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Page 10

by Adams, Harper

  She smiles and her eyes flash with determination. “Stop talking, Dev and just kiss me already. For a clever man you sure do misread the signs sometimes. Words are not what I need right now, surely that’s obvious.”

  Grinning, I pull her to me and kiss the woman I love with everything I’ve got.

  How did I get so lucky?

  ~ 20 ~


  As I return to work, it feels more like a year than a couple of weeks. The familiar sights around me calm my nerves and it feels good to be home. Dev dropped me off and said he would be in soon. He had something to do first but wouldn’t be long. I smile to myself. He’s an amazing man and after last night, I know I’m not going anywhere. Dev and I are now an official couple and it wasn’t my room I slept in last night. I feel a shiver of excitement pass through me at the memory of what we shared. He was the first man I have ever spent the night with and will be the last. I know that because he’s stolen my heart.

  Marcus looks up as I pass by his office. Unlike him, he smiles and gestures me inside.

  “Hey, Luna. It’s good to see you back. I’m sorry about Sly. He didn’t deserve that and it must have been tough on you.”

  A shadow passes through my heart as he speaks of my father. He doesn’t know, nobody does except for Dev. So, I muster up a smile I don’t feel and shrug. “No, he didn’t deserve what happened to him, but he’s at peace now. No more living in a dark, cold alley. He’ll be in heaven now because that’s where Angels go.”

  Marcus rolls his eyes. “If that’s what you want to believe then it must be true. Hard to imagine Sly as an Angel though.”

  I laugh. “He was to me, Marcus.”

  As I turn to leave, he says gruffly. “Like I said, it’s good to see you back. The customers have been restless without you and my takings are down.”

  Laughing to myself, I head toward the bar.

  As I see the familiar sights around me, I feel calm inside. I’ve missed this. I love making drinks and listening to the tales from my regulars. As I start my preparations for the night ahead Sheena wanders over and squeals excitedly.

  “Oh man, are you a sight for sore eyes. I’ve missed you so much, honey. Nate just isn’t you. He tries hard but getting a conversation out of him is like getting blood from a stone.”

  I giggle as she leans on the bar and says softly. “I’m sorry about Sly. He was a good friend to you and it must be strange.”

  I nod. “It is. I keep on expecting to see him. Even today I saw a figure slumped in a doorway and thought it was him. I suppose I will for some time.”

  Sheena nods and looks thoughtful. “I heard he was stabbed in your apartment. Do you know who did it?”

  I shiver as I think of the man responsible and shake my head. “I think it was those guys who came here asking about me the other night. They haven’t been back, have they?”

  She looks worried and shakes her head. “Not that I’ve seen. You don’t think they will do you? Why are they after you, anyway?”

  Looking down, I try to get a grip. Carlos isn’t the sort to let this one go. Killing Sly was a warning. I know he is angry that his prize escaped and have no doubt he’ll be back and I must stay on my guard at all times.

  Lifting my eyes to her curious ones, I say fearfully, “Please will you keep an eye out for them? If you see or hear anything, no matter how small, please tell me. I think Diego has been told to keep watch for them but if I know Carlos Vincenzi, he won’t let one man stand in his way.”

  Sheena looks worried but then her eyes shift past me and I watch the interest grow in them. She whispers, “Oh my God, he’s back. Super hottie, Devlin Knight, heading this way and totally smoking. What a sight for sore eyes that man is. Man, if I could just get him to notice me, I would be the happiest girl alive.”

  I swing around and my pulse increases as I see the man who has become everything to me, striding through the bar and looking as hot as a man has any right to look. His eyes are focused on only one thing - me. I catch my breath as he reaches the bar, and he sits on a stool and growls. “Is anybody serving here?”

  Sheena rolls her eyes and heads back to work and I smile and move across. “So, Mr. Knight. We meet again. What is it tonight, another hot chocolate to calm your anger?”

  His eyes flash and he says gruffly, “Whiskey, neat no ice. I’m in for a long night tonight.”

  I roll my eyes and get him his drink. As I hand it to him, I say quietly. “You’re not seriously going to sit there all night, are you?”

  He shrugs. “If I must. You may want to work, Luna and I respect your decision. But it’s my club and if I want to sit here, I will. In fact, I have a feeling that every hour you spend here will be under my watchful eye. If you don’t like it you know what the solution is.”

  I shake my head and smile inside. “Well, I’ve been thinking about your offer about switching to hospitality. You know, I think the time may be right to take you up on your very kind offer.”

  I giggle at the thunder in his eyes and he growls, “The offer has been withdrawn - forever. There is no job for you there.”

  He takes a sip of the drink and I sigh. “Well, I suppose I could always look elsewhere. I’m sure somebody would give a poor working girl a break.”

  He laughs softly. “Good luck with that one. In case you forgot there’s not much I don’t own in this town. If you find a job with a business I don’t, then it would be mine within the week. You can’t win this one with me, Luna. I know you don’t mean it but I mean every word I say. I promised your father I’d look after you and I never break my promises. If you want a job, I’ll give you what you want, but not one that involves cozying up to men for a fast buck.”

