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Forever Magic

Page 9

by T. M. Cromer

  “Smooth move, babe,” she said, voicing her approval.

  “Well, as sexy as your sleepwear is, it was getting in my way.” His mouth closed over her breast as he kneaded the fullness.

  “I’ll give you one hour to stop doing that,” she moaned.

  His husky chuckle added to the wetness at the apex of her thighs. Wicked and knowing, Ryker’s light laughter turned her on like nothing else. That sinful sound of amusement promised her all sorts of wonderful pleasure, and her body had a Pavlovian response.

  He explored every inch of exposed skin with his hands and mouth, both front and back. Cupping and massaging the muscles of her ass, he teased her core with a thumb or a finger across her clit. The touch was intermittent and pushed her to the limit. She was a moaning, groaning, gooey mass of want, and when he turned her flat on her back and slowly entered her, GiGi wanted to scream her encouragement.

  “Please, Ryker,” she breathed out. “Please.”

  The feeling of fullness produced by their joined bodies expanded out and swept her nerve endings. When he would’ve withdrawn to thrust again, she tightened her thighs around him and held him in place.

  “Wait. I want to savor this moment.”

  Instead of pulling back, he shifted his hips forward. Her name on his lips was like a benediction. A spiritual and near-religious awakening of her soul. Their eyes met and held, and in those heart-melting eyes of his, GiGi saw the depth of his love. She imagined her eyes were the mirror of his, differing only in color.

  He began to move again, slowly at first and increasing his pace to match the thrust of her own hips. She looked down to where their bodies became one. What she expected to see, other than the norm, she didn’t know, but surely it should have been something more magical than mere body parts for the sensation and pleasure she experienced.

  She ran her hands up the sinewy forearms braced on either side of her, and up over the bulkier brawn of Ryker’s biceps and triceps to where his shoulder met the column of his throat. She traced the corded muscles there for a second before lacing her fingers in the thick curls at the base of his neck. Digging in, she pulled him down for one of the kisses that never failed to sear her insides.

  He bent his arms and rested his weight on her, never losing rhythm. One hand cupped the back of her calf and dragged it above his hip while he fingered her intimately and drove her to the brink. He lifted his head, his lips a mere inch from her ear, and whispered, “Come for me, GiGi.”

  His softly spoken words were roughened by his desire and sent her straight over the edge. She experienced her most powerful orgasm to date. She flung her arms wide and arched up as the magic from within her cells struggled for release. Light shot from her fingertips and lit the room with a soft rose glow.

  Ryker’s strong arms held her tightly to his chest as his orgasm followed closely on the heels of hers. She could feel the cool night air pick up speed as the current flowed around them, lifting them both a foot off the bed.

  Lamps and vases rocked back and forth on hard surfaces, and the filmy, cream curtains blew parallel to the floor. She may have heard someone outside yell, “What the fuck?” before she got control of her magic and settled them back on the mattress.

  “Oops, my bad,” she whispered.

  She felt Ryker’s lips twitch against the skin of her throat and found herself unable to contain a giggle.

  “What do you suppose happened out there?”

  He chuckled as he rolled onto his back. “A mini tornado?”

  She bit her lip to keep the laughter at bay, and when he shifted to his side and rested his head in the palm of his hand to stare down at her, she remembered why this magnificent man was perfect for her. The deviltry in his eyes spoke to her as nothing else ever had.

  “I love you, Ryker.”

  “That’s good because I’m not going anywhere ever again, and you’re stuck with me.”




  “And I love you, too, sweetheart.”



  Morning dawned on a beautiful day. The fall temperature was cool without being bone-chilling. GiGi sipped her coffee as she stared out over the Thorne property. Half of the leaves on the trees had changed to a deep red and would shift to burnt orange any day now.

  It was her favorite time of year. A time when she could give the air a magical boost and make the dried leaves drift on the wind. She used to do that for her nieces when they were young girls. Their laughter would echo across the yard and trigger a smile from anyone within earshot. She smiled at the memory.

