Pleading the Fifth

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Pleading the Fifth Page 4

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  He’d called the law firm which had sent the letter, but the two partners in charge were in Europe for another week, so Tristan had time to kill. In that time he’d found a house in a nice neighborhood. It wasn’t LA which was actually nice. Seattle had a homey feel to it that he hadn’t expected. Jacob and Seth had moved all their things in, which left him to do the shopping. Tristan turned the corner and ran right into another cart. He looked up to see Scott, scowling at him.

  “Great,” Scott groaned.

  “Good to see you too, sweetie.”

  “Let’s just pretend we didn’t see each

  other.” Scott moved the cart around Tristan. This time he shot a sideways glance at the man’s ass. Damn, it was tight.

  “As much as I’d like to, my retinas have already been burned by your image,” Tristan drawled.

  Scott tilted his head. “I’m sure there’s a medication for your affliction.”

  “I know there’s one for yours, it’s called Viagra.” Tristan walked down the next aisle.

  “Ooooh! So witty!” Scott called over his shoulder, taking the aisle on the opposite side. “Just stay on your side. By the way, the Depends are in aisle three.”

  “I see you know just where they are,” Tristan snickered. “Says a lot about you.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Tristan chuckled as he made his way down the aisle. He realized he’d walked right by the condiments and backed up to look through the selection. After filling the cart to its capacity, he headed for the checkout lane. His eyes landed on a box of condoms when he got to the bottom of the cart.

  “I didn’t get these.” Tristan narrowed his eyes at the box. They were the smallest size made.

  “It’s all right, sir. You know what they say about size,” the cashier giggled.

  “No really…” Tristan looked at the almost empty cart. Lube and a crap load of batteries along with some other…things were spread out over the bottom of the cart. Tristan’s head shot up at a small chuckle to his left. Scott was pushing his cart out the door with a wave.

  “Dammit, Delange!”

  “Bye, Miles,” Scott sing-songed.

  “Son of a bitch!” Tristan growled. “Just ring up what you have so far, this shit is not mine.”

  “If you say so, sir,” the cashier smiled.

  By the time Tristan made it outside, Scott was just finishing loading his truck, which was parked right next to Tristan’s BMW.

  “Very funny, Delange.” Tristan unlocked his car with the remote.

  Scott checked out the car next to his truck. “So, you drive a Beemer. Why does that not surprise me? All pretentious assholes drive them.”

  “Big truck, are you compensating for something?”

  “If you’re going to be a smartass, please be smart first, or you’re just an ass.”

  “How long did it take you to come up with that one?” Tristan smirked.

  “This whole thing could have been avoided if you’d just waited for me that day, but noooo you just had to get a cab when I was almost there.”

  “I was tired! I just wanted a shower and to relax.”

  “You had no idea what I’d been through that day! I couldn’t have left any earlier than I did and I got caught in traffic because of an accident!” Scott pushed Tristan backwards.

  “I don’t give a shit!” Tristan shoved Scott into his truck. Grabbing the front of his shirt, he pulled him up to his face.

  “Oh fuck.” Scott inhaled the deep, woodsy smell of Tristan and felt his cock hardening.

  Tristan’s cock rose to the occasion as well. “Fucking pheromones,” Tristan grumbled.

  “Goddamn you smell so fucking good,” Scott growled.

  “I don’t know if I want to beat your ass or fuck you standing up.” Tristan gripped Scott’s hair at the nape of his neck. Yanking the smaller man’s head back, he pressed his nose to Scott’s throat, inhaling the scent of his mate. Jesus, he wanted Scott six ways from Sunday.

  “I’ll take the second option,” Scott breathed. “It’s just the mate thing, that’s all.” Scott closed his eyes as Tristan’s lips slid up his neck. “That’s why we’re so fucking turned on. Doesn’t mean we like each other.”

  “Uh huh…” Tristan grabbed Scott’s ass in one hand, squeezing.

  The fact that Tristan was taller than him and more muscular only added to Scott’s desire. He closed his eyes, feeling Tristan’s strong hands running up his back. A car horn blared and Tristan jerked back. Scott looked around the parking lot; they were being watched by more than one person. He fixed his shirt and righted his erection.

