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Venom's Prize (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 10)

Page 10

by E. C. Land

  It doesn’t take long for Isaac to get to the house. Not when he’s sped most of the way. Pulling into the driveway, he parks and shuts the engine off.

  Isaac gets out and before I have my door open, he’s there throwing the door open and yanking me out of the passenger seat and hauling me up over his shoulder.

  “I’ve changed my mind, Sweetness, we’re gonna fuck first,” he declares, swatting his hand across my ass.

  “Isaac,” I yell, trying to push myself up, so my head isn’t staring at his back. “Put me down.” The words might have come from my lips but my body felt the excitement and thrill of him holding me in such a possessive demonstration.

  Who am I kidding? Isaac could be simply holding my hand and I’d feel a thrill of excitement by the simple touch. I need more of him and I can’t wait.

  Inside the house, Isaac kicks the door shut behind us and stalks down the hallway leading to his room. Soon as the light flicks on and the door closes, he crosses the room and throws me onto the bed. I land with a bounce and woof.

  I don’t get the chance to attempt to move before Isaac is on the move. His hands remove my jeans and the hoodie with quick ease.

  “I can’t wait any longer to be inside you. Doesn’t matter if it’s only been a handful of hours. My dick is throbbing for your pussy,” Isaac says, his breath tickling my skin as he climbs up over me, pressing kisses along my body.

  Oh that feels amazing. His fingers slide through my wetness and my body jumps like it’s been shocked by an electric volt.

  “Isaac,” I say breathlessly my body humming for him to take me. To make me his.

  “You my woman, Amaya?” he asks, centering himself between my thighs. His face directly in front of mine. The tip of him sits right at my entrance and I lift my hips with a wiggle only for him to foil my plan of not answering him. “Answer me, Sweetness,” he commands firmly.

  God, I answer him and it’s all over for me. When it’s time for me to leave or when he decides he’s done with me, I’ll be more than broken, with me admitting it out loud to him and myself, it will shatter me.

  “Amaya, I see your brain working,” he growls. Slowly inch by inch he slides in until he’s fully seated inside me but that’s all he does. Connect us to one another. “Let me make myself clear and I swear to fuckin’ God this is the last time I’m saying this. You and me we’re happenin’. If you’re scared it’s okay. I get it but trust me when I say I’ll do what it takes to keep you. That means if you try to run from me, I will come after your ass and drag you back, chain you to this fuckin’ bed where I’ll fuck you until you see reason. Do you get what I’m saying?”

  My eyes widen, I nod my head and lick my suddenly dry lips.

  “I want to hear the words, Sweetness,” Isaac demands.

  “Yes, I get what you’re saying,” I utter mutely.

  “Good, now are you my woman?” he asks again.

  Again, I nod but whisper the one word he’s looking for, “Yes.”

  Isaac barely lets the words slip past my lips before his mouth is on mine, claiming it with a soul searing kiss and his hips start to move. Thrust after thrust, he takes me slowly at first, building me up and I’m more than ready to burst by the time it happens. Reaching between us, Isaac flicks my little bud and breaks the kiss and pushes himself up. His movements quicken to a fast pace and he hits the spot causing my back to bow and my orgasm to take over. I scream his name just as he said he wanted me to. He doesn’t ease up on his thrust instead he pumps even faster, lifting my legs up over his shoulders. This causes him to hit a completely different spot inside me and the beautiful orgasm shoots through me this one far more intense than the first. I cry out his name once again and Isaac joins me as he growls my own name.

  From this moment on I know without a doubt the moment he casts me to the side I’ll be shattered into a million pieces. He owns me now, and I fear like any prize you win at a carnival, he’ll throw me away.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Last night had been something I needed. I might not have been with Amaya long, but I’ve learned from watching my brothers to seal the deal quick. She’s mine and I need her to understand it. I know she’s scared out of her fuckin’ mind right now. I could see it written all over her face, but I refuse to allow her to leave me.