  The large mahogany door opened behind her. She didn’t have long to wait before a quilt was placed around her shoulders and her husband settled in next to her on the front step with his own morning beverage.

  GiGi turned her face up to his, studying him as he now studied her. She noted the fine laugh lines taking root at the corners of his warm eyes. They crinkled as he grinned down at her.

  “Morning, sweetheart.”

  “Morning,” she murmured, offering up a soft, sweet kiss which he took full advantage of.

  “If I’ve died and gone to the Otherworld, don’t ruin it,” Ryker finally said when he came up for air.

  Like a young girl, she giggled her response. “Then we’ve both died happy.”

  The adoration was back in Ryker’s eyes as he wrapped a hand around her waist and tucked her into his side. GiGi rested her head on his shoulder and turned her attention back to making the leaves dance on the wind.

  He voiced his approval. “Nice party trick.”

  “I used to entertain the girls when they were small. Spring would laugh and chase the leaves while Winnie would try to call them to her. Autumn and Summer would stand and let them rain down upon them.” She sighed happily. “They were always a joy.”

  “And now they’re having children of their own. It boggles the mind how quickly time speeds by.”

  “It does. You and I were separated more years than we were together. I think it’s why I had a hard time sleeping last night. I’m not used to having another person next to me.”

  “I know what you mean, and I’m happy that’s the case.”

  Her head came up, and she stared at his profile. “What do you mean?”

  “I never wanted you to not be happy, sweetheart. But the idea of you creating a new life with someone else nearly destroyed me. When I heard you on the phone with Sebastian Drake, I wasn’t only angry, I was hurt. He’s perfect for you, and hearing you tease one another created a knot in my stomach that I’m finding difficult to disperse.”

  “Oh, Ryker.” GiGi twisted to cup his jaw and turn him to fully face her. “He’s not perfect for me. You are. It’s always been you.”

  He closed his eyes and rubbed his cheek against her palm. “You don’t know how thrilled I am to hear you say that.”

  Contentment settled into her chest and chased away the last lingering doubts she wasn’t aware she had. Leaning forward, she kissed him. In that kiss, she poured all the words she’d never been able to voice. The action was cleansing, wiping away all the hurt, anger, and disappointment of the past.

  “I love you, Ryker. Even when I hated you, I loved you.”

  “Did you hate me so much?” He questioned on an anguished whisper.

  “Sometimes.” When he closed his eyes, she clarified, “But only because I loved you so much and believed you betrayed that love. After the baby… I wanted you to suffer so badly, the way I was suffering.” She choked back a soft sob at the loss. “The past is the past, and it’s time to leave it there. I don’t hate you now, and I don’t blame you.”

  He swept an arm under her legs and lifted her into his lap. Wrapping the blanket tighter around them, he held her against his chest. “I swear to you here and now, GiGi, I will never give you reason to doubt me again. You are my sole reason for breathing. You always have been. Believe me when I say, I suffered.”
  GiGi swiped away the tears flooding her eyes. “I want to put it to rest, but I want to do it properly.”

  “What do you need from me?”

  She smiled softly at his willingness to provide what she needed.

  “Hold tight.” So saying, she allowed the magic to heat her cells. Together with his, the warmth within ramped up to almost burning. Some might find the sensation unpleasant, but not GiGi. She loved witchcraft and everything that came with it.

  When she opened her eyes again, they stood outside the family crypt. She held out her hand for his. “Let’s say goodbye to him properly.”

  * * *

  Ryker stared at his wife’s upturned palm, his heart thudding painfully in his chest. He’d only been here once before, and he’d lacked the courage to walk through the door to see his son’s final resting place.


  Her understanding was in the tone of her voice.

  Lifting his head, Ryker grasped her hand and raised it to his lips. “I’m good,” he lied.

