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Secrets of the Heart (Brie's Submission Book 20)

Page 13

by Red Phoenix

  Brie winced. “I’m definitely not looking forward to dealing with that man.”

  Sir squeezed her shoulders. “You have nothing to fear with Holloway because Brianna Davis is a force to be reckoned with.”

  Brie smiled up at him. “You’re right. If he thinks I’ll cave to any of his unreasonable demands, he’s in for an unpleasant surprise. I’m not that naïve girl he remembers.”

  Sir gazed proudly at her. “No. You are a woman of grace and intelligence who will stop at nothing to ensure her film becomes a success.”

  Lifting her hand to touch his, she said, “Your support means everything to me, Sir.”

  “I’m fortunate to be married to such talent.”

  His unfaltering faith in her bolstered Brie’s confidence considerably. She was certain she could overcome any obstacle that got in her way.

  Heading out early, they drove to the Reynolds, Sir’s uncle and aunt, wanting to spend time visiting with them.

  Brie’s jaw dropped when they answered the door and she saw Jonathan standing, clutching Judy’s leg. “How can he be walking already?”

  Judy grinned down at her son. “I know. I struggle to believe it myself. And let me tell you, once they start walking, your life as a parent will never be the same.”

  Brie kissed Hope on the cheek. “Part of me wants her to stay just like this forever.”

  Once inside, Brie set her down on the floor. Hope ogled Jonathan as if she was as surprised to see him on two feet as they were.

  “Has Hope started crawling?” Judy asked Brie.

  “She’s close. She rocks back and forth but hasn’t quiet made the leap into actually moving yet.”

  “It’s going to happen before you know it, Thane,” Jack said, laughing as he took the bag of baby paraphernalia from Sir.

  “We appreciate you watching our daughter, Unc.”

  “You know we’re always happy to,” he assured Sir.

  “And it’s such a special treat to spend time with you both so shortly after your trip back from Italy,” Judy commented.

  “How was your visit, by the way?” Jack asked.

  Sir sat down, tossing a stuffed animal in Hope’s direction before answering him. “My grandmother was not well, but is doing much better now.”

  Judy said with concern, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Sir glanced at Brie. “It actually turned out to be a good trip for many reasons. My nonna’s recovery being one of many of them.”

  “Where are you headed off to this evening?” she asked Brie.

  She smiled excitedly. “Tono Nosaka is doing a presentation of Kinbaku with Autumn.”

  “Oh, I just love his work!”

  Brie looked at her in surprise. “You’re familiar with Tono’s art?”

  “Oh, yes. I keep up with all his photo shoots and performances on his website. What he does is absolutely stunning.”

  Brie giggled. “I had no idea you were a fan.”

  Jack put his arm around his wife. “We both are. It’s not just his skill with the rope. We both appreciate his take on life. He is very wise for his age.”

  “He is, indeed,” Sir agreed, glancing at Brie with a wink.

  Brie held out her hands to Jonathan. “Aren’t you growing into such a handsome young man?”

  He looked at her outstretched hands and started toddling toward her. Midway, he fell. Brie let out a cry of sympathy, but Jack patted her knee. “Just smile and encourage him. Falling is part of the process.”

  Brie nodded and focused her attention back on Jonathan. “You’ve got this, big guy. Come to your Auntie Brie.”

  Jonathan struggled to get back on his feet and then started toward her again.

  Brie was amazed as he took each careful step and eventually made his way to her. Scooping him up in her arms, she kissed him on the cheek. “I’m so proud of you, Jonathan.”

  Sir patted his back, looking at his nephew proudly. “Well done, young man.”

  Brie smiled to herself, imagining what it would be like if they had a son.

  “So, Unc, what’s been going on in your life?”

  “Keeping busy at the tobacco shop. I’ve been pushing the owner to move to electronic cigarettes because the demand is so high these days.”

  Brie shook her head. “Crazy how things change.”

  “Yes, you either adapt as a business or you disappear.”

