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Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2)

Page 18

by Nikita Parmenter

  After a while and once I feel like my legs will work again, I decide I really should get up, but I’m not quite ready to leave Cash yet. A wicked idea forms and he raises his eyebrow at me as I look up at him and smirk.

  “What?” he asks grinning as his emerald eyes sparkle.

  “Nothing” I say casually as I kiss his neck nipping playful before rolling away and standing up. “That was the best wakeup call” I chuckle as I stretch, feeling energized and still completely naked.

  “Where are you going, Il mio Cuore?” Cash smirks and I glance over my shoulder to see his eyes running down my naked body appreciatively.

  “I’m going with Luc to see his aunt soon, I really need to get ready. I’m going to get in the shower, want to join me?” I smirk as his eyes snap up to mine.

  I put a deliberate sway in my hips as I make my way across the room to the en-suite bathroom and start the shower. He groans heatedly from the other room and follows me in, stepping into the shower behind me, ready to go again from the feel of it.

  I smirk over my shoulder at him and he spins me in his arms as he lifts me up his hard cock nudging my entrance and causing us to both moan. Two orgasms later and we finally get out of the shower. After getting dressed in thick black leggings and a grey knit jumper dress, I braid my hair to keep it out of the way and then turn to Cash just as he pulls his shirt on. You’d think that now I’ve had my hands and lips all over him it would lessen the amount of lust I feel for him but like with Trick I just want him more.

  “If you carry on looking at me like that Everleigh, we aren’t going to leave this room today” Cash says his voice rough with desire as he wraps his arm around me. “As much as I’d love to do that, I know how important it is to you and Luc that you go and see his aunt” he says smiling gently as his lips brush mine lightly before he takes my hand a leads me out of the door.

  “Well if you’re going to bring logic into it” I joke and he chuckles.

  I can hear all of the guys downstairs and now that the sex haze has worn off, I’m not only worried about how the rest of the guys are going to act but how Trick is. What if this is the thing that they start fighting about or that finally makes them jealous.

  “Don’t over think it, Il mio Cuore” Cash says quietly just before we enter the kitchen.

  The guys all say good morning like usual, and I get kisses from all of them, even Atlas gives me a kiss on the cheek close to my mouth with shocks me, I thought for sure he’d be avoiding me after I was so handsy with him when I was slightly drunk last night. I’m really glad he’s not and slightly pissed at myself that the feelings I felt for him last night haven’t dissipated and weren’t tequila induced.

  I start to think that maybe, despite how unintentionally loud I was this morning, they didn’t hear me. Then Jensen smirks at me, a decidedly dirty glint in his dark green eyes and I know for certain they did hear, they’re just ok with it and everything is ok. I sit down between Rafe and Riot.

  “How long until we leave?” I ask Luc as I pour myself a bowl of cereal.

  “After breakfast, I told her we’d get there around one ish” he says smirking as his gaze dips between me and Cash.

  I stick my tongue out at him and I’m completely caught off guard when Riot swoops down and kisses me heatedly in front of them all.

  “You make the most delicious noises, Sunshine. You had us all hard” he says roughly.

  I glance around the table surprised to see all eyes on us and the guys nodding in agreement. Huh. I honestly thought they’d have a problem, these guys keep surprising me. Even Atlas is looking at me with heat in his eyes and Jensen shoots him a smirk. I raise my eyebrow but his grin just widens.

  My hope begins to grow, they might actually be ok with me having proper feelings for all of them. Unless this is just sex and having a bit of fun, like those two guys who were in a relationship with Kat, Mark and Rich.

  It didn’t feel like just sex to me, and the way they both looked at me after makes me think it didn’t to them either but what the fuck do I know. It’s not like I’ve had any successful relationships in the past.

  Conversation carries on around me as I start to get stuck in my head. A finger tapping my chin as me turning towards Rafe and he leaves his finger there as he tilts his my face up to meet his gaze. He studies my features intently, looking for something, I have no idea if he finds it but he dips his face and kisses me slowly in the way only Rafe can that has me curling my toes and gripping shirt.

