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Laying it Bare After a Loss

Page 15

by L. E. Martin

  “Never even dream of it. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t think we were moving too fast. Now that I’ve met you I’m a little embarrassed to say I’ve had a decent string of women, not that it’s been endless and a number so huge I don’t have a guess, and a handful of girlfriends but I’ve never felt the need to more forward like I do with you.”

  “Way to save that comment.” She smirked at me. “I figured you’d had some girls; I watched you at the bar over the months and it’s something that I brushed off. And I haven’t had much experience at all but I don’t know that there’s a magical number or checklist before you start spending the nights with each other or progressing in other ways. So if it feels right, I think you should just go for it. Being a lawyer, you go with your gut I’m sure.”

  “I often do. But I don’t want to chase you off. I know you’re tough. You don’t quite believe it but you are. But you’ve also been hurt in ways I can’t even begin to imagine so I know you have to still be a little gun shy. I just want to make sure I’m doing this right.”

  “You’re doing it perfect.” Her forehead scrunched in thought. “With going to the gym, how expensive is it? I need to make sure I have enough for a membership.”

  I tucked my hand into her hair and massaged her scalp. “I’m taking you as my guest. You don’t have to pay for a membership. Without a membership, you can’t use the pool or sauna or the snack shop but I don’t use those often. The pool sometimes after a workout. But I won’t days I have you with me.”

  “What about the self-defense class?”

  “You need a membership to take any of the classes offered there but Mick owes me a favor so I’m sure he’ll be happy to show you some moves and help us practice them until I get confident enough to practice with you on our own.”

  She burrowed her head into my chest. “So when do we start?” Her question ended on a yawn as her hands came up to rest under her chin.

  I wrapped my arms around her again and kissed the top of her head. “How about we start tomorrow? The sooner the better. Can you meet me at my work place at five? The gym is close to my office so we can walk there.”

  “Okay. It’s a date.” Her cute remark was followed by her measured breaths. My little Sweetheart had had an exhausting day and had passed out on me. I had planned to make love to her again but that was okay. There was always tomorrow night. I smirked as I replayed her earlier words in my mind about going with the mood. Besides, she’d need her energy for the workout tomorrow. The first couple of days were usually grueling until your body got used to the training. I wasn’t going to completely deplete her energy tomorrow but I was going to make sure she got a thorough workout and an in-depth lesson on how to defend herself. I wouldn’t be able to handle her getting hurt again. And God help the next guy who even thought about hurting her because he would not be so lucky.

  The next morning, after breakfast together – she had returned the favor and had bought a box of Cocoa Puffs, one of my favorite cereals – I headed out to work. She was still touching up her makeup to cover up her bruises so I carefully kissed her forehead before leaving.

  In the office, I was buried in paperwork until almost lunch time. When I had finally finished typing in my last report, my stomach was growling. So I walked a few doors down to a little café to grab a sandwich and something to drink. Afterward, I stopped in the gym to talk to Mick. “Hey, Nina. Is Mick in yet?”

  The pretty blonde at the front desk looked up from her computer. “Oh, hey Mitch. Let me check the schedule.” She tapped a few keys before shifting her blue gaze back to me. “You’re in luck. He just got here about ten minutes ago. Hey, are you still single? Asking for a friend.” She shot me a smile, her bright blue eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “Sorry, no. I recently started dating and have a girlfriend.”

  “Too bad. I waited too long I guess.”

  I raised my eyebrow at her.

  “Did you really think I was asking for a friend?” She laughed. “But a guy like you wouldn’t stay single for long. Lucky girl.”

  “I think I’m the lucky one, Nina. But is Mick starting a class or anything right now or could I chat with him a moment?”

  “His class doesn’t start for about twenty minutes so head on back. I don’t think he’d mind.” She gestured down the hall to the right where the room he taught self-defense was located.

  “Thanks, Nina.” I waved as I headed in that direction.

