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Her Highland Secret: Steamy Historical Scottish Romance

Page 18

by Fiona Faris

  His lips left her mouth and he trailed hot, intense kisses down her throat. He grabbed at her dress, pulling down the front until her round, perfect breasts were exposed to the cool air causing her dark nipples to constrict into budded tips. He sighed, leaning back to take her in. He would never tire of looking at her, open and revealed for him. Her skin shone like porcelain. She was beautiful. An intelligent, challenging woman who made his head spin. He would never tire of her.

  “Lucas…” she moaned bringing his head forward, leading him, as he took one of her breasts into his mouth. Teasing first one taut nipple, then the other with his teeth. He lifted her into his arms and moved her over to the bed, laying her on top of the warm plaids.

  “I want tae take care of ye. I need tae take care of ye, Ella, let me show ye, please…” he begged, kissing her again, using his tongue to explore her mouth and using his hands on her downy skin. He touched her in places where he knew no man had touched her save him, gladly bringing her pleasure. She arched her body closer to his. She placed her hand on his chin and kissed him back, responding to him eagerly, just as he taught her, nodding into him, giving him the permission he sought to continue. “Yes Lucas, please show me…”

  All of the anger between them dissipated as she pressed her hips up into his, begging for the release he know only he could provide. He lifted her skirts and spread her legs, dipping his head and nipping at the sensitive spots behind each knee. Her lips parted, and she instinctively buckled at the tickling pressure as he moved his hands up her thighs, rubbing and kneading her. She smelled of sweet rose, outdoors and her own feminine scent, heady and intoxicating, driving him up toward the center of her sex, as he kissed the insides of her thighs moving slowly, rationing his need, and savoring each piece of her along the way. Stopping only to caress the blond curls that sat where her legs met. They were the only thing standing between him from what he wanted most, yet he reveled in their silken softness.

  “Open for me, sweet lass,” he said sweetly, and she complied giving him a light moan of ecstasy as he slipped his kiss down onto her most secret pleasure. He used his tongue to find the height of her sex, licking and tasting her. He leisurely circled the center of her need. Making her beg for release, he knew he would give, but not quite yet. She moaned and urged him closer. He buried himself into her sweetness.

  His heart began to pound heavily in his chest as his own manhood hardened in a way he had never known. All in response to her. He needed to prove to Ella and to himself that he was able to love her in a way no other man ever could. He wanted to wipe any thought of giving in to Evans or her father from her mind. His urgency took hold as he sped up his movements. He had never tasted anything as sweet as Ella in her passion. She bucked wildly as he adjusted his body and movements to give her more of what she yearned for. Her moistened center driving him mad with need, he kissed and suckled harder. When he couldn’t bear her pleasure alone any longer, he used his free hand to release his manhood from the confines of his kilt and gripped his erection solidly. He stroked himself in time with his kisses, as Ella tensed, moving beneath him. Tension coiled in his middle. The friction of his own hand mixed with the scent and sounds of Ella’s love causing him to barely hold onto control. She screamed out as he brought her to her release in a fevered pitch, and at the same time his own seed spilled out in an explosion of relief and pleasure. He collapsed onto her, his breathing as ragged and tortured as hers. She was heaven in all of its forms. She brought him to heights he hadn’t known were even possible. He would never let her go. He gently lowered her skirts and adjusted himself on the bed, taking her into his arms.

  They laid together for a while, as he watched the light go from day to twilight. Lucas stroking her hair, and claiming her warmth for himself. He didn’t want to break the spell of their coupling with words, but no longer could he allow her to believe that he would force her into an agreement that would change both of their lives.

  Rolling over onto his side he faced her. Her eyes were closed and the stress and fear that lined her face was gone. He smiled at the sight of her so relaxed. He wished for her to always look this way, feel this way with him.

  “I dinnae know what ye heard lass, but I dinnae take what is between us lightly,” he said, quietly. She looked up at him, her eyes the color of misting fog, masking her true emotions. She offered him a weak smile that faded too quickly. He could tell she was retreating away from him, even in the afterglow of what just occurred between them. She was protecting herself. He understood, but wished it wasn’t so.

  “It’s getting late, should we not make an appearance for the evening meal?” she asked, deftly changing the subject. Lucas was annoyed by her apparent indifference, but he would not leave this her bedchamber until he felt satisfied that she understood his position.

  “The meal will keep,” he said, he had no appetite and Magnus would hold the announcement of his lairdship until he arrived. It was more important that he and Ella reach an understanding. He didn’t want to be the cause of any of her anguish. “Do ye nae want tae marry me?”

  “Oh Lucas, it’s not that. Don’t you see, I don’t want you to marry me because you or I feel there is no choice,” she said, solemnly. “I want to have some type of freedom in my life, and choice. Even without force, once again I feel that freedom being ripped from my grasp.”

  He understood. He didn’t like that she felt trapped, least of all by him. He had to make her see marriage to him may be the best way to ensure her protection. As far as he as concerned she was his, he would want no other. But he would die defending her whether she was his wife or not. As long as she chose to stay at Cadney, he vowed no harm would come to her.

