Book Read Free

The Staff of Power

Page 16

by D E Boske

  “Takasha! How can you ask me that? She’s your daughter. Don’t you want us to find her?”

  “You forget yourself! She is my daughter and I want her found. But more than that, I must tend to my people. They are my responsibility and our situation is a delicate one. Secrecy is our ally. It has kept us safe thus far.”

  “No one has ever seen us and lived to tell about it. I am going after her.”

  “Do you have any idea as to where she’s gone? How will you find her?” asked Thelarki in a detached tone.

  “Don’t worry. We will find her. We are more than qualified for this. We’ve never failed in a mission before,” Kryndale took his leave and went to find his second in command.

  They had very little time left. Whatever clues Nephraete had left behind were fading by the hour. He had to find her and bring her safely home. He could not imagine why she had left. She always seemed so happy here. Could someone have taken her? He did not think so.

  The magic that protected Kaleika Bay was as formidable as the magic that guarded their brethren in Kiri A’ Nouell, whom they split from so long ago. Sometimes, it seemed it had never really happened. The elves’ memories were long indeed, but even they could barely remember the times before the Niri Ku’ Yamma, or the Great Split, as it was called in the common tongue.

  Kryndale found Tryndil leaning casually on a tree. If he was not Gor Li’ Khan, he did not think he would have noticed him, so well did he blend.

  “Get everyone together. We leave at dawn.”

  “Kryndale, what is it? What’s happened?”

  “We’re going after Nephraete. We must find her and our time is short. I will bring her back. Gather the needed supplies. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone.” Tryndil nodded, though it didn’t matter, Kryndale was already gone.


  Kyler kept his arm around Nephraete, holding her close. Her head rested on his shoulder and she made soft contented sounds. He began to stroke her hair, losing himself in the feel of it. It was as soft as silk and he imagined entwining his fingers in it as he kissed her neck easing her down… He ran his hand down her back and she snuggled closer to him. She was so beautiful and he felt like he was ensorcelled, as if his actions were not his own. It was as if he watched from outside his body. He kissed the top of her head, her smell filling his head, intoxicating him.

  “Nephraete…” he said, straining to control himself.

  “Yes?” she said, looking up at him. Her heart beat rapidly. His lips were almost on hers when…

  “Kyler… Takasha! Forgive me, I didn’t know… The Mage is awake,” Chamlen announced. Hearing this, Kyler stood, helping Nephraete to her feet and followed the tracker back to camp.

  It was true. Darian sat up, albeit leaning on Tynuviel. He looked better, though he would need a few more days’ rest before they began their long journey to Thunder Peak.

  He sat propped against a tree, Tynuviel by his side, holding his hand. All the elves were gathered ‘round except for Trighton. His friend was still hurt and angry, looking for any reason to avoid them. He was probably on perimeter guard.

  Upon seeing Kyler, Darian broke into a wide grin. Kyler gripped his hand warmly. “It’s good to see you awake my friend,” Kyler said, nodding to the others. They departed, leaving them alone.

  “Darian, what were you thinking going off alone? Had we not found you in time…” Kyler trailed off.

  “I know. I have a lot to be thankful for. You have my gratitude Kyler, Nephraete. I know I have a lot to answer for when I get better. Nephraete, I’m sorry. There was no time to explain or ask permission for what I did. I knew that you and you alone could receive my message and interpret it. We are linked now, both of us, for good or ill.”

  “What are you talking about?” asked Kyler and Darian and the seer exchanged looks.

  “Nephraete is T Ama’ Ro and I knew that she would be able to receive my message. I had no time to ask for permission. I had to send it and hope for the best. I sent her my very essence leaving my body an empty husk. They tortured me for… I do not know how long and my time was growing short. I told them nothing though the Dark Mage tried. He scoured my brain and it felt like millions of tiny needles stabbing ever deeper. I lost my vision for a time.” The Mage seemed to grow contemplative as if he was back in the dungeon. Nephraete gripped his hand to let him know he was not alone and he smiled at her and winked.

