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Page 3

by Adams, Harper

My attention is now firmly fixed on this so-called Angel from God and I almost laugh out loud. As if. I know a thing or two about Angels and if she’s one, then I’m not the devil.

  I watch her work from my shadowy observation point. I’ll give it to her, she works hard. The smile never leaves her face but I see the tiredness in her soul. Even from here I can see everything.

  As I focus my mind on her soul, it surprises me. Usually, there is something to work with but in her case, her soul is as pure as the day she was born. No hate, no resentment, and no fear. The girl could be an Angel, maybe I was wrong. If she is, then why is she here?

  My thoughts are interrupted as someone stands at my table. I look up into the eyes of the manager. Marcus, that’s it. It comes back to me as I see him smile anxiously.

  “Mr. Knight. I’m sorry, they didn’t tell me you were in tonight.”

  I fix him with a blank look. “I didn’t tell them.”

  Nodding to the seat opposite, I say, “Take a seat. Have you anything you want to tell me.”

  I watch as he looks nervously around him and sits on the edge of the seat opposite me.

  “No, things are good. Business is booming and everything is going well.”

  I nod toward the bartender.

  “Why is that girl serving drinks when she would obviously make us more money by working the floor?”

  I see him pale and lick his lips nervously.

  “Luna makes us more money by tending the bar. The guys like to talk to her and she keeps their drinks topped up. She’s the reason most of them come here anyway and if she was on hospitality, it would dilute her services somewhat.”

  I shrug. “Then charge more for them.”

  Marcus looks worried. “I’m sorry, sir but you’ve obviously not met Luna. If you had you wouldn’t want her to be doing anything else.”

  Now I’m curious. Leaning forward, I say darkly.

  “Then I had better meet this wonder woman and judge for myself.”

  Settling back, I watch as he springs to his feet. “Of course, sir. I’ll tell her you want a word.”

  As he hurries away, I shake my head. It’s obvious this girl could make us way more money in hospitality. The guys an idiot if he can’t see that. Maybe it’s a good thing I came.


  I approach the shadowed booth with trepidation. When Marco told me that Mr. Knight wanted a word, I felt unsettled. I don’t even think I’ve laid eyes on him before let alone spoken to him. I wonder what he wants.

  On shaking legs, I approach the booth, hoping that I still have my job when I leave.

  I feel him watching me as I near the table. The air is thick with tension and something else I can’t figure out. The air is oppressive that surrounds him. It’s heavy with menace and danger and I wonder about the man I have yet to meet.

  Nervously, I approach and take my first look at the man I’ve been curious about for so long.

  The eyes that stare back at me take my breath away. Dark, menacing and so deep I could drown in them. They command respect and draw my attention like nothing ever has before. This man is something else. Sheena’s description doesn’t do him justice. It’s not just the dark, good looks. It’s the man behind them.

  He nods as I stand before him and gestures to the seat opposite.

  “Take a seat, Miss. Williams.”

  I perch nervously on the edge and to my surprise, he leans forward with his hand outstretched.

  “I’m pleased to meet such a valued employee.”

  He holds his hand out and I have no other choice but to take it. As his hand grasps mine, something shifts deep within me. There is power in this man, something dark and mysterious. Something I can’t explain and something devastating.

  I smile and say softly. “Thank you, Mr. Knight. I’m pleased to meet you too.”

  I smile and watch his eyes change. Something enters them that I tell takes him by surprise. The intensity has been replaced by curiosity. His hand still grips mine and I feel awkward. This is odd. Surely, he should have let me go by now.

  I watch as emotion darkens his eyes and confusion dominates his expression. I shift in my seat and he snaps back to reality and releases my hand with a wry smile.

  Settling back in his seat he just looks at me for a second with no words spoken.

  I stare back at him with curiosity because there is something about him I can’t explain. Then he speaks.

  “So, Miss. Williams. Tell me what you see before you.”

  I feel surprised and look at him carefully and see the interest in his eyes as he waits for my answer. I think a little before I answer the strange question. Tilting my head to one side I look at him with interest and say softly.

  “I see a man who has lost a valuable thing.”

  My words take him by surprise and he leans forward. “Explain what you mean.”

  I shrug. “I may be speaking out of turn, Mr. Knight but I see a man who has everything yet nothing he desires.”

  Something changes in his expression and just for a moment he considers his reply. Then his mouth twitches and he smiles softly.

  “Please elaborate, Miss. Williams.”

  I smile softly. “Please, call me Luna. Everybody does. I prefer to forget the name Williams where I can.”

  He raises his eyes but says nothing and I continue.

  “It strikes me that you sit in the shadows for a reason. You want to be left alone that’s obvious. Most men come here with one aim in mind. To watch the show, get drunk or bend a friendly ear. Very few sit in the shadows unless they have company. I guess you may be checking up on your investment but you have faced the same direction for the whole time you’ve been here. You look weary and irritable and I’m guessing it hasn’t been a good day. The whiskey may dull the ache but the hurt won’t go away until you address the problem.”

  He smiles faintly.