  “This doesn’t change anything, Miles.”

  Tristan leaned in backing Scott into his truck again. Coming within inches of Scott’s lips, Tristan licked his own slowly. “If you say so, Delange.”

  Scott turned quickly and got into his truck. He backed up and looked at Tristan; he’d resumed loading his Beemer with groceries. Things had gotten very close and Scott could still hear his blood pounding in his ears. He’d been more than just a little turned on. Damn, he had wanted Tristan so badly. The aroma coming from his mate was downright arousing as hell. Tristan’s hands were strong; he could practically feel them on his skin now. Scott pulled over when he was far enough away from the store and banged his head on the steering wheel. “Dammit.”

  Chapter Three

  Tristan drove home in total confusion – which, frankly, was a first for him. He had heard the mate bond was strong, but really? He’d wanted Scott so bad he could taste it. Tristan growled in frustration, in all his years he’d never been so damn attracted to someone before. Scott’s dark eyes were mesmerizing. He’d always liked men with light eyes, but Scott’s eyes were so damn dark they almost looked black. And hot damn if that wasn’t sexy. Tristan could still feel Scott on his hands and lips; he’d wanted to kiss him.

  Tristan shook his head. He didn’t kiss often but this time he’d really wanted to explore Scott Delange’s mouth. Slowly. And for a really long time.

  He pulled into the garage and turned the car off. Opening the trunk, he grabbed one of the lighter bags and juggled it as he fished for his keys. He unlocked the door to the house and balanced the bag on his knee to open the door. It flew open and Jacob stood smiling at him. Grabbing the bag from Tristan, He made his way into the kitchen and put it down on the dining room table. He turned to look at Tristan with a wide smile. Tristan looked behind him to see what Jacob was grinning at. Jacob laughed.

  “You smell like Scott.” Tristan scowled. “I ran into him at the store.”

  “Oh? So how did that go?”

  Tristan walked back out to the garage, grabbing another bag from the trunk. “Don’t ask.”

  “I don’t have to ask, his scent is all over you.”

  “It wasn’t like that!” Tristan hurled a loaf of bread at Jacob, who caught the loaf one handed and smiled at Tristan.

  “Hmm, a little pissy? Someone’s horny.” “I am not.”

  “Yes you are; whenever you need to get laid you get pissy.”

  “Okay, you knowing that is just weird.”

  “Look, let’s get this shit unpacked and go for a run, okay?”

  “Yeah,” Tristan ran a hand through his hair. “Okay, I probably need it.”


  The run did him good. Tristan needed to think about his life, and his newly found mate. Okay, so in truth he was very attracted to Scott. Just admitting it to himself made Tristan wince. The worst part? He’d wanted to kiss Scott in the parking lot. Tristan groaned in frustration. His body was hit hard and he was thrown into the snow. Rolling over, he stood back up on four legs and narrowed his eyes at Jacob.

  “What the hell was that?” “Will you stop whining?” Jacob padded around Tristan, flicking him in the face with his tail. “Scott Delange is gorgeous, smart and can take care of himself. He is everything you’ve always wanted in a man and now he’s been given to you. Embrace it, asshole.”

  Tristan huffed . “
Easy for you to say, you have adorable Kory Maguire.”

  If Jacob could have rolled his eyes in wolf form, he would have. As it was, he snorted. “Oh yes, I have Kory, who’s not sure if he’s gay or not. Don’t get me wrong, I like the little guy, but he’s confused as all hell.”

  “But, eventually he will come around, look at Austin and Kurt. I think the fates zero in on men who can swing both ways. They just aren’t aware of it.” Tristan lifted his lips, in what was supposed to be a wolf smile.

  “Don’t do that,” Jacob raised an eyebrow. He and the rest of the packs had been taught by Dakota Waters how to raise one eyebrow in wolf form. It had been an exercise in hilarity watching all of them try to get it down. “It’s freaky.”

  Tristan looked up towards the sky . “It’s going to get dark soon. We need to head back.”

