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Forever Magic

Page 8

by T. M. Cromer

  Autumn choked out a laugh that ended with a moan of pain.

  Opening her hands palm up, GiGi concentrated on the ingredients she would need to ease the painful contractions for her niece. Once the herbs appeared, she went about crushing them in a small marble mortar and pestle she’d conjured to grind them.

  She felt the young presence behind her and turned to welcome Autumn’s and Keaton’s daughter. “Did we wake you, child?”

  “My bed keeps shaking.”

  “Seems your little brother is ready to raise a ruckus. Care to help me?”

  Chloe’s eyes rounded with excitement. “What can I do?”

  “Conjure a cup of hot water for your mother while I finish mixing these herbs. We’re going to make her a tea to drink between contractions.” When the girl positioned herself to perform magic, GiGi urged caution. “Wait until after this next wave. You don’t want to burn yourself. Find something to hold onto. I think this one might be a doozy, dear.”

  As soon as the contraction eased and the room settled around them, she gave Chloe the go-ahead.

  GiGi helped Autumn into a semi-sitting position and guided the teacup to her lips. “Drink. You’ll start feeling better right away.” Nodding her head in approval, she conjured a bowl of fresh water to wash her hands. Once she was positioned to examine Autumn, she asked, “What do you plan to name him?”

  “Preston Jolyon… Carlyle,” Autumn managed between pants.

  “Oh!” Caught off guard by the use of her brother’s name, GiGi sucked in a breath. “How lovely! My brother would be honored. It’s sweet you’re using Ryker’s middle name, too.”

  “We’ll call him Jolyon. Calling him by Dad’s name so soon…” Tears welled in Autumn’s large amber eyes.

  “I get it, child. I miss him, too.” And she did, more than she let on.

  Her big brother had always been there for her from day one. Had taught her how to perform magic and to ride a bike. He’d even forced Alastair to let her tag along when Al had been at an age when it was uncool to deal with a younger sister.

  GiGi needed to change the subject before they were both blubbering fools. “How are you feeling now, dear? Is the tea helping?”

  “Yes. The pain isn’t as bad.”

  She didn’t know whether her niece was telling the truth or putting on a good face for Chloe, but the tremors stopped. She’d sent the girl from the room so she could check the dilation. “Jolyon’s head is crowning. Are you ready to push?”

  “I want Keaton here for this.”

  “Then he will be. I’ll go get him.”

  As she rose to go in search of Keaton, he arrived, bringing Aurora with him. After a little fawning over her daughter, Rorie took Autumn’s hand and ordered her to push at the same time Keaton encouraged and reiterated how much he loved her.

  It was a beautiful scene, and one GiGi had missed when her own time had come and gone. Sadness tried its best to swamp her, but she shoved it aside to welcome her grand-nephew to the world. A small magical boost helped Autumn through the worst of it, as did the tea GiGi pressed upon her.

  After Jolyon was cleaned and given over to his mother and father, they proceeded to count all ten fingers and ten toes. Keaton proclaimed him perfect.

  GiGi stood back and watched the family together. She’d missed all of this. Grief was a strange and complicated beast. When she should be the happiest for her niece, she felt saddened and lost.

  Air. She needed air. Spinning about, she would have made good her exit but for Ryker blocking her path. The gentle understanding in his eyes pierced her heart. He must’ve sensed her need because he opened his arms to her, and she gladly allowed him to swallow her up within his hold.

  “Was our baby that beautiful?” he asked for her ears alone.

  She nodded, too overcome to speak.

  Tightening his arms around her, he lent his silent strength.

  “I want to try again,” she whispered.

  “Then we will,” he assured her.

  GiGi hated that her pain was on display for the world to see, yet somehow, this time, it wasn’t as bad now that Ryker was with her.


  Ryker led GiGi outside to the front porch to give the new family time alone. His wife had been exceptionally quiet since the birth of little Jolyon.

  “Are you all right, sweetheart?”

  “Yes. Of course.”