  They talked long into the night and Kyler told Darian the story of his rescue.

  “Not to sound ungrateful, but I’m surprised you got it done so easily. It should have been far more difficult.”

  “That’s the one thing that’s bothered me. It all seemed too easy. Maybe it’s some sort of trap and they let you go to track you, to finish you off.”

  “I’m not an easy target even on my worst day. If it’s a battle they want, I’ll give them a battle they’ll never forget!”

  “You mean we’ll give them a battle they’ll never forget. You’re not in this alone Darian. We’re all here for you,” Kyler said, clasping the Mage’s hand.

  “Rest now my friend. Gather your strength. We’ve a long road to travel.” He held out his hand for Nephraete, helping her to her feet. Darian lay back down, slipping quickly into Ru Nay’ Sha.

  The night was dark and quiet. Nephraete was restless and unable to slip into the dream-like state of the elves. She decided to take a walk; it always seemed to ease her mind.

  “You should be careful walking alone late at night.” Nephraete smiled.

  “I’m still in the camp Chamlen, what could possibly happen?”

  “In these times who can say?” he said, a smile touching his lips. “Kyler would never forgive us if we let anything happen to you.

  “Chamlen, surely you jest. Kyler does not seem like a harsh taskmaster.”

  “I know,” he said quietly. “It’s that angelic, innocent look he’s got that throws people off.” Chamlen couldn’t keep a straight face and laughed and the seer joined in.

  “I can’t sleep and I thought I’d take a walk. Care to join me?” she asked.

  “Sure,” Chamlen responded. “What’s your home like Nephraete?” asked the tracker.

  “Once upon a time it was full of beauty and life. But since my mother was killed, it has been a prison,” the seer said softly.

  “I’m sorry, you don’t need to talk about it if you don’t want to. I had no idea,” said Chamlen looking abashed.

  “It’s ok Chamlen. It’s time I talk about what happened. You know of the Tara Ku’ Mai, yes?” she asked.

  “When the elves split so long ago, the elves that went to Kaleika Bay yearned to live by the ocean. They took the name Tara Ku’ Mai because of their love for the open water.”

  “Yes, that’s right,” she said. “But did you know that over time, we have adapted to our environment as did our bodies. These changes took place over centuries perhaps millennia. Who can say? Anyway, we love the water and swimming comes natural to us. My mother was in the water when she was attacked by a huge shark. There was so much blood! I would not leave her side and if it wasn’t for Kryndale, I’d probably be dead as well. He dragged me ashore and…” she stifled a sob.

  “Nephraete, I’m so sorry!” Chamlen exclaimed, taking her in his arms. She wept uncontrollably as he held her. “I should never have brought it up, I’m sorry.”

  “I miss her so much! Everything changed after that and my father forbid us from entering the water. He locked me in my room and kept me there for days without letting me out. I fled to get away from him and his tyranny. He promised my hand to Kryndale without even asking for my consent. He’s not the same man or ruler anymore.”

  “It sounds like he was trying to protect his people, but went about it the wrong way. Did you try to talk to him? To reason with him?”

  “Of course, even Kryndale tried, but he wouldn’t listen. It became clear to me that in order to be free, I must leave my homeland and so I left and came to Kiri A’ Nouell
,” she yawned.

  “C’mon, I’ll make sure you get back safely,” Chamlen urged.

  “Thank you Chamlen,” she said as she took his hand.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Dawn in Kaleika Bay saw the Gor Li’ Khan depart quietly, no fanfare. Thelarki hung his head, unsure if he had done the right thing. He wasn’t sure if he could have stopped Kryndale had he chosen to do so. He wanted his daughter returned to him, but wasn’t sure Kryndale was the right choice for the task. No matter, things were already set in motion. He would see her soon enough. Kryndale never failed and his love for Nephraete could be used to Thelarki’s advantage. The Gor Li’ Khan faded from sight quickly and he turned his attention to the flickering flames in the hearth, lost in thought.

