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Page 2

by Adams, Harper

As we walk, we talk in whispers about the evening past. I tell him who came in and what they said. I share my hopes and dreams for a brighter future and we make plans for when life changes for us both and we live in a less hostile world.

  It’s all we have between us—hope and laughter. They cost nothing and are plentiful when you have nothing else to occupy your mind. My dream is to make enough money to buy a small place where Sly can come and live. We will live by the sea and enjoy a safe and contented life. Not much of a dream really but as far away as dreams usually are. There is no pot of gold at the end of my current rainbow and no way of knowing how to find one. So, for now, I’m just grateful that I have my freedom and a job I love and a friend to spend time with between shifts.


  The house seems empty, and the silence deafens me. I throw my keys on the table and walk through the empty hallway. Nothing. Nobody is home, that’s obvious.

  I feel irritable, tired and hungry. The boys are out as usual probably causing trouble somewhere and I have no idea where Taylor is. If I had to guess, she’s probably hammering my credit card at the mall as usual.

  Heading into the kitchen it just opens up a whole bigger part of emptiness. The room is huge and the silence echoes around the walls, mocking me with the lack of any signs of life.

  As I throw open the fridge door I groan. Nothing. Empty just like my heart. There’s just a festering box of takeout and a moldy piece of cheese that even a starving mouse would turn its nose up.

  I kick the door closed angrily and try the cupboards instead. The only thing worth eating is a half-empty box of cereal probably past its date. Ok, now I’m getting angry and that’s not good for anyone.

  I hear the car tires in the yard and take a deep breath. Here she comes. Taylor Monroe my latest girlfriend who in two minutes from now will join the line of ex-girlfriends who litter the town.

  I hear her heels clicking on the marble floor as she hurries into the room carrying more bags than is humanly possible.

  Leaning against the counter, I look at her with a hard expression.

  “I hope those bags come from the grocery store. The cupboards are empty as usual.”

  She laughs shrilly and flicks her hair as she pouts sexily.

  “Oh honey, I didn’t expect you back so soon. I was gonna make myself look real pretty for you and thought we could grab a meal out to celebrate your return.”

  I feel the irritation threatening to take hold of my rationality and say harshly.

  “What about the boys? Are they invited to our celebration meal or have you something in those bags for them?”

  She has the grace to blush - just a little.

  “I thought they’d be with their friends, they usually are. They like to pick up their food when they’re out, anyway.”

  Taking a deep breath, I try to make this less frightening than I want it to be but I feel the fire rising in my soul and tearing through my body. This needs to be controlled. I take a few deep breaths to put out the fire and face her with a hard look.

  “You have five minutes to grab what you can and get the hell out. I’m sick of you freeloading off me and doing nothing around here. You can’t even be bothered to make sure the food cupboards are stocked and there's enough for the boys to eat. I’ve had it with you, you just aren’t worth my time anymore.”

  I see her lower lip tremble and tears fill her eyes. She looks at me with a pleading expression.

  “Please, Devlin. I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you as only I can.”

  She walks toward me, batting her pretty little lashes and pouting suggestively.

  “Let me make it up to you baby. You know I’m good at making you feel better.”

  As she reaches out, I grab her arm and relish the fear in her eyes. I hiss. “You now have four minutes. If you don’t vacate these premises by the fifth minute you leave with nothing.”

  She pales under the glare of my eyes and the fire in my touch. I see the tears enter hers as the realization dawns and she pulls back and scurries from the room. I hear her run upstairs and know she’ll be gathering as much as she can as payment for her services of the last three months.

  I count down in my head as the minutes’ tick by. I’m a man of my word. She needs to be gone before the time is up, or she’ll leave with nothing.

  One minute to go and I move to the door. I hear her footsteps rushing down the stairs and take great satisfaction in watching her tear through the hall, pulling two large suitcases behind her.

  On the dot of five minutes, she slams the door and I sigh with relief. She’s gone. Another reject to add to the pile and another one to add to the list of people who hate me the most.

  Sighing, I turn and wander back into the kitchen. Great. Nothing to eat and no company as usual. My two sons Marius and Caleb don’t hang around long. They hate me with a passion, as do all my children for good reason.

  They are the only two that have the misfortune to live with me full time. The others get to visit on the holidays.

  I have two other sons and three daughters. None of them hold any love for me and that’s just the way I like it. Love nobody and they won’t let you down. I teach them a hard lesson they would do well to learn quickly. Love is a disease that destroys and weakens an otherwise strong man or woman. It makes them do foolish things and clouds their mind of judgment. The path we Knight’s tread has no room on it for love. We do not feel - we survive.

  Turning toward the stairs, I sneer. Love. Responsible for making strong men weak and women foolish. It destroys rather than nurtures and there’s no room for it here.

  Sighing irritably, I head upstairs to change. It looks as if I’m eating out tonight.

  ~ 3 ~


  I grab my fastest sports car. I need to tear up the tires when I feel irritable. The speed calms my soul and focuses my mind.

  As I sit at the wheel of my favorite beast I feel calmer, more in control and so god damned hungry I’m tempted to rip off the steering wheel and eat it like a doughnut.