  “There’s no ‘of course’ about it, GiGi. This is the first time you’ve been around a birth since you… since our…” Ryker found himself getting emotional and was unable to continue. He hadn’t allowed himself to grieve. If he dug deep enough, he knew the reason was because he couldn’t let himself fall apart. If he lost it in the middle of an undercover op, he’d have blown his disguise. Maybe he didn’t feel as if he deserved to grieve with all that had happened, all he’d caused with his selfishness. At the time, he told himself he was doing it for the good of the magical community. Now, he wasn’t so sure it wasn’t just a selfish desire to play action hero.

  She rested her hand on his arm. “Ryker, look at me.”

  He blinked and swallowed a few times before tearing his gaze from the treeline. The compassion and understanding on her face were like a dagger to his gut. His insides clenched, and sweat broke out on his upper lip. With a shake of his head, he inhaled deeply, taking longer to exhale.

  “I guess I didn’t realize how much it would affect me, too,” he told her gruffly.

  “I know. I found it difficult to go anywhere there were babies and small children for years afterward.” She tucked in against his side and stared out over the property. “We can’t replace him, but maybe we can move forward.”

  “Yes.” He rested his cheek atop her head. “That’s my fondest wish.”

  They held each other in silence, wrapped in their own pain, yet able to share in the grief at the same time. Minutes ticked away as the sounds of nighttime played an off-beat tune.

  “Why haven’t we been attacked by now? They were on the way, and then they weren’t?” GiGi’s question was whisper-soft.

  “I’ve got Nash and Knox looking into it. I’m waiting for Alastair to check back in.”

  “Have you heard from him since he went to the clearing?”

  He shook his head.

  Her body tensed within his embrace. “Let’s go.”

  “GiGi, we can’t go off half-cocked.”

  “He’s the last of my immediate family. I’m not going to let anything happen to him,” she argued.

  When she tried to pull away, he held onto her upper arms. “Think about this. If you go there with Beecham’s men present, you put a target on your back.”

  “I’m not going to stand by and do nothing.”

  They glared at each other in frustrated silence. As she opened her mouth to argue further, the air around them became charged. Their eyes locked, and they held their collective breath, waiting for the arrival of what would be multiple witches. If it was Beecham’s army, then Autumn and her baby were vulnerable to attack.

  When Alastair stepped on the porch with a guard at his back, they both released a sigh of relief.

  “How’s Autumn?” Alastair asked his sister.

  “She has a healthy baby boy. Preston Jolyon Carlyle.”

  Taken aback, Alastair could only stare. Finally, he grinned. “How did you manage to make the cut?” He asked Ryker.

  “I’m clearly the cooler uncle.”

  “Pfft. I rescued her from the dungeon and saved that useless boy she calls a husband,” Alastair argued with a twinkle in his eye.

  “I provided the key.” Ryker shrugged. “What can I say? Jolly Ollie is much more fun than stuffy old Uncle Alastair.”

  His friend’s eyes narrowed, and Ryker grinned in response.

  “I’ll rectify the matter when I see my grand-nephew,” Alastair promised.

  “What did you find out about Autumn’s labor causing the earthquakes?” GiGi asked.

  “The child will be an eart
h elemental. Apparently, a Thorne and a Carlyle make a very powerful little witch together.”

  “Wonderful,” GiGi muttered. “Let’s hope he has a sweet disposition, or he’ll destroy all of Leiper’s Fork during a temper tantrum one day.”

  Lifting his hand to reveal a rolled parchment, Alastair smiled. “I have the solution here from the Goddess herself. It’s meant to counterbalance his magic in the event he loses control. I’ll have both Keaton and Autumn memorize the spell and then put it in their grimoire for safekeeping.”

  “Is it from the Book of Thoth?” Ryker removed the spell from Alastair’s hand, unrolled it, and studied what was written there. “Hmm.”

  “What?” His wife crowded closer to read the words on the scroll.

  “Change a few words around, and you could make him even stronger.”

  “What?” Both Alastair and GiGi stared at him in slack-jawed disbelief.

  Alastair was the first to recover. “What do you mean?”