  “They’re lucky you are looking out for them.” Brie was suddenly struck with an idea. “Have you ever considered running your own shop?”

  Jack shook his head, “Oh, no. At my age, I’m just looking to make it to retirement. I’ve been working there for forty years now.”

  Brie’s jaw dropped. “The shop has been around that long?”

  He nodded, stating proudly, “Use to be quite popular back when exotic cigars were a thing but, times change, and so do people’s habits. I’m afraid if I can’t get the owner to make the switch soon, the place might close its doors before I have a chance to retire.”

  Sir clasped his uncle’s shoulder. “I can always use your services if the need for employment ever arises.”

  “Much appreciated, Thane, but I’ve got my eye firmly on the prize. In a couple of years, I’ll be able to leave the shop for good and help Judy raise our boy.”

  Brie was touched by how devoted they were to Lilly’s son. Looking at Jonathan, it was obvious to her that he was happy and thriving under their care.

  Glancing at his watch, Sir informed them. “We’d better leave now so we don’t have to fight through traffic.”

  “Have a wonderful time, you two,” Judy said, picking up Hope. “And please give Mr. Nosaka our best.”

  “I will, Auntie,” Sir assured her.

  As they walked to the car, waving at Hope, Sir chuckled. “I never suspected that my aunt would be into bondage.”

  Brie giggled as he helped her into the car.

  Because of a fender bender on the freeway, the traffic was so backed up that they arrived just before the doors opened. Brie gazed at the large crowd of people as they all began slowly filing into the auditorium.

  She was amazed at how many had come to see the performance, and now she understood why Autumn had been feeling so anxious about tonight.

  As they made their way in, Brie jumped when someone suddenly tickled her in the ribs from behind. Screaming out in surprise, she turned to see Master Anderson standing there.

  “You scared me to death!”

  He chuckled. “I’m like a fart, young Brie—silent but deadly.”

  Shey, who was standing beside him, burst out laughing. Brie joined her, while Sir shook his head in amusement. He directed Brie to the side so they wouldn’t impede others trying to take a seat.

  “I didn’t expect to see you two here!” Brie exclaimed, thrilled to see them both. “Is your mother doing better, then?” she asked Shey.

  “She’s still on the mend, but this hunky man here got me tickets to fly out for the weekend and then surprised me with this show.”

  Brie beamed at them both. They made a stunning couple. Shey was wearing a sequined gown of black and silver that set off her beautiful red hair, while Master Anderson’s stylish black business suit and silver tie complemented her dress.

  “I’m surprised you aren’t wearing your cowboy hat,” Brie told him.

  He grinned, nodding toward the entrance. “It’s in the truck.”

  “And it looks great with his suit,” Shey added, looking up at him adoringly.

  Master Anderson looked at Shey with the same tenderness, making Brie swoon.

  Scanning the throngs of people, Shey commented, “I had no idea it would be this packed.”

  Sir agreed. “I certainly wasn’t expecting such a massive turnout.”

  “Apparently, Nosaka is quite the draw,” Master Anderson stated. “I’m impressed.”

  Looking at the number of people, Brie asked, “Have you ever thought of doing a performance with your bullwhip?”

bsp; He laughed and winked at her. “Well, now. There’s a thought.”

  “You’re busy enough at the Center, handsome. I barely see you enough as it is,” Shey teased.

  “Being Headmaster of the Center is a demanding job,” Sir commented.

  Master Anderson swept his hair back. “You’re not kidding, buddy. The requests for extra classes have risen since the last documentary. I can’t imagine what will happen when this new one comes out.”

  Shey laughed. “I have a feeling I’m going to have to fight off a bunch of new groupies.”

  “No need for that, darlin’. This man only has eyes for you.” He lifted her chin and kissed her on the lips. Shey blushed deeply, obviously uncomfortable with the public display, but Brie noticed that it didn’t stop her from returning his kiss.

  “We’d better head in before the lights go down,” Sir stated, holding out his arm to Brie.

