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The Staff of Power

Page 17

by D E Boske

  “I brought you some tea,” Chamlen said, handing her a cup. Kyler looked in their direction, but was involved with Shaz right now and could not get away.

  “Thank you Chamlen,” she said softly.

  “You’re welcome. Are you alright?” he asked, touching her brow.

  “Yes, I’m fine, thanks.” She smiled and he nodded.

  “Are you hungry? I’ve got some fresh fruit and cheese we could share.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Chamlen, thank you for listening to me last night,” she said, taking his hand in hers. “It means a lot to me and I’m happy we’re friends.”

  “Me too,” he said as he divided up the food.

  She noticed Kiel watching her, heard his voice resonate in her head. You will be safe among us Nephraete. No harm will befall you, he told her with a smile. She smiled at him and he winked back.

  Darian woke to find the sun shining brightly. He sat up and checked himself to make sure all his parts were intact. He was stiff, sore and his muscles ached. He looked

  around for Tynuviel. He was unsure of how much time had passed since his capture. But he thought they had been here for close to a month now, waiting for him to recover.

  He knew the elves should never have been able to rescue him. The Dark Mage let them go, that was the only explanation. The Dark Mage was too powerful, the elves were no match for him and Darian suspected neither was he. He would not tell Kyler this, though Kyler probably already thought along the same lines.

  His stomach rumbled, and he put away all other thoughts except for food. He smelled cooked meat and vegetables and his stomach rumbled again. He saw Tynuviel approaching, two bowls in hand. The sight of her made him ache with longing.

  Kyler followed with his own food and a small sack. He emptied the contents of the sack and to Darian’s surprise and delight, it was an ale skin and cups. Kyler poured them all some and Darian finished it before Kyler put the skin down. The elf refilled his friend’s cup, then began to eat.

  Darian forced himself to eat slowly, remaining silent for now. The stew tasted wonderful, having been the first meal he had eaten in some time. He sipped his second cup of ale, carefully keeping his thoughts off his face.

  “You look well my friend,” Kyler said in his musical voice. “It is good to have you back. We’ve all missed you, some more than others,” he said, glancing at his sister.

  Kyler sensed a change in his friend. He saw the way Darian looked at his sister and knew it would not be long before they were together. He wondered if she would tell him of Trighton. It was none of his business, even though the Mage was his friend; it wasn’t his place to tell him.

  “I feel like my old self again. Thank you for all you’ve done, Kyler. I know I shouldn’t have gone off by myself and that I endangered all of us by doing so. At the time, I thought it best. I tried to keep you out of it. I needed information and was sure that I could get it. I now know a Dark Mage is after me. I still do not know his identity. I long suspected my mentor Aganor, but thankfully, it is not him. I dare not contact him because I do not trust any of them, but I do not believe it is over. They will continue to come after me until they succeed or I kill the Dark Mage,” Darian finished quietly.

  “Do you feel well enough to go on in the morning?”

  “Yes, the sooner we begin again, the better I’ll feel. All this waiting around sets me on edge.” Kyler collected the dishes and left them alone. They sat for a while, saying nothing, just enjoying each other’s company.

  “Ty, I need to talk to you,” he said quietly as he rose and took her hand.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere where we can be alone.” His words excited her, and she wondered if the time had finally come.

  “Darian, are you sure you’re up to this?”

  “Oh yeah. I’m up to it alright.” He replied with a smirk.

  “That’s not what I meant!” She laughed, slapping him playfully. They walked for some time, making sure they were well out of the camp and out of earshot. Finally, he was sure they were alone.

  “Ty, I need you. It’s been so long…” he whispered as he leaned into her. He kissed her, easing her back against a tree. His hands were all over her body, evoking emotions and sensations coursing through her. Though she could feel his urgency, he was very gentle with her.

  His hands on her breasts quickened her breathing. He kissed her neck, unlacing her shirt. He ran his hand up her inner thigh, his touch making her quiver and moan.

