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Her Sweet Surrender (Brie's Submission Book 21)

Page 10

by Red Phoenix

  Brie giggled and patted the bed, inviting him to join her. “I’m just going through our wedding gifts. It feels like forever since we got married, even though it’s only been a couple of years.”

  He chuckled somberly as he sat down. “I’m not surprised you feel that way, radost moya. A lot has happened since you became a bride.”

  Rytsar reached out and picked up the card he gave them, handing it to her.

  Brie grinned as she opened it and read out loud:

  The Isle

  “At least this is one gift we have enjoyed on multiple occasions.”

  He smirked, leaning in closer to her. “I would like to make it an annual event.”

  “Oh, that would be fun…” she agreed, closing her eyes when his lips pressed against hers.

  When the doorbell rang, Rytsar told her to ignore it as he kissed her again.

  Brie’s eyes popped open when she heard Sir answer the door and her mother’s voice filled the air.

  “It’s my parents!”

  Rytsar looked as surprised as she did.

  “Were you expecting them?”

  She shook her head.

  “Go greet your mother,” Rytsar ordered, smacking her hard on the ass as she left the room.

  “There you are!” her mother cried, running up to her.

  Brie hugged her mom, then looked over her shoulder at her father. “Why the surprise visit? Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine, little girl,” her father assured her.

  Brie went to hug him next. “So, what gives, Daddy?”

  He smirked, glancing at her mother. “We just bought a house.”

  Brie looked at him questioningly, then turned to her mother. “Where?”

  “Pasadena!” her mother squeaked.

  Brie couldn’t believe it. “You bought a house in California?”

  “That we did, little girl.”

  Her mother gushed, “I couldn’t stand missing Hope’s birthday and all the other special things as she grows up.”

  Brie looked at Sir. “Did you know?”

  He shook his head, smiling. “First I’ve heard of it.”

  “The best part is we can be your built-in babysitters from now on. Pasadena is only an hour away, so we can take care of Hope whenever you want.” Her mother glanced around the room. “Where is my precious grandbaby, anyway?”

  “She’s been keeping me company in my office,” Sir informed her. “Let me get her for you.”

  “Oh no, let me,” her mom insisted.

  Brie heard Hope start to cry when her mother entered the office. “This is exactly why we had to move,” her mother lamented as she walked back out with Hope squirming in her arms. “She doesn’t remember me.”

  Brie walked over and hugged her mom as she told Hope, “Look, Grandma and Grandpa are here!”

  Hope held out her arms to Brie.

  Once she was safe in Brie’s arms, Hope quieted down and pointed at her mother. “That’s right, sweet pea, that’s your grandma.”

  Brie set Hope down on the floor and smiled as Hope toddled toward her.

  “I can’t believe she’s walking already,” her father said in awe. “I mean, you told us, but to see her walking with my own eyes…” He shook his head in disbelief. “Marcy was right. Life’s too short to miss moments like this.”

  “What about all of your friends?” Brie asked in concern. “Won’t it be hard to start over?”

  Her mother picked Hope up and smiled. “We’ll manage just fine.”

  Brie’s father walked up to Rytsar and smacked him on the back. “Now you won’t be saddled with the kid anymore. You’re welcome.”

  Brie wondered how Rytsar felt about it, considering how much he loved their little girl—but she needn’t have worried.

  Rytsar smiled as he gazed down at Hope. “I never minded, Mr. Bennett. But knowing that moye solntse will be growing up with her grandparents nearby is reason to celebrate. Will you share a shot of vodka with me?”

  “Don’t mind if I do,” he answered, smacking Rytsar on the back again.

  Brie glanced at Rytsar and smiled.

  He was right. Having her mom and dad become an integral part of their children’s lives was an unexpected and priceless gift.

  Later that night when they retired to the bedroom, Sir noticed the wedding cards still scattered on the bed. He picked up one and smirked. “So, this was what you were up to in the bedroom.”

