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The Winter Games

Page 138

by Sharp, Dr. Rebecca

  “Fate is a fucking two-faced cunt,” he swore as soon as the nurse left.

  I balked at the statement, my heart doing a double-tap inside of my chest. It should have been more for the words, but instead, it was because of the emotion in them.

  “Nick…” I said in a low voice, my lips staying parted as my mouth dried out. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let you come.”

  He glared at me, hurt bleeding from his face as he stood violently and stalked over to my chair. He planted his hands on either armrest, caging me as his face came within an inch of mine. He just stared at me—through me. He was so beautiful—even in hurt and anger. There was a rawness to him that maybe only I saw—but what I saw was that he felt too much. And I couldn’t breathe, drowning in his intensity.

  In spite of all the anger, the hand that reached up to cup my face was impossibly gentle, stroking over my cheek so tenderly that a tear slipped from the corner of my eye.

  “I’ll always be here, Priss. I’ll always—” He broke off and my breath caught, seeing his face tighten once more to hold back the words that had almost slipped out. “Sorry, I’m such an ass.” A half-groan, half-laugh escaped him as his forehead fell to mine.

  The corners of my lips tugged up in the beginnings of a smile. “It’s okay.”

  “You are the strongest woman I’ve ever met,” he whispered with a voice thick and gravelly with emotion. “You amaze me. You fucking amaze me, Tamsin Lucas. And fuck if I don’t like you… if I don’t care about you… more than I should—more than I have any right to.”

  Something passed between us—intangible, indestructible. The finest tether made out of the strongest bond.

  Again, he stole the breath from me. My gaze darted to his—searching. The words on the tip of my tongue—I’ve fallen in love with you, Nick. I love you. Do you love me, too? Even though I’m broken? Am I still enough?

  But then the door opened and with a hard kiss on my lips, he shifted back over to the chair, giving the nurse a tight smile and a stare that said if he saw me so much as flinch in discomfort, he was going turn her into ice.

  Right afterward was usually the worst. Exhaustion and nausea aren’t attractive in the slightest.

  I dozed off as soon as we got back in his truck, waking only when I felt his arms underneath me and carrying me into the guest house.

  “I just need a nap,” I murmured. “And then I’ll be fine.”

  Next I knew, I was waking up in the softest bed I’d ever slept in—the same bed I’d been sleeping in the majority of the past two weeks. Groggily, I peeled my eyes open and looked around for Nick; he had been holding me while I slept, but now he was gone. I then realized that it was his hard, hushed tones that had woken me; he was on the phone in the bathroom.

  “This isn’t a discussion, Eliza.” I heard him say tightly.

  I slipped the covers off of me, scooting to the edge of the bed.

  “Come here and I’ll show you what happens.” A threat? Or something else?

  My skin prickled as I stood, glancing down to see that I was wearing just one of Nick’s tees. I wobbled for a second until my balance kicked in. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but I was still in a stupor from my chemical cocktail and moving slowly. I placed my hand lightly on the bathroom door about to push it open when it was yanked back, revealing Nick with deadly anger written all over his face.

  “Who’s Eliza?” I winced with how hoarse and cracked my voice sounded.



  E. Blackman.

  The name from the car.

  He looked at me, his upper lip twitching into a curl. “Lila’s mother.”

  My heart stopped. I blinked several times, wondering if I’d heard him correctly.

  Lila’s mother.

  I didn’t know she had a mother. No. Obviously, I knew she had a mother; I just didn’t realize that she was or ever could be part of the picture.

  “I thought… that she was dead,” I murmured dumbly. “W-who is she? What does she want?”

  Does she want you?

  My unbeating heart dropped like dead weight into my stomach. What if this woman was calling because she wanted to be a family again? What if she wanted Nick back? What if I was the one standing in the way of reuniting a family?

  “Honestly,” he huffed, running a hand roughly through his hair. “I couldn’t fucking tell you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked quietly. “That her mother was alive?”