  As I set off, I decide where to go.

  I have quite a choice as I own most of the town. Not that I go to my own establishments much. For some reason, I prefer to head out of town and try other places. However, tonight my stomach would protest too much so I head toward the nearest one. The Starlight club. Not my usual place of choice but I know they do a mean steak and it’s the sort of place you can blend into the shadows in a booth and be left alone.

  The company is there for the taking if required but not tonight. All I want is a good meal and an early night. Tomorrow I’ll deal with my domestic issues. This time I think I’ll get a housekeeper. Much cheaper and less likely to hammer my plastic and demand my attention.

  It doesn’t take long and I’m soon pulling into the parking lot. As I cut the engine, the gentle purr of the engine is silenced and I take a deep breath. I don’t want anyone to pester me tonight and hope they don’t recognize me. Because I own so much the whole town knows me for my sins and I laugh to myself. Sins are my specialty and when I’m in the mood I’m in now, I kind of hope I meet a sinner tonight.

  As I walk toward the door, I see a figure slumped against the wall. I feel irritated. That’s not good for business. Customers don’t want reminding of those less fortunate than them. Surely there are other places to sleep rather than my establishment.

  I see a group of men piling out of a cab. They are young and rowdy and obviously looking for a good time. They see the figure and start jeering.

  “Hey, grandad. Can we buy you a drink? How about a little pick me up? Looks like you could use something, hey grandad.”

  I watch as the man opens his eyes and grunts. The guys laugh and step over his outstretched legs. One of them spits to the ground beside him and sneers, “Dirty druggy. Do the rest of us a favor and disappear forever. You won’t get anything from us but our fists if we see you here when we leave.”

  They head inside and I see the man slump back against the
wall and lower his head and I concentrate on his mind. I look inside it and see the memories swirling around. I see a proud man who fought bravely for his country. I see his damaged mind and the horrors he encountered and I see defeat and weariness. This man is broken inside both in mind and body and is just waiting for death to bring mercy to his soul. There are no sins to whet my appetite and no crosses to bear. This man is nothing to me and so I move toward him and stand where the other men were a few minutes before.

  He raises his eyes and I see the resignation in them. I feel irritable and stare at him with the anger evident in my eyes. I watch as he feels the fear. It reaches out and hits him hard and he swallows nervously as I stare deep down to his soul. His eyes flick to the side and then back again. He feels it - he knows. I am danger with a capital D. They all feel it when I want them to. They can’t explain it and I give them no explanations.

  He shifts and looks at me guiltily, saying gruffly.

  “I’m sorry, sir, I’ll move.”

  Something about the pain in his eyes and the pictures of his life I saw in his mind stops me in my tracks. This man deserves more than the life he has fallen into. Reaching inside my wallet, I take out five $20 bills. Thrusting them into his hand, I say in a low voice,

  “Here. You may as well eat well tonight. Go and find somewhere warm and safe to sleep - you need it.”

  I turn to go but as I do, I feel his hand on my arm. As I turn back, he holds out the money. “Thanks, but no thanks. I don’t need your money and I don’t want a place to sleep. I have one. I’m just waiting to escort my friend safely home and I don’t need your pity or your charity. Thank you, sir, for thinking of me but I’ll bid you good night.”

  I watch in disbelief as he shuffles away. Well, that hasn’t helped my irritation. Sometimes people are so stubborn they can’t take a helping hand when it’s offered. Shrugging, I pocket the cash and head inside.

  The club is busy. Thinking back, I remember it does well and turns a healthy profit each month. That’s probably why I never come here. There’s no need because my managers run it and are responsible for keeping track of my investments. I run my empire from the tower block in the city and leave the everyday running of them to my team. I don’t even recall the guy’s name who runs this one.

  As I look around me a woman heads my way and flashes me her perfect smile.

  “Good evening, sir. Will you be requiring a table tonight, or a seat at the bar?”

  I smile inside. Good, she hasn’t a clue who I am.

  I nod. “A booth, please. Make sure it’s a private one in the corner.”

  She smiles and grabs a menu from the side and nods. “Please follow me.”

  I walk behind her through the club. I notice the stage set at the end and see a dancer swaying in time to the music and dancing suggestively. The tables set around it are filled with men whose eyes are glued to the dancer in front of them. I see various waitresses moving around, dressed in revealing black dresses holding silver trays laden with drinks and food. Yes, this place is thriving, and it makes my heart sing. This is all that concerns me. Making a profit and punishing sinners. What else is there?

  The server guides me to a corner booth and hands me the menu.

  She leans down and says huskily. “Your server will be here soon. If you need anything in the meantime, please ask me and I mean - anything.”

  She winks and wiggles away and I sigh heavily. “Usual story. Even though my life is one big curse to bear, I was awarded good looks and a certain something that draws the females to me like a magnet. It’s not my personality that’s for sure. I keep myself to myself and speak very little because I have nothing I want to say to anyone. They all bore me and I have nothing in common with any of them. My children don’t want to hear what I have to say and look at me with hate most of the time. It’s very lonely being me, so I make up for it by surrounding myself with female company to satisfy my physical needs. I have no emotional ones, so when the interest fades I move on to the next one. All they see is my money and power and want it for themselves more than air. It’s no wonder I’m angry.

