Pleading the Fifth

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Pleading the Fifth Page 5

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  the person doesn’t mean it”

  “I’ve never said that word; it’s a four letter word.”

  Tristan backed away searching Scott’s

  face. “We are a lot alike.”

  “I’m still mad at you,” Scott insisted,

  without much conviction. It was hard to sound

  serious when his body was betraying him each and every second he spent in close contact with


  “Would it help if I apologized?”

  “Would you mean it?”

  Tristan shrugged. “Probably not.” “Asshole.”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  The door to the club opened and Sebastian stepped out. He looked to the left down the alley then the right. Tristan was leaning into Scott

  and Scott had a stubborn look to his face. “Hey guys, everything okay?” Sebastian

  called out.

  Scott wiggled out of Tristan’s bicep prison and righted himself making his way to the

  back door of the club. “I’m fine. Good to see

  you, Sebastian.” Scott paused at the door to the

  club. “Next Wednesday, Miles.”


  “This lesson isn’t over. My apartment,

  Wednesday, seven p.m.” Scott stepped back inside the club, closing the door behind him. Sebastian



  bastian. It occurred to him that he had no idea

  where Scott lived. “Shit, where does Scott live?” “Right down the street from you,” Sebastian grinned.


  “You picked a house four blocks up from

  Scott; are you telling me you had no idea where

  he lived?”

  Tristan’s brows furrowed in thought. “No,

  I didn’t.” He looked up and saw a knowing grin

  play on Sebastian’s lips. “Stop it.”

  “Stop what?” Sebastian opened the door

  to the club. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “It doesn’t mean squat.”

  “Okay, if you say so,” Sebastian tossed

  over his shoulder.

  Tristan followed Sebastian back into the

  club. Scott was back on the dance floor with

  Chaz and Cole. Their eyes met and Scott smiled, grinned at Tristan. “What

  Tristan walked around Seshaking his ass in Tristan’s direction. Tristan flipped him off and laughed when Scott bent over and smacked his ass. Scott looked surprised and Tristan realized not only had he laughed, but he was smiling. With teeth. Shit.

  “Are you ready?” Sebastian asked. Tristan’s eyes were locked with Scott’s. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  ~~ The rest of the weekend was filled with situating furniture in the new house and making phone calls for cable and phone. Tristan also spent that time thinking about Scott. Monday morning, he and Jacob were on their way to attend the gay-straight alliance get-together on the University of Washington football field. As a gay lawyer, Tristan had agreed to be a speaker at the meeting.

  “You’re quiet. Planning world domination?” Jacob chuckled. “Nope, just trying to remember my speech.”

  “So, Sebastian said you and Scott were pretty close Friday. He said you actually smiled.”

  “It’s a vicious lie,” Tristan answered.

  Jacob looked at Tristan sideways, keeping his eye on the road.

  “Come on, Tristan, talk. I’ll torture you if you don’t, waterboarding comes to mind.”

  “Pffft…like we didn’t have that shit during hell week in BUD school.”

  “You like him.”

  Tristan sighed, running a hand through his hair. “He’s…strong minded. So yeah, I like that about him. He’s quick witted, funny and an awesome dancer.”

  “You don’t dance.”

  “Nope, Scott is planning on giving me a lesson.”

  Jacob slammed on the brakes, cars behind them stopped and tires squealed.

  “Excuse me?”


  “You told Scott you don’t dance?” “I told him I don’t know how and before

  you get all weirded out, he asked me to dance and I panicked. I said something I shouldn’t have and I could tell I hurt him.” Tristan looked over at Jacob with a half-smile. “I couldn’t take his kicked puppy look so I had to come clean.”

  Jacob resumed driving, a small smile on his lips. Tristan raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh, just say it.”

  “Yeah, you care about him. It’s not the mate thing, either.”

  “Yes it is. I wouldn’t be so damn attracted to him if he wasn’t my mate.”

  “Oh, the bullshit flag just went up at full mast. Scott is exactly your type, he’s strong, doesn’t take shit and gives as good as he gets. Stop fighting it, Miles.”