  Brie started quickly gathering them up, having forgotten about them after the excitement of the day. “I was feeling a bit nostalgic, Sir.”

  Noticing the two separate piles, he asked, “What were you doing with them?”

  She picked up the smaller stack. “I was going to frame these to hang them up.”

  “And these?” he asked, picking up the other pile.

  She looked at him sadly. “Those are all the gifts we never used.”

  He glanced through them with a thoughtful look, before handing them to her. “It seems like a lifetime ago.”

  “I guess it was, really.”

  He nodded and was silent. She could see the pain in his eyes as he relived the plane crash.

  “Sir,” she said gently. “I was wondering. Do you think Marquis Gray would mind if I gave his gift to my parents instead? Knowing how solitary my dad is, it would give them both a way to get out in their new community.”

  “There’s no harm in asking, babygirl.”

  With Sir’s permission, Brie contacted Marquis Gray the next day and explained what she wanted to do with the cooking course and why.

  Marquis did not hesitate in his answer. “It would be an excellent use of the certificate.”

  “Thank you for the thoughtful gift. I’m sorry we never had the chance to enjoy it ourselves.”

  “Life is full of unexpected challenges, Mrs. Davis. There’s no need to apologize. I’m happy to hear it will be put to good use.” He paused for a moment and asked, “How are you doing?”

  The concern in his voice touched Brie. “I am well, Marquis.”

  “Has a decision been made on how to proceed with Lilly?”

  “Not yet. You’ve given Sir a lot to consider.”

  “I’m glad to hear he is thinking it through before taking action. I was certain he would. Take care, Mrs. Davis, and give your Master my best.”

  Brie was comforted by his words, secure in the knowledge that the rift between the two men had not damaged their friendship.

  Returning Home

  Soon after her parents officially moved into their new house, Brie and Sir went to visit them with Hope in tow.

  Brie handed Marquis’s gift to her mother. “Happy housewarming!”

  Her mother opened the envelope and smiled, showing it to Brie’s dad. “That sounds like so much fun!”

  Her father huffed. “I don’t cook, Brianna. You know that.”

  Brie grinned, figuring he would say that. “You can just observe, Daddy. Nothing says you have to participate in the cooking sessions. I just thought it would be nice for you two to get out and meet people. It comes highly recommended by Marquis Gray.”

  “Oh, really?” He suddenly looked interested.

  Brie knew how much her father respected the Dom and wasn’t surprised when he muttered, “I suppose I could go just to support your mom.”

  Her mom threw her arms around him. “Thank you, honey!”

  Brie’s dad rolled his eyes but followed it up by giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

  For all his complaining, her dad really did have a soft heart.

  “Now for the whole reason we moved to La La Land in the first place. Come here, cutie,” her father said, taking Hope from her arms. “Grandpa’s got a whole lot of spoiling to catch up on.”

  Sir spoke up. “We appreciate you taking Hope for the night.”

  “Anytime, Thane,” her mother said, giggling. “This feels like a dream, being able to see you throughout the year and getting to babysit Hope to our heart
s’ content.”

  “It’s a blessing to us as well, Mom,” Brie told her, squeezing Sir’s hand.

  Her father stared at them for a moment, then shook his head. “I don’t want to know where you are going or what you will be doing.” He raised his hand. “As far as I’m concerned, you don’t exist beyond these walls. It’s the only way I can keep my sanity.”

  “Daddy!” Brie cried.

  “Just telling you like it is, little girl. Now off you go. Your mother and I have a lot of time to make up with our granddaughter.”

  It was humorous to Brie. After being the center of her parents’ universe her whole life, her parents now cared more about being with Hope than with her. As Brie walked to the car with Sir, she laughed. “I don’t think they would complain if we never came back.”

  Sir smirked as he opened the passenger door and helped her into the car. “I plan to take full advantage of their generous offer.”

  “Where are we going, Sir?”