  After Sir showed the usher their tickets, the two were directed to the front of the auditorium and to the best seats in the house. Brie sat down next to Sir, trembling with excitement. Listening to all the people in the audience, she could only imagine how nervous Autumn must be backstage.

  Sending good thoughts to her friend, Brie whispered under her breath, “Just breathe, Autumn…”

  The lights went down a few minutes later and the entire auditorium instantly quieted.

  The sound of a lone flute filled the air and played a series of notes for several minutes. The soothing music instantly sent the audience into a state of peaceful harmony.

  Already, Tono had set the mood and he hadn’t even set foot on the stage yet.

  Brie held her breath when the lights came up and Tono walked out wearing his traditional black kimono. He was carrying a jute mat. He unfurled the mat in the center of the stage and laid it on the floor.

  Bowing to the audience, he then went to the right side of the theater and held out his hand.

  Autumn walked out wearing a mid-length green kimono covered in artfully painted pink cherry blossoms. The lower half of her face was attractively wrapped with a white strip of cotton cloth known as a tengui.

  Taking Tono’s hand, she glanced briefly toward where Sir and Brie were seated and then walked across the stage with Tono. Brie gave her a heart sign for encouragement and Autumn nodded to her before staring straight ahead.

  Just as the flute music ended, she knelt on the mat with Tono’s assistance. The room darkened as a spotlight centered on them, suddenly making the two the only ones in the room.

  The silence that followed helped emphasize the moment when Tono knelt down behind her and wrapped his arms around Autumn. The two slowly swayed together as she laid her head back on his shoulder. Brie knew from experience that she was matching her breath with his.

  It took only a few seconds before Brie saw Autumn relax as their breaths synced together.

  Brie reached out and squeezed Sir’s hand in anticipation of this incredible moment. Tono’s vision was about to become a reality for all of them to enjoy!

  A new melody began, livelier than the first, as a golden binding ring slowly descended from the rafters, stopping above their heads.

  Tono’s assistant, Akira, the same woman Brie had met the first night she’d visited his home, stepped onto the stage with several bundles of jute. She handed them to him and bowed before leaving.

  With quick but graceful movements, Tono began binding Autumn’s chest with the jute. Brie noticed that the sounds of the rope hitting the floor as he tied intricate knots had been timed to the music.

  Once he finished the chest harness, his knots resembling beautiful flowers, he stood up and walked around her slowly, admiring her while he murmured words that only she could hear. Her eyes followed him, and Brie could tell she was completely entranced by her Master.

  Tono knelt behind her again and began tugging on her kimono, exposing a nude bodysuit underneath. It gave the illusion that she was naked without compromising Autumn’s modesty. Tono artfully adjusted the silk material so that it acted as a sensual frame for her breasts and complemented the harness. People began clapping, everyone appreciating the erotic beauty of the bondage.

  Wrapping his arms around her again, Tono moved in time with the music drawing the audience with him as the tempo increased.

  Tono smiled as he kissed her bare shoulder, making a slow path of kisses to her neck. With fluid movements, he untied the cotton tengui from her face, exposing the deep scar that ran from her ear to her lip. He turned her chin toward him and kissed her deeply.

  Brie noticed her own heart quickening in response to the sensual music and the passion behind his kiss. When Tono broke away, he whispered something in her ear and she smiled.

  Taking the next length of rope, he lifted the material of her kimono from her right leg and began the process of binding it. Again, the sound of the jute hitting the stage floor accentuated the beat of the music playing.

  The quickness with which he tied the complicated pattern of knots was fascinating to watch, and, this time, the result of his work resembled a sultry thigh-high.

  Tono ran his hand lightly over it before lifting the other side of her kimono, fully exposing Autumn’s artificial leg.

  Brie watched Autumn carefully, looking for any sign of shame or discomfort, but she only saw a look of serene devotion on her face. Just like the audience, Autumn seemed captivated by the sensual power of Tono Nosaka.

