can trust him. He has no intention of fucking Milana or me over. The engines fire to life beneath us, and before I can think, Filip has the jet taxiing down the runway to take off.

  I take a seat beside Alexi. We haven’t really spoken since Andrei broke the news to the brotherhood just over three days ago.

  “Damn, I never thought you’d get us into this mess,” he says, pressing a cold compress to the bruise on his cheek.

  I shake my head. “Neither did I.”

  Andrei leans toward us. “Veselov got us into this mess, and don’t forget it.” He holds Alexi’s gaze until he nods.

  Andrei keeps staring at him with such intensity. “Lyov wouldn’t have had to kidnap Milana, if it hadn’t been for his dumbass actions.”

  A swell of emotion floods my chest as I glance at my pakhan. Andrei hardly knows me, since I’ve always been so closed off to everyone, and yet, he defends me with loyalty. The brotherhood is supposed to be a family, but until now, I haven’t embraced it wholeheartedly.

  It feels like I’ve been going through life on auto-pilot rather than living it. Milana has made me realize life is worth living.


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