Pleading the Fifth

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Pleading the Fifth Pleading the Fifth

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

Genre: Other3

Published: 2012

Series: Assassin-Shifter

View: 288

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~Book Thirteen~A simple trip to the airport brings Scott Delange just about everything except the passenger he was planning to pick up. Texting back and forth with a raunchy, unknown man leads to a case of mistaken identity and one hell of a huge surprise.Who knew a trip to Seattle would land Tristan Miles in the arms of his mate? Certainly not Tristan, who stopped looking for love a long time ago. When he meets Scott Delange, Tristan realizes the man is his. For life.There's just one little issue. The two men can't stand each other. Tristan is used to being the alpha male and that's bad news when his mate is wired the same way. Clawing and fighting to be top wolf causes more friction between the two men who sure do kiss a lot for people who can't stand each other.Can Tristan back down? Can Scott? Are both men guilty of too much pride? Maybe both should plead the Fifth.

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