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Laying it Bare After a Loss

Page 14

by L. E. Martin

  After the food arrived, everyone dug in. Then friendly chatter intermittently mixed with chowing down the snacks and slugging back the beer.

  While I was sharing a little about how I ended up working at the pediatrician’s office – not mentioning details about my son since I wasn’t quite ready to share that with the whole group – an incredibly thin blonde stopped at our table to adjust her ridiculously high heel. When her eyes landed on Mitch, a huge smile split her face. “Hey. I’ve missed seeing you. My friends had been dragging me to other bars over the last month but I was hoping – ” Her gaze slid to Mitch’s hand which was still under the table and she had probably guessed resting on my thigh. Well, not exactly resting. “I didn’t think you dated.” Her tone held a bit of venom.

  “I guess I just hadn’t found the right one yet.”

  She shot me a fake smile. “Well congratulations to the both of you. But you might want to be careful. He’ll probably get bored with you even quicker since you’re known to get so drunk you need to be helped out of the bar.”

  “Careful Tabatha.” Mitch growled.

  “What? Everyone here knows she always gets so wasted she needs assistance out to the car.”

  “Tabatha.” Mitch snarled even lower and moved to stand.

  At the same time, Charity growled, “Bitch,” and also shifted to jerk up from her seat.

  I slapped a hand on each of their thighs to halt their motion.

  “I gave up alcohol. Instead I indulge in dick now. You should try it.” I clicked my tongue. “But Mitch did mention after one of our wild sex marathons that the last girl he had had sex with was so awkward in bed and her pussy was so loose that he couldn’t get enough friction to get off so he had to think about the latest porn he had watched just so he could come enough to convince the girl she had pleasured him. When in reality it was the most disappointing orgasm he had ever had.” I shrugged.

  Tabatha went to throw her mixed drink at me when Charity lurched from her seat and shoved the glass in her direction instead. The fruity concoction blossomed all over Tabatha’s pale yellow blouse.

  “You’re lucky that’s the only red you’re wearing.” Charity’s eyes held a menace to them I hadn’t observed since her last dealing with Donovan.

  Tabatha huffed and stormed away.

  Charity sat back down, a satisfied smirk on her face. “I know you like fighting your own battles but I didn’t want you wearing liquid that had been near her disgusting mouth. But Trinity girl I am so proud of you. The words you threw at her were even more damaging than the alcohol I hope stains her shirt.”

  “That was fucking bad ass. We have all the awesome people at this table.” Sawyer pulled Callie’s face to his to give her a hard kiss. “Sorry, Babe. But that was so fucking amazing to watch, I’m fucking turned on. And you know just about anything turns me on, so I’m ready to explode. You’re going to be in for it when we get home.” He shot her a wolfish grin.

  Charity leaned over and gave me a smacking kiss on my cheek. “I agree with Sawyer.”

  “Ouch.” Shit, that came out louder than I had intended.

  “Miss Badass mouth can’t handle a hard kiss. I doubt that.” She tossed a teasing grin at Mitch. But then she really focused on my face. “Trinity, your face is bruised.” She lightly brushed her fingertip across my cheek. “And under your eye. What the hell happened?”

  I released a huge sigh. “I was hoping I was successful at concealing it. But I don’t mind if you guys hear the story. I just don’t want to have to explain to others especially if their thoughts go wayward. While I was waiting for Mitch to pick me up, I stepped outside and was checking out the neighbor’s new rose bush when some drunkard attacked me.” I filled them in on the details before taking a long drink of my soda.

  “You should go to the gym with Mitch. Why don’t you take her?” Jace suggested.

  “That sounds like a great idea. And maybe I should go with you.” Charity added. “I can throw a punch but it would be good to learn some other moves. Especially if you aren’t able to move to take a swing. Or if you get pinned or there’s a weapon involved.” She shivered. “And didn’t you say there is a self-defense class taught at the gym during the week?”