  He glanced at her, a wicked glint in his eye. “I have one of the top graduates of the Submissive Training Center, and I believe it’s time to give her a challenge worthy of her talent.”

  Brie suddenly felt tingles of excitement.

  “Eyes forward, téa, hands in your lap, and no questions,” he commanded.

  Brie’s heart began to race as she sat still, being his obedient sub, while her imagination went crazy. She wondered what he had planned.

  She was shocked when they pulled into the full parking lot of the college that housed the Submissive Training Center.

  Brie knew the Submissive Training course was in session and turned to ask Sir about it.

  He tsked in disapproval.

  She blanched, immediately realized what she’d done, and cried out, “I’m sorry, Master!”

  “What did you do wrong, téa?”

  “I failed to look forward.”

  He nodded. “As your Master, it is my duty to punish you for disobeying me.”

  It had been a while since Brie had been formally punished. “Yes, Master.”

  “While you wait for your punishment, see that you don’t disobey me again.”

  “I won’t, Master,” she promised. Instead of feeling shame, Brie felt exhilarated. Not because she’d been disobedient—that was regrettable—but because she’d enjoyed being challenged again.

  “The stress of Lilly, along with the pressures of Holloway’s attack on your career and the demands of my work, have made it easy for me to become complacent as your Master. We cannot allow that to happen, now can we, téa?”

  Brie shook her head vigorously while staring forward. “No, Master.”

  “Your parents’ move to California allows me the opportunity to provide you with more formal encounters. Something I know we both desire.”

  Brie felt the butterflies start. “I love that idea, Master.”

  He placed his finger under her chin and turned her head to gaze into her eyes. “Are you ready to please your Master, téa?”

  “Yes…” she murmured breathlessly as he leaned in and claimed her lips. His possessive kiss left her whole body trembling afterward.

  Sir reached behind his seat and took out a red case. Brie noticed it wasn’t the tool bag he normally carried. He got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side, opening the door for her.

  As Sir helped her out of the vehicle, Brie was overcome with giddiness remembering how it felt to be a student here.

  In a cool, commanding voice he said simply, “Follow.”

  Brie obediently walked behind her Master, her entire body tingling with excitement.

  Walking through the entrance of the college took Brie back to that first day and she let out a sigh of elation.

  “Good evening, Sir Davis,” Rachael replied from the receptionist’s desk. She used the formal tone she reserved for the staff at the Center. Brie kept her eyes lowered, focused exclusively on Sir.

  The college itself was full of business students busily making their way to their evening classes but Sir headed directly to the elevator. When the doors opened, she stood proudly beside her Master in silent anticipation.

  Upon leaving the elevator, Brie recognized the familiar voice of Mr. Gallant behind the closed classroom door. Master Anderson, who was now the Headmaster of the school, was walking down the hallway. He was involved in an intense conversation with Mistress Lou, one of the other trainers.

  Master Anderson looked up for a moment and nodded to Sir before continuing his discussion with the Mistress.

  Being here tonight was like having a backstage pass to the inner workings of the Submissive Training Center as an outside observer. Brie smiled to herself as she followed Sir down the hallway, thinking how nervous and excited the submissives currently taking the course must be.


  However, they were not as lucky as Brie, who was not only collared to the former Headmaster but was about to enjoy a new challenge from the handsome Dom.

  Sir stopped in front of the restrooms and handed her the red case he’d been carrying. “This is an updated version of your uniform. Change and meet me at Room 158.”

  Brie took it from him with reverence and walked into the room to change. This particular restroom had an area sectioned off for changing and was equipped with lockers and a full-length mirror.

  She set the case on the counter and opened it, excited to see what Sir had picked out for her. Brie looked at the pieces and smiled to herself. The outfit was similar in style to her old uniform, but instead of being made of brown leather, the corset was black with red laces and had a matching flared skirt with an elastic band that could expand as her belly grew. Rather than crotchless pantyhose, her legs were bare as she donned the red thong and slipped into a pair of sexy strapless heels. She was grateful Sir had considered the months ahead by selecting heels that were not six-inches high.

