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Her Royal Blood

Page 6

by Felicity Jordan

  Jexin winced, hoping it wouldn’t come to that. Assa would be frantic with worry. Surely, the prince had more sense than that.

  He was relieved to see Assa following Refeu through the halls a few minutes later, with no blood in sight. Jexin hurried to the Assa’s chambers, to find Tim sitting at the desk, looking through some of the papers from her history lessons.

  “Tim? I need your help.”

  He turned and pulled out a chair. “Sure, what is it?”

  “How do I court someone who has been brought up by humans?”

  “Oh. Stupid of me, I should have realized you and Refeu wouldn’t know human customs. Well, there are a number of things you can do. Having a nice meal together is always good, with just the two of you. Or you could take her somewhere, like a movie or to the beach. Scratch that, no beach, unless you went in the evening after the sun has set. Chocolates and flowers are always good, too.”

  Jexin snatched up a blank piece of paper and started writing Tim’s suggestions down. “What about physical intimacy? How far into the courtship is that acceptable?”

  Tim’s face went rather red. “That depends on the people. With Rachel and me, we kissed on the third date, and other stuff followed over a few months. Do you really need to write this down?”

  “Would you prefer to explain it all again to Refeu? Or to me should I forget something?”

  “I guess not.”

  “Now, what are Rachel’s favorite chocolates?”

  Half an hour later, Jexin hurried off to prepare, the list clutched in his hand. He called for servants to set aside a shady part of the garden, next to the flowerbeds that Assa favored. He had just enough time to venture into human territory to get the chocolates Tim had recommended. He got back to the palace with enough time to bathe and dress for the date.

  Finally, four o’clock came, and Jexin went to Assa’s chambers, knocking on the door.

  She opened it, and he caught his breath at the sight of her. She was wearing a royal blue satin gown with small gems sewn into it that caught the light every time she moved.

  “Assa. You look magnificent.”

  “You clean up well yourself, Jexin. You should dress like this more often.” Jexin was in formal feast wear, and while he was glad she favored it, he knew he couldn’t take to wearing it all the time.

  He hung his head regretfully. “The plainer clothes I wear are a uniform. Mine are slightly different since I’m the head of the guards, but all the uniforms are optimized for fighting. Should I need to defend you, the uniform wouldn’t hinder my movements like these clothes will.”

  Assa accepted this easily. “Fine, but I still want to see you like this at least some of the time. I still don’t think I need protection in the palace.”

  “Maybe not, but it’s better to be safe than dead. I have a circle of guards around the area I’m taking you, since I’m not clothed properly to protect you.”

  “No way, Jexin, I’m not having a bunch of spectators for our date.”

  “They will not be spectators,” he assured her, taking her arm and leading her toward the gardens. “They are far enough away that they won’t be able to see or hear us. They will simply stop anyone from entering the area.”

  This seemed to mollify her, because Assa smiled and relaxed, allowing him to take her where he would. Jexin led her to the spot he’d prepared. There was a velvet blanket spread over the ground, as well as multiple cushions. A silver platter of food lay in the center, along with the box of chocolates.

  Assa reached for them eagerly. “My favorite! Did Tim tell you?”

  “Tim told me many useful things. Before the food, though, you need to drink. Bethany.”

  At his call, Bethany appeared from between the trees. “Assa.” She knelt at Rachel’s side, beaming. It was uncommon for a vampire royal to choose just one donor, and Bethany was beyond honored that Assa had asked for no one else.

  It was a good thing the magic required to make donors caused their blood to replenish far faster than a human’s, so Bethany didn’t suffer from losing blood every day to feedings. Not that she would have said anything if she had; she was a good, loyal member of the household, and would do anything for Assa.

  By now, Assa had no qualms about feeding. She gestured for Bethany to sit down and eagerly pulled the woman closer. Bethany closed her eyes and Jexin heard the faint sound of flesh slitting. Assa drank deeply, but she knew when to stop.