  “Darian please. We need to talk first. There’s something you need to know,” she said breathlessly. He continued stroking her tender flesh, his lips all over her.

  “Darian,” she said more forcefully, trying to break his hold. He was so strong! It was like pushing against a wall. His mouth was on hers, his hand finding its way inside her breeches and she gasped aloud.

  “Ty every time we try, something happens. I know it’s mostly been my fault, but I’m not going to let anything get in the way anymore. We have both wanted this for so long. The waiting is over.”

  “But…” she began.

  “Shhhhh…” he replied, as he covered her mouth with his.

  She gave up on her protests. This is what she always wanted. She undid his shirt, hanging it on a nearby branch. Running her hands over his smooth muscular chest, she kissed him as she slid her hands lower. He moaned at her touch, his clothes straining to contain him. She unlaced his breeches and he felt a wild rush of excitement. This time he would make love to her. Damn the Mages! Damn The Order! Damn everything!

  He eased her down onto his Shryvven, sliding her breeches off. The sight of her aroused him and he kissed her again. He kissed between her breasts, down to her belly and below. She cried out in pleasure, reveling at his touch. Darian was a good lover and he took his time.

  He knew how to please a woman and he did it with relish. Finally, he could stand it no more. Any more foreplay and he would explode.

  “Tynuviel! Where are you?” Trighton called. Darian acted as if he did not hear. Tynuviel heard, but didn’t care. Darian was almost inside her when Trighton came upon them.

  “Tynuviel, what are you doing?” Trighton asked angrily. Darian looked up at him, a feral look on his face.

  “Fazsescha un Datte…” Darian was beginning a spell!

  “Darian… No!” cried Tynuviel, jumping in front of Trighton. Trighton blanched, his eyes wide in shock.

  “She didn’t tell you about us huh? How we became lovers after you took off?” he smirked.

  “Ty, is this true?” Darian asked, shattered.

  “Of course not! We’re just friends, nothing more,” she whispered, hurt and angry, unable to look him in the eye.

  “Of course she’ll say that. She doesn’t want you to find out about us, about the kiss we shared and her hand inside my breeches. Then it would ruin her chances with you,” remarked Trighton.

  “You bastard! Why…?” Tynuviel trailed off as Darian began to gather his clothes and leave. “Darian, don’t go. Please let me explain… It was only…” she trailed off.

  The Mage grabbed his things and stalked off, angry and hurt. He knew he had no right

  to either. He almost killed him! Ty seemed to evoke emotions within him that he found hard to control. He needed time to think things through and get past this. Why could she not look him in the eye? Was there truth to Trighton’s words? There must be if she felt she needed to “explain.” What else had she been going to say? They only made love one time? This is why Mages don’t fall in love. It messes with our minds and makes us vulnerable. He thought.

  He had almost killed Trighton. If Ty had not stopped him… Ty… He could not believe he had walked away again. This time for very different reasons. If he was losing his control… He would be too dangerous to be around. He cast a minor cantrip to clothe himself, grabbed his staff and tapped it on the ground.

  “Chi Ni’ Aya,” he spoke the command word that brought his staff to life. Pictur
ing Trighton’s face, he swung his staff with brutal force, smashing through the imaginary elf’s face. A doorway opened and he stepped through to his tower, letting the gate close and encasing himself in silence.

  Tynuviel watched Darian go. She called to him repeatedly, but he would not turn around. She did not understand what was going on with him. Heated up one moment and the next ice cold. She knew he thought there was something going on between her and Trighton. And she knew she was partly to blame. She’d wanted to tell him about what passed between her and Trighton to get it out in the open. She didn’t honestly think he would walk away from her. She was scared because she’d never seen the Mage act so blatantly irresponsible. Had she not stopped him, he’d have killed Trighton! Why did she stop him? This was not the Mage she knew. Was it because of his torture? Why was he acting so strangely? It was uncharacteristic of him to behave in such a fashion.