  GiGi’s lips twisted in a wry half-smile. The kind that said she knew he fibbed to save face but that she forgave him for it. “We don’t have to do this right now. I know I sprung it on you.”

  “No, we do. I…” He rubbed a hand over his face. “I could never bring myself to visit him. I was too riddled with guilt and feeling savage.”

  His confession didn’t seem to surprise her. In fact, she nodded her head as if she expected as much. “Whenever you’re ready. We can wait here as long as you need to.”

  Compassion shone from her brilliant eyes and gave him the strength he needed. “Let’s go say goodbye,” he said gruffly.

  They worked their way around the crypt, pausing to pay respects to GiGi’s parents and to Preston before stopping in front of the marble with their son’s name.

  Angelus Ryker Gillespie.

  “I never told you, but you chose the perfect name.” Even though his voice was low, it echoed in the enormous mausoleum.

  “He was perfect. In every way I could see. He had your dark hair, a full head of it. I knew if he opened his eyes, they’d be yours.”

  Ryker couldn’t ignore the pain in her voice, and it ripped his heart out. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and held her with her back to his chest so they could both see the engraved stone. His thoughts were full of self-recrimination followed by a healthy dose of regret. He imagined hers were the same.

  The air around them grew heavy, and a blinding white light lit the corner of the room. It heralded the parting of the veil between this plane of existence and the Otherworld. When the intense light faded and they could open their eyes, Preston Thorne stood before them.

  “Hello, sister.”

  GiGi squealed her surprise and joy, causing Ryker to wince at the loud sound ricocheting off the stone surface surrounding them. She flung herself in her brother’s waiting arms.

  “How are you here?” she cried.

  “You need to ask?” Preston laughed. “Isis wanted me to give you a message. She said your son is ready to return to you.” His amber eyes warmed as he smiled. “She feels you are both ready to provide her gift with a stable, loving home.”

  Preston’s message angered Ryker. “We’d have given him a stable, loving home the first time,” he snapped. “These fucked up games—”

  GiGi clamped a hand over his mouth and frantically shook her head. “Don’t question the Goddess’s gift, Ryker. Please. Isn’t it enough he’s returning to us?”

  Moving her hand aside, he shook his head. “I’m not questioning the gift. I’m questioning the timing of the gift. Our son’s life shouldn’t be given or taken on a goddess’s whim, GiGi. The pain it caused you… and me…” He shook his head a second time, frustrated at his inability to form the words he needed to express his feelings. He’d always been more action-driven, and finding the proper way to communicate his thoughts wasn’t easy.

  “We were here to put away the past. Let’s appreciate our future.”

  She was right. He knew she was. Still, it was difficult to not be angry. Because GiGi held hope in her eyes and her heart, Ryker let it go.

  She faced her brother again. “Does this mean if we try again, we’ll be successful?”

  “As it stands right now, yes.” Preston’s wide grin was infectious, and even Ryker found himself smiling. “Although why you would want that kind of headache at our age, I’ll never understand.”

  “Yes you do, Pres,” she said on a laugh. “It’s why you had so many little girls.”

  “They seem to be holding up okay.” The question was in his tone.

  “They are,” Ryker assured him. “You saw Autumn’s son? She named him for you.”

  “I saw. Tell her… tell her that I’m proud of her, won’t you?”

  “You know I will.” Ryker shook his hand and moved away for sister and brother to say their last goodbyes.

  As he waited outside the crypt doors, he attempted to get his wayward emotions under control. If he delved deep enough, he’d acknowledge the root of his anger was fear. Discussing parenthood was a whole lot different from actually becoming a father. If GiGi were indeed to become pregnant in the coming months—and Preston had no reason to lie—then Ryker needed to remove the threat of Beecham without delay. He couldn’t risk his wife’s and child’s lives due to that evil fucker.

  The problem was lack of evidence. The Council refused to act without more than just Alastair’s word via the ghost of his brother. As of yet, no proof could be found. Maybe GiGi was right and Ryker should resort to straight up murder, the way that scum Beecham had when he killed Trina.

