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Her Royal Blood

Page 5

by Felicity Jordan

  “They’re better dressed than some of the vampires here.”

  “There is a hierarchy that most royal houses share,” Refeu explained. “The highest authorities are the Assa and other female royals. Then come their mates, and afterward, male royals. Donors and royal guards are the next tier. Afterwards come the noble houses, and then ordinary vampires who are employed around the palace.”

  Tim seemed impressed. “In human society, donors and guards would be given little importance. Humans don’t put nearly as much importance in those who work for them as you seem to.”

  “Why not? Without these roles, where would we be? Most royals would risk their lives for a loyal guard or donor.”

  The human shook his head slowly. “I’m beginning to think vampire society has more to it than humans give you credit for. We could take some tips from you.”

  “How so?”

  Refeu listened as Tim explained some of the details of life with humans. Refeu was horrified when he learned that donors were shamed and ostracized. Before their discussion could go further, they entered the gardens. Like in all palaces, there were tall leafy trees everywhere, casting shade on the paths so that the vampires didn’t have to walk in the sun. There were a few human employees tending to the garden where the shade didn’t reach.

  His mother and fathers were already seated. Refeu recognized his favorite donor, along with several cakes and teas. He and Tim sat down on the bench opposite his mother, with a couple of Refeu’s fathers sitting next to him.

  Though she was clearly eager for news of Rachel, Assa Halin turned her attention first to her guest.

  “So, Tim, tell me about yourself. We so seldom have human visitors.”

  Tim blushed and stuttered that his life wasn’t that interesting.

  Bren, the youngest of Refeu’s fathers waved his hand at this. “Nonsense, you are the mate of an Assa. Tell us, what did you and Assa do before you came to the palace?”

  His earlier discomfort was soon forgotten as Tim was drawn into conversation. He didn’t so much as blink when the donor was called forward and Refeu fed from her. Refeu was proud of the human; he was doing his Assa proud with his conduct.

  As the conversation drifted, Tim mostly watched and listened. Refeu saw his eyes most often on his fathers. Tim watched their movements, the way they smiled at Assa and each other. Slowly, the human seemed to relax.

  When Bren called for more of the small cakes he favored, the servant attending them bowed before hurrying off. “Yes, Asarin.”

  “Asarin?” Tim glanced between Bren and the retreating back of the servant.

  “It means mate to Assa. Not all palaces use the titles, because most mates insist on being called by their given names. I believe that the Cherki royalty hasn’t used the titles in some time.”

  “Good.” Tim shook his head at the questioning looks he got. “Rachel has a hard-enough time convincing people to call her by her name, and she’s supposed to be the highest authority in the palace. I’d have no chance.”

  That got laughs from all around.

  The days in his childhood home passed quickly. Refeu knew that if events played out the way he hoped, he would have a new home with Rachel in the Cherki palace, so he was determined to enjoy the time back here.

  Tim spent a lot of time watching Refeu’s fathers with his mother, and the two of them talked, sometimes for hours. With each passing day, Tim seemed to become more at ease.

  Refeu was regretful when they finally had to leave, but he wanted to be back at the Cherki palace before Rachel and Jexin returned. He and Tim boarded the private jet that had brought them here. Tim leaned back into the comfortable seat, seemingly content. “I think I get it now.”

  “What do you get?”

  “The whole multiple mates thing. They’re all so happy, your fathers and your mother. The way she looks at each of them, it’s the same way Rachel looks at me. She loves them just as much.”

  The words sent a wave of relief through Refeu. “Then you think you can accept Rachel having more than one mate?”

  “Well, that depends on who the mate is,” Tim replied with a teasing glint in his eye.

  “So, tell me, Asarin, what must one do to prove himself a worthy mate to your Assa?”

  Tim threw a cushion at him, which Refeu deftly caught. “For starters, never call me Asarin. Other than that, I think you and Jexin are good. I just hope the next two are as easy to approve of.”

  “The next two?”

  “Isn’t five the total number of mates?”