  They had a long, hard road to travel, but Kryndale felt he and his warriors were equal to the task. He would not stop until Nephraete was with him again. The sun was warm and bright and the salt tang was heavy in the air. The sands of the beach were light and the water appeared a beautiful shade of green-blue.

  Kryndale loved the smell of the ocean and was not eager to leave his home behind. He had no idea how long they would be gone, but he knew it would be longer than any other previous mission. He had chosen five of his best warriors to accompany him, and he trusted them implicitly.

  Krayven was his best tracker and he put him in front. If there were still a trail to follow, he would find it. Behind him, he heard Kralkor and Tryndil talking in low tones.

  “Why go after her at all? It’s obvious she’s fled,” stated Kralkor softly.

  “He would marry her, you know this,” replied Tryndil curtly, as if he had said this many times already.

  Kryndale smiled to himself. Tryndil was second in command and as close to a friend as any Gor Li’ Khan could get.

  “Why force her, she was not happy here and did not desire him. It was plain for all to see. Those who cared to,” said Kralkor.

  “Do as you are told!” Tryndil snapped.

  Kryndale knew Tryndil was not happy with this mission, but he would never voice it aloud. They remained quiet for most of the day. They were close to the border of their land, the smell of brine fading with each step they took.

  Ahead lay the difficult mountain pass of Blavven Krill. Aside from goblins and orcs, which were no threat, creatures more sinister awaited them. They would need all of their skill and power to make it through. In front, Krayven bent low to the ground. He retrieved something,

  inspected it, and brought it to Kryndale.

  A silver hair, Nephraete had come this way! A shock wave of fear ripped through him.

  Could she have made it through Blavven Krill alive? She was T Ama’ Ro and so did not have the same abilities as the rest of her people.

  If she had perished… What would he do? As if sensing what he was feeling, Tryndil spoke.

  “We will find her. She will be alright,” he assured his commander. Kryndale merely nodded, not trusting his voice right now.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Kyler was unable to rest, troubled with the sight of Limmin. The death of Destiny and their child haunted him every night, every waking moment. It seemed the only time he was free from the gruesome sights was when he was in the company of Nephraete. Her calm, soothing manner put him at ease and increasingly he sought her out.

  Weeks had passed since Destiny’s death and surely, she would not want him to spend the rest of his life alone. Shenna forgive him, but he was falling in love with Nephraete. He almost kissed her tonight, if it wasn’t for Chamlen interrupting.

  When he looked into her eyes though, he thought he saw fear, surprise even, but not desire. This made him pause. Kyler sat up, his back against the tree. He saw Nephraete walking to her bedroll. Where had she been? Then he saw Chamlen coming from the same direction. Chamlen was loyal to him and probably made sure she got back safely. Nephraete saw Kyler was awake and came over to sit beside him.

  Since they had left to find Darian, Nephraete had taken to wearing breeches that fit her well, accenting every sensuous curve. Her tunics, she wore loose. He watched her approach, enjoying the sight of her.

  “You can’t rest either?” she asked as she seated herself.

  “The nightmares… I cannot rid myself of the visions,” was all he said.

  “I’m sorry Kyler. I have lived with it my whole life and I would like to tell you that it gets easier, but it doesn’t.” He looked upset, would not look her in the eye. She reached out to touch his face and she thought she saw a tear slide down his cheek. Indeed, it was! Gently, she wiped it away.

  “Kyler, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s nothing,” he whispered.

  “You can tell me anything, you know,” she said, reaching out to take his hand.

  “Every time I close my eyes I see the cottage and what we found inside. The only time I am free of it is when you’re with me. I… feel so guilty, but… Nephraete, I think I’m falling in love with you.” Kyler looked into her eyes, his face so close to hers.

  “I fell in love back home in Kaleika Bay. It’s you Kyler. It’s always been you. Since the first vision I had of you. You are the reason I left my home. I traveled all the way to Mishkalan in the hopes I could meet you, I knew when and where you’d be. Luck made you walk down that lane. I even sent Calisha to locate you. Then I found out you were betrothed already and I felt like such a fool.” Her hands were in her lap and she dared not meet his eyes, afraid of what she’d find there.