  I get called away and laugh to myself. Typical of him. He likes to control and dominate. Yes, he needs me more than he knows.


  As Luna works, I watch. She mesmerizes me and I could watch her all night. She has an easy way about her that draws your eye and makes you focus on her. I see the interest in the eyes of her customers. They desire what is now mine and I get a perverted satisfaction from knowing that. They can look but not touch and if they do, they’ll regret it.

  I’ve always liked the finer things in life and she’s no exception. I want the best and that’s her. No other woman will ever compare to the beauty who has stolen my heart and if anyone tries to harm her in any way, they will have me to deal with. Yes, life has begun to get interesting.

  So, for the next few nights, this is our routine. She works and so do I. Usually in a booth in the corner with the best view in the world - her. I arrange my business meetings to take place here at night and conduct them from the shadowy booth. I know it unsettles the manager but I couldn’t care less. I run my empire from the Starlight club at night and spend my days with the only person I’ve ever wanted by my side. We fall into an easy routine and when we’re alone, the sparks fly between us, as we discover more about each other each day.

  It must be two weeks later that everything changes.

  ~ 21 ~


  I wake up and see the glorious sight of Luna heading out from the bathroom and toweling her hair dry. She smiles as she sees me watching and says softly, “Morning sleepyhead. I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so peaceful.”

  I reach out and grab hold of her wrist and pull her on top of me and laugh as she squeals as the towel slips. Rolling her onto her back, I pin her down and kiss her like a man possessed. As usual, she softens under my touch and it’s some time before I let her go.

  Laughing, she springs from the bed and starts brushing her beautiful hair and I lean on one elbow and watch her, just happy to take in the sight of her. She looks a little troubled which makes me stiffen and I say in a hard voice. “What’s the matter, honey? Something’s troubling you.”

  She shrugs and then looks at me with worried eyes which really gets my attention. “I can’t put this off anymore, Dev. I have to see my mom and try to make things r

  I feel the anger growing as I think of her mother. If anyone deserves nothing from this girl, it’s her so called mom.

  She carries on. “I want to give her the chance to enroll in the program I’ve reserved for her. Maybe if she can see a brighter future, she’ll change back to the woman Sly fell in love with.”

  I look at her thoughtfully. “And what if she doesn’t? You would have wasted Sly’s money for nothing when it could have been put to better use.”

  I watch as she thinks things through and then says in a small voice. “I have to try at least. I suppose if she doesn’t make it then I’ll know I’ve given it my best shot. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not expecting miracles here. I just thought she deserved a chance at least.”

  I reach out and grab her hand and squeeze it tightly. “Of course, you should try. Everyone deserves a chance in life and who better to save than your own mother. We’ll go there today.”

  Luna looks down. “But it’s miles away. I moved as far as I could and it’ll take three days to get back there.”

  I shake my head. “Then it’s a good job I’ve got a private jet. We’ll take that and be there in a couple of hours. How long do you need?”

  The look she sends me makes me laugh out loud. I can tell she’s battling with herself over this one. She would disapprove of such indulgences and would want the money put to a much better use. But then again, she must see that it will save us a whole heap of time and get to her mom faster. I grin as I see the conflict on her face and she frowns.

  “Ok, enjoy your victory just this once. I’ll let it go because even I can see this is the best way. Do what you have to do while I get ready.”

  She flounces off and I enjoy my small victory. This is typical of us both. She constantly berates me for the choices I make and I do everything I can to spoil her and test her resolve. I suppose it kind of goes with the territory. When you’re me, it’s a sport to push people to their limits. However, for the first time in my life, someone is standing up to me and feels good.

  It must be four hours later that we touch down in Pine Ridge county. Luna’s home and one of the poorest towns in the country. A car is waiting for us and as I sit with Luna in the back of it, I sense her fear. As we get nearer to her home, she grows increasingly quiet. It makes me angry to think of her troubled mind and I do my best to reassure her but I’ve never been one for words. All I can do is be here for her and support her in what she wants to do.

  The car stops outside a wooden house that’s seen much better days. In fact, the whole street looks like it needs bulldozing and there are burned out cars and trash bags everywhere. One of the windows is boarded up, and the paint is peeling from the woodwork.

  The yard is a mess and anything that once grew here has long since perished and I sigh inside. At least Luna had the sense to get out of here. The thought of her living in this squalor is like a knife to my heart.

  She takes a deep breath and looks at me through worried eyes, saying softly. “Well, here goes nothing.”

  She knocks on the door and appears to hold her breath. We hear somebody grumbling inside and a stained curtain twitches at the side. Then we hear fumbling behind the door and I recognize the sound of bolts scraping back and a key turning in the lock. The door opens and Luna gasps in shock at the sight of the woman standing there.

  Just for a moment, they look at each other and I see the woman trying to place her. Her eyes are red-rimmed and bloodshot and the lines on her face have accelerated her age. Her hair is lank and greasy and she has a massive bruise on her cheek.

  She narrows her eyes and looks at us and then realization hits and she whispers in a hoarse voice, “Is that you, Luna?”

