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by Adams, Harper



  Harper Adams

  Copyrighted Material

  Copyright © Harper Adams 2020

  Harper Adams has asserted her rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the Author of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction and except in the case of historical fact, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only

  Luna was previously published as part of the Devil’s Children series by S J Crabb



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Note from the Author

  The Knights of Fallen County

  An Introduction

  Meet the Knight family.

  Ash, Lucas, Marius, Caleb, Savannah, Ashley and Scarlett.

  All siblings with one thing in common – they hate their father and each other in equal measures.

  Being a Knight is a double-edged sword. On the one hand they have it all.

  Looks, money, power and popularity.

  They are feared and desired and rule the school.

  Then there’s their father.

  Devlin Knight. The one man nobody wants to meet. He is rich, charismatic and devastatingly handsome.

  He lives alone in a mansion on a hill overlooking Fallen County and he sees everything. He owns the town and more beside and yet his real reason for being here is Hell on earth.

  There is no room in his heart for love and that’s just the way he likes it.

  The Knight family are about to discover that life is about to get interesting.

  Prepare to discover a new series and fall in love with the Knights of Fallen County.


  I can hear the whispers through the air vent in my room and squeeze my eyes tightly shut, trying to pretend this isn’t happening.

  They don’t know I know their plan, but I always have. My time here is limited; I’ve turned eighteen and must pay my way, but the trouble is, they want me to pay with my soul.

  I sigh to myself. It’s always been me and mom. Then he came. The hard, crude, rogue of a man who swept my mother off her feet and dragged her down to the gutter with him.

  She was once a beautiful woman who turned heads and had many admirers. Which makes it even stranger that her own head was turned by such a vile creature.

  Victor Williams. A local drug dealer and wannabe mafia hoodlum. He wore sharp suits and looked every inch the successful man he aspired to be.

  My mom worked at one of his employer’s clubs and he took a liking to her. Why wouldn’t he? She was beautiful, funny and kind. Not anymore - in fact, she hasn’t been for some time now.

  Gradually, he pulled her down to his level. Now hopelessly addicted to drugs and even more so to the man who supplies them, Marigold Williams is a broken shell of the beauty she once was.

  I hear the voices getting closer and shrink back in my bed. Maybe if I feign sleep, they will leave me alone. I’m worried because Victor has been looking at me in a very different light since my birthday and mom is no different. I was once her child - now I’m a threat. She wants me gone before the man I call ‘daddy’ makes me his in the other sense of the word.

  Their voices are raised and my heart hammers inside. The sound of the whiskey talking and the slur of the one with nothing more to lose rings in my ears. Victor may have made a deal for my soul, but he wants to sample it first.

  I look around wildly for an escape. Surely there is one. I need to get out and the only way is through the very door they are standing behind.

  I hear the anger in mom’s voice as she battles with the man she loves. “Leave her, if you mess with the goods Mr. Vincenzi will kill you. We need her to settle our debt with him. He’s collecting tomorrow and if you go ahead with this, the only thing he’ll be collecting is our dead bodies.”

  Vincent growls angrily. “Carlos Vincenzi. How I hate the sound of that man’s name. He thinks he’s such a big shot, lording it up in his fancy mansion and ordering the rest of us around like dogs. He’s only there because of who his father is.”

  I hear the voices fading as Victor takes his rant against Carlos further from my door and my heart rate decreases a little as I sense the threat has gone.

  I shiver as I think of Carlos Vincenzi. The local mafia boss and a man with no soul. He is cold, hard and calculating and ever since I can remember has been there in the shadows. Watching, waiting and looking at me with promise in those deadly eyes. I knew he had designs on me almost as soon as I knew the power of a woman to a man. He tolerated Vincent because he had a greater prize in his sight. Me.

  Quickly, I edge out of my narrow bed and reach for my clothes. I need to leave and fast because tomorrow is the day. He’s coming for me and there will be no choice involved. He’s told Vincent and my mother that he’s taking me to live with him until he has no further use for me. Then I’ll be put out to work in one of his clubs to repay the debt of his generosity in keeping me.

  Well, I may look it but I’m not stupid. I’m leaving and never coming back.

  When Carlos Vincenzi comes to claim his prize - the box will be empty.


  Three years later


  “Morning Luna.”

  I smile happily. “Hey, Gina. I love that color on you. It really brings out the sparkle in your eyes.”

  She laughs. “Oh, Luna. You’re such a darling.”

  She smiles and cocks her head to one side and I know what’s coming. “I don’t suppose I could ask a favor?”

  I roll my eyes. “Of course, what do you need?”