  “As the Laird of my clan, I can offer you an army of protection. Commander Evans will never hurt ye again, lass. I owe ye my life, and I ken marriage is a large step for both of us. Tae marry me isnae a decision ye have tae make right now,” he said. “Ye can have yer freedom, if that ‘tis what ye need. I’ll not take it from ye.”

  “If I refuse to marry you, but stayed here in the keep, would I become your mistress?” He could see the worry etched in her face, her questions were giving away her fears.

  “Nay, lass. As hard as it would be tae nae touch and hold ye like this all th’ time whether yer my wife or nae. I want ye only to be mine in the truest way. I want tae marry ye. I want ye tae want tae marry me. I’ll never tell a soul what has occurred between us, ye’ll nae be ruined by my hand, and I’ll never regret it, but ye mean more tae me than a mistress ever could, and I’d spare ye the shame. If ye choose tae stay, I hope that someday ye’ll agree tae be Lady MacGille, my partner, help me tae lead our people.” Something flashed behind her gaze at his admission. This was his proposal and he meant every word. He knew she believed him, but did she believe enough to say yes?

  “So, if I am not your mistress, but refuse to be shipped off to France, even if you, as the Laird, thinks it is for my own best protection, will I still be able to stay?” she asked. God, France again, he was starting to regret ever thinking of the blasted country. He didn’t want her to go to France any more than she wanted to go. Yet it hung over them like a black cloud.

  “Lass, I promise, ye’ll never hae tae set foot in that damn country unless it is something ye want!” he was exasperated, but when she flinched, he thought he may have shown her a little too much of what he was feeling. Trying to remember her life has not been easy as of late, and her questions were her way of sorting out all her options, he vowed to be more patient with the lass. “Of course, my wife may someday ask tae go tae Paris on a honeymoon, I would gladly oblige,” he added smiling down at her, trying to add a little levity.

  She playfully slapped him on the chest and he took that as a cue to stand. Leaving her bed was hard but soft hues of pink and gray light coming through the small window let him know that it was time to take his leave and attend the evening meal.

  “Lucas, may I think about it?” she asked.

  He nodded, �
��Aye, lass,” he said, kissing her firm on the mouth. She leaned up into him and kissed him back, but there was a coolness in her kiss Lucas hadn’t felt from her before.

  “Will ye join me at the evening meal?”

  “Aye, but I’d like to change my dress and freshen up if you don’t mind. I will follow you in a few moments?” she asked. He nodded again in agreement. As he left the room for the great hall, something nagged at the back of his mind. He didn’t like that she needed time to consider his proposal, but he understood. It was his honesty about his feelings causing a distance between them that didn’t sit well in his chest. He felt as though he’d lost a piece of her trust. He silently vowed that he would do whatever it took to win it back.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  She couldn’t seem to control the shaking in her arms and legs as she entered the main hall of the keep. Everything looked different to Ella now that it was filled with people moving around, chatting, and carrying trays of food and drink all about. In the span of an afternoon she had run a gambit of emotions and was exhausted. When she had woken up that morning all she’d wanted was a clear path to stay with Lucas. Now that she had been given that in the way of a marriage proposal she was conflicted.

  Her heart screamed to say yes to his proposal. Lucas was affectionate and giving. Especially with his lovemaking. Ella fighting to keep her blush at bay thinking about his hands and mouth on her body. But while he spoke of possession and protection, there was no talk of love. He hadn’t told her he loved her. She knew she should be glad he wanted to marry her, but without his confession of love it felt empty.

  Looking around the room she spotted Milly and Kelly sitting at the main table toward the back of the hall. In just a few short days, she had come to think of Kelly as a friend, and even though she had just met Milly that morning, she already adored the girl. At least she could share a meal with two lovely women while she wrestled with her turmoil. As she drew closer Lucas came into view, he was speaking with animation to a beautiful woman Ella had not seen before. Her long auburn hair hung in tight ringlets that fell down her back, with slight streaks of grey at the temples. Her movements were graceful and sure, Ella couldn’t bring herself to look away. Rather than a pang of jealousy or anger, Ella was surprised to find she was enchanted. The woman looked up and Ella saw the familiar emerald green eyes shared by Lucas and Milly. Yet where the siblings both held ease and humor in theirs, this woman’s gaze was weighed down by a deep sadness. This must be the current, Lady MacGille, Ella thought. It could be no other than Lucas’s mother.

  “Ella!” Milly shouted across the room. She couldn’t help but smile at the girl’s eager greeting. “Come please, meet Mother!”

  Lucas turned and flashed Ella a brilliant smile, holding his hand out for Ella to take. She took it willingly, but she felt her cheeks burn as clan members undoubtedly watched. She could hear their whispers. Another thought occurred to her, if she said yes to being Lucas’s wife and eventual Lady of the Keep, she would have to learn to ignore whispers and gossip. She smiled back at Lucas, head high.

  “Ella Pearson, please meet our ma, Lady Catharine Agnes MacGille,” he said proudly. Ella gave the woman a deep curtsy.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you ma’am. Lucas has spoken very fondly of you.”