  “I had asked but she wasn’t sold on the idea but I think it’s a really good idea now. And I might just keep bugging you until you agree.” Mitch wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “Mick is the self-defense instructor there and I could get him to show you some moves. You wouldn’t have to take the class unless you wanted to. After my workout, I could practice with you. And working out would strengthen you too. You’d be able to defend yourself, Trinity. I’ll always protect you but when I’m not around, I’d feel better knowing you could defend yourself if needed.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead.

  “Next time you go, I’ll go with you and check it out. I don’t ever want to feel helpless like I did then. I mean I did manage to get away but he was drunk so that probably worked in my favor.” I grabbed a mozzarella stick and twirled it between my fingers. “And watching you get all sweaty will be a bonus.” I took a bite.

  “You’ll be working up a sweat too, Sweetheart. And you’re stunning when you glisten.”

  For the next hour or so, everyone chatted and finished up the food.

  “We’re going to head out so the babysitter can get home.” Apryl slung her purse over her shoulder and stood.

  Flynn joined her and then everyone else got up to head out to the parking lot together.

  While the pairs split into different directions, a lone figure stumbling along the outskirts of the lot and mumbling to himself drew my attention.

  “Hey, that’s the stranger who attacked me.” I tugged on Mitch’s arm to shift his gaze to the man.

  “That mother fucker.” Mitch started to advance on the solitary guy.

  “No, Mitch. Please don’t.” Shit, I shouldn’t have breathed a word. I spun in front of him and pressed both of my palms to his chest, but I wasn’t able to stop his forward progression. “Mitch, please don’t. I don’t want you in trouble. It’s not worth it.”



  As soon as it had registered that was the guy who had attacked and bruised my girl, fury rushed through my veins and all I wanted to do was pound the shit out of the man.

  However, when a stronger grip clutched my shoulders, halting my movements, I glared into Jace’s stern face.

  “Don’t do it, Man. Whatever it is you’re thinking.”

  “Please, Mitch. Don’t get into trouble. The guy is drunk and maybe has some mental issues. He actually looks rather pathetic. Just call your brother and see if someone can come pick him up.” Trinity’s pleading voice finally registered through my rage.

  A growl crawled up from my chest and with it some pent up frustration so I unclenched my fists and took in a long steadying breath. “Okay, I’ll call Tag. But that mother fucker should have never put his hands on you.” I pulled my phone from my pocket and Jace released his hold but stood right beside me.

  Charity wrapped her arms around Trinity and hugged her tightly. “Are you okay?” Then the two of them stepped to the side, talking in hushed tones, while I talked with my brother.

  After I finished with Tag, I pocketed my phone and walked over to Trinity to wrap her into my arms. “Sorry, well not really. I won’t stand for someone hurting you. But Tag is not far from here so he’s heading right over. But he said we don’t need to hang around and wait.”

  Charity gave me a funny look. “You guys are a nice mash up of sweet, sexy, and protective. And we are some very lucky girls.” Then she walked into Jace’s arms.

  “So everything good here now? You guys are heading out?” Flynn asked from his stance beside Sawyer.

  One of the many great things about this group; we were always there for each other no matter what. Thankfully I had only screwed that up for a little while and no permanent damage resulted. And although meeting Trinity had opened my eyes to the
fact that Apryl wasn’t the girl for me, the gut wrenching fear I had experienced when I had pulled in front of her place behind the cop car sealed the fact that Trinity was definitely mine.

  “Yeah. Thanks for having my back. I got a little crazy there for a moment.”

  “Always.” The other three responded as if rehearsed.

  My arm around Trinity’s waist, we walked over to my truck.

  Once inside, I tucked her hand into mine and pulled out of the lot. “Sorry, I freaked you out back there. But I really care about you and seeing that guy brought back the memory of seeing the police car in front of your place.” And hell if I wasn’t pretty damn sure I was in love with her too, but I didn’t voice that yet for fear I’d scare her off.

  “It all worked out. At first I regretted saying anything but hopefully Tag finds him to see if he’s just a problem causing drunk or if there is something else wrong. And if so, it can be taken care of. But I’m glad your friends helped hold you back because I didn’t think I’d be able to stop you.”