  “Do you want a hot chocolate before you go?” He asks quietly.

  My eyes widen with excitement.

  “Yes please!” I grin, doing my happy food dance.

  “What is that?” Atlas asks amused, as Rafe smirks and gets up to make me a hot chocolate.

  “That’s her happy food dance, I’m guessing Rafe just said he’d make her hot chocolate” Jensen chuckles shoving a bite cereal in his mouth than pointing his spoon at Rafe, “I want one too fucker” he adds, the others all saying they want one too.

  “So fucking cute” Atlas mumbles and the guys shoot him amused looks before they start chuckling.

  “Thank you Atty” I grin.

  “Fuckers” he mumbles making me grin before he clears his throat, “actually if it’s ok with Luc, I’d really like to show you how the safe room works” he pause and I can tell how hard it is for him to admit the next thing, “for my own peace of mind.”

  “It’s good with me if it’s good with Ever. We’re running a bit early anyway” Luc agrees and Atlas turns his attention towards me.

  “Yeah that sounds good to me” I say as I stand up.

  Rafe hands me my hot chocolate as Atlas leads me from the kitchen area and I kiss him in thanks before he hands one to Atlas.

  “Damn I’ve missed your hot chocolates man” he compliments and Rafe smirks.

  “Come on, Princess.” Atlas turns to me and I’m surprised he’s still calling me it without alcohol in his system.

  I kind of love it.

  “Lead the way Atty” I grin and his eyes lighten and I hope it means that he likes me calling him that.

  He leads me through the hidden door and to the first door on the left. He presses a panel besides the door and it slides up to reveal a keypad. It’s obvious that he spared no expense when he had this installed.

  “There’s a six number key to open the door. The number is five-three-four-eight-six-two” he says as he types it in and opens the door, “the room itself is state of the art. Over there we have a command centre of sorts the monitors are connected to cameras in each room.”

  I raise my eyebrow.

  “Don’t worry they aren’t on all the time and will only turn on if you come in here and turn them on. There’s obviously, several beds in here, couch, tv, bathroom and enough provisions for two years as well as very basic cooking facilities.”

  My eyebrows are practically in my hairline by now. He obviously thought about this extensively. It’s almost like he’s preparing for war. I desperately want to ask but I won’t. He walks over to the wall on the right that just look like a giant sheet of metal. He presses some buttons on the keypad next to it and it rolls up revealing a decent amount of guns, amo and even a few knives. Wow.

  “The number is the same as the door. There are mostly guns in here but there are a few knives since they’re Jensen’s favourite” Atlas chuckles.

  I suddenly see the incident in the hallway when I first arrived in and entirely new light that has me smirking. I also instinctively remind myself of where I’ve put my knives, one in each of my boots since I don’t have any sheathes for them in this dress. Since we are going out today I couldn’t help but want to bring them with me.

  “I know you said you can handle a gun but I was just wondering exactly what you know” he asks raising his eyebrow.

  I was terrified when my dad first put a gun in my hand and told me to use it if I had to. I decided to make the best of it though and learn how to use it properly and ended
up going to a gun range whenever I could.

  I kind of want to show off a bit for Atlas though so I study the guns on the wall and take down the one I’m most familiar with. I set it on the table and glance at Atty.

  “Time me?” I ask and he smirks.

  Once he gives me the go ahead I take it apart and put it back together as quick as I can and then look at Atlas for my time. Only to find him staring at me with desire darkening his ice blue eyes and not watching the timer.

  “Well Atty?” I say my voice unintentionally husky reacting to his own desire as I stand.

  “That was so fucking hot” he rasps before he pulls me towards his chest.