  She holds out a piece of material that barely deserves to be called a dress. “I split the seam again. I’m sorry, honey but you know how demanding the routines are.”

  Smiling, I reach out and take the sparkling creation. “No problem. I’ll see to it on my break.”

  Gina grins. “I knew I could count on you. You’re a star.”

  Laughing, I head off holding the scrap of material in my hand.

  As I walk to the bar, I feel happy. I always do when I come to work. It may not be the best job in the world but I love every moment of it.

  Various people call out as I go and I smile and return the greeting to every one of them.

  The Starlight Club. My place of work and the only place I’ve ever felt at home. Almost three years ago I came here as a frightened young woman in need of a job and it was only because Marco took pity on me that I’m here at all.

  Many would say I had sunk as low as a girl can get. A job serving drinks to men with one aim in mind - the delights of the girls within these walls. I get to serve the drinks behind the bar and watch the girls perform and dazzle the excited clien
tele. Not me though. I love mixing drinks and just listening to their stories. It takes my mind off what a disaster my life is right now. This is all I have and I’m holding onto it as if it’s the most precious jewel. Although I have nothing, I have everything because I’m free.

  I pass Marco sitting in his office and he growls. “You’re late.”

  Stopping just outside the door, I smile apologetically.

  “I’m sorry, I’ll make up the time tomorrow. I had to walk a little slower today because Sly was feeling bad.”

  He looks up and narrows his eyes. “What’s the matter with him?”

  Shaking my head, I feel the worry descend on me like a choking fog. “His breathing is slowing down, and he tires easily. I don’t think he’s eating properly, in fact, I know he isn’t. I told him I’d take him a meal from here later. Is that ok? I’ll pay for it, of course.”

  Marco looks at me steadily then says gruffly.

  “See Nate. He’ll sort you out. Tell him I said it’s on the house.”

  He looks away and I say falteringly. “It’s ok, you can dock my pay. I don’t expect it for nothing.”

  Looking up, he frowns and says roughly, “Take it before I change my mind. I’m not having it on my conscience if anything happens to that man and I could have done something to help. Just keep on making those drinks and keeping my regulars happy. That’s all I ask.”

  My eyes fill with tears and I make toward him but he holds up his hand and says gruffly. “Get out of here. I don’t want any tears and no words. Just get to work like I pay you for.”

  Turning away, I smile to myself. Despite his gruff exterior, Marco has a heart of gold. He may look like the most frightening man in the world but underneath it all he’s a teddy bear. He won’t admit it though. To everyone else, he’s hard, ruthless and tough and takes no messing around. The customers fear him but the staff love him. He has managed this club well since it opened and Mr. Knight is lucky to have such a valued member of staff.

  As I head to the bar, my thoughts turn once again to Mr. Knight. The owner of this club and many more across the country. His name is on the deeds but he never comes here and I wonder what he’s like.

  I’ve heard Marco is a pussycat compared to him. Those who have met him speak of him with fear in their eyes which piques my curiosity. I mean, just how bad can one man really be?

  The evening passes quickly. Despite the nature of the job, I love it. I hear the music and see the stage across the room. Shayla is performing now and is a firm favorite with the customers. She dances as if nobody’s looking and appears to be in her own little world, captivating her audience with her sultry dance without any effort, at least it seems that way.

  I see my friend Sheena making her way to the bar and she rolls her eyes and sets her tray down with a bang.

  “Man, it’s hot tonight.”

  “How can you be hot in that?” I giggle and shake my head.

  Grinning, she looks down at her extremely revealing uniform of a short black dress that barely covers her embarrassment. Luckily, my uniform is more conservative. Standard black jeans and club t-shirt with ‘Starlight’ emblazoned across my chest in silver letters.

  Sheena wipes her neck with a towel and pulls a face.

  “I’ve had more offers tonight than usual. There must be something in the water you’re watering down their drinks with?”

  I laugh softly and raise my finger to my lips.

  “Quiet, Marco will have something to say if he hears you.”

  “I’d like to see him venture away from his office for five minutes to hear me.”

  She leans forward and whispers.

  “Don’t look now but Romeo has just walked in.”

  She grins and I shake my head. “Leave him alone. He can’t help it. I’m all he has to talk to since his mom died.”

  Sheena laughs softly. “Keep telling yourself that, honey. I don’t think you realize that the only girl these guys really want is serving them their drinks and listening to their tales of woe. There’s no contest. You would win every time as I’m sure you know by the huge tips they feed you.”

  Handing her the drinks order, I watch as she walks smoothly away. It’s true, I do get lots of tips but I always share them out with the rest of the staff, it’s company policy. They all go into the pot and Marco distributes them fairly every night and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  My next customer beckons me from across the bar and I smile as I walk toward him.