  “Well, because I never told you that she was dead,” he replied so coldly that I winced. Guilt now washed over the rage on his face for taking that tone with me. “What was the point? I fucked her when I was so high that she could have been lying to me when she told me that Lila was my kid—except that Lila’s eyes match mine, so I didn’t have to ask. Honestly, Tam, I barely remembered doing it and after she dumped Lila here like my daughter was no more than a bag of old clothes to be taken to good-will, I never expected her to come back… to contact either of us.”

  I could picture everything, even though I had no image for what Lila’s mother looked like. I saw her, showing up here with a baby in her arms, handing her over to Nick who was wearing that same shocked expression that he’d had on the day I’d knocked on his door.

  “Why wouldn’t she come back?” My arms crossed over my chest, gripping onto the sleeves of the very large tee that I was wearing.

  “I can’t—” He broke off with a muffled curse, burying his head in his hands. “I can’t talk about this right now. I’m handling it. You don’t need to worry.”

  “I want to help,” I said, stepping closer to him. “If you just tell me…”

  His head flicked up and he glared at me. It was surprising how dark his eyes could get for being so light.

  “Not now, Priss,” he said coldly.

  Gone was the man from the hospital, painfully tender and only angered from hurt. After everything that had happened between us, he was shutting down and shutting me out again.

  Just like he promised.

  I tried to swallow over the painful thickening of my throat, sucking in air like it was going out of style. This was what I signed up for. This was what Nick had specifically warned me about: when it came to his daughter, he would do what was best for her and whatever it took to protect her.

  The truth was that I would do the same thing.

  Unfortunately, the other truth was that even though I agreed with him, it still broke my heart.

  And I had learned the hard way that the two were not mutually exclusive.

  “Does Lila know?” I pressed, doubt and concern quickly swallowing my senses. My hand came up to rest on his bare chest. I was searching for his heartbeat, as though I could reach inside of him and hold it steady.

  A growl erupted from him. Determined fingers gripped my wrist and spun my back against the door.

  “I don’t want to talk about this right now,” he ground out as he ground his hips against me. “I’m not talking about this right now…”

  Heat immediately bloomed through my body and warmth gushed from between my thighs feeling the full length of his hard body crushed against me, the throbbing length of his arousal pinned between us.

  “Don’t push me away,” I pleaded in a low voice.

  I wanted him to talk to me. But I also wanted him.

  Hard lips claimed mine. Instead of pushing, he punished me, forcing my mouth wide as he took every inch of it. I lost my mind in kisses like this—the ones that were made of pure, unfiltered need. Something had happened and this was his body’s first instinct—its first reaction: to lose himself in me. And no rules, no sense, no rationality could have stopped the way that knowledge made my body melt underneath his demanding touch.

  “I’m not going to push you away, Priss,” he growled against my lips, biting each of them in turn just to the point of pain. “I’m going to push my cock into your pussy that belongs to me, that is drenched for me. And then, I’m going to push int
o your ass and take that, too. Until I’m forced to push you away, I’m going to push into you. Over. And. Fucking. Over. Because for right now, all of you is mine.”

  I ground my erection into her stomach, blood pumping mercilessly through my veins—first from rage at Eliza and her demands. That had quickly drained into the lower parts of me seeing Tammy on the other side of the door—her hair slightly wild, her face pink and drowsy, and wearing only my t-shirt. Her dusky nipples showed right through the front of it—hard and reaching for me. And I knew she wasn’t wearing pants because I’d taken them off of her to let her nap comfortably.

  I was angry and on edge and the only thing I wanted was for her to ground me—to lose myself so deeply inside of her calm and, dare I fucking say it, love that I’d never be able to find my way out.

  My lips slid down to the edge of her jaw, biting a trail of angry arousal up to her ear as I continued saying, “I’m going to push those little moans and cries from your mouth, the whimpers that tell me I’ve pushed too deep and the gasps that tell me you want more. And then, I’m going to push you right over the edge so hard that you pull my soul right out of me.”