  “For as tough as you are; you wouldn’t have been able to stop me, Cheeky.” I shot her a wink. “But you start working out with me and you will probably be able to give me quite the challenge. And I think I’d like that.” I waggled my eyebrows at her.

  She giggled. “Pinning me to the floor or my tiny fists hitting your amazing chest?”

  “Oh Cheeky, you’re going to get me all fired up picturing this and we may end up christening the back seat of my truck after all.” I didn’t think I’d ever take her back there, but I would definitely tease her about it. I enjoyed savoring her way too much. And if I wanted hard and quick, I’d take her against my wall again and then make love to her in my bed, or for tonight up against her wall and then in her bed.

  “That sounds adventurous.” She twisted to gaze in the back but the quick peek I got of her face and her quiet gasp indicated she wasn’t completely sold on the idea. “But I think I’d prefer against the front door or your wall again.”

  “Those are my favorite places. Although any place as long as you are naked under me, over me, or smashed up against me works for me. I just want to be able to savor your taste first and then get inside of you.”

  Thankfully, her place was just ahead. A few minutes later, I pulled in front and switched off the ignition. Then I slid out and rounded the hood to open her door. Taking her hand, the two of us walked up to her door and after she unlocked it, we stepped inside.

  In the next moment, I pinned her to her front door, careful not to be too rough. “If I hurt you at any time, punch me hard, Cheeky.” At her nod, I threaded my hands into her hair and tugged her mouth to mine, forcing myself to gentle the kiss. If her lip was still sore, I didn’t want to cause her any pain. Slanting my mouth over hers, I slipped my tongue inside. When she curled hers around mine, my dick pressed against my zipper and I let out a low groan. Sliding one of my hands down her side, I grasped the hem of her halter top and slowly slipped it over her head. Then I returned my lips to hers and cupped her cotton covered breast in my hand.

  She moaned and sagged against the wood.

  After unhooking her bra, I let the item slip to the floor. Licking my way down her throat to her chest, I pulled one of her nipples into my mouth and suckled.

  Her hands wound into my hair and pulled at the ends as she mewled.

  “I love the sounds you make, Cheeky. I love how responsive you are to me.”

  Trailing my lips down farther, I tucked my fingers into the waist of her shorts and dragged them along with her panties down her legs for her to kick to the side. “You are so fucking stunning, Cheeky. And you are all mine.” I traced my finger up her slit. “And so wet for me already. I want you to feel how wet you are for me.” Taking her hand in mine, I brought our linked hands down between her legs. Delicately, I rubbed her clit with our joined fingers and then dipped them into her wet pussy. “I love how wet you get for me. And I can’t wait to taste you again. But I wanted you to feel your excitement.” Her wetness seeped between our fingers. “If I’m not careful, this is liable to make me come in my pants. So fucking arousing.”

  She let out a sexy moan and her thighs shook slightly. “I like to touch myself but it is so much better when it’s you. Although I’m liking the both of us together. It is really hot.”

  “It sure is Cheeky. But everything about you is hot.” I removed our fingers from her pussy and licked them clean, my eyes locked on hers. “Your taste is intoxicating.” Dropping to my knees in front of her, I placed my mouth on her center and ran my tongue up her slit. “And I can’t get enough of it.”

  She pushed her pussy into my face. “Sorry.”

  “No sorry needed. I want you to chase after what you want. Let go and just feel. The more responsive you are the more turned on I get. You are an erotic treat.” Positioning my hands on her hips, I pulled her center closer to me and lapped my tongue all around her soft folds. After giving them a few more licks, I tasted my way up to her little nub and traced my tongue all around it. While I sucked on the little button, I pushed a finger into her wet heat. Her walls clamped down on me.

  “Don’t stop. That feels so good, Mitch.” The sound that left her lips started out as a little whimper and morphed into a sexy groan.

  “I could eat you out all night. But after I make you come, I need in this sweet pussy.” I continued to suck on her clit and make passes up and down her labia with my tongue while my finger pumped in and out of her. When I shifted my angle slightly to hit that sweet spot inside, she clamped down hard on my finger and screamed my name. God, I loved hearing my name on her lips. Almost as much as I loved the salty sweetness of her exploding along my tongue. I lapped up every trace of her succulent juices. Raising my head, I grinned up at her. “You taste so delicious and come so sweetly.”