  Amaya has always been meant to be mine. I knew this even before Raven’s words. Yesterday when I’d handed Lincoln over to them, she’d said as much. Stated the fear swarmed around my woman and that I needed to make it known what I wanted. That she’s mine and I’m not letting her go.

  I definitely made sure she heard me. Though I’m not a hundred percent sure it sunk in all the way. I’m willing to give her time to come to the realization I’m not going anywhere, and neither is she.

  This morning, I woke her up with my mouth between her legs. I fucked her with my tongue then I took her with my dick. I can’t get enough of her. We’d lain in bed until my phone chirped on the nightstand. I’d had to turn it off of vibrate last night as a precautionary measure. I needed to be able to hear it if it rang.

  Now standing in the kitchen, I have to tell her our plans for the day. See the text let me know each of the clubs arrived with their men. We were to sit tight at the house. This meant good things for Amaya and me since I got to enjoy her body while waiting, but we were finishing this shit today. Because not only did the other club members get in, but Nerd tracked Emilia. Stupid bitch doesn’t know how to use a burner and has been using her phone constantly and it’s showing each time she uses it, she’s closer. At the last update she’d been noted to be just getting into North Carolina. We still have several hours until this shit goes down.

  The reason Stoney called the men in from other charters is we don’t know if she’ll have any power backing her as she makes her move. If she does, we need to be ready. There’s no way the mayor will try anything. Not when his election is coming up this year. He needs to be seen as a good guy and considering all the shit we do for the town and the people look to us for help when something happens, he needs to be seen as if he’s on our side rather than against us.

  Little does he know we’re gonna blow his world up soon enough. Just not yet.

  One step at a time. This isn’t gonna fix itself overnight and each of the clubs needs to know what’s happening. With Grinder being in Colorado, he wouldn’t have gotten here in time unless he caught a flight, so since Jasper is still in town visiting Harley, he’s gonna take the information back to him. We don’t know who we’ll be able to trust, this is another reason they’re all coming up. Nothing can be said over the phone.

  “Are we going to get Lincoln?” Amaya asks from her perch on the counter where I’d placed her upon entering the kitchen.

  “No, it’s you and me today, Sweetness. We’re staying in,” I say and lift my coffee to my lips.

  “Um, okay. But why aren’t we having Lincoln here today?” Amaya’s nervousness is coming out and I find it fuckin’ cute when she tries to hide it.

  “Because, Amaya, you and me, we’re gonna get some things straight between us. Like the fact you’re mine and I don’t want you to think otherwise. I told you last night and I’ve decided until you get it through your head, I’m gonna keep you in nothing but the t-shirt you’re wearing when I’m not balls deep inside your pussy,” I inform her and step in between her parted legs, forcing them even further apart to allow my body to fit between them.

  “But . . .”

  “No buts,” I say, interrupting Amaya from saying something that will most likely piss me off.

  “Isaac,” she whispers, tears filling her eyes.

  “Amaya, Sweetness, why the tears?” I can’t stand when women cry but for her to have them kills me. I don’t like it.

  “Be—because Isaac, I’m scared,” she murmurs, tears spilling down her cheeks.

  “Of what? Tell me so I can help you overcome your fear,” I mutter, lifting a hand to stroke the side of her face. My e
yes locked on hers as I take in the depths of her fear.

  “I’m scared of you,” she utters, closing her eyes.

  “Why, Amaya?” I ask, needing her to explain to me.

  “You have the power to destroy me. When you decide you’re done with me and want me out of the way it’ll shatter all that I am. I can’t allow it to happen, it’s why I need to leave. I know you say you want me and all that stuff you said. And I love hearing it. Every bit of it. Because that’s what I want too. But I’ve learned in my life, I don’t get what I want. I’m not a prize worth keeping on display and holding on to. I’m always cast to the side or forgotten.”

  Fuck her words gut me and I realize just where I’ve gone wrong with this whole scenario. Sliding my hand down her cheek, I wipe the tears away and then trail them down her body down to her hips. I curve over them to her ass as I lift her up. Amaya’s legs circle my waist automatically as I head for the bedroom.

  “Isaac, what are you doing?” Amaya sputters out the question.