  “What are you a psychic?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Just a bartender. You see, many different people pass through this place. All have a story to tell or one to escape from. Most just want a willing ear to hear them out. You appear to want to keep it to yourself. However, in asking me your first question it revealed that you care what others see. I suppose that’s a start.”

  He shakes his head as if lost for words and then nods toward the bar.

  “Why do you serve behind the bar? Marco tells me you’re the main draw to this place. You could earn more money in hospitality. Is that beneath you -Luna?”

  He says my name like an accusation and I frown.

  “Not everything in life is about money, Mr. Knight. For someone who obviously has a lot of it, you should know that more than most. I earn enough to survive and I have to live with the person I carry around inside myself. I don’t judge the girls that do but I would judge myself. Of course, I want to progress but I happen to like what I do. If it changed, it would be because I found another job that satisfies the standards I have set myself.”

  He appears irritated by my words and just stares at me. I stare back because for some reason I want to help the broken man before me. Leaning forward, I place my elbows on the table and rest my chin in my hands.

  I whisper. “If I may be so bold, Mr. Knight. Would you let me fix you a drink I think you may like?”

  Once again, he stares at me with a hunger in his eyes that sets my heart pounding. It’s as if he sees inside my very soul and is twisting it and stripping it bare.

  Then he nods.

  “Show me what you think I need.”

  Smiling, I stand and move away. Immediately I leave the table, I feel as if I can breathe again.

  ~ 5 ~


  Now I’m interested. As I watch Luna walk away, I think about what I discovered. When I took her hand, I read her soul. Nothing. Absolutely nothing but purity. She looked at me with the eyes of the curious and not the woman who desires. No woman has ever looked at me that way. She doesn’t want me like most do, she just wants to

  I look for her and note she has disappeared from view. I’m not sure why but I feel almost panicked at the thought she has left. Now I’m irritated with myself. This slip of a girl has crawled inside my mind in a surprising way. Who is she?

  Settling back, I search for her in my mind. Again, absolutely nothing. Why is that? All of my family can see whoever they want when they open their mind to them but Luna appears to have slammed the door shut in my face. Why should it bother me? The trouble is, it does, way more than it should after just a few words spoken.

  Something happened when I took her hand. Usually I see everything when I make contact with a person’s soul but there was something preventing me from reading hers. Is she an Angel? I doubt it. I’ve met Angels before and their souls are wide open.

  I sense her returning and watch in surprise as she sets a steaming mug before me and smiles sweetly.

  She giggles at my expression and the sound of it hits me hard like a dart to the heart.

  She perches on the edge of the opposite seat and smiles warmly.

  “Here you go, honey. Luna’s special hot chocolate, marshmallow extravaganza. I always whip this baby up when I’m feeling low or depressed. The sugar hits you where you most need it and the heat warms your soul. This hits the spot where alcohol fails. You won’t wake up with a hangover and it will help you sleep.”

  She looks at me with such pride in her stupid drink that it makes me smile inside. She is like an exuberant child in the most alluring body a man has ever seen. Her eyes are wide and unblinking and she’s open and friendly.

  I reach out and take a sip of the drink.

  As the hot sweet liquid channels through my body, I find it’s surprisingly good.

  She looks hopeful and yet I want nothing more than to gauge a reaction so it’s the asshole in me that growls,

  “You think we would survive serving this? We’re not here as a charity, darlin’, we’re here to make money. If we handed these out to the paying customers, we would go under quicker than a wrecked ship.”

  I watch her keenly, hoping for that spark of rage and anger that surely isn’t far away. She was just being kind and I recognize that. However, she just tilts her head to the side and looks at me without batting those baby blue eyes.

  “Come now, Mr. Knight. Surely even you know it’s not always about how much money you can drag from a man in a short space of time. True relationships are built on trust and time. My regulars are that for a reason. They know I have their best interests at heart. It keeps them coming back and away from your competition. Sometimes you have to do the right thing rather than go for the easy money. I can’t believe you don’t know that.”

  I see a hard edge creep into her eyes and laugh to myself. She’s annoyed with me but not angry. She knows she’s right and irritated that I’m obviously such a loser I can’t see it. I’m beginning to really like this girl.

  I try one last shot at making her crack. What can I say, it’s the devil in me?

  I set my mood to asshole and look at her with dark, flashing eyes.

  “Well, this is all nice and everything but you start in hospitality tomorrow. Good day, Miss. Williams.”

  I watch under a hooded expression for her reaction and almost hold my breath as I wait for her to fold.

  She just looks at me with disappointment in her eyes that hits me hard where very few people reach.

  Shaking her head sadly, she stands up and says in a strong voice.

  “Then you have my resignation, Mr. Knight. Thank you for the opportunity but no thanks. Under the terms of my contract, you have one month’s notice. Good evening.”

  She makes to go and I snap.

  “Sit down.”

  She turns back toward me and I see the proud set to her jaw and the pride flashing in those gorgeous eyes.

  Just for a moment, I savor the sight. She is magnificent. I have never seen the like of it before. This woman is as true to her soul as any I have met.

  She sits opposite me and stares me in the eye, unblinking and challenging and I smile to myself.