  His hands drifted down to the pin that held her prosthetic in place. His assistant walked out as he removed it, and gave it to Akira. With gentle hands, he then began unrolling the liner beneath it, revealing the scarred stump.

  Handing it to his assistant, as well, he bowed his head slightly to her. Akira responded in kind before gracefully leaving the stage.

  Tono turned his attention back on Autumn, teasing the skin of her amputated leg with the rope. At one point, Brie heard Autumn laugh in delight.

  He then began the process of binding her left leg in the same intricate knots as he had the right. Once he was done, he stood up and walked around her again, admiring her from every angle with a smile on his lips.

  It was genius, the gentle way Tono had exposed Autumn’s scars to the audience while he bound her. It had been sensual and without apology, making it seem a natural part of who she was as a woman.

  But, Tono wasn’t done yet…

  The music changed again and, this time, the melody was powerful and intoxicating. Brie’s eyes widened as the lights changed, exposing more area on the stage. Off to the right, glowing bundles of colorful jute suddenly flew through the air. Tono caught them one by one and laid them down at his feet.

  This time, he began tying Autumn at key points on her body in preparation for suspension. Again, Brie was amazed at the speed and skill Tono exhibited as he artfully pulled at the rope in time with the music while he bound her in glowing green, purple, and yellow rope, slipping the ends of the jute through the binding ring.

  The music slowed down momentarily while Tono gathered the ends of the rope in his hands. Just when the crescendo started, he lifted her into the air. People in the audience let out a gasp as Autumn flew up into the air. The pose Tono had chosen was similar to the Layback spin, a position that Autumn had often assumed as a figure skater.

  Once he’d secured the ties and made the proper adjustments, he started twirling her in the air.

  Autumn looked as graceful and free as she did on the ice. Tono increased the speed to match the rising tempo of the music until she was spinning at dizzying speeds above the stage.

  Autumn threw her head back and let out a cry of victory that gave Brie goosebumps. The entire audience stood up and cheered.

  The sight of her was elegant, mesmerizing, and powerful.

  Brie stood up with tears streaming down her face as she celebrated Autumn’s victory cry. Inspired beyond words, Brie felt immense happiness seeing the joy on Tono’s face as he watched his beautiful submissive in flight.

  Confronting Her

  When Tono showed up at their beach house for the session a few days later, Brie was anxious to begin. Running to the door, she opened it to find Tono standing there with his equipment bag, but Autumn was missing.

  “Where’s Autumn?”

  Tono smiled. “Lea appears to be on the mend, so Autumn went to visit her.”

  Brie laughed. “I can only imagine the ton of bad jokes that will be flying between those two today.”

  “They are amusing together,” he chuckled.

  Brie let him in, still stunned by the change in Autumn. It hadn’t been that long ago that she’d been jealous of Brie because of her history with Tono. However, under his loving guidance and care, Autumn had developed a completely new attitude. Not only was she more confident with her physical appearance, as proven by her amazing Kinbaku performance, but she was also comfortable enough to let Tono bind Brie without needing to be present.

  Sir came out of his office and walked over to Tono, holding out his hand. “I must applaud you again on that extraordinary performance. We were both inspired by it.”

  Tono shook his hand warmly. “That means a lot coming from you, Sir Davis.”

  Sir’s eyes shone with great admiration for the Kinbaku master. “I appreciate you coming today. I know Brie has been anxious about her meeting with Holloway, and you’ve always had a calming effect on her spirit.”

  “It is an honor and a pleasure to work with your wife.”

  Sir nodded. “I will let you two get started, then. Hope is spending the afternoon with her dyadya and I’ll be in my office. Feel free to interrupt if you need anything.”

  “Thank you, Sir Davis.”

  Tono turned to Brie. “Where would you like to do this today?”

  “I’ve been thinking the bedroom because of the incredible view of the ocean.”

  Tono followed her to the room and looked around. “Would you be opposed to doing it outside? Nature has a calming effect that you won’t experience inside.”


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