  “Can we just get to the meeting?” Tristan sighed in frustration.


  The parking lot was full. Jacob parked the truck towards the back and they walked through the maze of cars. Jacob went his own way to get his seat in the front as Tristan made his way to the locker room to find Sebastian. Once in the hallway, Tristan heard arguing voices in the locker room. He opened the door a crack and listened in on the conversation. Someone was pissed and raising his voice. The other voice was much quieter and Tristan tried to place it; he knew that voice from somewhere.

  “Look, Gary, you ended our relationship, so let’s just move on okay?”

  “Are you saying you found someone else?”

  Tristan heard a grunt and the sound of a locker being hit. He pushed through the door and stood just out of view. It was William Cooper, Sebastian and Wyatt’s friend. He’d met him a few times when Will had come over to Sebastian’s to do homework with Wyatt and Kory. Will was pushed up against the locker as a taller, bigger man held him by his shirt. The look on Will’s face was pure panic. Tristan coughed quietly, making his presence known. Will looked over at him and his facial features changed from scared to relieved as he placed Tristan’s face.

  “I suggest you let go of his shirt and back away.” Tristan walked forward keeping his eyes on Will.

  “Who the fuck are you?” the man snarled.

  Tristan walked closer. He stood next to Will and looked down at him. “Do you need me to kill him?”

  Will’s face went pale. “Huh?”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” the man demanded.

  Tristan leaned into the man’s face. “Let. Go. Now.”

  “This isn’t over Will, not by a long shot.”

  Will relaxed against the locker as Gary stalked out of the locker room, slamming the door behind him. He looked up at Tristan and tried to smile.


  Tristan shrugged. “You looked like you needed help. Ex?”

  Will nodded. “Yes, I don’t understand him; he broke things off with me. He doesn’t even live in Washington, he lives in San Francisco. I have no idea why he’s here.”

  “If you need any help,” Tristan pulled out his business card. “You call me anytime, okay?”

  Will looked at the card. “You’re a lawyer?”

  “Yep, if you need a restraining order or anything else, just call.” Tristan mussed Will’s hair.

  Will’s eyes went wide. “That will just make things worse.”

  Tristan narrowed his eyes, he’d seen this a million times in domestic abuse cases.

  “Is he an abuser?”

  Will’s face went ashen. “Um…he just gets mad sometimes. No big deal.”

  If there was one thing Tristan knew, it was that most abuse victims had to hit rock bottom before they actually did something about it. “Is that why you moved?”

  Will righted his shirt. “Sort of, I needed a change of scenery. Then Gary said he’d found someone else so I thought I was in the clear, you know?”

  “I mean it, if you need anything, you call me or Bastian.”

nodded, swallowing hard. “Okay.”

  “Well, come on. I have a speech to give and I’m not comfortable leaving you here alone.”

  The door to the locker room opened again and Tristan spun around ready to fight. He found an amused Sebastian instead.

  “Well now,” Sebastian said. “Who were you expecting?”

  “Later,” Tristan motioned toward the door. “We need to get out there.”

  One half of the stadium was packed; Jacob sat in the front row with Nicholas. Preston and Wyatt sat in the back, keeping an eye on everyone. According to Sebastian, the alliance’s numbers were rising, as more kids joined the group, but they still had trouble from bashers. Tristan never liked long-winded speeches when he was in high school or in the military, so he kept his speech to the point. When he’d been in high school, groups like this didn’t exist. It took a strong minded person to come out and fight for their rights to be recognized as an equal. Tristan wrapped up his speech and was shocked to see the kids give him a standing ovation. Sebastian shook his hand and turned to the crowd.

  “Refreshments are in the cafeteria, thanks for coming!” Sebastian took the steps down from the podium and waited for Tristan at the bottom. “Thanks for doing this.”

  “It’s no problem. I enjoyed it. As much as you guys feel like you’re not making a difference, you are. I never hid my sexuality in high school, if someone asked I told the truth but I wasn’t waving my rainbow flag in their faces.”

  Sebastian chuckled. “I can’t see you with a rainbow flag anyway.”

