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Her Sweet Surrender (Brie's Submission Book 21)

Page 11

by Red Phoenix

  It was hard for Brie not to giggle.

  After they left the room and the door closed, Brie felt the nerves kick in.

  She was alone with a new Dom.

  “I believe in swift punishment,” Hunter stated.

  Brie swallowed hard and nodded.

  “Stand and lean against the bench,” he ordered in a voice that commanded respect.

  Taking a deep breath, Brie stood up gracefully and moved to the bench.

  She heard him searching through the cabinet of tools behind her before saying, “Ah, this should do nicely.”

  Brie stiffened as she heard him walk back to her.

  “Why are you being punished?” Hunter asked.

  “I failed to keep my eyes facing forward.”

  “Then one strike should suffice. Lift your skirt.”

  Brie closed her eyes, trying to stay calm as she slowly lifted the material of her skirt. She knew Hunter had graduated at the top of his class and Lea spoke highly of him, but she still felt a twinge of fear. She wondered what tool he was about to use for her punishment. Would it be a crop, a belt, or possibly a cane?

  Brie forced herself to remain still as she waited.

  “Make no sound,” Hunter ordered.

  Chills coursed down her spine as he placed his hand on her back.

  When the strike came, the hard smack of the wooden paddle took her breath away. The impact reverberated through her body. Tears pricked her eyes and it took everything in her not to yelp.

  Hunter set the paddle down and readjusted her skirt before turning her around to face him.

  He looked her in the eyes when he told her, “You are forgiven.”

  Brie could not express the power those words had over her. Even though her infraction had been slight and the punishment easy, relief flooded through her. Having it completely absolved pleased her submissive soul.

  “Thank you.”

  He nodded in acknowledgment, then commanded, “Bow to me.”

  There was something in Hunter’s tone that made her insides quiver. She remembered having the same feeling when she’d scened with him on Kinky Eve.

  She felt a driving and instinctual urge to bow at his feet and did so immediately.

  “Do you submit to me for this scene?”

  Brie felt goosebumps rise on her skin as she experienced a feeling of déjà vu. It was as if she was returning to those first days at the Training Center, back when she’d been asked to submit to Doms she hadn’t known personally.

  It filled her with a sense of fearful excitement.

  “Yes,” she replied confidently, but she trembled slightly knowing she had just consented to scene with him for the next hour.

  “You may stand and face your Master.”

  Brie stood before him, curious about what he had planned.

  “Sir Davis tells me you enjoy bondage.”

  “I do…” She hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to address him. “What should I call you?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Master, of course.”

  She felt butterflies in her stomach. It was a challenge for her because it was the same title Sir used whenever they formally scened together. Although the title was common, for Brie it required another level of submission. She suspected Hunter knew that by the way he was staring at her expectantly.

  Well, she’d come tonight to be challenged, so she answered firmly, “Yes, Master.”

  “I will call you naiad. Do you know what that is?”

  Brie shook her head.

  “Water nymphs, which are said to inhabit rivers, springs, and waterfalls. They’re beautiful and lighthearted but can be dangerous to mortals.”

  Again, she was charmed by his choice of a pet name and bowed to him. “I’m honored to be called such a name.”

  He inclined his head with a slight smile on his lips. “Remove your clothes except for your panties, then turn away from me. Common safewords apply, but it’s up to you to use them.”

  Brie understood two things without Hunter having to explain. “Green,” “yellow,” and “red” were her safewords, but he would not be checking on her because he expected her to call them out if necessary.

  Taking a deep breath, Brie centered herself before the scene. She removed her corset and skirt with poised, unhurried movements, laying them in a neat pile on the floor beside her shoes.

  She then turned away from him and waited with bated breath.

  Hunter approached her and she felt his fingers lightly following the curve of her shoulders. His hands were deceptively gentle which helped ease her nerves.

  “Mount the platform and kneel in an open position,” he commanded, pointing to a large cube that stood three feet off the ground.

  Brie climbed onto it and knelt with her hands at her sides, open and relaxed. She kept her legs closed and her back straight.

  “Open your thighs.”

  Brie adjusted her position. The new pose made her feel more exposed, heightening her sense of vulnerability.

  Hunter grazed his finger along her cheekbone and jawline. “You have good genetics, naiad, every feature designed to entice.”

  Studying her intently, he walked around the platform slowly. Hunter reached out to touch her hair. “The female body was built for pleasure. I’ve spent many years unlocking its secrets and have discovered some which you may be unaware of.”

  Brie felt a pleasant tension between them. He was confident in his dominance which called to her submissive spirit.

  “There are times when a little pain can enhance pleasure—even when you are not a masochist. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Brie’s nervousness returned. “Yes, Master.”

  She felt a surge of excitement when he produced a length of nylon rope.

  Hunter was gentle but firm when he grabbed her wrists and bound them behind her back. Holding her elbows together, he forced her shoulders back making her back arch which pushed out her breasts.

  Wrapping the rope around her elbows, he gave a tug, forcing them to touch. He then began the slow process of binding her forearms together.