  Mick was pulling down mats when I entered the room.

  “Hey, Mick. How are you?”

  He turned at my voice, his long normally shaggy black hair pulled into a pony tail since he was ready to hold his class. “Doing well, Mitch. So who is stealing your lunch money that you’re attending my self-defense class?” He smirked like a little bastard, his blue eyes lighting with his amusement.

  “I may not know slick moves like you or their names but I could hold my own against you.” I shot him my own devilish grin. Then I shook his outstretched hand. “I have a favor to ask. My girlfriend was – ”

  “Your girlfriend? Congratulations Man. Didn’t think I’d ever see you settle down.”

  “Thanks, she fucking awesome. Anyway, she was attacked in front of her house last night and I wanted to know if I brought her here to work out with me, if you could show her some moves that I could practice with her. I don’t want her to ever be in that situation again.”

  “She’s okay then, I take it. Otherwise she wouldn’t be up for anything tonight. I’m guessing you mean starting tonight? And you’re not interested in the class? Not that I’m looking for money; I’d let her join for free.”

  “Thanks, Man. But no, I think she’d be more comfortable if it wasn’t in front of a bunch of strangers. What time are you done tonight? I don’t want to keep you long afterward.”

  “My last class is over at seven thirty. We can use this room and it will just be the three of us.”

  “That would be perfect. Thanks a million. I didn’t want to spring this on you with her standing here and make her feel awkward.”

  “Friends help each other out. You’ve pulled favors for me too. So it’s all good. I’ll see you tonight then. I need to finish getting stuff ready for my first class.”

  “I’ll get out of your way. Thanks again. I really appreciate this.”

  He nodded at me as I turned and headed out.

  After my meeting with a client, I realized I hadn’t told Trinity where exactly my law offices were located. So I sent her a quick text. Then I finished up the paperwork for a court date I had early next week.

  About fifteen minutes before most of us would be heading out, Jeff popped into my office. He dropped into the leather chair in front of my desk and leaned back. “Do you want to head to the golf course tomorrow?”

  “Can I text you tomorrow morning and let you know? I want to see what we’re doing tomorrow first before I commit.”

  “We’re?” He raised his eyebrow at me.

  “Sorry, Man. I guess I haven’t seen you since I started dating Trinity. So yeah, I’m dating someone. She’s perfect and I’m convinced she’s the one. So go ahead and crack jokes.”

  He studied me for a moment but then just grinned. “I’ll fuck with you about your job but not about a girl. You’re a lucky son of a bitch. Can’t wait until I meet the right one.”

  “Thanks. So I’ll see if she has anything planned and if not, I’ll meet you.”

  Loud voices and obnoxious laughter drew our attention to my open door.

  “Who the hell is that?”

  Jeff shrugged and stood up. I joined him and the two of us stepped outside of my office.

  “Is that?” A low growl erupted from my mouth.

  “Chad Bolson. What the hell is that asshole doing here?”

  Without conscious effort, my feet moved in the direction of Chad speaking with one of the other lawyers here that I couldn’t remember his name. He was an asshole too. “What brings you into our office, Chad?” I
prayed he wasn’t planning on joining our team. I’d have to find a new law office because I couldn’t stomach working with the weasel. He was as slimy as they came. Even his black hair was greasy and his brown eyes were cold and calculating.

  “Scott and I are heading over to the next town. They just opened a strip club there we want to check out. You two want to join us?”

  No fucking way. First of all, any place they were interested in had to be a sleazy dive and secondly, I had my own luscious girl waiting for me.

  “Thanks, I have plans.” I didn’t bother keeping the disgust out of my voice.

  I glanced over my shoulder to discover Jeff had already rushed down the hall to his office. Pussy jerk.

  I turned and headed back to my own office to close things down, completely regretting being nosy. But thankfully he didn’t say anything about joining our staff so hopefully he was here just so those two assholes could go gawk at scantily dressed women.

