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Captured by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance (Bratva Brotherhood Book 2)

Page 12

by Bianca Cole

  Alexi clears his throat and nods his head. “It’s about time you found yourself a woman.”

  It’s the first time he’s acknowledged it. Ever since Andrei announced it to the rest of the brotherhood, he’s been off with me.

  I shrug. “Not exactly ideal circumstances, though, are they?”

  “These are the kind of circumstances I’d expect from you, Lyov.”

  I raise a brow at him. “Really? No one else did.”

  He claps me on the shoulder. “No one else knows you as well as me.” He’s right. Out of all my brotherhood members, he’s the only one that I’ve been more open around.

  We settle into a comfortable silence, but inside I’m a mess. Until I have Milana back by my side, I won’t be able to rest. All I can hope is that they aren’t traveling too far. It feels like I’m in a nightmare I can’t wake from.



  I wake with my arms chained behind my back, sitting in my dad’s jet. Pavel sits opposite me, watching me with an odd sadness gleaming in his eyes. He almost looks like he pities me, and it’s unlike him to show any emotion.

  “Let me go,” I shout, fighting against the bindings, despite the metal cutting my skin.

  He swallows hard. “Milana, it would be in your best interest to stay quiet,” he mutters.

  He may be right, but I don’t care. They’ve ripped me away from my only happiness in this world. My chest aches at the thought of never seeing Lyov again. “I don’t give a shit. Let me the fuck go now. I’d rather jump out of this damn plane than go back with my asshole of a dad,” I spit.

  It seems my shouting gets his attention this time, as he appears in the doorway.

  The look on his face is pure rage, and then I see Dima standing behind him. The smirk on his face is cruel. Pavel was right to warn me. If my dad sets Dima on me, then I will be put through tremendous amounts of pain.

  “I can arrange that, Milana,” Dad says.

  I shake my head. “Why the hell did you even both rescuing me from him? You don’t care about me.”

  My dad’s jaw clenches. “He made me look weak. Not to mention, I’ve agreed on a truce with Luka Romanov, which involves you marrying his son. He intends to offer his daughter to Dima in return.”

  Panic closes around my heart at the mention of me marrying anyone. “I won’t marry him.”

  My dad advances closer and grabs my chin hard, digging his nails in. “You will do as I tell you. We are on our way to Los Angeles as we speak.” He shakes his head. “That spy of yours won’t have a chance to find you. Yerik will have claimed you as his before he even knows where you are.”

  Tears prickle at my eyes at the cruelty of my father. Pavel watches on with that same sad, wistful look on his face. It’s at that point I realize all the times I tried to avoid him, he cared more for me than my family does. I treated him as though he were as bad as my dad, but no one is as bad as him, other than Dima.

  Dima steps forward. “Milana, you are a fucking whore, and I need to teach you a lesson.” He pulls out a knife and the blood drains from my face.

  To my surprise, it’s my dad who stops him. “No, she has to be unharmed when we offer her to Luka.” He returns his attention to me. “I’m sure Yerik will punish her accordingly.”

  The smirk falls from Dima’s lips, and he turns to leave like a petulant child. His thirst for the depraved is sickening. I watch as he walks away.

  “Listen to me, Milana. You will marry Luka’s son if it’s the last thing you do.”

  A lump forms in my throat as I stare up at the man who should have been the one to love and protect me. “What did I do to make you hate me?”

  For the first time in my life, a flicker of emotion floods his eyes. It disappears within moments, and he drops my chin. I watch him walk away too, leaving the question hanging in the air.

  Pavel moves forward and wipes the tears trickling down my face. “I’m sorry, Milana,” he mutters softly.

  I force a weak smile at him. “I’m sorry too.”

  His brow furrows. “For what?”

  “All this time, I’ve been so terrible to you, assuming you were like my dad and brother. I know you are nothing like them.”

  Tears form in his eyes and he shakes his head. “No, I’ve cared about you like a father should care about a daughter, Milana. I’m sorry your dad doesn’t treat you the way you deserve.”