  “Hey, Sam. Long-time no see.”

  He winks and stares at me with interest.

  “I’ve missed you, baby. You’re the only reason I come back to this crummy joint each week.”

  “Get out of here. You guys are so full of the sweet talk. I know it’s really my bartending skills that keep you addicted. What is it, your usual?”

  He sits on the barstool and rests his head in his hands, looking at me like an overeager puppy.

  “You know me so well. What do you say to keeping me company after work? I could take you out for a bite to eat if you like.”

  As I fix the drink, I shake my head. “Sorry, honey. You know it’s against the rules. Anyway, I have a dinner date tonight.”

  He grabs the drink and winks. “Sly?”

  Nodding, I smile as I think of my best friend.

  “Yes, I’ve promised him a meal for walking me home. He could do with it; he’s looking weaker every day.”

  Once again, the worry grabs me and Sam’s face softens.

  “You’re a good person, Luna. Sly’s lucky to have you and I’m sure he counts his blessings. You know, he chose his path; you don’t have to feel sorry for him.”

  Shrugging, I smile and turn to serve another customer but all I can think of is the person who means the most to me.

  I met Sly about a year ago. He has no family, no friends to speak of and no home. He lives in the alley beside my apartment block and wants it no other way. Every day he walks me to the club and waits for me to finish. I’ve tried to fix him up with a place to stay and a job but he’s having none of it. He’s a homeless veteran who loves living rough and the only thing he accepts from me is the hand of friendship and a warm meal once or twice a week. Then I wash his clothes while he takes a shower and that’s all he’ll allow and it breaks my heart every night when he says goodbye and blends back into the shadows of the alley.

  As I set about fixing more drinks for the men who appear to have so much, it’s the thought of the man with so little that dominates my thoughts.



  “Thanks, Nate. I’m sure Sly will be more than happy with this.”

  Nate winks and gets back to clearing up the mess from the night’s work.

  “No problem, Luna. Anytime you need any leftovers just holler. I’d rather Sly had it than the trash.”

  I pick up the warm package that Nate gave me and feel grateful. At least Sly can look forward to a good meal of steak and baked potato tonight.

  I head through the now deserted club and wave at Rudi who’s sweeping up. “Night Luna. Take care, darlin’.”

  I smile. “You too Rudi. See you later.”

  He winks and I head outside.

  The cooler air of the early hours of the morning greets me as I step outside the club. The lamplight illuminates a now deserted parking lot and there isn’t much activity as it’s so early in the morning.

  I see the slumped shape of my friend waiting for me. His back is against the wall and my heart beats just a little faster. I head over feeling anxious and peer down at the sleeping body on the ground.

  I whisper. “Sly, it’s Luna. It’s time to go home.”

  He jerks awake and sits up slowly. He’s getting a lot slower lately and I feel the fear rushing through my body. He is weaker by the day and it’s tearing my heart out.

  He smiles shakily.

  “I must have fallen asleep. What time is it?”

  “3am. Have you been here all night?”
  He pulls himself up on shaky legs and smiles ruefully.

  “Nowhere else to go so I thought I’d bed down here and wait for you.”

  We start our slow walk home and I try to reason with him.

  “You know the offer still stands. You can stay at my apartment when I’m at work. You can sleep there, watch the tv and have a hot meal. It would be no trouble, honey and would make me feel a whole lot better knowing you’re ok.”

  Sly shakes his head and smiles softly.

  “You’re a good kid. I’ve told you, it’s not for me. I would feel too confined and I need to be free. It’s a generous offer, darlin’ and there aren’t many who would spare a second look for a homeless veteran. You do way more than you should and I’m not your problem to bear.”

  I sigh. “I don’t think of you as a problem. I just worry about you that’s all. It’s not good for your health sleeping outside and I kind of want to keep the only friend I have around for as long as I can.”

  Sly smiles and nods toward the package I’m carrying.

  “Do you want me to carry that?”

  Laughing, I thrust it toward him.

  “It’s yours so you may as well. They had some left over and I rescued it before the trash claimed it. Steak tonight - only the finest mind. I don’t bring any old leftovers for my favorite man.”

  Sly rolls his eyes which makes me giggle. We must be the oddest couple in the neighborhood. The scruffy war veteran old enough to be my father and the young woman with no place to go but work. I wouldn’t want it any other way though. Sly tells the most amazing stories that make my heart yearn for foreign lands and adventure. I see the world through his experienced eyes and he paints a mesmerizing picture. How I love listening to his tales. We talk long into the early hours sometimes and I feed off his tales with a hunger for something I’ve never had and am probably never likely to.


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