  This was an extremely demanding pose. Brie had seen riggers use it at various dungeons, but she had never experienced it for herself. The binding forced Brie to mentally submit to the challenge of the pose or be overwhelmed by the physical demands of it.

  Hunter took his time as he tied each knot, compelling Brie to submit to the rope—and his will.

  When he finished tying the final one, he stood back to admire his work and then walked around her. “You are a feast for the eyes, naiad.”

  She basked in his praise but felt a twinge of apprehension when he walked back to the cabinet to grab more items.

  “Bound as you are, your breasts are completely at my mercy.”

  Brie’s heart quickened.

  To her relief, he began by grazing her nipples with a feather tickler. The sensation was extremely pleasant. Just as she had been taught during training, Brie voiced her pleasure to her Dom by moaning softly.

  Hunter focused the stimulation solely on her breasts, circling them with the toy before returning to tickle her hard nipples. The light sensation caused goosebumps to rise on her skin.

  “Do you believe I can make you come through nipple play alone?”

  Brie was inspired by the look of confidence in his eyes and nodded.

  Hunter put down the feather tool and picked up a small flogger. He began flicking the rubber instrument across her breasts. The sound of the tails slapping against her skin was sensually exciting to hear, but it was the way he skillfully used the tool that held Brie’s attention.

  Hunter wasn’t using the flogger as a way to torture her breasts but to stimulate them. Each strike of the small flogger was sexually stimulating, like the caress of a rough but dedicated lover. Brie’s body responded eagerly to his attention.

  Tied as she was, Brie was completely focused on what he was doing. A surge of heat traveled from the nipple he was teasing straight down to her
pussy. She moaned louder and felt her thong getting wet.

  Hunter increased the intensity of each strike without increasing the pain, the rhythmic contact emulating the bounce of her breasts while being taken forcefully.

  Brie lost herself in the sensation but then whimpered when he stopped. She was reluctant for the pleasure to end.

  That’s when he picked up a small, dark vibrator with a red tip. He turned it on, and she listened as he adjusted the pulse and intensity of it.

  “Naiad, close your eyes and concentrate on the vibration.”

  Brie immediately shut her eyes and answered dutifully, “Yes, Master.”

  He brought the toy to her breast but did not make contact, letting the sound of its vibration tease her. When he finally pressed it against the sensitive skin of her areola, she felt pleasant electrical sparks radiate from her nipple down to her pussy. When he moved to her other breast, the sensation only increased.

  “Submit to me.”

  His words released the sexual tension that had been building in her body. Rather than fight against it, Brie embraced the powerful climax threatening to overtake her.

  Her body started shuddering uncontrollably. The strength of the orgasm was restrained by the limits of his rope and Brie let out a long desperate cry as it rocked through her.

  Hunter wrapped an arm around her to support her. He continued to graze her nipples with the small vibrator, making the orgasm linger—the vibration from the toy complementing the pulses of her release.

  “Good girl,” he said with satisfaction as the last of her climax ebbed away.

  Brie was spent after it ended and leaned against him, still trembling from the powerful orgasm.

  Hunter gently laid her on her side and began the process of untying the rope. When the last knot was untied and she was free from the tight constraint of the rope, Brie experienced a wave of euphoria.

  He joined her on the platform and laid her head against him as he embraced her in silence, letting her come down slowly.

  Brie lay against him, her heart still racing, enjoying the afterglow of the scene.

  When Sir arrived with Lea a short time later, Brie looked at him with a slow smile.

  “I see the session went well,” he complimented with a gleam in his eyes.

  “She is a pleasure to scene with, Sir Davis.”

  He presented Lea to Hunter. “Your charge is ready for further instruction.”

  Brie turned her head slowly and saw that Lea’s eyes were glued on Hunter. Her insatiable need for him was a palpable force in the room.

  “Thank you, Sir Davis.” As Hunter slowly disengaged himself from Brie, he told him, “I will leave you to finish with aftercare.”

  Standing up, Hunter faced Lea. “Come, sprite. I have a deep and penetrating lesson waiting for you.”

  Lea whimpered in delight, smiling at Brie on the way out.

  Once they were alone, Sir joined Brie on the platform, enclosing her in his protective embrace. He kissed her on the lips and asked, “Did you enjoy the challenge, téa?”

  She gazed up into his beautiful eyes. “Very much, Master.”

  “I felt tonight would both challenge and excite you.”

  “You are right…on both counts.” She lifted her chin, silently begging for another kiss.

  Sir slipped his hand between her legs as he pressed his lips firmly against hers. “Your Master longs to feel the depth of your excitement.”

  Brie smiled as she opened her legs to him, moaning hungrily when he ripped off her wet thong.

  “You are so wet, téa.” He bit her neck as he slipped his finger inside her.

  Tingling chills overtook her when Sir repositioned himself between her legs. He stared down at her as he pressed the head of his cock against her opening. “Prepare to be claimed.”

  Brie looked up at him, her body aching for him.


  His eyes flashed with a dangerous glint as he took her wrists in one hand, forcing them above her head as he thrust his cock into her.