  He squeezes my hand gently before moving to sit back down in his chair. If my father heard him speak to me that way, he would punish him for it. It’s the first time I’ve talked to Pavel with any civility. I’d always acted like a spoiled brat toward him, and yet, he cares.

  Does he care enough to help me, though?

  “Pavel, can you help me?”

  He looks conflicted, understanding what I mean. I need to get the hell out of here. What I’m asking of him is a lot. He would be putting his life on the line for me.

  “Milana, what you ask is difficult.”

  I nod my head. “I know.”

  He falls silent as he thinks about my proposal. “I’ll try.”

  A spark of hope ignites inside of me at his agreement. “Thank you.”

  He smiles kindly and nods his head. “Wait right here.”

  I chuckle. “I can’t exactly go anywhere, can I?”

  With that, he nods and leaves me alone in the back of the jet. Pavel is one of the few good guys I’ve come across, and in my hatred of my own family, I’ve mistreated him in the past. I’ve been blind to the truth. My dad has always been the villain in this. He forced me to stay close for university, intending to sell me off to the highest bidder.

  My hopes, dreams, and aspirations never meant anything. Dad found it comical when I told him I wanted to attend university, but he indulged me, only to keep me quiet. At least, until he found me a husband, it’s not surprising he would choose the son of his enemy.

  I don’t know much about Yerik Romanov at all. Although, I pity the daughter of Romanov for being landed with Dima. Any woman who is unlucky enough to find themselves in his path, won’t survive long. He’ll marry her and torture her until he kills her or she takes her own life. It’s sick what my brother does to people—and not only women.

  For the bratva, even he is extreme, yet no one calls him about because of who he is — the son of the pakhan and the next in line to lead. God help the brotherhood when he comes to power. It will be kinder if someone kills him before that can happen.

  The whirring of the engine is all I can hear, as my mind floats to thoughts of my friends at university. Kate, Alex, and Harriet will no doubt think I’m dead in a ditch.

  There would be no other explanation for my disappearance, and I’m sure Lyov was smart enough not to leave any tracks for the police to follow. They are probably all better off not knowing me.

  I never thought my father would get his hands on me, but it seems I was right to think I’d never see them again. He would never have taken me home—not after this.

  This world brings down everyone and everything around it, making it impossible to live a normal life. I thought that was what I wanted. A normal life and a nine to five job. A husband and two kids in the suburbs.

  It’s the opposite of what I want really. Lyov is what I want. A man who can’t offer me any safety or a reprieve from this world. All he can offer me is a love I could never have imagined. It’s deep and powerful. Even now, as I fly toward my fate, it fills me with the hope I wouldn’t otherwise have.

  Pavel returns to the room, shutting the door behind him. He gives me a small smile. “I have a plan.”

  I raise a brow as it’s unusual to see him smile. He should do it more often, though, as it makes him much more approachable. “What plan?”

  He shakes his head. “The least you know, the better. I will help you, Milana.”

  I nod my head in response, hoping I can trust him. All I can do is wait and hope that everything will work out. I won’t give up hope that I will reunite with L

  The entire place is in chaos. My dad thought he was here for a straight swap, but it turns out someone has kidnapped Luka’s daughter—a man from his own brotherhood. It gives us precious time to find a way out.

  I’ve been sitting in a room, tied to a chair. Pavel has kept me updated. They’ve sent men after his daughter, hoping they can retrieve her in time to do the swap.

  Luka Romanov and my dad have been in a meeting for over three hours, trying to agree to the terms. My dad won’t give me up without something in return, be it money or flesh. He isn’t the kind of man to agree to promises. If Luka’s daughter isn’t here for him to take now, he won’t let Luka take me.

  The sound of the door opening to the room I’ve been kept in sets my nerves on edge. My chair is in a position so that I can’t see the person entering. The slow footsteps approaching make me sure it’s not Pavel. I hold my breath as the footsteps stop. “Who is it?” I ask.