  After she was done, she used a cloth to wipe away the excess blood from Bethany’s neck. “Thank you, Assa.”

  “You know, Bethany, you don’t need to thank me after every feeding. It’s me who should be thanking you.”

  “You honor me, Assa. I am glad to be your donor.”

  “Well, I’d be glad if you’d call me Rachel.”

  “Of course, Assa.”

  Assa rolled her eyes but gestured that Bethany could go. “Wait, take some of this fruit with you! You’ll need to keep your blood sugar up.”

  Donors had no problems with blood sugar after feedings, but Jexin didn’t say anything. Bethany bowed her head as she took the fruit, recognizing it as a gesture of care and respect, even if it wasn’t needed.

  Jexin offered Assa some freshly baked bread, which she took happily. “I think I could get used to life here, you know.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Assa broke it. “Jexin, can I ask you a question?”

  “You can ask me anything. You know that.”

  “Why am I developing feelings for you and Refeu? Before, I never wanted anyone except Tim. Is it just that I never met anyone else I wanted before, or is there more to it?”

  “You are correct, there is more to it. Vampires seldom give birth to girls, and human women struggle with the change far more than human men. As I’m sure you’ve seen from the palace, female vampires are rare. There’s an instinct for protection that all female vampires have. The more mates you have, the more people there are around to protect you.”

  “But not all female vampires have multiple mates, do they?”

  “No, only royals, but even non-royal females are well protected, if not as much as royals. Special care is taken with the royal bloodlines, because without those, our society would fall into chaos. When you completed the change, your own body and mind started seeing to your protection.”

  Instead of being reassured, Assa looked troubled. “Then I don’t really like you? It’s just some instinct for protection?”

  “No, the instinct doesn’t manufacture feelings, it only opens you to the need to have more than one mate. Who those mates are is completely up to you.”

  She nodded in relief, popping a chocolate into her mouth. The two of them made light conversation as they ate. It was so easy to talk to her. Jexin had always expected his Assa, when they found her, to be formidable and remote, but Assa was warm and open. He found himself staring at her soft pink lips, wondering if they tasted like the chocolate she was eating.

  Assa seemed to notice his gaze and returned it with a heated gaze of her own. Jexin was determined to let her lead, not wanting to push her into something she wasn’t ready for so soon after she’d accepted having more mates than just Tim.

  Assa crawled forward on the blanket, her eyes seemingly dancing with fire. “Jexin,” she breathed. She put a hand around the back of his neck, her fingers twisting in his hair as she pulled him close.

  When their lips met, Jexin felt fire explode through his veins. He groaned and kissed her back, their bodies pressing together as their tongues moved.

  Assa pushed gently on his shoulders so that he was lying on his back. She straddled his hips and Jexin felt her weight pressing onto his cock, which hardened instantly. She noticed and wriggled her bottom in a way that had him bucking up against her.

  Jexin pulled her forward for another kiss, his hands cupping her ass. She moaned in pleasure and her movements increased as she rubbed herself against him.
Jexin slipped his hands under her dress, feeling her skin against his.

  Assa urgently captured his wrists and moved his hands, guiding them under her panties. She was so wet that Jexin had to bite his lip and strain for control so that he didn’t come right there and then. Assa thrust impatiently into him, and he chuckled as he gave her the touch she needed, rubbing a thumb across her clit.

  Even though she cried out and bucked against him in pleasure, it wasn’t enough. Jexin flipped them around, so that she was lying on her back. From there, he quickly shimmied her panties down to her ankles and pushed her dress up.

  Assa moaned in encouragement as he slowly licked her pussy, moving up from her damp opening to her clit. When his tongue flicked across it, she bucked up into him again.

  “Jexin – do that again, now!”

  He was only too happy to comply, and started licking and sucking on her clit, paying close attention to the noises she made. He wanted to learn what she liked, so that he could make her come over and over again until she was weak with pleasure.