  She seethed with anger, directing it at Trighton. He had deliberately followed them and fabricated that story, insinuating to Darian that they were lovers. Almost doesn’t count. They had not made love and she couldn’t be more thankful! Trighton was an idiot and she couldn’t believe they’d been friends. What made it even worse was that irritating smirk on his face. She entertained thoughts of slapping it off. Why had she let herself get close to him?

  She began to dress, smiling as she did at the image of Trighton’s head flying backwards from the force of her blows. Sometimes men, no matter what race they were, could be very stupid. He mistook the smile on her face, moving closer. She wound her arm back and slapped him across the face as hard as she could. His head flew back just as she imagined. Blood sprayed from his nose as he lost his balance, ending up on the ground landing hard on his ass. Shock registered on his fair features, quickly turning to anger.

  “What’s your problem?” he asked, his voice sharp. Brushing himself off, he stood, hands on his hips, waiting for her reply.

  “I can’t believe you’d even ask me that!” she shouted. “Trighton, I don’t think we can be friends anymore. I can’t even stand the sight of you right now.” She walked away from him as tears leaked from her eyes, running down her cheeks and blurring her vision.

  She needed Tireniel. He was a true friend. He never tried to put his hands on her even though she had wished a time a two that he would. Darian’s absences were painful for her and she needed… Sometimes a girl just needs hot, torrid, no strings attached, uncomplicated sex, she thought.

  Shaz had remained quiet and out of the way. This was uncharacteristic of him, but he was enjoying himself. The elves believed that they were the superior race. So far, they were not acting like it. Trighton acted like a spoiled child caught stealing an extra sweet. He was so angry that Darian had pulled through! Although Darian and Shaz had not had words recently, they could not stand each other. He saw Darian and Tynuviel sneak off together.

  “I’ll be damned. He’s finally gonna’ give it to her,” he whispered to himself. At least someone’s getting lucky, he thought to himself. He was perpetually aroused, aching for release. He was not the type to fondle himself and he was growing desperate. The next town they stopped in, he was heading straight for the brothel.

  Recently, he found out that Kiel Lindurian was an Elflord. An Elflord, he knew, was of an old bloodline that went back before the Great Split. The elves treated him with great respect. Kiel carried himself like a king, everything about him, his mannerisms, his bearing, and his speech. Fiercely loyal to Kyler, he would not tolerate any dissension. His keen eyes missed nothing. They fell upon Shaz as if he knew what Shaz had been thinking. He was the epitome of what an elf should be. And Trighton could learn a lot from him.

  Shaz saw Trighton go off in the same direction as Darian and Tynuviel, knowing there would be trouble. Shaz could have tried to stop Trighton, but felt this was not his fight. Besides, this was a way for him to get even with the Mage. The elves seemed to resent his presence no matter what he did. This could really be entertaining, he thought, rubbing his chin. When he looked back, Kiel was gone.


  Once inside his tower, he threw his things on the bed and went to his study. He sat at his desk to think; it was one of his favorite places. This was where he could truly find himself. He created some of his most powerful spells here. No one could find him, interrupt his train of thought or distract him. Dozens of little vials and flasks littered the desk and shelves all in neat rows, carefully labeled for content. Inside his drawer were his notes on experiments, successes and failures. He withdrew them and began reading over them. He could not concentrate though. He saw Ty’s face and imagined her with Trighton, doing things she should only be doing with him.

  Suddenly, he became angry. He swept everything from his desk in one violent motion. A thousand tiny crashes resounded in his brain as powders and liquids spilled from shattered encasements, mingling together on the floor where he left them.

  Cursing aloud, for most of these things were rare and expensive, he quickly spoke a spell in an irritated, clipped tone. The mess was gone, all the contents back inside their respected places upon his desk once more.

  He banished himself from his study until he could better control his temper. He did not understand. Since he met Ty and fallen in love with her, he had lost his composure more times

  than during all of his training at Piri-Tuma.

  Damn Trighton! They were so close! Since his rescue, she’s all he thought of. During his recovery, though unconscious, he looked deep inside himself, struggling to find what held him back. After many days of solitude and delving deep inside, he found it, a milky, opaque wall deep in his brain. It controlled his emotions, limiting him, restraining him.