  “Here.” Ryker pointed. He didn’t dare speak the spell aloud because he didn’t want to activate it. “Switch moderate with amplify, and you could essentially ramp up his power.”

  His wife looked like he’d taken a bat to her. “Will the gods and goddesses allow him that much power?”

  “Isis gave Knox the power of a God, and Quentin is descended from Zeus.” Alastair didn’t look worried. “As long as he’s as even-tempered as my son-in-law, I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”

  “Jolyon is Autumn’s son. He’s bound to be testy on occasion,” she argued.

  Ryker rolled up the scroll and handed it back to Alastair. He faced his wife and pressed his forehead to hers. “Let’s not borrow trouble, sweetheart. For now, we give this to Keaton to do with as he sees fit. Then, we find a bed and get some much-needed sleep. It’s been an insanely long day.”

  Alastair snapped his fingers. “I almost forgot.” From his pocket, he pulled a small, intricately made piece of jewelry. The size of the chain meant it was made for a baby. “Isis wanted me to gift Autumn’s son with this anklet.”

  Ryker knew the gift was an oddity, but remained silent. The Goddess had reasons for her actions, and to question her motives wouldn’t go over well.

  “It’s lovely,” GiGi breathed as she touched the piece. “What are these symbols?”

  “That’s Spring’s department. But if I had to guess, I’d say it’s to keep the baby from reducing the estate to rubble if he cries for a bottle,” Alastair said with a wry half-smile. “I’ll have her decipher them in the morning. In the meantime, you two go get some rest. I’ll stay here with David and John to guard the Carlyle estate.” He’d indicated his security team with a nod of his head.

  “Since we are essentially homeless, we’ll head back to Thorne Manor. If you need us, call. I doubt I’ll get much sleep tonight,” Ryker told him. He shot an inquiring look at his wife. When she nodded, he gathered her close and called his magic to teleport them to her family’s home.

  As they materialized in the driveway, they paused to look up at the old girl. Ryker had always admired the Victorian architecture of the manor, and with lights pouring from the large windows, it made the place welcoming. Walking into the Thorne house always made him feel like he’d come home.

  “What are you thinking?” GiGi asked softly as she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “It’s good to be welcomed back here.” He heard the catch of her breath and reached for her hand. “Let’s go to bed and figure out the rest of the world’s problems tomorrow, okay?”

  She nodded and walked with him toward the large mahogany door, pausing before turning the knob. “You’ll always be welcome here, Ryker. You always were, regardless of what went on with us. It’s our family, and they love you. You’ll never be without them.”

  His throat worked convulsively as he tried to swallow back his gratitude at her easy acceptance. Except for a few cousins, the Thornes were the only people he considered family. GiGi hit the issue dead center regarding the loss of that connection.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” he whispered gruffly. It was all he could manage without bawling like a baby.

  Inside, they conversed with Zane and Winnie to make sure all was secure then headed up to a spare bedroom. Once they were alone, uncertainty struck. GiGi avoided eye contact as her hands flitted about.


  She paused what she was doing and glanced back at him.

  He strode to her side and caressed her jawline. He could feel the tension along her neck and gently rubbed the tense muscles at its base.

  “This is the first time we haven’t been at odds in years. Finding a new normal will take time. In the meantime, I’m not going to pounce on you like an animal.”

  The light frown cleared from her brow when she smiled. “Maybe I’m wondering how to entice you to pounce like an animal,” she teased.

  “At any other time, you only have to say the word,” he assured her. “But at this particular moment, we both need sleep.”


  “Wake me in two hours. I swear I’ll be as animalistic as you can handle.”

  GiGi laughed at the promise in his low growl. She lifted her fingers and, with a simple wave of her hand, changed into a leopard-print set of pajamas that left little to the imagination. Ryker mentally debated if he was really as exhausted as he’d initially thought.

  “Goddess, you know how to tempt a man.”

  Her self-satisfied smirk nearly did him in. “Come to bed, darling. I want to snuggle close.”

  “Sounds like my idea of heaven.”