  Once they were changed, Tristan checked his cell phone. He had a voice mail from Caden. He put it on speaker as he and Jacob pulled their hiking boots back on.

  “Tristan, we have an outreach benefit coming up soon. I would like you and the rest of the men to come. Please wear a tux; those of you who are single will be put on display, so to speak. I look forward to seeing you.”

  Tristan listened to the rest of the message with a frown. He looked up to see Jacob with a huge grin on his face.


  “You’ll get to see Delange in a tux.” Jacob waggled his eyebrows.

  “Jesus, get laid, will ya?”

  ~~ On Friday night Tristan found himself at Cuffs and Stuff with Sebastian and Nicholas. He sighed looking at the dance floor; as always, it was packed. It was stifling hot and Tristan sat back on the stool looking around at all the available men eyeing him. It was depressing really. He didn’t find any of them worth his time. A tight ass was shaking between two other men and Tristan narrowed his eyes. He’d know that ass anywhere.

  The music changed and the men on the dance floor let out whoops and hollers. Tristan recognized the song from one of the clubs in LA; it was Flo Rida’s “Wild Ones.” Tristan stood up and moved over to get a good look at his mate dancing. He was sandwiched between the two men he’d been at the club with before - Chaz and Cole? That sounded right. Damn but Scott could move. Tristan found himself moving toward them without even realizing it.

  “Um, Tristan? Could you please not piss him off tonight?” Sebastian begged. “I’m just going over to say hi,” Tristan winked.

  “Crap.” Sebastian slumped into Nicholas.

  Tristan walked across the crowded dance floor and stopped in front of Scott, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Now what? I’m not allowed to dance?” Scott shouted over the music.

  Chaz eyed Tristan from head to toe. “So, this is the guy you say you can’t stand?”

  “That’s him.” Scott affirmed. “Tristan Miles.”

  “Hell, baby, I’ll take him off your hands.” Chaz licked his lips.

  “Sorry boys,” Tristan leaned into Chaz’s ear. “As much as I hate him, he does something for me no one else can.” Tristan backed away and winked at Scott. “Have fun, sweet cheeks.”

  Chaz watched Tristan’s ass as he walked back towards his table. He turned to Scott with a grin. “Go after him.”

  “What? Why?” Scott countered.

  “Because he came over here, that’s why. If he really hated your guts he wouldn’t have bothered.”

  “Just go!” Cole shoved Scott.

  As Tristan walked towards his table, he felt a hand in his and turned to see Scott looking at him.

  “Dance with me,” Scott requested.

  Tristan looked at the crowded dance floor. “Looks like you have all the guys you need.”

  “Come on, what harm could it do?” Scott pulled Tristan towards the floor.

  Panic set in and Tristan pulled his hand back. “I don’t think so, that would require me to be near you.”

  Scott bristled. “Fine! Fuck you!” Scott turned to leave only to have Tristan grab his hand and pull him towards the bathroom hallway. “What is wrong with you!?”

  Tristan pulled Scott into the bathroom and checked under the stalls. Making sure they were empty, he turned to look at Scott. What he saw on Scott’s face was hurt, he would bet money on it. He was going to have to come clean. As much as he hated to admit it, he actually cared at that moment that he’d hurt his mate.

  “I can’t dance,” Tristan mumbled under his breath.


  Tristan sighed in irritation. “I can’t dance, okay?”

  Scott’s mouth dropped open.

  “Don’t look at me that way!” Tristan snapped.

  Scott pulled himself together. Tristan was confiding in him; that in itself was huge and the urge to be a dick to the guy was strong. Part of him - the horny part - was interested.


  Tristan looked up in astonishment. “What do you mean why?”

  “I mean, didn’t you ever go to dances?”

  “With girls? No thanks and they weren’t really encouraging us to bring guys as dates in high school.”

  “Well, didn’t you ever like, sing into a hairbrush and dance around your room?” Scott demanded.

  Now it was Tristan’s turn to drop his jaw. “Are you sure you’re not a teenage girl?” Scott crossed his arms and Tristan sighed. “No, I didn’t. My life was full of school; I didn’t have time to have a social life. Then I went into the Navy and really didn’t have time to do shit.”