  Refeu tossed the cushion aside. “For my mother, yes, but there is no set number. Some Assas have as little as two, while some have as many as ten. It all depends on their preference.”

  Tim nodded as he took in the information. “Well, Rachel and I have always agreed that three is a lucky number.”

  Refeu smiled at the hint. “Perhaps you would do well to remind her of this.”

  “You know, I think I will.” Tim grabbed the discarded cushion and tucked it behind his head. Their flight wasn’t long, but Refeu was already eager to see Rachel. He only hoped that the time away had done as much for her as it had for Tim.

  Chapter Eight


  Rachel felt refreshed as she stepped back into the Cherki palace. She’d been resistant at first, but Tim and the others had been right. She had needed a break. She just hoped she hadn’t hurt Tim’s feelings by going with Jexin, even though Tim had insisted she did.

  Jexin had never initiated any touch between them beyond what was strictly friendly, but Rachel had felt his eyes on her. She’d struggled mightily to keep her hands to herself.

  Stop this, she told herself sternly. She loved Tim and couldn’t believe that she was developing feelings for not one but two other men. What was wrong with her?


  She was sometimes sure that Jexin could read her mind. “I’m fine. Do you think Tim and Refeu are back yet?”

  “Of course. They would make sure to be here before you.”

  The words had barely left his mouth when a shout came from across the garden. “Rachel!”

  Tim and Refeu jogged over. She hugged Tim tightly, pulling him in for a kiss. He responded happily, deepening the angle, seemingly unfazed by the two vampires standing nearby. Rachel finally pulled away, only to be caught up in a hug by Refeu. She relaxed into his strong arms, resisting the urge to kiss him too.

  “Welcome home. How was your trip?” Refeu and Jexin clasped arms, as did Tim and Jexin. Rachel looked curiously at Tim. Something had changed in him in the week they’d been apart. He and Refeu seemed closer, and Tim seemed comfortable with the affection between her and the two vampires.

  “The trip was great,” Rachel said happily. “It was a good idea, Refeu.”

  “I’m glad. Perhaps next time, we can all go together.”

  Rachel stiffened and her eyes went to Tim to find him smiling and nodding. “That would be great! Rachel and I always wanted to go skiing. I’d bet you two would be good at that, what with vampire coordination. I’ll need all the help I can get if I’m not going to wrap myself around a tree.”

  Refeu’s laugh was full of joy and mirth. “Don’t worry, we will protect you, brother. No trees will touch you.”

  Brother? Rachel hadn’t heard them refer to Tim as that before, but she supposed it was probably yet another vampire custom. Tim didn’t seem to think anything of it.

  She leaned close to Tim. “I’m not sure about that, Tim. I’d love to go, of course, but I think with all this royalty stuff, I’m not going to be able to get a proper chance anytime soon. That trip will be expensive; I’m not sure if we can afford it.”

  Of course, Jexin and Refeu heard her easily.

  “Assa, you don’t need to worry about that. You are Cherki royalty. The entire treasury is at your disposal.”

  “Oh.” She suddenly felt silly. “Of course. So, I’m just allowed to use whatever I want?”

  “You are Assa
. You haven’t been named yet, but you are still the highest authority here, even above your uncle.” Jexin was always so patient when he explained things he’d known for centuries, and Rachel loved him for it.

  “What does that mean, to be named?”

  It was Refeu who answered. “This situation is a bit different, but here’s how it normally works. When an Assa has a daughter, that daughter is Essa, and lives in the half state, between vampire and human, until she comes of age. When she does, she is turned. At some point, every Assa has enough. She will step down and give the throne over to her daughter, their titles switching around. The Essa becomes Assa, and Assa goes back to Essa, as she was when she was a child.”

  “It’s different now,” Jexin added, “because your mother has been gone for a while. That makes you the rightful Assa, but you still need to be formally named. Dasek was all for doing it the day after you arrived, but I’ve told him he’ll have to wait until you’re ready. He’s been running the kingdom for decades; he can do it for a few more weeks.”

  “Can you tell him that? Isn’t he a higher authority than you?”