  * * *

  As tired as she was, GiGi found it difficult to sleep. Listening to Ryker’s steady breathing brought back the memories of their early years together. He used to cuddle her back to his chest with his arms wrapped loosely around her. Tonight, the position was exactly the same, and those strong arms were tighter, as if even in his sleep, he feared she’d leave. But for her, who’d been without anyone in her bed for longer than she cared to think about, it was odd.

  He had been correct when he said they needed to find a new normal. She’d been independent far too long. Another thing she’d revisited today was the loss of their child. Holding Autumn’s newborn brought back all the love and grief she’d felt for her own baby boy. He’d been perfect just like little Jolyon.

  A single tear escaped from the corner of her eye and dropped on the firm, warm arm beneath her cheek.

  “Why are you crying?” Ryker’s soft, husky question made her jump.

  GiGi hastily brushed at her eyes. “The events of today got to me a bit. I’m being a sentimental old fool.”

  “Jolyon.” He stated the name flatly as if it were a forgone conclusion.

  Twisting in his embrace, she tried to see his expression in the dark. “It isn’t just the baby. I’m finding it difficult to sleep in general tonight. The attack on our homes, the baby, our reconciliation. It’s all replaying through my mind.” She lightly ran her fingernails through his short beard. “But why are you awake? Surely a single tear didn’t pull you from sleep.”

  “I slept the prerequisite two hours to recharge my body. Making love with you was too good to pass up. Sleep be damned. A promise is a promise.”

  His sexually charged tone sparked an answering fire within her.

  “I love a man of his word,” she murmured as she leaned closer to nip his lip.

  “Then I’m your man.”

  “Yes, you are. My man. All mine.”

  He grinned, and GiGi could only assume it was because of her possessiveness. The teasing light dimmed in his eyes, and he rubbed a thumb over her lower lip.

  “I don’t want to be an insensitive ass here. If you need to talk about anything, I’m happy to listen.”

  Pure love flooded her entire being. He meant what he said. Despite the fact that they hadn’t made love in ages, Ryker would put aside his own wants to ease her mind.

  “Nope, I’m good.”
She pressed a kiss to the pad of his thumb. “Now, how about we get busy? We’ve waited long enough, don’t you think?”

  “That right there is why I love you, sweetheart. You are a woman of action.”

  She released a low, sultry laugh and reached between them to stroke the length of his erection. “Oh, I do love action.”

  As GiGi encircled and caressed him, slowly running her palm to the tip of his penis and down to the base in a sensual, repetitive move, Ryker moaned her name. She explored his muscular chest with her free hand and placed lingering, loving kisses wherever she touched. Taking the tight bud of his nipple between her teeth, she gently bit down. His body’s reaction was swift, and his dick twitched within her grasp.

  “Dear Goddess, woman! I forgot how good that felt.”

  “Mmm. How about how good this feels?” She took him into her mouth, gently sucked, then swirled her tongue over the head.

  “Yep,” he croaked out. “That, too.”

  She worked him with her hand and mouth until his hips bucked and he shuddered his release. Ryker panted through his recovery, and GiGi crawled up his body to nuzzle the column of his throat.

  “How’s that for action?” she teased.

  His wide grin spoke for him. “In approximately… one minute… when I… can breathe again,… I’m going to… rock… your… world,” he assured her.

  “That’s what I’m hoping.”

  She squeaked her surprise when he tumbled her onto her back.

  “Start the countdown.”

  “Sixty… fifty-nine… fifty—oh!” She released a happy sigh when his lips claimed hers. Ryker was the best kisser. The perfect amount of aggression without banging teeth or making her feel as if she were fighting for survival, but with enough passion to steal her wits. Nor was it sloppy wet or clammy, but contained enough slip to make the dance of their tongues effortless and erotic. He always tasted of fresh peppermint. When he pulled away, his lips lingered the perfect amount of time, and the small nip of his teeth on her swollen lip sent a shockwave of lust straight to her lady bits.

  His large, warm hand covered her naked breast, and GiGi had the presence of mind to acknowledge he’d magically done away with her clothing.


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