  Turning on his heel, he reentered the mausoleum. “Preston, can you spare one more minute?”

  “Of course.”

  “Beecham is still free. How do we find the proof to put him away? So far, we’ve come up empty.”

  A look of pity settled on Preston’s handsome features. “There’s no existing proof.”

  Ryker wanted to swear a blue streak. He could see no way to achieve his goal to bring Beecham to justice.

  “What about Trina?”

  Both men stared at GiGi in stunned wonder as she shrugged.

  “She’s the only one who can tell what happened.”

  “What would it take to call her back from the Otherworld, Pres?” Ryker asked. “Would Isis allow it for a trial?”

  “I can’t speak for what she may or may not allow.” Preston stepped close and lowered his voice to a whisper. “Spring would know since she—” The ground began to tremble, cutting him off mid-sentence.

  “What the devil?” Ryker reached for GiGi and ushered her toward the exit. A retinal-searing light illuminated the room just as they ducked outside. The vault door slammed shut, and they were left to assume Preston had been recalled by the Otherside.

  “What do you think he was going to say?”

  He shook his head and stared at the solid door with its intricate, ancient symbols. “If I had to guess, I’d say he was pointing us in the direction of Spring. The girl is a walking encyclopedia of spells. If anyone can come up with a way to drag my sister into this realm, it would be her.”


  The next detour for Ryker and GiGi was to Spring’s home. They found her and Knox taking breakfast in their extensive gardens. She was quick to jump up and hug them both.

  “Aunt GiGi, Uncle Ryker! Is everything okay? We haven’t heard anything since late last night.”

  “We’re quite all right, child. Everything seems to have settled down for the moment. But Ryker and I would like to speak with you and Knox if that’s okay.”

  “Pull up a chair. There’s more than enough food.”

  Ryker gave them a quick explanation as to the reason for their visit, while GiGi sipped a cup of tea and mentally marveled over talking to her brother for the first time since his death. Seeing Preston again left her raw and achy. Had he come against the Goddess’s wishes? Was that why he’d been recalled with suc
h force? She worried he’d broken a few cosmic rules in suggesting they seek out Spring. GiGi hated to think he would be in trouble with Isis.

  “GiGi?” Ryker’s voice jolted her out of her musings.

  “I’m sorry. I was woolgathering. What did I miss?”

  “Uncle Ryker was just saying he thinks my father hinted I might be useful because of my knowledge with spells. It’s possible Dad was indicating the Book of Thoth as a source of those spells.”

  The book her niece referenced was one never meant for human hands. Isis had demanded the tome in repayment for her help last year when Spring had gone missing. Only once did the Thornes break trust with the Goddess. It was when they utilized a memorized spell from the book to recall Aurora to the land of the living. Now, they were all hesitant to anger Isis by using the forbidden magic.

  GiGi’s gaze collided with Ryker’s. “He didn’t specifically mention that particular book, but yes, that’s the impression I got, too.”

  Despite the seriousness of the conversation, Ryker winked, and GiGi was hard-pressed not to grin in return. Her husband was one cool cat. Very little disturbed his laid-back attitude. The man lived for intrigue.

  “Is anyone worried that we might piss the Goddess off so badly this time that she might retaliate? What if she revokes our powers? It could leave us all vulnerable.” Although he appeared casual, Knox’s anxiety brewed beneath the surface and electrified the air around him. If GiGi understood one thing about the young man sitting across from her, it was that he would stop at nothing to protect Spring. It stood to reason his concern stemmed from the constant threat from Serqet, sister to Isis, who had it in for the couple.

  But Knox wasn’t wrong about Isis’s potential reaction, and the other three shifted uneasily. Finally, Ryker spoke.

  “I’ll not put our family at risk. For now, I’ll continue to see what I can find. But you must know, I strongly feel that yesterday’s attack had Beecham’s name written all over it. He won’t stop.”


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