  He could tell that she was close. Assa squirmed under him, breathing heavily, her hands clutching his hair. Jexin slowly slid a finger into her pussy. She was so hot and wet, he felt himself coming close to the edge as his cock throbbed in his pants.

  “More, Jexin…”

  He pushed a second, and then a third finger inside her, thrusting fast and hard in time with the movements Assa was making with her hips. He fastened his lips around her clit and gave a hard suck. That did it for her. She screamed as she came, her hands in his hair pressing him down onto her as the waves of pleasure took her.

  She finally went limp, gasping as she caught her breath. Jexin moved up so that he was level with her, and Assa smiled at him, utterly spent and sated.

  He didn’t know how it happened. One moment, she was looking at him he was the best thing she’d ever seen. The next, horror was slowly creeping into her expression. Before he could ask what was wrong, she let out a small cry of distress and flung herself away from him.

  “Assa? Did I do something wrong?”

  She didn’t answer, but her eyes started filling with tears. “Assa! What’s wrong? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” If he had, Jexin would throw himself from the highest tower in the palace.

  She didn’t answer, but leapt to her feet, fleeing the garden, a hand pressed over her mouth to cover her sobs.

  Jexin felt broken. What had he done? He must have hurt her somehow, whether physically or emotionally, he wasn’t sure. He’d never felt so ashamed in his life.

  It was a good thing Refeu found him, because Jexin hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d resolved to throw himself from the tower if he hurt her.

  “Jexin! I saw Assa run past crying, what did you do to her?” The prince grabbed his shoulders roughly and shook him in anger.

  “I don’t know,” Jexin whispered. “I messed up, somehow. We were kissing. She was enjoying it, I’m sure. I didn’t push her, she initiated everything. Then she pulled away, started crying and ran. What did I do?”

  Refeu’s hands on his shoulders softened on hearing that Jexin hadn’t hurt Assa. “I don’t know. She was heading for her chambers. Tim will take care of her emotional needs, and when she passed me, I told nearest guards to set up a watch outside her door. She will be safe and cared for.”

  Jexin nodded dully, waiting for Refeu to leave, but the prince didn’t move. “You can go. She might want you.”

  “She’ll call for me if she wants anyone other than Tim. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Refeu must suspect some of Jexin’s thoughts, because he was true to his word. Leaving the food and blanket behind, Jexin stumbled to his chambers, Refeu walking so close that he kept stepping on the guard’s heels.

  “Just go away,” Jexin moaned. “Leave me to my misery.”

  “No. We are both suitors to Assa, and it’s our job to support each other, just as it will be if we’re both lucky enough to become her mates. I’m not going anywhere.”

  For a moment, anger welled up inside him, but then even that escaped him. Jexin lay down on his bed, suddenly exhausted. Refeu took up a spot in a chair, pulling it closer to the bed. “Sleep. I will wake you if I hear anything from Assa.”

  He didn’t want to sleep. Something was niggling in his mind. Jexin sat up again in an effort to keep himself awake.

  It came to him. “Assa is upset. She might try to leave. We can’t let her; it would be too dangerous.”

  “The guards wouldn’t let her leave.”

  “Yes, they would, if she ordered them to. Come, we need to be close in case we need to stop her.”

  Refeu didn’t offer any further arguments but got up and followed Jexin in the direction of Assa’s chambers.

  Chapter Ten


  Rachel ran, tears blinding her. She could only hope she didn’t hit a wall, or a person.

  What was happening to her? She wasn’t this person. Tim had given his blessing, but that didn’t excuse it in her mind, not anymore. She had enjoyed kissing Jexin, just as much as she enjoyed kissing Tim.

  She didn’t want multiple mates, and she didn’t want to be a vampire. She just wanted her old life back.

  Tim leapt up as she burst into their rooms. “Rachel, what happened? Where’s Jexin?”

  She noticed he didn’t demand to know if Jexin had hurt her, for which she was relieved. “I left – I left him in the gardens.”