  Finally, a young man with sandy hair steps into my view. “Your husband to be.” He smiles, cruelly. “I heard you’re not too pleased about the arrangement.”

  I bite my bottom lip, wondering how exactly to play this. Yerik won’t like me telling him I’m in love with another man. Instead, I shrug. “I don’t like the idea of marrying a man I don’t know anything about—no.” I narrow my eyes at him. “Can you truly say you are happy to be entered into an arranged marriage?”

  He seems surprised by my candid approach. “I wasn’t sure, but now that I’ve seen you, I’m pleased.” His eyes are alight with lust as he moves closer to me, tilting my chin toward him. “You are more beautiful than I could have imagined.”

  Sickness twists at my gut, but I keep my expression neutral. “You’re not too bad yourself.”

  It seems the compliment surprises him, and he drops my chin. I get a feeling he was hoping to find me resistant and fighting, but that would be the wrong way to play this. I see some of my brother in him. He wants to stir up trouble and irritate me. I don’t intend to give him what he wants.

  His eyes narrow. “Although, you’ve got too much meat on your bones. Don’t worry, I’ll soon fix that with a strict diet.” The smirk that breaks onto his face is sickening, but I don’t let his attack on my weight get to me. Instead, I stare at him with indifference.

  “Well, it seems you are a bit of a disappointment. Your brother assured me you would be fighting me every step of the way.”

  I frown at him. “Is that what you want?”

  He tilts his head to one side, regarding me. “I’m not sure what I want.” He moves closer to me and grabs hold of my chin again, forcing my gaze to his.

  The sound of the door opening forces his attention away.

  “What are you doing here?” Pavel asks.

  I feel relieved to be rescued before Yerik could delve more into the conversation. I could only string him along for so long before he caught on to my insincerity.

  “I’m talking to my future wife.”

  “Unfortunately, until your sister returns, the deal isn’t done.” Pavel walks closer. “Get out, before I throw you out.”

  Yerik pales and nods his head, glancing at me once before leaving.

  Not many people would stand against Pavel—he’s enormous. Six foot eight and bound in muscle. He could choke Yerik’s scrawny little neck with one hand, but what no one knows is he’s a gentle giant at heart. Something I hadn’t realized until today.

  “My plan is dangerous,” Pavel says, once the door shuts behind Yerik. He approaches me and takes a seat opposite, holding a plate of food. My stomach rumbles as the scent wafts to my nostrils. “I intend to start a fire to ensure everyone is distracted. Then, I will sneak you out into a car and leave before they know what has hit them.”

  A swell of emotion clutches at my chest. Pavel would go to such lengths to save me. He is the true father I never had, although he’s a little younger than my dad. “Isn’t that a bit dangerous?” I ask, wondering if pyrotechnics are the best option here.

  He shrugs. “We need a distraction. Have you got any other idea?”

  I worry my bottom lip between my teeth, trying to come up with something. My dad and brother are assholes, and so are the Romanov’s, but setting a fire could be condemning them all to death. If they escape, they won’t rest until they get revenge on Pavel and me. He would be in grave danger for the rest of his life, always looking over his shoulder.

  “They will be after you for the rest of your life.”

  Pavel grabs my hand and squeezes. “Don’t worry about that. I can take care of myself, Milana.”

  “Perhaps Andrei will accept you into the New York brotherhood.”

  He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Perhaps.”

  He may doubt whether Andrei would allow him into the brotherhood, but I’m sure he would. Lyov would help me fight to save him, especially if he gets me away from my dad.

  “How come you never married?” I ask, staring into the dark brown eyes of the older, but handsome man. His hair is peppered with gray, but he’s attractive. He’s a bit of a silver fox.

  He shrugs. “The time was never right. Life in the brotherhood is too risky to consider bringing someone I care for into it.” He smiles. “Also, I never found the right woman.”

  I nod. “Well, it’s never too late.”

  He sighs. “No, I guess it’s not.”

  A short silence falls between us, palpable with tension. “When do you intend to set the fire?” I ask, breaking it.