  He reached out to stroke her face. Her skin was cool and smooth. She risked a glance at him and he pulled her to him. His lips were on hers, kissing her softly, tenderly. He eased her down to his bedroll, kissing her again, filled with passion and yearning. She felt heady and intoxicated. He broke off the kiss and looked her in the eye.

  “The first time I saw you, I felt drawn to you. I felt guilty, as if I had betrayed Destiny. Then your vision… You knew what would happen, didn’t you? You knew what we would find.”

  “Yes, I knew. When you handed me the coins in Mishkalan, it triggered the vision… Your touch… It happens that way sometimes. I know that our lives are one. Whatever happens, we will do it together. That is when I traveled to Kiri A’ Nouell to speak with your father. I must say, he looked quite surprised to see me. I told him why I had come and what I wanted and he acquiesced. All I wanted was to be near you, though it was painful. I began to wonder if I made a terrible mistake in leaving my home.”

  “And now? Do you think you erred?”

  “No, I don’t.” She kissed him, liking this new and sensuous experience.

  “The only time I’m at ease, not being haunted by those visions, is when you’re with me. You calm me… soothe my spirit. I need you Nephraete.”

  “Then, I must tell you something. I was betrothed. My father promised my hand against my will to Kryndale, head of the Gor Li’ Khan. Though I do not love him, I’m sure he will come after me and try to make me return home. Please, don’t let him. I want to stay here with you.”

  She was terrified, trembling visibly. He put his hands to either side of her face and kissed her softly. He kissed her neck, running his hands through her hair. Meeting no resistance, he loosened her shirt, kissing along her collarbone. She pulled away, trying to catch her breath. His lips sent shivers down her spine.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked, bewildered.

  “I’m sorry. You’re the first one I ever kissed.” Realization dawned and he blushed.

  “I’m sorry. I did not know. I…” he stammered and she laughed, touching his cheek.

  “I had many suitors. Actually, I think my father forced them, but I was not interested in any of them. Father was quite upset. After a while, he seemed to give up. Kryndale was my friend, we grew up together and we were close. I had no idea that he had feelings for me or that he asked for my hand. When he told me, I was furious! I know I hurt him but at the time, I didn’t care. I wanted to fall in love, to be with someone who I was attracted t

  She leaned into him and put her head on his shoulder. He could feel her warm breath on his neck. He stroked her hair as he listened to her breathing.


  “Hmmmm?” she said dreamily.

  “I think my father will be happy with my choice this time.”

  “Yes, I think he will. He told me… After the council meeting when we returned from Limmin. He was even willing to talk to you for me.”

  “Really? All this time I had no idea. What did you tell him?”

  “I told him you needed a friend, not a lover. That maybe in time we might…”

  “How much time?” he asked in a sultry tone as he pulled her into another kiss. He eased her down into his bedroll. They talked quietly for long moments before slipping into Ru Nay’ Sha.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Galavad paced back and forth in his chambers, agitated.

  “What is going on? Why have we heard nothing? Kyler should have sent a message by now,” he said, continuing to pace. Tiriel smiled at him as she did her embroidery.

  “He must have a good reason to delay a message. I’m sure he’s fine. Maybe some unforeseen events hold his attention?”

  “I hope you’re right,” his voice softened as he looked upon his wife. “He sent regular messages, then nothing for two weeks now. What if something’s happened? I do not want trouble with The Order. They would prove a most difficult enemy.”

  “Gal, you don’t think it will come to that, do you?” For the first time, worry crept into her voice. The Monarch crossed the room and put his arm around her.

  “No. I’m sure you’re right. Things are probably fine,” he said, trying to soothe her. He put his hand on her belly to feel the life growing within her and smiled.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Nephraete awoke to find herself alone. Kyler was already up and about. She sat up and looked around. She wanted to speak to Kyler. Her heart beat rapidly and joy filled her. She felt a hand on her back and she jumped, startled.


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