  After shutting everything down and filing away my paperwork, I grabbed my workout bag from one of the chairs in front of my desk and then walked down the hall toward the exit.

  Chad’s disgusting voice slithering down the hallway signaled he was still here. “So did you land yourself in trouble again? People like you keep us in business.”

  “I wasn’t in trouble before and I’m meeting someone here. Not that it’s any of your business.” Trinity’s voice had me quickening my steps.

  I rounded the corner, fury pounding through my veins. “What the fuck is your problem, dickhead.”

  “Fancy talk for a lawyer.” Chad sneered.

  I pulled Trinity to my side and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Coming from a slime like you, that’s classic. Wait, how do you know her?” I narrowed my eyes at the douchebag.

  “Seems she was intimate with a client of mine and tried to keep something away from him. So I did what any good lawyer would do; I got him what he deserved.” His satisfied smirk had my blood boiling and my fists clenching.

  My fury transformed into teeming rage. “Watch your fucking mouth.” I barely stopped myself from warning him I was ready to pummel the shit out of him. We were both lawyers and we knew what resulted from tossing out threats. “You’re a dirty crooked lawyer and one day your career is going to go up in flames.”

  “Doubtful. I know how to get the job done and I’ll keep gaining clients since they know who can help them, no matter what. She chose poorly.”

  Starting with the douchebag she had hooked up with. Which meant. . . “Did you . . .”

  His answering sneer said it all. He probably made sure Donovan received the easiest sentence for his crime too. My muscles tensed further.

  “We should probably head out. We don’t want to be late.” Trinity’s arm tightened around my waist.

  “You’re right, Sweetheart.” I led her out the door and down the street, fury still thrumming through me. I was glad we were heading to the gym. I needed to work off my aggression.

  “It’s not worth it. No good can come from it. Nothing will bring back my son.” Trinity’s quiet voice slipped through my aggravation.

  “He’s a disgrace to the law profession. And because you were intentionally hurt it makes me even more pissed off. I’ve always hated that guy.”

  “I don’t want you getting fired over me.”

  “I can’t get fired for being an honest lawyer. I always follow the law and never use corrupt tactics to win. Don’t worry about it, Sweetheart.” I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

  But I’d find a way to end his career. Guys like him gave us a bad rap. But what trumped that, he fucked over my girl, twice. So while beating him to a bloody pulp would give me immense satisfaction, ending his career would be the ultimate prize.



  I wasn’t sure I completely believed he was going to let it go. But I had to trust that he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize his job. I couldn’t bear to see him lose anything because of my own stupid mistakes. “If you do anything to him, he’ll just find a way to twist it onto you. Don’t do anything to risk your position with the law firm.”

  “I won’t.” He pulled me to a stop in front of a little café. “Do you want to grab a little bite to eat before we work out? You don’t want to eat too much but you need some food in your stomach.”

  “Food sounds good. Maybe like a chicken salad or something?” I adjusted the small bag on my shoulder that held my gym clothes and a travel size deodorant.

  “I think they have that on the menu.” He opened the door for me and the two of us stepped inside. When we found a little corner booth, we sat down.

  He snatched two menus and handed me one. “I usually get one of their sandwiches. But you get whatever you’d like. I can always make us something later if we get hungry. Did you by any chance bring clothes for the entire weekend? If not, we can stop at your place to get you stuff. I’d like you to spend the whole weekend with me at my place. We’re still going to bounce back and forth but since we don’t have work, it will be nice to stay put for a couple days.”

  My cheeks warmed. “I . . . ”

  “You already packed stuff, didn’t you? Fuck, you are so perfect.” He grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

  I shook my head. “I was a Girl Scout when I was younger. I always like to be prepared.”

  “I take it as you love to spend as much time with me as possible.”

  “Well, that too.” I studied my menu, giving myself a little breather so I didn’t melt into a puddle of goo. “They do have a grilled chicken salad. I think I’ll get that.”