  “Does he need a healer? Do you? Do you need blood, should I call Bethany? What happened?”

  “I’m losing who I am,” she wailed. “This world is changing me, Tim.”

  He pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as she sobbed. “It’s changing both of us, but that’s not a bad thing.”

  Rachel pulled out of his embrace. “I don’t want to lose myself!” Some small part of her mind wondered if she was overreacting, but the overwhelming feeling of loss shut out almost everyone else. Just a few weeks ago, she’d been a normal college student, with one boyfriend and no desire to have others.

  She stumbled back to Tim, clutching his shoulders. “Take me away from here, Tim. Let’s leave, right now. We can leave everything behind us.”

  She fully expected Tim to give her what she needed, but he was right about them both being changed, because he stiffened at her words. “No, Rachel,” he said gently. “Your life is here now, as is mine. It’s too dangerous for a vampire royal to be out in the world without guards. You know that.”

  Once again, Rachel pulled away from him. Tim reached for her, but she slapped his hand away as though burned. “Don’t touch me! If you won’t come with me, then let me go.”

  “Rachel, please, listen to me. I don’t know what happened, but it sounds like you and Jexin just moved too fast, that’s all. Remember when that happened with us? When we moved too fast, physically? You freaked out and tried to run then, too. Do you remember what I said to you?”

  Rachel remembered but she was unwilling to repeat it.

  “I said to give us a chance, that not all change is bad. Remember? You did. You gave us that chance. Have you ever regretted it?”

  No, she’d never regretted it. Rachel shook her head, her shoulders slumping. Tim wasn’t going to come with her. She watched him out of the corner of her eye as he relaxed slightly in response to her posture.

  Before he could think to react, Rachel had dashed past him, through the doors. There were two vampire guards standing outside, and they immediately made to follow her, but she shouted over her shoulder. “Stay where you are!”

  At once, they obeyed, stepping back into their positions beside her door. Tim was running after her, but Rachel now had vampire speed on her side, and she quickly outstripped him.

  She was still looking behind when she ran straight into something solid. She would have fallen had Refeu not put his arms around her. “Rachel, slow down.”

  She didn’t slow down. Refeu and Jexin would stop her, and unlike the other guards, they
wouldn’t be stopped by her orders, not if they thought they needed to disobey to protect her.

  Refeu’s arms released her when she struggled, but he easily kept pace, running beside her. She glanced over her shoulder to see Jexin following along behind them. His face was red and his eyes puffy; it was clear he’d been crying. Rachel felt a wave or remorse. She’d hurt him. None of this was his fault.

  “Leave me alone!”

  “Where are you going, Assa?”

  “I’m leaving. I don’t want to live here any longer.” Rachel slowed to a fast walk, knowing that Tim was far behind and she couldn’t outrun Refeu or Jexin.

  “You cannot, Rachel. It’s too dangerous. Word has gotten out that the lost heir to the Cherki throne has been found. You can’t even imagine how many vampires want you dead. You’re not safe out there without guards.”

  “I’ll be fine. Now go, leave me alone. I order you to go. I’m Assa. You have to obey me.”

  “I’m sorry, Assa, but I won’t follow that order, not when it risks your safety. Relieve me of my post if you must, but I will still always protect you.”

  She hadn’t expected it to work, but she’d had to try.

  Refeu spoke up from next to her. “I will not leave you either, Rachel. I know disobeying you in your family’s territory could cause a diplomatic incident, but I’d rather have that than let any harm come to you.”

  Rachel didn’t know whether she wanted to cry, run or hit them. She settled for ignoring the both of them, walking fast. She hadn’t thought to pack anything – any clothes or money. She’d just have to make do. “Leave me alone,” she hissed halfheartedly, knowing she would be ignored.

  “If you don’t want me near, I will call other guards,” Jexin offered hesitantly. He sounded heartbroken, and Rachel stopped so suddenly that he almost walked into her.


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