  “No?” Tristan grinned.

  “So, how’s Scott?”

  Tristan looked at his watch. “I’m surprised you waited that long to ask.”

  “I’m pacing myself,” Sebastian smiled as Nicholas walked over to them. “Look at my hot, sexy fiancé.”

  Nicholas winked. “Hey, babe. Tucker and Wesley are patrolling the parking lot with Casey.”

  Sebastian looked horrified. “You let Casey out without a leash?”

  “I think he likes Tucker’s ass,” Nicholas chuckled.

  “Don’t let Austin hear that, you know he gets downright territorial about his man.”

  Tristan spotted Will talking to another kid and nudged Sebastian. “I saw Will in the locker room, another guy was there, his ex, and he wasn’t friendly.”

  Sebastian shook his head. “Gary. That guy has been leaving messages daily on Will’s answering machine. I didn’t ask too many questions but Will doesn’t seem to want to get back together with the guy.”

  “He seemed a little violent,” Tristan said. “Who’s the guy talking to him now?”

  “Oh, that’s Colin Greystone; he’s on the football team and works at the paper,” Sebastian said.

  Tristan furrowed his brows. “Greystone, as in Paul?”

  “Yep,” Sebastian nodded.

  Nicholas chuckled. “I hope this Gary guy doesn’t mess with Colin accidentally, or he’ll have Nikolai Markov all over his ass. And not in a good way.”

  “Yeah?” Tristan eyed Colin Greystone. “The young Markov has a crush?”

  “Nik likes Colin, yes, but Colin knows how Nik is and doesn’t give him the time of day. I tried warning Colin that ignoring Nikolai Markov doesn’t work,” Sebastian snickered.

  Nicholas’ stomach growled. “Let’s get to the cafeteria before all the food is gone. I’m hungry.”

  Tristan nodded, motioning to Jacob. “Let’s go.”


  Scott threw his bag in the locker and shut it. His shift had been a pain in the ass. Accidents on the freeway and an accidental shooting. Who shoots themself in the foot cleaning a gun? Scott had to laugh at that one; the guy was white as a sheet and his wife was screaming at him about blood on the carpet. Scott had pushed a laughing Kellan out of the house so that he and Jude could get to work and transport the guy. Scott made his way to the oncology floor and knocked on Alexander’s door. There was a loud noise and then giggling. Scott smiled and knocked again, softly. “One moment!”

  “Are you okay in there?” Scott chuckled. “Yes, you may come in.”

  Scott opened the door and had to hold back a snicker. Evangeline’s shirt was on inside out and backwards and Alexander’s dress shirt was poking out of a half-pulled up zipper. Scott shut the door behind him and took a seat in front of Alexander’s desk.

  “Um, your blouse is on backwards,” he said helpfully.

  Evangeline looked down at her shirt. “Ooops!”

  “Isn’t the chief of staff supposed to be professional?” Scott motioned to Alexander’s pants. “Might want to fix that before rounds.”

  Alexander sighed, pulling the shirt out of the zipper. “I take it you are here because of your mate?”

  “Bad news travels fast. Who told you?”

  “Wayne,” Alexander kissed Evangeline and smacked her ass. “I shall see you later.”

  Evangeline smiled and stopped by Scott as she was leaving. “I hope you know how lucky you are to have found your mate. It seems there are still some mateless men in the ranks. Don’t throw away a chance at love because you’re too proud.”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  Evangeline smacked Scott upside the head.


  “I’ll see you tonight?” Evangeline asked, smiling at Alexander.

  “Of course,” Alexander winked. He waited for the door to close before regarding Scott. “Why are you fighting this?”

  “He’s such an ass.”

  “Then you are perfect for each other,” Alexander grinned.

  “I just…” Scott sighed.

  “This is about your parents, isn’t it?” Alexander studied Scott’s face. “They were wrong, Scott. You are a very stubborn man, but you are full of love. I know you closed yourself off after they hurt you, but Tristan is your mate.”