  The shield was strong and in his weakened state, it seemed too much for him to break. Every day he chiseled away a little more. Whoever created it underestimated him, his talents and abilities.

  When he was finally able to break through, he sank deep into unconsciousness. It would be days until he would wake again, but he had done it! Now, when he thought of Ty, he no longer felt the familiar resistance. He could not wait until he recovered so he could take her in his arms and show her how much he loved her.

  He knew this was dangerous ground. The Order forbade their love. He wondered if he should just give up and go back to the way things were before with Gayla… He loved Tynuviel, but could not risk her life. What was he going to do? Who was telling the truth, Ty or Trighton? He wanted to believe Ty, he did, but… Why could she not look at him? Damn it! She started to tell him something and now he was certain that it was about her and Trighton.

  Kyler had warned him, what seemed like a lifetime ago. If only he had done something sooner. He should have taken care of it right away. They could be making love right now. As if to mock him, he became intensely aroused at the thought of her. He went to his bathing room and stripped off his clothes, immersing himself in cool water.

  “Darian! Where are you?” He could hear Kyler calling to him. He had many orbs and crystals, each one magically tuned to a person or place. He could hear and see them as if they were right there with him. He did not wish to see Kyler right now, nor anyone else. Sinking into the water, he blocked out everything.

  He emerged sometime later, feeling like a new man. Except for the hole in his heart, he felt pretty good. He cleaned off his bed and put everything away. He liked a clean, tidy place. He did not like clutter.

  He must take control over his emotions. Until he did, he was too dangerous to be around. He had nearly killed Trighton. What was he thinking? As much as he wanted to, he could not get involved with Tynuviel right now. If The Order found out… He knew it wasn’t just The Order that he was worried about. He sensed something was different within him. He wasn’t the same Mage that had been captured. He came back different, irrevocably changed somehow.

  He perused the many volumes of his library, chose one and went to his favorite chair. He

  seated himself and began to read.

were a treasured item because they were very expensive and only those who were wealthy owned any at all. Even the very wealthy only owned a handful. It was a time consuming, monotonous job; each page had to be copied word for word. It became increasingly difficult to find one that had a fine script who was willing to do it.

  “Darian? I need to see you. Where are you?” A woman’s sultry voice called.

  “Gayla?” he whispered. Against his will, he ached with desire.

  It would be so easy to slip back into their old routine. A part of him wanted to. After all, Trighton wanted him to believe Ty had betrayed him. Even as he thought it, he knew he was not being fair.

  It was his fault. She tried numerous times to coerce him. He could not lay the blame at anyone else’s feet. She tried to tell him something, but he did not let her. He felt certain she was going to tell him of her and Trighton. He did not even know for sure that there was any truth to Trighton’s story. Tynuviel said they were just friends. She wouldn’t lie, would she?

  He put the book down and went to his study. In one of the crystals, he could see Gayla’s beautiful face. His flesh reminded him it had been a long time. Unconsciously, he reached out and touched the square shaped crystal, stroking her face.

  Back in Mogan Dar, she was his lover. He never spoke to her of The Order or his duties. She knew next to nothing of him. They saw each other regularly then. That was close to three years ago. His breeches strained to contain him. Throwing caution to the wind, he touched the crystal again and uttered a word.

  “Kharna,” he whispered the word that would bring his lover to him.

  She appeared seconds later in front of him, distraught, confused and so beautiful. He crossed the distance to her, wrapped her in his arms and covered her mouth with his.

  With her, he did not need to pretend. They knew each other. She knew what he wanted, she knew what he needed, and she gave it to him without question. He gestured and her dress slid off her slim form to the floor. She moaned at his touch as she fumbled with the laces on his breeches. He almost lost control as she put her hands on him. It had been too long. She eased him down in his favorite chair, got down on her knees and pleasured him. He sat back and began to relax and unwind, all the tension draining away.


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