  Brie stood in front of the mirror, biting her lip. Not only did wearing this uniform instantly transform her mindset into that of a student, but Sir had great taste in clothing. She felt incredibly sexy wearing it.

  Walking out of the restroom, Brie headed to the far end of the school where the Dominants Training Center held classes. She smiled to herself as she listened to the satisfying sound of her heels clicking down the hallway.

  Sir was waiting for her outside Room 158. He was holding a blindfold. The lust in his eyes as he looked her up and down made her tremble in expectation.

  “Turn and face away from me.”

  Brie dutifully turned, smiling to herself as he placed the red blindfold over her eyes and adjusted it.

  “Can you see?” he asked once it was secured.

  “No, Master.”


  He opened the door and led her into the room, guiding her to the center. “Kneel.”

  Brie gracefully knelt on the floor and waited for his next command.

  “Do not move or make a sound until I return.”

  She listened to his retreating footsteps as he left the room and wondered how long he would make her wait. That’s when she heard someone move beside her and realized she was not alone. Not knowing who it was or what was about to happen had Brie quivering with excitement.

  “Brie? Is that you?”

  She couldn’t believe who it was and fought hard not to smile. She wanted desperately to answer her friend but felt certain Sir would be observing her through one of the hidden cameras in the room.

  “I know it’s you. I totally recognized Sir’s voice,” Lea whispered.

  Brie continued to remain silent, although not answering Lea was killing her.

  In the barest of whispers, Lea said, “Hey, Bennett, you know you are a submissive when you wish your MasterCard would give you orders.”

  Brie’s lips trembled in her effort to keep from smiling. She couldn’t believe Lea was telling her the same joke she had the night they became friends at the Center. Was she seriously trying to get both of them in trouble—again?<
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  Memories of those six weeks of class flooded Brie’s mind and all she wanted was to hug her best friend. Still, she was determined to please Sir and did not move.

  After several minutes, Lea murmured, “Wow. You’re a tough cookie, Stinky Cheese. I can see why you were the top of our class.”

  Brie had to fight off another giggle and silently vowed to make her friend pay in the future.

  When Sir finally walked back into the room, Brie distinctly heard another man’s footsteps and was instantly on alert.

  “You have done well, téa,” Sir complimented her, taking off the blindfold.

  Brie gazed up into his eyes, falling in love with him all over again.

  “Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of my sub.” Brie instantly recognized Hunter’s commanding tone. “I’m afraid she will have to be punished.”

  Lea let out a little squeak.

  “Téa is still awaiting a punishment she earned on the way here.”

  Brie blushed but took heart, knowing she would be sharing her punishment with Lea.

  “How would you like me to proceed, Sir Davis?” Hunter asked him.

  “It was a small infraction. Exercise your own discretion.”

  Brie’s stomach did a flip-flop. Sir was going to allow Hunter to scene with her?

  “As you witnessed for yourself, sprite was exceedingly disobedient.”

  Brie heard her friend gasp and felt sympathy for her. However, Brie was charmed after hearing Hunter’s pet name for Lea was “sprite”.

  It totally fit her girlfriend.

  “I will adjust her punishment accordingly,” Sir replied gravely.

  Lea let out a soft whimper.

  Her poor friend probably thought she was going to play out a brat scene with Hunter, and now she would have to face punishment from the Headmaster who helped train her.

  “Shall we meet up in say…an hour?” Sir asked.

  Hunter glanced at Brie and nodded. “An hour would work well.”


  Turning to Lea, Sir stated, “Come with me, Ms. Taylor.”

  Brie was unsure what Sir would do but was certain he would be fair in his punishment. How embarrassing for Lea to be punished by the former Headmaster when she was a successful graduate of the school—especially when it was the same infraction she had been punished for as a trainee.


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