  “I can’t…” Scott rubbed his face with his hands. “I can’t do it again. I was their son and they treated me like garbage. Jude’s dad always treated me with respect, gay or not, why couldn’t my own family love me?”

  Alexander got up and came around the desk; he kneeled by Scott and cupped his face with his hands. “I love you, gay or not. You are my son, Scott, and I am very proud to call you mine. Your parents were wrong and I have told them as much.”

  Scott eyes went wide. “You talked to them? When?”

  “Not too long after you came to live with me fulltime.” Alexander sat on the edge of the desk. “I told your father that his business was not worth losing his only son, and your mother was so afraid of losing her standing in the community and all the money that came with your father, she did not argue with him. They could not be swayed.”

  Scott sighed sadly. “They really didn’t want me at all.”

  “They do not matter, you do, and not once have I ever questioned my decision. You are mine in every way Scott. I just hope I have made you feel loved.”

  Scott smiled. “You always did, Alexander. I always knew you loved me, Kellan, Nicholas and Jude.”

  “Jude loves you as a brother, do not ever forget that. He left his pack and his role as beta to be with you.” Alexander regarded Scott. “So now, what is it about Tristan Miles that has you upset? Do you not find him attractive? Were the fates wrong?”

  “It didn’t help how we met, that’s for sure. Maybe I’m not ready for a mate? I don’t think I have it in me to fall in love with anyone.”

  “Yes you do, you just have to be open to it and open your heart.” Alexander pulled Scott out of the chair and hugged him tightly. “I love you very much, Scott. Please do not let love pass you by, you deserve to be cherished.”

  Scott closed his eyes. “I love you, too.”

  “See how easy that was?” Alexander chuckled.

  “You’re different; you’re not an annoying asshole.”

  “That is not true; I have been called an asshole on more than one occasion.”

  “Evangeline?” Scott chuckled.

  “Oh yes.”

sp; ~~ Wednesday afternoon Tristan was in his closet pulling clothes off hangers. Nothing looked right. He felt stupid worrying about what to wear to go for a dance lesson. Dancing? Really? Tristan sat down on the floor of the closet with a loud sigh. Why was he really going? Because whether he liked it or not, the thought of seeing Scott had his hands sweating and his heart racing. The few times they’d been in close contact Tristan had felt something for the smaller werewolf. Okay, so Scott wasn’t small, but he was shorter and he wasn’t busting out with muscles, but he was built. If he was honest with himself, Scott turned him on in a major way.

  Damn fates, why did they have to give him a mate now? He’d almost perfected his assholish behavior. He stood back up and pushed half his wardrobe to one side. He wasn’t going to wear a suit, that was for sure. He grabbed his Levi’s down and walked to his dresser. Opening his T-shirt drawer, he eyed his collection of Tshirts. His Navy shirt beckoned him and Tristan smirked. What could it hurt to remind Scott of that fact? Maybe he could get laid. He grabbed the shirt before he changed his mind. His cell phone beeped at him and Tristan picked it up, not recognizing the number.


  “Mr. Miles, this is Lawrence Markel.” “Yes, hello Mr. Markel. What can I do for you?” Tristan pulled one pant leg up.

  “I would very much like to meet with you, are you free?”

  Tristan looked at his watch. It was only five, he could make the meeting and still have plenty of time. “I can be there in fifteen minutes.” Tristan took the pants off, throwing them on the bed.

  “Good! I look forward to meeting you; our firm would do well to have a lawyer such as yourself working for us.”

  “I look forward to hearing your proposal.”

  “We will be waiting.”

  Tristan hung up and went back to the closet. Pulling a suit down he looked at the jeans and T-shirt on the bed. Scott Delange would have to wait.

  ~~ Scott paced the living room. He couldn’t believe it. He was being stood up for a dance lesson. It was worse than if he’d come right out and said “let’s have sex.” How stupid had he been? It was eight o’clock and he was pacing the apartment like a caged tiger. His cell phone rang and Scott jumped for it on the coffee table.

  “Hello?” Scott could hear music blasting in the background.

  “Hey babe, it’s wild Wednesday!” Chaz shouted over the music. “Drinks are half price!”


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