  I go willingly, my head tipping up as his comes down and his lips collide with mine, he growls into my mouth nipping my lips and lifting me up with an ease that has my core clenching and gives him better access to my mouth. His hands squeeze my ass firmly and his hard length hits me just right making me moan. There is no battle for dominance in this kiss. He rules and I surrender completely to him and he nips my lip in praise when I comply completely as he backs us up against the wall, using it to hold me in place as his hand slowly moves from ass trailing up my side and to my breast rolling my nipple in his fingers, I have never been so grateful for non-padded bralettes. I groan as his giant tattooed hand travels up the side of my neck holding me firmly as he devours me.

  When he pulls back I’m gasping for breath and his chest is heaving. He smiles at me, not a smirk or a grin but a proper smile that turns his ice blue eyes into glittering crystals and has me staring in shock, my breath stuttering in my chest as my heart slams against my ribs.

  He is savagely handsome.

  Damn that’s dangerous. I want to explore all of his tattoos, run my fingers and lips over them. I didn’t get a good enough look in the pool yesterday too focused on how I reacted to his scar and his reaction to my scars.

  “Now what has you looking at me like you want to eat me, Princess?” he asks his fingers flexing on my neck as he presses impossibly closer.

  “Because I do, I want to lick you” I shock myself when I admit out loud.

  His smirk turns wicked, “only if I get to return the favour” his eyes darken as I bite my lip.

  “I think I can agree to your terms” I reply.

  Movement from behind Atlas’s shoulder has me tensing and in seconds I find myself put down and backed against the wall with Atlas back in front of me as he crouches into a defensive position. His natural reaction to protect me makes me hot.

  I smirk and tension leaks from me when I realise it’s just Luc, but when I study him properly I see he’s not smirking but watching Atlas cautiously and Atlas hasn’t straightened from his position. I place my hand on his back gently and his muscles tense under my touch, I slowly move around him and place my hands on his cheeks. Figuring it worked when Luc did it for me and since he's crouched so I can reach anyway, I place my hands on his cheek and my lips on his.

  It takes a second before he releases his tension and his lips move against mine he pulls me closer and dips his head into my neck.

  “Are you ok Atty?” I ask sharing a worried look with Luc.

  “Just give me a second, Princess” he rasps and I hold him closer.

  It takes about five minutes but then he lets out a deep breath and stands up straight letting go of me.

  “Sorry man” he says to Luc.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ve been there, Ever’s good at bringing us back” he grins and Atlas smirks in reply. “We are going to be late though” he grins and I make a whoops face. Which has them both chuckling.

  “Ever distracted me” the cheeky fucker accuses.

  “You started it” I reply as I walk towards Luc grateful that he’s not bothered by me kissing Atlas. I seriously don’t know what the fuck is going on with me but I’m going with it.

  Wanting to mess with him a bit and knowing that he’ll most likely find it hot. I bend down whilst the guys talk about what the others are going to do and take one of my knives out of boot.

  “Hey Atty” I smirk as he turns to me and the fling my knife, it embeds in the wall behind him, “I prefer knives too, and I thought you’d like to know I’m always armed.”

  Luc bursts out laughing next to me at the shocked look on Atlas face as his gaze switches between my knife embedded in the wall by his head and me. A savagely wicked grin filled with heat crosses his features and Luc starts to laugh harder.

  “Oh Firecracker, you’ve done it now” he chuckles.

  I smirk as my adrenalin peaks and I slowly back up out of the room, his gaze turns predatory and he starts to follow as I turn to run, unable to stop the laughter bubbling free as I enter the main living area and the guys all turn to me eyebrows raised. I ignore them as I dart across the room and hear Atlas right behind me.

  “Princess!!” he calls after me as he comes barrelling through the door and snatches me up.

  The guys jaws drop with shock as my legs wrap around his waist and he slams his lips on mine again. When he pulls back he smirks again.

  “I feel like we missed something” Jensen grins and he smirks at me winking when I blush.

  “Ever threw one of her knives at Atlas” Luc says casually as he enters the room.

  “Ah ok I get that” Jensen shrugs and he really does.