  “So no parties? No football games?”

  “Nope.” Tristan shook his head.

  Scott eyed Tristan’s tight, hot body in jeans. “I can teach you.”


  “I said I can teach you. I mean not here, but I could at your house or mine.”

  “Why would you do that?” Tristan asked, confused as to why Scott was being nice.

  “Everyone should know how to dance; it’s a form of expression.” Scott smiled as Tristan rolled his eyes. “Are you saying no?”

  Tristan thought about it, he’d already admitted that he couldn’t dance. Might as well take the guy up on his offer.

  “I guess so.”

  Scott tilted his head to the side. “Change of plans, slow song playing. Let’s go.”

  “Now?” Tristan stepped back and looked around the bathroom nervously.

  “Not in the bathroom,” Scott laughed, grabbing Tristan’s hand. “Out there, just keep your eyes on me, okay?”

  Tristan looked at Scott’s ass as he exited the bathroom. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Tristan was relieved to see the dance floor packed; it meant he could hide among all the people. Scott walked them into the middle of the crowd and pulled Tristan close. Tristan took a deep breath and realized that was the last thing he should have done. Even with the floor being packed to the ceiling, he smelled Scott’s alluring scent over everything. Scott stepped closer to him and put an arm around his waist.

  “Put your arm around me,” Scott instructed. “Later on I can teach you the formal way of slow dancing, but for now we’ll start with the moving around in a circle.” Scott winced as Tristan stepped on his foot.

  “Sorry,” Tristan mumbled. Scott smiled up at Tristan. “Baby steps. Now, keep your eyes on mine and move with me okay?”

  “Okay,” Tristan pulled Scott closer to him and looked in his eyes. The rest of the club seemed to fade into the background as they moved together. The heat of Scott’s hand was seeping through his shirt and into his skin. Tristan moved his arm around Scott’s waist pulling him into his chest. He heard a slight intake of breath and searched Scott’s eyes.

  “Did I step on you again?”

  “No, it’s just…” Scott closed his eyes and blurted it out. “You smell so good. It’s affecting me; doesn’t it affect you?”

  “I’m too busy looking at your lips.” Tristan leaned in closer.

  “You’re supposed to be looking in my

  eyes.” Scott opened his eyes slowl
y, Tristan was

  so close he could almost taste him. “I heard you

  were a SEAL before you became a lawyer.” Tristan blinked at the change in conversation. “Yes, I was. Does that bother you?” “Did you kill people?”

  “Bad people.”

  “Then no.”

  Tristan searched Scott’s face. “It turns

  you on.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  “Oh, yeah, it does.”

  Scott sighed; he knew when he was


  “Okay, yes, it turns me on beyond belief.” “Which part?” Tristan smirked.

  “All of it, you’re taller than me, bigger

  than me, you could probably kill me in ten


  “Less, and with my thumb.”

  “Oh fuck, that’s hot.” Scott grabbed

  Tristan and hauled him down the hall to the


  “Not the bathroom.” Tristan dragged

  Scott out the back door of the club and threw him

  up against the wall.

  Scott’s dick was so hard it hurt. Tristan’s

  chest was heaving and his biceps were straining

  against his shirt. By God the man was built like a

  brick shithouse.

  “Well, you have me at your mercy,

  SEAL.” Scott relaxed against the wall behind

  him and eye-sexed his mate.

  Tristan placed his hands on either side of

  Scott’s head and leaned in, a breath away from

  kissing him.

  “Do you know how much I want to turn

  you around and fuck you stupid?”

  Scott gasped as Tristan’s knee brushed his

  dick through his jeans.

  “What if I want to fuck you stupid?” Tristan chuckled, licking Scott’s neck.

  “Jacob was right.”

  “About what?” Scott tilted his head, giving Tristan more access.

  “We’re both alpha males, neither one of

  us wants to give up control.”

  “Giving up control leads to other things.”

  Scott swallowed hard, as Tristan nibbled on his


  “Yes it does, the ‘L’ word gets used when


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