  She let out one of those surprised, but still turned on moans that had my dick ready to explode at her command. Her hips rocked against me, begging for the fulfillment of my promise.

  She may be Miss Priss with the rest of the fucking world, but with me, she was Tamsin—the innocent who begged me to take her, who moaned when I shoved ice inside her tight, needy cunt, and then cried my name when I fucked her too hard and too fast because it wasn’t enough.

  Even the moon has a dark side.

  She pressed against my cock again and pain seared through me at the tightness of my jeans that were keeping me from her.

  “Fuck,” I swore and spun her to face the sink and vanity mirror; her hands dropped to brace on the countertop. Kicking the door shut, I stared at the back of it, waiting for her eyes. She glanced to the side and met our reflection in the mirror that hung on the back. I trailed my finger along the edge of her—my—shirt, gently grazing the soft skin of her thigh.

  She looked like she didn’t recognize herself, flushed and needy. Her pupils dilated, impatiently waiting for my next move.

  Miss Priss couldn’t look away. I smirked at her, letting my fingers glide lightly over the edge of her exposed skin just below her delicious ass. They drew closer to what I was searching for, grazing over her simple black underwear.

  I loved this moment—the moment when I felt how wet she was for me. Fucking soaked.

  My fingers playing lightly over the wet barrier between me and her pussy, I cupped myself through my jeans, palming my demanding cock and begging it to hold the fuck on. Tearing my fingers away from her, I raised up the tee onto her back, baring her panty-covered ass to me. Pressing on the small of her back, I found her eyes—dark and heavy with need—in the mirror peering at me through long lashes.

  Every fucking muscle that made me tensed in anticipation as I lowered her underwear down over the generous curve of her ass, caressing the flesh briefly along its journey down.


  I drank in the sight of her bare ass framing the pink, swollen flesh between it. Goosebumps airbrushed over her skin as my hand grazed over it.

  “You know I’ll never share this sight with anyone else, right? You know that this is all mine?” My hand slipped between her thighs and cupped over her pussy. “Hot. Swollen. Wet. Mine.” I ground my palm against her slippery, pulsing core listening as she moaned and then pressed her hips back, pushing herself harder against my hand.

  “And one day soon, this” —my free hand squeezed her ass cheek—“will be mine, too.”

  Glancing in the mirror, I saw Tammy biting hard into her lip, her face even more flushed with pleasure. This was my Priss—lost under my fucking touch.

  “I shouldn’t be doing this,” I said with a self-deprecating laugh. “Christ, you were just at the doctor’s this morning. But then I held you as you slept… all I could think was that I wanted to sleep inside of you. And then you open the door, wearing just the shirt that I put on you and all I can think about is fucking you in it. My shirt. My woman.”

  I felt her eyes widen briefly on me, knowing that no matter what I said, I couldn’t stop now—not with this in front of me. I tugged the string of her tampon and tossed it into the trash, quickly replacing it with my finger. Soft, quivering muscles tightened around it as I searched for the silken spot that I knew would drive her crazy.

  “So warm and welcoming, Priss,” I gasped, my whole body contorting with painful restraint. I was no longer holding my dick, I was strangling it. “I need you to tell me this is okay. That it’s okay I take you rough when all you deserve is gentle. Because it’s going to hurt, trying to fit into your sweet ass. It’s going to fucking hurt, but then it’s going to feel so fucking good.” I groaned, knowing how good it was going to feel. “I need to hear you tell me that you want it.”

  “Oh, Nick…” she gasped and rubbed her hot pussy against my palm, trying to pull my finger deeper as I found her G-spot. “I want it. I want it all. I want you. Please,” she moaned; her voice surprisingly steady and clear.


  Staring down, I watched the veins in my arms pulse as I ripped open the buttons on my jeans, yanking them and my black boxer briefs down only as far as necessary to free my cock. Christ, it was so fucking purple and angry, the length eagerly inching towards her cunt. Guiding the blunt head to her entrance, I rubbed over it once… twice… dying a little each time the tip drew away glistening with her desire.

  Normally I liked to torture myself a little, but not today.