  I watch as Luna’s eyes fill with tears and she steps forward and gingerly hugs her mother. “Yes, mom. I’ve come to help you.”

  Her mom just stands rigid and looks as if she’s hallucinating. Then we hear a low growl behind her and a large man wearing a dirty vest and track bottoms comes into view. He’s as broken as the woman and I watch as his eyes narrow and then he smiles a blackened smile.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in. How long’s it been, three years? Well, I hope you’re happy, darlin’ because look at the mess you left behind.”

  Instantly, I feel the anger growing from deep inside me but Luna squeezes my hand and smiles at me. She shakes her head slightly and turns to face her mom.

  “I came to check on you and offer you some support.”

  Her mom looks over to me and laughs bitterly. “Well good for you. Looks like you’ve put that body of yours to good use and grabbed you a rich one. What’s the matter, honey, Carlos not good enough for you? You set your sights a bit higher, did you? Well, you don’t fool your mother with your little innocent girl routine. You’re as much as a whore as the rest of us, you’re just better at it than most.”

  I step forward but Luna pulls me back and says firmly. “I haven’t come here to fight, or to gloat. I happen to have come into a small amount of money and I want to help you.”

  Their eyes gleam as they hear her words and the man pushes forward, his hand outstretched. “Hand it over then. It’s the least you can do after the hell we’ve been through with Carlos and his men. You owe us more than money.”

  To her credit, Luna doesn’t waver. “I haven’t come here with money. I’ve come here with the chance to attend a rehabilitation program and get your life straight. If you complete the program, then I’ll help you find a job and a decent place to live.”

  The woman laughs bitterly as the man growls. “You stupid bitch. You think you can come here with your fancy man and offer us a rehabilitation program. I always knew you were stupid, Luna, but this is dumb even for you. We need money not gestures and you owe us big time. When you ran out on Carlos, we paid the price. Your mom was put out to work and so was I. We’re still paying your debt and the least you can do is pay us back.”

  Luna’s mom nods and sneers. “Look at you with your fine clothes. You were always selfish even as a baby. It was always about Luna, Luna’s so sweet, so pretty and so loving. Everyone wanted little Luna, nobody ever wanted me. You grew up, and the attention grew with you. I was pushed to the side while they all wanted a piece of you.”

  She spits on the ground before us and snarls. “We made the deal with Carlos to get rid of you. I couldn’t stand looking at you for a moment longer. You thought you were so much better than me and still do by the looks of it. Carlos wanted you and we owed him. Problem sorted; job done. Now, unless you’re here to pay me back for the loving home I gave you all those years, then get the hell out of my sight before you feel the back of my hand.”

  Luna looks at me and I see her lip tremble. The tears pool in her eyes and she looks broken. She whispers, “Let’s go, Dev.”

  She turns to her mom and says sadly. “I had to try, mom. Whatever you think of me, I’m still your daughter. I wanted to help but it will only work if you want it too. I’m leaving now and you’ll never see me again. I expect that makes you happy, anyway. Goodbye, mom.”

  She turns to go and looks at me with hurt-filled eyes and I smile reassuringly.

  “Wait in the car, Luna. I’ll just be a few minutes.”

  She nods and I watch as the small fragile figure of the woman I love walks away with the harsh words of her family ringing in her ears.

  Then I turn to face her parents.

  “Let’s go inside. Maybe I can be of help.”

  I watch the greed enter their eyes as they sense a payoff coming and I laugh to myself.

  They won’t know what’s hit them.

  ~ 22 ~


  I follow them inside possibly the dirtiest house I have ever had the misfortune to be inside. It feels dark, dusty and smells as if something died in here. The furniture is old and battered and nothing like the lovingly restored pieces at Luna’s apartment. These items have been badly neglected and abused, much like the people in front of me.

I look around me with disgust and Victor Williams looks at me and snarls.

  “What, you never seen people who have nothing before? Probably not. Your sort lives like kings and takes what’s rightfully ours. You use good and honest people to line your own pockets and then look down on them.”

  He spits on the floor and I frown. Luna’s mom sneers. “You think you can crook your little finger and stupid girls like Luna will come running. They don’t want you; they just want your money. Well, hand it over. If you want us to keep away from our beloved daughter, you’ve got to pay us a hefty fistful of dollars.”

  Victors eyes gleam as he senses a huge payoff. “Our Luna is in demand more than you think. She would fetch a hefty price and doesn’t come cheap. If you give us, say ten thousand dollars, we’ll stay quiet. She’ll never see us again and that’s my promise to you.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. These people are worse than I ever thought possible. I mean, I deal with the dregs of society but this is something else.

  I face them and start to laugh. They share a look and I see the anger pass between them as Vincent shouts, “Don’t you dare laugh at us Mr. I have it all. Hand it over and get the hell out of here.”

  I stop laughing.

  They stop talking.

  And I start what I do best.

  Their expressions change as I face them with all the fury of hell in my eyes. The fire burns brightly and I watch the blood drain from their faces. I feel my rage burning out of control as their evil stench fills my soul. I’m done with holding it back. This is what I love best - facing a sinner with the promise of what’s coming. I watch them share a look of terror and I laugh bitterly.


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