  “Have it your way. Stay behind the bar and carry on making ends meet. You disappoint me, Luna. I thought you had more sense. You may leave now.”

  She just stares. It makes me curious as I feel her staring into my eyes as if looking for something. Then she says softly.

  “Thank you, Mr. Knight, for understanding. It appears that we share the same thing.”

  I raise my eyes. “Which is?”

  She stands and fixes me with a look that takes my breath away.

  “Disappointment in the other. Enjoy the rest of your drink, sir, and have a good evening.”

  She walks away leaving me with the oddest feeling inside. I feel ashamed and disappointed with myself. She is wrong though. I’m far from feeling disappointed with her. The only one of us that I’m disappointed in is myself.

  ~ 6 ~


  I head back to the bar feeling completely thrown. There is something that’s bugging me about the man I’ve just left sitting in the shadows. He unnerved me in a way I never thought possible. There’s an excitement and danger to him that fascinates me. Despite his hard exterior, I sensed a yearning in him; something lost that draws me in and makes me want to crack that hard-outer shell.

  I try to concentrate on my job but my attention is most definitely still in the shadowy corner where he sits. I feel his eyes on me for the rest of the night and far from feeling uncomfortable; they wrap me up in a protective bubble.

  Sheena is curious and leans on the bar while I fetch her order.

  “So, spill the juicy details. What did he say?”

  I shrug. “Nothing much. He just wanted me to work in hospitality.”

  Sheena’s eyes widen and she whistles. “You’re not going to, are you?”

  Shaking my head, I roll my eyes. “I told him no thanks. I love what I do and if he wanted me to change, I’d look for another job.”

  She shakes her head. “Wow. He won’t have liked that.”

  I look at her with interest. “Why do you say that?”

  She grins mischievously. “From what I’ve heard about our hot friend, he likes to call the shots. Word is, nobody goes against him and if they do, they suffer. You’ve got balls, I’ll say that about you.”

  She winks as she heads off and I look over at the corner where he sits. I can’t see him but feel his eyes on me and I shiver inside. There’s more to Mr. Knight than meets the eye. He’s intriguing and rather than pushing me away with his words, it just makes me even more curious to know the man behind them.

  I try to forget him and just carry on with my work. He remains in his corner for the rest of the night. Marcus sits with him and they obviously have a lot to discuss. As soon as the last customer leaves, I grab my purse and head for the exit. I need some air and the walk home can’t come soon enough tonight.

  As usual, I see Sly slumped on the ground and my heart tightens. Heading over I see that he’s sleeping, so I crouch down and shake him gently.

  “Sly, honey. It’s time to head home.”

  Sleepily, he opens his eyes and smiles softly.

  “You’re a sight for sore eyes, Luna.”

  Reaching out, I grasp his hand and pull him to his feet.

  “As are you, Sly? It’s been quite a night tonight.”

  He looks concerned as he dusts himself down.

  “Hard night?”

  I shake my head and smile. “Not really. Nowhere near as hard as it must have been for you waiting out here. I wish you would stay at my apartment.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Not that again. I told you, I’m happy enough here.”

  We turn to go and almost walk into a man leaving the club.

  Looking up, I see the eyes of the man who fascinates me the most. Dark, compelling and one hundred percent dangerous. I catch my breath as I see the interest in them and he smiles briefly.

  “Can I offer you a ride, Miss. Williams?”

  I feel Sly tense beside me and look at Mr. Knight with interest. I shake my head and say politely.

  “Thanks, but I have an escort home. The night air is just what I need after a shift, but thanks for the offer.”

  He looks at us impatiently.

  “Then I will bid you goodnight.”

  He nods to Sly and we watch as he walks toward a shiny, black, powerful looking car.

  Sly shivers as we turn to start our journey.

  “There’s something not quite right about that man.”

  I find myself agreeing with him.

  “Yes, there’s a story there alright.”

  Sly whispers, “Who is he?”

  “Mr. Knight, he owns the Starlight Club, so is officially my boss.”

  Sly’s eyes widen, and he looks worried.

  “I’ve heard of him, Luna. In fact, everyone around these parts has. He owns just about everything in town and word is he’s a mean son of a bitch.”

  I feel interested and probe a bit further.

  “What do you know about him?”

  Sly shivers and it’s not from the cold.

  “He lives in a mansion on the top of Hellman’s Hill with two of his sons and whatever floozy he’s currently playing with. Everyone fears that family and keeps away. Word is they do terrible things and if you owe them anything, they want paying back in blood. Keep away from the Knight’s, Luna. They would destroy you in seconds.”

  I try to lighten the tone and just laugh softly.

  “Listen Sly. I’ve worked here for three years and he’s never come close. I think I’ll be ok for the next three years. If what you say is true, he must have several other places to hang out. Don’t worry about me, I doubt I’ll ever see him again.”

  There’s silence as we walk, both of us a world away from where we stand physically.

  After a while, Sly says huskily.

  “He offered me money earlier.”

  I feel surprised and look at him with interest.

  “What did you do?”

  He shrugs.

  “I refused. He told me to go and get a hot meal and a bed for the night. I told him I didn’t need one and gave it back. It must have been close to $100.”


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