  The night had heightened Brie’s need for him, the familiar setting reinforcing the dynamic they shared.

  Without reservation, Brie gave in fully to his unbridled passion, crying out in ecstasy as he ramped up his thrusts and claimed his collared submissive.

  It was like returning home…

  Afterward, as they lay panting together on the platform, Sir asked her, “Tell me your thoughts about tonight.”

  Brie grinned. “I was surprised by Lea.”

  He chuckled lightly. “I thought you might enjoy that.”

  She looked up at the ceiling. “I was also surprised you left me alone with Hunter.”

  Sir brushed away an errant strand of hair from her face. “I knew if I stayed in the room, your thoughts would have gravitated toward me and not remained on the scene.”

  Brie nodded, realizing that he was right.

  “What did you learn tonight, téa?” he asked in a more serious tone.

  She gave it careful consideration before answering. “My deepest desire as a submissive…” She paused, looking deep into his eyes. “…is to never stop learning.”

  He nodded, satisfied with her answer. “Yes. It makes you a particularly challenging sub.”

  She smiled apologetically.

  Grazing his thumb against her cheek, he told her, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Blessed Event

  Brie set out on her usual morning walk, cherishing the alone time to reflect on things while taking in the beauty of the ocean. Almost six months into the pregnancy, she was definitely showing, but she could still walk without a waddle.

  She wasn’t looking forward to that part of her pregnancy, because it would also usher in the period of no sleep because of the baby kicking her at all hours of the night. Hope had been an active baby that last trimester and Brie expected no less from this little one.

  Brie looked up to see the old woman rummaging for plastic bottles in the trashcan and smiled. Her plan to help the little dog had been a success. It turned out the poor pup was suffering from a severe case of mange that could have proven deadly if left untreated. Thankfully, with medical attention, he’d recovered and his fur was now growing back.

  She waved at the old woman, who huffed before bending down to dig for more bottles. Brie noticed the woman only wore the pretty socks she’d given her, so she had followed it up by anonymously leaving a new pair every month—just before the older socks wore out.

  Although the woman’s demeanor hadn’t changed, she no longer had that worried look in her eyes. She could go about her day providing for them both without the heavy burden of her companion’s health weighing her down.

  The knowledge that she’d come up with a way to help the woman without making her feel uncomfortable brought joy to Brie’s heart. And, getting to pick out new socks with Hope every month kept the joy of it going.

  In a world where it was easy to feel alone and invisible, Brie was grateful she’d been able to let this woman know someone saw her and cared.

  Kylie called Brie unexpectedly, begging Brie to come to the hospital.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m in labor, but the baby wasn’t supposed to come for two more weeks!”

  Brie remembered how terrified she’d been when she was rushed to the hospital weeks before Hope was due. “It’s going to be okay,” she assured Kylie. “I had Hope three weeks early and everything worked out. Dr. Glas is amazing.”

  “Yes, he is,” she agreed, then whimpered, “But, I’m nervous.”

  “Faelan will be with you the entire time. I remember what a huge comfort it was having Sir by my side when Hope was born.”

  Kylie was silent for several moments before replying. “It’s just that I have this feeling…”

  Brie chuckled lightly. “It’s completely normal to feel anxious your first time. I felt the exact same way with Hope.”

  “That’s right! You even had complicatio
ns during delivery.”

  “I did, but Hope is okay. Dr. Glas has lots of experience delivering babies. Trust me. You’re in excellent hands.”

  Kylie let out an uneasy sigh. “Because I’m early, neither of our parents can get here before tomorrow. Brie…it would mean a lot to me if you were here.”

  Brie didn’t even think twice after hearing the fear in Kylie’s voice. “Of course. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” She wrote down the address for the hospital.

  After hanging up, Brie informed Sir about what was going on. He surprised her by insisting on driving her there himself.

  “What about Hope?”

  “I’m certain Rytsar will watch her,” he answered, grabbing his keys.

  Touched by his kind gesture, Brie felt the need to warn him. “You know the delivery could take hours, Sir. We may end up staying there overnight.”

  He smirked with amusement. “I’m well aware. However, considering the baby is two weeks early and they’ll be concerned, it’s important to have family there.”

  His answer melted Brie’s heart. Even though there had once been a strong rivalry between Faelan and Sir, their relationship had changed drastically since. She smiled, telling him, “I know it will mean a lot to them both.”

  He nodded curtly, scooping Hope up in his arms.

  They made the short drive to Rytsar’s place. While he was getting Hope out of the car seat, Brie bounded up to the porch and rang the doorbell. She was surprised when Maxim swung the door open and she saw a bunch of men chatting loudly in Russian.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she sputtered. “I didn’t realize Rytsar had company.”

  “Radost moya!” she heard from deep within the house. Rytsar made his way through the crowd to greet her personally. “What brings you here?”

  Just as she was about to answer, Sir came walking up behind her with Hope in his arms.

  “Moye solntse.” Rytsar grinned as he grabbed Hope from him. Turning around to face the men, he announced, “This is the child I’ve been speaking about.”

  All the men all stared at the baby solemnly.


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