  Lady MacGille came forward and smiled warmly at her. Surprising not only Ella, but Lucas and Milly by taking Ella into a tight embrace.

  “Thank ye, lass. Were it not for you, I’d not hae my boy home and safe. Ye not only saved his life, ye saved mine and gave our clan a leader. I’m forever in ye debt,” she said. Tears welled in Ella’s eyes as she hugged the woman back. This was the first outward sign of affection that didn’t come from Lucas since she had left Amelia. Lady MacGille had no way of knowing how much Ella missed her own mother, but after her trying day, the woman’s embrace was exactly what she needed. She couldn’t help but wonder what Amelia was doing at that moment. Family had always been the core of her life, and she hadn’t realized how much she missed it until Lucas’s mother showed her this kindness.

  “I would do it all again, if given a chance.” Ella looked into the woman’s eyes and saw only appreciation. Lucas grabbed her hand from behind and led her to the seat between himself and Milly, who leaned over and whispered, “I’ve never seen Ma embrace anyone who wasnae family before.”

  Ella felt a small measure of pride. Her brief moment of happiness however was short lived. Her eye was drawn across the room where she saw Edina staring daggers at her. Ella felt a chill race down her spine. She would have to speak with the girl.

  Food began to be passed around the room and Ella had never seen such a feast. She must have counted five different roasted meats, and more roasted vegetables than she had even known existed. All from the vast garden Kelly and Milly had shown her that morning.

  “Is it always this plentiful?” she asked, leaning in to address Milly and Kelly, both women laughing at her astonishment.

  “Nay, only on special occasions. The last two nights since Lucas hae returned, Mrs. Thomas and the kitchen staff wanted to make the meals memorable,” Kelly said.

  “Partly, I think, hoping Ma would come down, which she has,” Milly added, smiling in her mother’s direction. “Mrs. Thomas and Ma have been friends for many years, but as of late she hasn’t seen her or spoken to anyone, rarely even me.”

  “I can’t imagine what it must be like for her, to lose her husband, and then think her sons also dead.” Ella wondered if she too would one day need to retreat from the clan if anything were to happen to Lucas. Or if she were to have sons, how hard would it be to send them off to battle?

  “But now Lucas is home,” Milly said. “And Gavin will be home soon as well, I feel it,” she added hopefully. Ella saw the optimism in the girl’s eyes and hoped she was right. She knew nothing would help heal the hole in Lucas’s heart made by his father’s death better than seeing his missing brother. She wondered how Amelia was, hoping she was safe. She would not be able to have the strength Milly showed if Amelia had been missing and presumed dead.

  The meal continued long into the evening, and Ella found she was enjoying herself immensely. Most of the clansmen who came up to the table to congratulate Lucas treated her with kindness, despite her being English. She found the MacGille clan a friendly and welcoming bunch. Each man wanted to toast or share a drink with Lucas, and she was starting to find it difficult to keep up with the drink. Thankfully after her first dram of whisky, she had coughed so violently that Lucas took it away, saying it may be a drink for her to grow accustomed to slowly. She agreed. One taste of the harsh brown liquid was more than enough for her. She moved onto ale, which was smoother and honey in taste. Much more agreeable.

  Magnus stood tall at the head table and banged a large, angry fist, hard onto the wood, getting the attention of everyone in the room. Ella looked up, nerves cooking in her stomach as she wondered what he had to say.

  “Och, Listen up ye wee shites!” he shouted, as a hush fell on the room accentuated with a couple giggles from the children at his foul language. “I have somethin’ tae say! I want tae welcome home Lucas MacGille, he fought bravely at th’ battle of Killiecrankie, and then again at th’ battle of Dunkeld. We all thought he was lost tae us, but thanks to the wee English lass at his side, he has returned! His da in heaven is smilin’ down on our clan this day, and I’m happy tae tell ye, Lucas has accepted the council’s request that he take his birthright as Laird of Clan MacGille!”

  The room exploded in shouts and cheers. Ella snuck a glance to Lucas who was smiling, but also seemed weary. He stood and waved his hands to the clan. They only cheered louder. Ella found it difficult not to beam back at the people in the hall. Watching their joy at Lucas being named their laird filled her heart. Less than a month ago she was unsure if he would last the night or succumb to his injuries, now he was not only healthy but established at his rightful place as the leader of his clan.

  Even though she had not know
n Angus MacGille to compare, she couldn’t imagine a better leader than Lucas. She was proud of him. She only wished she was as sure of herself and her own feelings for Lucas, for the clan, and her abilities to be a good wife and partner to him. As if reading her thoughts, Lucas entwined his hand with hers and hugged her to him. She wanted to find comfort in his gesture. She looked up again to see Edina was watching her intently, her eyes dark and her hands at her sides curled into fists. Pulling away from Lucas’s arms she watched as Edina left the main hall in a huff and headed toward the kitchens. Something had to be done. It would do no good to have a member of the clan despise her so. She had done nothing to the girl, but she understood her jealousy. She needed to put the bad blood between herself and Edina to rest, looking around for someone to confide in.


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