  When the waitress stopped at our table, I ordered the salad and a water and Mitch ordered an Italian sub sandwich and a water.

  “Working out is a good way to release pent up aggravations too. I’m thinking you need it as much as I do after that not so pleasant encounter.”

  “I’ve learned from my mistakes.”

  “The only mistake you made was trusting that douche. That’s all on him. And Karma has a way of eventually playing out. His due will come. You don’t have a deceitful bone in your body and would not associate with scum like Chad.”

  “I beg to differ. I would’ve done anything to keep my son. Had I known what I was up against and had the funds and the know-how, I would have consorted with any low life to ensure I maintained custody of my son.” And if that made me a horrible person, I didn’t give a shit. Life tossed out so much shit, that sometimes you had to dance along the dirty edge.

  “Fair enough. But you would have done so out of love. Not out of a twisted view that somehow this was a game you had to win no matter what was at stake. I know you well enough to know you would have done anything to protect Ben and do what was best for him. With his best interest in mind. So maybe you would have done something unsavory but you would have done it with a pure heart.”

  The waitress set down our food. “Do the two of you need anything else?”

  “We’re good. Thank you.” Mitch smiled at the young red head.

  “I hope I didn’t ruin your appetite. He just irritated the hell out of me when I first heard him in the office because shit if he ever joined our team, I’d be out of there so fast. He’s vile and repulsive and a disgusting excuse for a lawyer and a human. And then when I made the connection, I about exploded. But we can work out our irritation and then when we get to my place, I’ll give you a full body massage, naked. Well, you will be naked. I will have to have at least pants on so I can get through the massage.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

  “Now that’s all I’m going to be able to concentrate on at the gym.” I sighed as I forked a bite of my salad into my mouth.

  He had the nerve to chuckle and then took a bite of his sandwich. “Sweetheart, I’m constantly trying not to be distracted by you. You have me in a near constant state of arousal. The only time I wasn’t hard when you were nearby was back there with that sleaze ball.”

  “And staring at your sexy body while you work out
is going to have me fired up too. Are we sure this is going to be productive?” I poked a tomato with my fork and then popped it into my mouth.

  “It’s going to be a bit of a challenge, I agree. Especially when I see you in your gym clothes. But just think about the end game. I want you to be able to protect yourself. Strength training and self-defense lessons will get you there.” He finished off his sandwich.

  When we were done, Mitch paid our bill and then grabbed my hand to lead me out onto the sidewalk. Then we strolled down to the next block to the entrance of ‘Classic Fitness.’

  “Ready to get your vigor on?”

  “More like my lethargy on but I want to do this with you.” My body was going to hate me but I did have the promise of a naked full body massage later. A perfect incentive right there. And I couldn’t deny the fact that I never wanted to be a helpless victim again.

  At the front desk, Mitch signed me in under his name.

  The stunning blonde haired girl typing at her computer looked up at our approach, her blue eyes friendly. “Hey, Mitch.” Then she smiled at us. “This must be the girlfriend. Figures he’d be with a gorgeous girl.” Rolling her eyes, she tossed me a fake frown. “I’m Nina. You got yourself a great guy there.”

  “Thank you. I know he is. I’m Trinity.” I held out my hand to her.

  She didn’t hesitate to shake it. “You’re killing me here. And a beautiful name too.”

  “Thank you. But I can’t take credit for that. My parents named me.”

  Nina laughed. “Well, check out some of the cool classes we offer here. And have fun pumping iron.” Someone else had entered the gym so Nina’s attention shifted to him.

  Grabbing my hand, Mitch led me down a hallway. “You can change in the girl’s locker room but since you don’t have a membership you can’t use a locker. But bring me your bag when you’re finished and I’ll put your stuff in with mine. My stuff doesn’t smell until afterward.” He shot me a teasing grin. “So my locker doesn’t smell too bad.”


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