  “I’m going to wait until dusk. About forty-five minutes.” He glances out of the window. “Then, I’ll set the fire, and we’ll get out of here.”

  I swallow hard, wondering if this is a good idea. A fire seems rash, but Pavel is right. We need something big to keep all the security busy while we try and get out of here. Not only are there all of Luka’s men, but my dad’s security too. The place is doubly protected.

  Pavel’s plan could go south. If the worst happens, we may both end up dead. I have to hope somehow we both come out of this unscathed.



  I’ve been in many car chases before, but never a plane chase. It’s tense. Filip has been tracking and following Veselov’s plane through the sky for three fucking hours. All I feel is numbness, as I pace the floor of the jet.

  Her dad took her from me—the one thing I promised her wouldn’t happen. This is all my fault. I knew something wasn’t right.

  Filip is one of the best pilots in North America, thankfully. He knows the flight path they are taking, and they are heading straight to Los Angeles. Georgy Veselov is at war with Luka Romanov, which means him heading there makes no sense. Traveling into enemy territory with his family seems like a pretty dumbass move.

  I pace the floor again, tensing when a hand claps my back. “Relax, Lyov. Take a seat.” Andrei says, squeezing my shoulder hard. It’s a warning that he’s not asking but ordering me to sit down. It’s the last thing I want to do right now. I’m going out of my mind. Alexi is fast asleep slumped against the side of the jet. I sit next to him, resting my head in my hands.

  Andrei sits opposite. “We will get her back.”

  I glance up to meet my pakhan’s gaze. The fire in Andrei’s eyes fills me with confidence. He will do anything to get her back now that Veselov has disrespected him. I give him a nod in response.

  “That weasel won’t be getting away with what he pulled.”

  A short silence pulses between us as I think about his words. “There’s no way we are going to avoid war now, is there?”

  Andrei shakes his head. “No, but it’s about time someone rained down fire on that cocky son of a bitch.”

  I smile, rubbing my hand across the back of my neck. Andrei’s words of reassurance help, but the fact is, I failed Milana. She was uncertain about the entire meeting, and I should have pushed harder with Andrei to avoid it.

  Veselov had been so sure he was leaving with her. I should have seen the ambush coming—we all
should have. We’d been naive to walk into the trap so easily. As always, Andrei’s morality often becomes his weakness as a leader.

  Even so, I can’t find it in myself to resent him for it. It’s one of the reasons the brotherhood admires him so much. He commands respect because he is as honorable as a bratva pakhan can be.

  “I intend to flay the skin from his flesh and watch him suffer in pain and agony,” Andrei says, staring forward with a far off look.

  Honorable and a little bit insane. Andrei’s brutal, vicious, and doesn’t take mercy on his enemies. I guess that’s what happens to you when you’re brought up in the bratva, surrounded by violence.

  His mother left him when he was little, forcing his father to raise him. He doesn’t speak of it much. His mother is probably out there somewhere, living her life without giving a thought to where her son is. I know it has haunted him. It would haunt anyone.

  Both my parents were caring and decent, but I fled them when Lilliana died. I was too ashamed to face up to what I had done that I left the country and never looked back. I didn’t even have the guts to face her parents. It’s shameful, and I’ve regretted it ever since I made that choice.

  Now and then, I send my parents an update via email. I know it’s selfish and wrong to have left them like that, but I was far more broken ten years ago than I am now.

  For Andrei, though, ever since he met Vera there’s been a change in him. He’s better. I feel that Vera is helping him heal the wounds he hides from the rest of us. The same way Milana is helping to heal the wounds I’ve hidden. Alexi is like a little brother to him, but as far as I can tell, he doesn’t confide in him either—only Vera.

  It’s clear that the importance of finding the person that can help mend you is even more vital for bratva members.

  My heart pounds frantically as we drive up the drive of the Romanov mansion. Flames burst from the windows of the upstairs floor, untamable and wild. No guards were on the gates since they’re at the main house.


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