  “You make me feel incredible.”

  “Well, let’s continue this party then.” After removing my clothes and sliding a condom along my length, I lifted her into my arms and braced her back against her door before lining her entrance up with my very excited very hard dick. Then I slowly slid inside of her. The motion tearing a moan out of the both of us. Then I pressed my lips to hers as I slid in and out of her in measured thrusts. The feel of her wrapped around my cock made my eyes roll into the back of my head. “Every time with you feels so fucking amazing. You are so perfect.” A low groan rumbled from my chest.

  She responded with a soft whimper and then another moan tumbled from her lips. “I’m going to come again.” Her pussy began to ripple along my length.

  “That’s it, Cheeky. Come all over my dick.”

  When her pussy clenched and soaked my cock, flashes of light danced at the edges of my vision. My own orgasm was speeding along my limbs. The familiar sensations shooting across my nerves, arrowing straight for my groin. Two thrusts later, my orgasm slammed into me and I unloaded into the condom. While my dick continued to shudder inside of her wet warm channel, I pressed tender kisses along her cheeks, temple, and forehead. “Now that we’ve experienced up against a flat surface twice, we need to try out the kitchen bar, maybe in a lounger on my deck after it gets really dark, and in the shower.”

  “Mitch, that sounds so amazing. I never would have considered any of those places before. But with you, I want to try everything. You make everything so incredible.” She dropped her head to my shoulder.

  “I want to give you everything and make everything perfect for you. You deserve it, Sweetheart.” I slowly slid out of her and then swung her up into my arms before walking down her hallway to deposit her onto her bed. Leaning over her body, I rubbed the backs of my knuckles gently across her bruise. I would see that she was taught how to protect herself and I would find a way to do a better job. “I’ll go grab our clothes and then we can get ready for bed.”

  She leaned up onto her elbows to gaze at me. “Did you bring clothes for tomorrow? I don’t remember you bringing in a bag, but I was kinda distracted.” She shot me a saucy grin.
  I winked at her. “My bag is in my truck. I’ll grab it after I pull on my jeans. Don’t want to flash your neighbors. Then my brother will have to pay us another visit.” I grinned. “I forgot about it with the whole ‘police being here when I got here’ thing and then wanting to get us home after the bar so I could get inside of you again. I won’t be long.” After tossing the used condom into the small trash can by her bed, I strolled out of her room toward the front door. Then after tugging on my jeans, I headed out the door to my truck to grab my bag from the back seat. On my way back to her room, I snatched our clothes from the floor.

  When I walked past the bathroom door this time, the door was closed and the water was running so I continued on to her room to set her clothes on her bed, stuff mine into my bag, and grab my toothbrush. Then I sat down on the edge of her bed.

  She returned a few moments later, makeup washed from her face. Her bruises no longer hidden from view. “I think they are going to get worse before they start fading. I’ll have to spend some time with makeup before work tomorrow which I usually do not.”

  “It will save you twenty questions but you look perfect. I’m going to go clean up quickly.” I stepped out of her room and took care of things in the bathroom.

  When I got back to her room, she was already snuggled under the covers and she patted the spot beside her.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Closing the distance between us, I crawled into her bed and pulled her to my chest. Wrapping her up in my arms, I nestled my face into her hair. “You’re sure you’re okay with us spending every night together? I can be rather pushy. And as much as I love making love to you, I don’t expect it every night just because we are sleeping together. But I won’t turn it down either.”

  She tilted her head back and studied my face. “Once the shock of being attacked in my own front yard wore off, I thought I would feel offended that you thought I needed you with me every night. But actually, I really like the idea. It is safer but I also just really like being with you.” She brushed her fingers along my scruff. “And as for the sex, if we’re in the mood, why not take advantage.” Her lips curved into a playful smile. “And I trust you. I know you would never do anything to hurt me, physically or emotionally.”


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