  “Proving to you that you have nothing to fear when it comes to me,” I declare, walking past the bed and stepping into the bathroom. Only then, in front of the mirror, do I set her down on her feet. I remove the shirt from her body and turn her so that she can see the two of us standing together. “What do you see?” I demand, placing my hands on both her hips to keep her from moving.

  “You and me standing in front of a mirror,” she whispers in a hush tone.

  “What else do you see?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she says, her brows furrowing in confusion.

  “Amaya, look at me and tell me what you see,” I command and wait for her to hold my gaze.

  “I see you,” she murmurs.

  “Yeah, you see me, but what do you see when you look at me?” I push.

  Amaya closes her eyes and shakes her head.

  “You wanna know what I see when I look at you?” I offer and start to slide my hand across her skin trailing circles as I go. “I see a beautiful woman who captured my attention four years ago. A woman who has haunted my dreams for the same amount of time. I’ve denied myself the chance to have you because I didn’t think it’s what I wanted. Then you show back up in my life and I knew.” I lean forward, keeping my eyes glued to the mirror seeing Amaya’s expression as she opens her eyes. Her breathing becomes labored as I press a kiss to her delicate skin.

  “I screwed up by allowing someone else to change the course in where I should have been. Does that mean I regret it? Fuck no, because then I wouldn’t be the man I am now. What I do regret is cutting you out the way I did. By ignoring each of your letters when I could easily have opened them up and read them. We could have already started on us a long time ago.

  “You have nothing to fear when it comes to me because, Sweetness, I’m in it for-fuckin’-ever. I already claimed you as my ol’ lady and soon enough, I’ll have my ring on your finger and with any luck get you knocked up. I want our family to grow. And I’m not wasting any time. You were meant for me,” I mutter, sounding like some chick song from the nineties.

  “What about . . .”

  “There isn’t another person in this world who could keep me from you. I won’t allow it, now keep your eyes on me. I want them on me as I fuck you,” I mutter, trailing my fingers down and in between her thighs where I find her sweet spot.

  She pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth but keeps her gaze locked on mine.

  I pull one hand away from her body, reach between us, and slide my jeans down. I hadn’t bothered buttoning them when I’d pulled them on earlier with every intention of removing them and taking her back to bed.

  “Put your hands on the countertop and keep them there for me, Sweetness,” I say, using my hand to guide my dick for the entrance it seeks.

  I slide myself through her juices already leaking from her pussy and fuck if I can keep myself from slamming into her.

  With one thrust I impale Amaya with my dick, and she cries out with pleasure. Her eyes start to close but I swat her ass. “Keep them beautiful eyes on me, Amaya,” I command.

  She whimpers but does as I say.

  With controlled strokes, I don’t just fuck Amaya. No, I show her with my touch and let my eyes do the talking for me. I allow her to see how much she affects me. The love I feel for her. That I’ve always felt for her. I simply didn’t realize it back then she was mine.

  “You feel it, Amaya. Do you see what you do to me?” I rasp through clenched teeth, keeping control of my dick that’s aching to blow inside her. Her pussy is begging for it as it squeezes me ready to convulse at a moment’s notice.

  “Yes, Isaac, I do,” she pants, her eyes shimmering with tears.

  “Those better be happy tears, Sweetness,” I grind out.

  “What?” she asks, surprised by my words.

  “Those tears, Amaya. They better be happy ones and not sad,” I mutter, thrusting even slower inside her.

  “They are,” she nods slightly, then shocks the hell out of me by doing one thing that sends me over the edge. “Tu mi corazón mi alma todo.” I might not know what she said but I get the gist of it from the adoration shimmering in her gaze.

  Tightening my hands at her waist, I quicken my pace and fuck her with a need like no other. I chase my orgasm and bring her to hers. Amaya cries out my name at the same time I groan hers.

  Fuck me if this isn’t the best feeling I’ve ever felt.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  My emotions are sweeping me off my feet. This morning with Isaac in front of the mirror changed things for me. I admitted to him what I felt and he made sure I knew where I stood with him.