  I slipped my head inside her clenching pussy, relishing her gasp as she waited—anticipated—the invasion.

  “Look at me,” I growled, staring into the mirror. Her eyes opened wide to meet mine for a split second before my fingers dug into her hips and I slammed into her hot silken passage. Black spots flickered behind my eyes as her pussy sucked me in.

  Every time would be like this. Every goddamn time I would feel like she wasn’t just taking my cock inside of her, but that she was taking my mind, my heart… my fucking soul. She wanted it all and fuck me, if I didn’t want to give it to her.

  Tammy cried out as I stretched her, her back arching and ass pressed back against me. Pleasure seared through every inch of my skin as her body collapsed around me. I couldn’t wait for her muscle memory to kick in and remember how to accommodate something so large, something so hot and hard that speared right to her core. I slid out and rammed into her again.

  Every time I took her, it was like I claimed her all over again. Her eyes squeezed shut as the demanding and unforgiving thrusts spiraled her higher and higher toward that edge I’d promised to push her from.

  “That’s it, Tammy. Oh fuck, that’s it, gorgeous,” I rasped, feeling her pussy tremble around my cock.

  With a cry, I slipped out of her. Staring down at my soaking cock, I saw a bead of moisture drop off of the tip. I’d been so fucking close. But I wanted to take the very last part of her. I needed to know that every fucking part of her belonged to me.

  I knew she was still looking—watching—in the mirror as my hands spread her ass, revealing that tightly scrunched hole that had no fucking clue what was about to happen to it. Dipping my fingers in her slickness, I dragged them up and painted a circle around the tight, tiny entrance. She quivered under my touch.

  In a daze, I teased and tested her rim, massaging and then gently penetrating. My other hand moved soothingly over her body, down the soft, shivering slope of her back, over her ass, around to her stomach. Frantic movements because all I could fucking think was that in a few minutes, my dick was going to replace my fingers inside the second snug channel of hers that had never been touched before me.

  Fuck, that thought drove me wild.

  It had only ever been me.

  And it only ever would be, if I had anything to say about it.
  She moaned as my fingers slipped completely inside.

  “Are… you sure it’s… you’re going to fit?” she asked breathlessly. I dragged my eyes over to the mirror, seeing the worry written on her face.

  I wanted to tell her that it was going to be okay. Hell, I wanted to tell her that I was going to go slow and gentle, but I knew I couldn’t keep that promise. No, I was already insane with the need to claim her.

  “If you need me to stop, I will,” I said tightly. That was the best that I could do.

  I rubbed against her slit one more time, coating myself with her warmth before I guided my cock to her puckered entrance. I’d seen glaciers move faster than I did, pushing the head of my dick past the initial resistance and all of a sudden, I was inside and her ass handcuffed me in its tight heat like I’d committed a crime. Part of me felt like I had.

  I pushed in a little more. “Fuck, Priss, it’s going to be a tight fucking fit.” It was a warning; who it was meant for I couldn’t be sure.

  I’d never felt anything like this before—and I’d fucked a whole lot of holes. My head dropped, my eyes squeezed shut as I counted to ten, trying to make sure I didn’t fucking lose it only an inch inside of her before I could show her how good this could be.

  Slowly I moved all the way inside of her, feeling her reluctantly opening around me and then cinch tight. I paused, letting her adjust to me—and letting me adjust to her. Her entire body was tense—like a glass house that could shatter at any second. I wanted to ask if she was okay, but I couldn’t find the words. Her soft moans soaked into my every pore like the finest fucking lotion, making every cell slick with sweat; I took them to mean that she was at least surviving my invasion.

  Bending slightly, I snaked one arm around her so that my fingers could find her needy clit, still swollen and soaking, and begin to work it. All I did was stand there and soak in the feel of the tension in her body rising rampantly, the feel of her muscles clenching around me.

  My fingers stopped and I began to back myself out of her, inch by decadent inch. She whimpered and her hips tilted, searching for my hand. So needy, Miss Priss.


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