  Rachel was shocked when Tim answered. “Yes, but not in matters of the Assa’s safety. In those matters, her guards have final say, even over her own wishes.”

  It took a moment for Rachel to recover herself. “I see you’ve been paying attention. What else has Refeu taught you?”

  Refeu and Tim exchanged a glance loaded with meaning Rachel didn’t understand. “Many things, but I still have a lot to learn.”

  “Less than me, apparently.”

  Rachel went inside with the three men. Refeu and Jexin soon went to their own quarters, leaving her alone with Tim. She bit her lip, wishing they wouldn’t go. It had been nice, earlier, being with the three of them. It was so easy, so natural, and Tim seemed to like the two vampires.

  She loved him and the last thing Rachel wanted to do was betray him, but she was fast coming to realize that she couldn’t deny her feelings for Refeu and Jexin. What would Tim say? He’d surely feel betrayed, but what else could she do? She’d been keeping the truth from him for far too long already.

  “Tim? Can we talk?”

  “Of course. What’s up?”

  Rachel opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

  “Rachel? What’s wrong? You’re as pale as a sheet. When last did you feed? Should I call for Bethany?”

  “No, it’s not that. I just… need to tell you something.”

  Tim grabbed her in his arms. “You can tell me anything.”

  She didn’t know how to say it, so Rachel just blurted it out. “I have feelings for Jexin and Refeu.”

  She expected Tim to stiffen and pull away, but he did neither. “I know. It’s quite obvious.”

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I didn’t mean to. I don’t know how this happened. I never betrayed you, though, Tim, I swear. I never touched either of them beyond a hug.”

  “Well, you should. They like you too, you know.”

  Rachel played those words over in her head, sure she’d misheard. “What?”

  “Refeu and Jexin are good guys. They’ll make excellent mates for you, and equally excellent brothers for me.”

  She pulled back to stare at him. “What do you mean?”

  “Mates to an Assa are brothers according to vampire law.”

  “No, I mean… are you breaking up with me?”

  “No! No, Rachel of course not. You do remember that female vampire royals have multiple mates, right? I’m simply saying that they have my approval, and that if you want them, you should take them. They’re more than willing.”

  Wait… she could have all of them? She didn’t need to choose? “You’re ok with that?”

  Tim gave her a reassuring smile. “I can share you, don’t worry.”

  Rachel suddenly felt like a fool. She’d spent all these weeks making herself miserable over the knowledge that she couldn’t be with all of the men she cared about, and all of that drama could have been avoided if she’d simply talked to Tim.

  “You don’t feel like I’ve betrayed you, by having feelings for them?”

  “No, of course not. This is how things work for royal vampires, remember?”

  Rachel simply gaped at him, struck speechless.

  Tim laughed at her expression. “It took me some time to get my head around it, but I want you to be happy.”

  “I want you to be happy, too.”

  “I will be, at least if you choose Refeu and Jexin. I can’t speak for anyone else, but you clearly have good taste. Why else would you be with me?” Tim teased.

  “Shut up.” Rachel couldn’t help the wide smile that spread across her face. “You’re sure you don’t mind?”

  “I’m sure.”

  She hesitated. “If you… if you want to be with other people too, I’d understand.” It was a lie. She couldn’t think of Tim being with other people without a pang of anguish, but she could hardly expect him to be so understanding with her and not offer the same thing to him.

  “No, I don’t want anyone else.”

  Rachel felt a sudden surge of guilt. She shouldn’t want anyone else either. She loved Tim just as much as he loved her; why, then, did she want Jexin and Refeu too?

  “What are you thinking?”

  “What’s wrong with me, Tim?”

  “Nothing is wrong with you. Why would you say that?”

  “I’ve never wanted anyone else before. Since coming here, I’ve wanted both Refeu and Jexin.”

  “Well, you hadn’t met Refeu and Jexin before coming here.” Tim sounded so assured and reasonable, but Rachel wasn’t sure.

  “I mean, is it a vampire thing? Not all vampires have multiple mates, do they?”

  “I think that’s a question best answered by Refeu or Jexin.”