  “Oh Sweetheart, you’re in trouble now” Trick chuckles as his gaze switches from Atty to me.

  His words confuses me but before I can ask Atlas has put me down and everyone’s got their kisses. Luc then pulls out of the door and into the snow throwing my coat to me as I get into the truck in a rush.

  Chapter Nineteen


  As soon as the door shuts behind Ever and Luc we all turn to look at Atlas, in what could only be described as shock. Never in all the time I’ve known him has he behaved like he is with Ever. He lets her touch him and it doesn’t even phase him.

  “Oh fuck off, you were right, she’s something else” he grunts reluctantly.

  “Dude she had you the second you saw her” Trick chuckles as we all take seats on the large u-shaped couch.

  The amusing thing is that he doesn’t even deny it and we all grin at him. I hoped that it would turn out like this. It’s amusing to see our surly brother so tied up in knots over Ever, it’s not surprising though we all are.

  “She threw a knife at you?” Jensen smirks and a dark light entering his eyes.

  Dude likes knives a little too much if you ask me.

  “Yep” he says looking, impressed.

  “She missed I take it?” Trick chuckles as he studies him, no doubt seeing how into Ever he already is.

  “Yeah, on purpose” Atlas replies and smirks, “she could’ve hit me no fucking problem” he chuckles. “I questioned her on her knowledge of guns…”

  I interrupt him.

  “Am I the only one who was shocked she knew how to handle a gun?” I ask as I lean against Rafe.

  “Nope. Although now that I think about it, it’s hardly surprising” Cash adds.

  The lucky fucker, we all fucking heard them both this morning and it was hot as fuck. I smirk at him and he grins. I’m jealous but not in a stomach churning, I want to kick his ass kind of way more I wish it was me but I’m pretty damn sure I’m going to get her to myself at some point. Well to myself and Rafe. My grin widens as I think of having them both in my bed.

  “What does that mean?” Atlas snaps out, bringing me back into the conversation.

  I share a look with the others, he doesn’t need to know all of Ever’s past, what we know of it anyway, right now. It’s going to hit him hard especially since he seems to care about her. I know Ever gave Trick the go ahead to tell him but I’m perfectly happy letting him decide what to do with this situation. I’m guessing he’s going to handle it fairly delicately.

  “She made drug drops for her dad” Trick says bluntly.

  Or not, what the fuck.

  “She did what?” Atlas rasps as h
e goes deathly still, fury growing in his eyes.

  “You heard me. I will tell you more later, when she’s gone to bed, it will give you enough time to control your reaction but we have something planned for today and you really don’t need to know now. Ok?” He asks, using what I like to call his boss voice.

  Atlas takes a deep breath as he closes his eyes and then nods once.

  “I want to know later though Trick” he demands.

  “You got it man.”

  “Before we got side tracked what I was trying to tell you fuckers is that Ever doesn’t just know how to use a gun, she knows them fucking well. She took apart one of the Glock 26’s and reassembled it fucking quickly” he says impressed and I sort of just stare at him.


  That’s more than just knowing how to shoot that’s a familiarity with them that would suggest hours of practice and study, I’m impressed. It’s pretty damn obvious the others are too.

  “So what have you got planned today then, I’m guessing it has something to do with Princess?” Atlas ask and we all grin even when she’s not here he’s calling her that.

  Looks like Rafe’s plan might include Atlas after all. It feels right.

  “She didn’t get to celebrate Christmas since she left us so we want to give her a proper one to make up for all the ones she missed and especially since we couldn’t spend the day with her this year because our families all wanted us to be with them” Trick starts and gets interrupted by Atlas.

  “She didn’t get Christmas?”

  “Her dad was a cunt, he’s dead now though” Jensen explains like he knows that’s exactly what Atlas needs to hear and it works as the tension slowly starts to bleed from him.

  “Anyway,” Cash continues, “Rafe is cooking a proper Christmas dinner, since apparently he can cook” Cash shoots him a glare.


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