  Isaac then suggested we go in the living room and watch a movie. He declared the two of us were having a day of just lounging around the house. Although I get the inkling idea that something’s up, I don’t question it. In all honesty, I’m happy with this little bubble we’re in right now and I don’t want it to pop.

  We’ve been watching the Fast and the Furious movies and were on to the one where they go to Brazil when Isaac’s phone chirps from its spot on the coffee table. I lift my head up off his chest as he reaches out for it.

  “I gotta check this, Sweetness,” he mutters and snags it up into his hand to see the screen.

  “Okay.” I nod and try to sit up to give him space. Isaac doesn’t allow this, instead he pulls me back into where I’d been lying in the curve of his arm with my head resting in the center of his chest. I could hear his heart beating. The sound was soothing and if I let it, it would easily lull me to sleep.

  “Want you right here, Amaya,” he declares as he answers the phone and puts it to his ear. “Yeah,” he states, sounding alert. I can’t hear what’s being said on the other end but whatever it is isn’t good considering the way his body tightens. “Alright, you get here. We’ll be ready.”

  Ready for what?

  Isaac hangs up and tosses the phone on the coffee table. “Sweetness, need you to go get some clothes on,” he mutters.

  “What’s going on?” I ask as I sit up.

  “Shit’s about to go down and I need you to help me out by not questioning me about what’s about to happen and trust me. Also, want you dressed so none of my brothers see what’s mine,” Isaac states.

  “Um, okay,” I murmur and head into the bedroom to get dressed. Isaac follows after me a minute later and pulls on a t-shirt and does up the button of his jeans.

  I grab a pair of leggings out of my bag and a long sleeve t-shirt.

  “Amaya, need you to know right now what’s about to go down is a good thing. Don’t let it fuck with your head,” he says, and I nod my head, unsure of what he’s talking about. “Remember, you’re mine and I won’t let you go.”

  Again, I nod at his words. This time I close my eyes and let the words soak in.

  “What’s about to happen?” I utter the question.

  “Yesterday in church we put a plan together in order to put a st
op to Emilia. She’s not only killed men I worked with, that I saw as brothers, but she’s working under those men as one of their minions and has their backing to keep her from getting into any trouble.” My stomach tightens at his announcement. “Amaya, we sent her a message with an anonymous tip letting her know the two of us were together. She’s coming for us. I hate I’m putting you in the midst of it but now we know it’s her we’ve got a plan it’s a matter of taking her out.”

  “You’re gonna kill her?” My eyes widen at the thought. Yeah, I’d like to do it but I know I would never be able to. She’s Emilia. Even if she’s homicidal.

  “No, Sweetness, I’m not gonna kill her. If we can, we’re gonna knock her ass out and get her transported to a place she’ll never see the light of day,” he mutters at the same time the front door opens and someone yells out. “The only thing though is we don’t know if she has anyone with her.” Isaac continues ignoring whoever just came in the house.

  I lick my lips nervously and nod. I don’t need to ask any more questions. This is who Isaac is and who he’s always been even four years ago. I saw it in him then, though never this close up, that he would and will do anything he needed to protect those he cared for.

  Isaac pulls me tight into his chest and holds me to him. “This is all gonna be over soon. I promise,” he murmurs.

  “Okay,” I whisper into his chest.

  “Come on, let’s get back to the living room. That was K-9 who called out when he came in,” he states, informing me he knew who’d come in.

  “K-9?” Who would have a name like that?

  “You didn’t think I’d leave all the action to you and Whip, did you?” The one I assume is K-9 chuckles.

  “Fucker,” Isaac mutters and releases my hand as he steps forward and the two of them hug each other with one arm around the back.

  Stepping back, Isaac comes back to me and pulls me into his side. “Amaya, this is K-9, Red, Burner, and Hades.”

  “Um, hi,” I whisper, lowering my gaze to the floor nervous about meeting these men. Over the past week, I’ve gotten used to the men who are at Isaac’s clubhouse, but I still keep myself secluded as much as possible. I don’t want to take the chance of one of them coming after me.


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