  She nodded. Jexin would be best; he was her teacher, after all. “I have a lesson with Jexin later. I’ll ask him then.”

  “Cancel your lesson. I think it’s about time you and Jexin go on a date.”

  Jexin had been encouraging her to consider other lovers from the start, even if those lovers weren’t him, though it was clear he desired her. The encouragement from Tim, though, brought an end to Rachel’s resistance. She’d only been resisting for his sake, anyway.

  “Go,” Tim encouraged. “You can tell me how it went afterward.” Rachel searched his face for any hint of hurt or betrayal, but there was none. Tim truly did want her to be with Jexin.

  Rachel kissed him before hurrying off to find Jexin. She found Refeu first and flung her arms around him.

  “Rachel? Are you alright?”

  “I’m good, Refeu. Tim says it’s ok, can you believe that?”

  She hadn’t expected him to know what she was talking about, but Refeu nodded. “I know. He is a good mate. Have you… have you decided which suitors to accept?” The hesitance in his voice said that he wasn’t yet sure of his place with her.

  “Of course, I have. Isn’t it obvious? You and Jexin, along with Tim.”

  At that, Refeu’s handsome smile broke out across his face. “I am honored, Assa.”

  “If you start calling me Assa again, I’m going to dump you before our first date.”

  “Jexin gets to call you Assa,” he complained.

  “Only because I can’t get him to stop, no matter how many times I tell him. I’m actually going to ask him on a date now.”

  She watched Refeu carefully for some sign of jealousy or disappointment that he wasn’t the first one she asked, but there was none.

  “Good! He will be delighted.” Refeu didn’t ask when his turn was coming and truly did seem genuinely excited for the date, even though it wasn’t his.

  It didn’t take long to find Jexin. He was in his rooms, resting. He’d wanted to leave some guards outside Rachel’s chambers, but she had refused, insisting she was safe in her family’s own palace. She didn’t want anyone other than Jexin guarding her.

  He swung the door open at her hur
ried knocks. “Rachel? What is it?”

  “I want to cancel our lesson this afternoon.”

  “Of course, I should have realized you would be tired. We can resume when you are ready.”

  “No, Jexin, you’re missing the point. I want to cancel our lesson because I want you to take me on a date.”

  Chapter Nine


  Jexin wondered if he was really hearing the words he’d dreamt of for weeks now. It couldn’t be, because the words themselves were unfamiliar, even if the meaning wasn’t. “A date is the human term for courting, yes?”

  “Yes, that’s right. I talked to Tim, and he’s fine with me being with you and Refeu as well as him.”

  She would court Refeu too? Even better. Jexin already liked the prince, and the house of Alabsa would make a strong ally.

  Jexin’s delight faded as he was suddenly gripped with uncertainty. Assa had grown up as a human. He had no idea what humans expected in courtship. He struggled to hide his sudden worry. “Then I will give you many dates. Our lesson was to be at four. Our date can take that time.” That would give him two hours to prepare, at least.”

  “Excellent!” Assa’s excitement lifted his heart. Jexin only hoped he would meet her expectations.

  Firstly, he needed to keep her away from Tim so that he could ask the human about the proper courtship procedures. He waited for Assa to leave before finding the prince.

  “Refeu, has Assa talked to you?”

  “She has. I’m surprised you’re not getting ready for your date.”

  “I need your help.”

  “Of course, anything to make her happy.”

  “Do you know about human dates? How they differ from vampire courtship?”

  Some of his own worry now showed on Refeu’s face. “I don’t. You think they are different? I’ve grown up being taught how to court an Essa, but no one considered an Assa raised by humans.”

  “I think they are different; after all, most human customs are different to ours. Tim will know, though. I need you to get Assa away from him and keep him away while I prepare.”

  Refeu’s expression cleared. “Yes, of course, Tim will help us. I will keep Rachel occupied and away from him.” Without another word, he hurried off. Jexin didn’t doubt the prince’s word; when a vampire royal gave their word, they staked their life on it. With his word given, Refeu would keep Assa occupied even if it meant stabbing himself to make her sit by his bedside.


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