  A pretty redhead sashays toward me in her little black dress and pouts prettily.

  “Good evening, sir. My name’s Sheena and I’ll be your server tonight. Would you like to start off with a drink?”

  Nodding, I growl.

  “Whiskey, neat, no ice.”

  She nods and winks.

  “I’ll be right back, sir.”

  She wiggles away and I yawn inside. So predictable. They do that to get a higher tip at the end. If they’re lucky, they get a much more attractive proposition. I know what this club is, and it pays very well. The men that come here do so for a reason and it’s not the food.

  My stomach growls and I study the menu. It’s time to reward it for its patience.


  Sheena fans her face with her order pad and sighs.

  “Oh man, you should see the hottie in booth seven. He’s so hot, and I mean smoking hot. In fact, his name is probably Hottie McHotness of Hot Street, Hot Town in Hot State, New Hotness. Thank God for giving him to me.”

  I giggle and take her order. “Whiskey, hey. Neat. That’s easy enough.”

  As I pour the drink she whispers.

  “I’m gonna treat him so right he’s won't know what’s hit him. If anyone is walking out with him tonight, it’s gonna be me.”

  I smile but hate hearing her words. I know what these girls do to earn a living and it saddens me. They hope for a rich man to take a shine to them and treat them right. The trouble is, this place isn’t the sort where Prince Charming likes to hang out. I think they’re fighting a losing battle and would be better off waitressing in the local steakhouse rather than pursue their dreams here.

  As she heads off her place is taken by a young man who came in with his friends earlier.

  “Hey sexy, how about coming and feeding me my drink personally?”

  Shaking my head, I smile. “Sorry, honey. I can’t leave the bar and even if I could, you're old enough to feed yourself.”

  He laughs and leans forward, grabbing my hand.

  “Then how about I escort you safely home later and you can invite me in for a coffee.”

  I try to snatch my hand away but he grabs it tightly.

  “Come on, I know what you girls are like here. I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Before I can answer, Diego appears and hauls him away.

  I sigh gratefully and watch as Diego pulls the man from the club and deposits him outside. This happens all the time with non-regulars. They think every female in the place is fair game and try it on all the time.

  Diego is the security guy who keeps the rougher guys in check. I think he has eyes in the back of his head as he appears to see everything.

  I hear a call from further down the bar.

  “Hey, Luna. A beer would be good when you’re ready.”

  Looking up, I see Grady, one of the regulars and smile.

  “Hey, Grady. How are things?”

  He sighs heavily. “Ok, I suppose. Wanda is still hanging on in there and I’ve only escaped because her mom’s in town to help after the birth.”

  Grinning, I hand him his beer.

  “How long is the baby overdue by?”

  He sighs. “Two weeks and Wanda’s irritable as hell. It’s no wonder I spend more time here than at home. Imagine what it’ll be like when the baby comes.”

  I smile but feel my heart ache. One day I hope to be in Wanda’s position. I would love a family to care for and care for me. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. The last time I saw my mom was when I ran out on her. It was so long ago now and seems like another lifetime.

  I listen to Grady talk about his family and just lose myself in his family life. It’s better than nothing I suppose.

  ~ 4 ~


  By the time I’ve eaten I feel a little better. Finally, I can think straight. I check my phone and see the endless stream o
f emails and texts from my business associates. Nothing from my children, there never is. The only calls I get are from the police to bail them out of trouble. They want me then.

  I look back toward the stage and see another dancer thrilling the crowd. She is pretty enough if you like that sort of thing. Maybe I’ll pick up a warm body to keep me company tonight. It may keep the loneliness away for another night.

  I glance over at the bar and see a young pretty blonde talking earnestly to a customer. She obviously works here and I watch as she laughs at something he says and throws her head back. He is leaning toward her and they look very friendly indeed. Whatever they’re talking about is keeping them amused.

  My server reappears and throws me the usual ‘come and get it’ look. For some reason, I look past her to the girl at the bar and note that even from this distance there is no comparison.

  The server looks and then smiles. “I see you’ve noticed Luna. Hard to miss that one.”

  I shrug. “Why, what’s so special about her?”

  The server smiles and laughs softly. “The girl’s an Angel. Not a bad bone in her body and the reason most of the men come here. She keeps this place going because there is really only one attraction in this place and you’re looking at it.”

  Feeling curious I ask, “Why? She’s just a bartender.”

  The girl shakes her head. “You’ve got that so wrong. Luna is the loveliest girl I have ever met. She’s a ray of sunshine in a dark world. The girls love her just as much as the guys. She helps everyone out despite having nothing herself. Nothing is too much trouble, and she listens when nobody else will. If I didn’t know better, I would say she’s an Angel sent from God. Her only friend is a homeless man who waits for her every night. You’ve just gotta love that girl.”

  I think about her words as I order a beer.

  The guy was waiting for her. How interesting.


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