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Page 10

by Angela Ford


  Tom turned to see Amanda at his doorway, along with her mother.

  “Hey there, come on in. Aren’t you supposed to be in school?”

  Amanda and Nicole walked into the room. Tom smiled and thought for the first time he sounded like a parent. It pleased him. It was the greatest gift he could give his daughter.

  “Mom promised to bring me by to see you before I went to school.” Amanda hugged her father in such a warm embrace that he could feel she was happy.

  Nicole shrugged her shoulders and smiled at Tom. “She hasn’t stopped talking about you since she left you last night. I knew I wasn’t getting anywhere this morning when I told her I would pick her up immediately after school and bring her to you.” She leaned into Tom and kissed him on the cheek and asked how he was feeling.

  He thanked her for bringing Amanda and said that he might be released later if the last few tests were in his favor.

  “You’d better get to school, Amanda, but I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,” Tom told his daughter.

  “We can cancel our plans for the weekend. You should take the time to recover, Tom,” Nicole suggested.

  “No, don’t cancel your plans” he assured her. “She’s promised to take care of me and I look forward to getting to know my daughter,” Tom smiled.

  “It’s never too late to start Tom, I always kept hope,” Nicole smiled. There were tears of joy in her eyes and she kissed him once more on the cheek and promised she would bring Amanda by in the morning. “Take care Tom, don’t push yourself like you always do” she genuinely spoke. He reassured Nicole with a smile.

  “What about today, Dad? What if you get out of the hospital today? Who will take care of you?”

  Amanda voiced such consideration and concern for her father.

  “I will,” Jess spoke from the doorway.

  They all turned, and then Amanda ran to her and embraced her in a hug.

  “All my favorite women in one room,” Tom smiled.

  “It’s about time you came to your senses,” Nicole announced and everybody laughed. She touched his hand and said good-bye. She hugged Jess goodbye. “Take good care of him.”

  “I will,” Jess promised.

  “He can be a tad bit impatient and difficult about taking orders,” Nicole said, and all three ladies laughed.

  Jess nodded in agreement. “Tom will be learning to take orders instead of giving them,” she assured Nicole.

  “Come on Amanda, it’s time for school.” Amanda and her mom smiled and waved as they left.

  For the next few moments Jess stood at the doorway looking into Tom’s eyes with a longing stare. Nothing was said. Slowly she began to make her way to him without taking her eyes off his. She heard him take a deep breath when she was a fraction of space before him. She reached out and touched his hand and his hand came up to hold hers. His other hand reached over and gently stroked her hand. No words were exchanged.

  Before she could speak, they were interrupted once more. It was time for Tom’s tests. The look on his face was priceless—a young child who’d been told he would have to wait longer for Christmas morning. She had never seen him so vulnerable. He had always been so professional, so serious without an ounce of emotion showing in his face.

  “I’ll be here when you get back,” Jess promised him. He appeared to be somewhat satisfied but unwilling to leave her. They’d wasted so much time.

  It seemed like an eternity before they brought Tom back to his room and Jess was there waiting for him as promised. He told the nurse he would rather stay in the wheelchair instead of getting back into the bed. The nurse pushed the chair over by the window where Jess sat. As soon as the nurse left the room, he took Jess’s hand again and gave her a loving glance.

  “Tom.” Jess broke the silence. “I don’t know where to start. This is so crazy. Yet, at the same time, it feels so right. It’s like nothing else matters and I can no longer deny to myself, or you, the feelings I’ve kept hidden for so long.”

  She was fidgety and stuttered a few of the words. Tom stroked the top of her hand with his and she felt encouraged by his touch.

  “I know. I understand. I feel it too, Jess. I believe I have felt it for a long time and have denied myself and you, the truth.”

  Jess heard a knock at the door and turned to see Dr. Elliott.

  “Good news Tom. I’m satisfied with the results of the tests, and I see no reason to keep you here any longer. I can refer you to a private nurse to help you at home over the next few days while you recover.”

  “No thanks, I have a private nurse.” Tom turned to Jess and they exchanged a smile.

  The doctor signed off on Tom’s chart, wrote out a prescription and handed it to her, with instructions on how to care for Tom. He also gave her a card with Tom’s mid-week follow-up appointment. Then Dr. Elliott wished them well and left.

  Jess put the instructions and the prescription in her purse and then reached for the bag she had set on the bed and handed it to Tom.

  “Would you like some help?” she asked.

  “What’s this?” he asked as he took the bag.

  “A change of clothes, unless you want to leave here in that adorable hospital gown.”

  They both laughed, and then Tom wheeled himself off into the washroom, looked back and winked at her.

  “Perhaps when I have more strength for you, you can help me.”

  Jess went to sign off on the hospital paperwork that would allow Tom to go home.

  An hour later they arrived at Tom’s house. He noticed two vans leaving his property and gave Jess a puzzled look. She explained she had contacted Mrs. Henderson, his housekeeper, to return to the house with a cleaning team to put it back the way it was before the attack. He smiled and thanked her.

  Mrs. Henderson met them at the car and opened his door. Before he knew it, she had both her hands on his face squeezing his cheeks and thanking the dear Lord for saving him. She had cared for him and his house for years and treated him like a son. He smiled, grateful for her. She and Jess helped Tom into the house and upstairs to his room.

  Tom paused at his bedroom door for a moment, remembering what had taken place with the attack. Both women seemed to sense what he was thinking and hesitated.

  “Maybe you would be more comfortable in the guest room, Mr. Tom,” Mrs. Henderson suggested.

  “No. No, I want to…I just…” Tom could barely get the words out as he re-lived the attack, but was certain he wanted to get his life back and wipe away that horrible memory.

  The two women helped Tom settle comfortably in his bed. Jess asked her to have Tom’s prescription filled and pick up the necessities to care for Tom’s wounds. Finally Jess and Tom were alone. She turned and discovered he had drifted off to sleep.

  He looked so peaceful and happy that it made her smile. She promised to herself that she would care for him now and forever. Her future, their future, seemed brighter and full of love and life. She had finally realized she now had what her parents had—a best friend for life.

  Jess headed downstairs to the kitchen to prepare lunch for them and followed the doctor’s orders of a light menu for Tom for the next day or so as he recovered. She prepared a chicken broth and found some seedless rye bread which would be good for easy digestion. Jess took the doctor’s instructions seriously and her nursing Tom back to health was of utmost importance to her. She found some fruit juice in the refrigerator and poured a couple of glasses. The tray looked elegant and she was pleased with herself as she carried it upstairs to Tom’s room. Jess laid the tray on Tom’s bedside table and heard her name whispered. She turned to see Tom watching her intently.

  “I made you a light lunch as per the doctor’s orders.”

  “I knew I had the perfect nurse.”
br />   “Perfect or not, you are stuck with me now, sir.”



  “Can we drop the sir? You make me feel like we are still just colleagues.”

  Jess smirked and swore to him she would never call him that again. She sat down beside him after she’d placed the tray across him and fluffed his pillows so he could sit upright.

  Tom wasn’t used to someone taking care of him, but he seemed to like it. It felt so right for them to be together like this after everything they had been through. It was as if they had always been together. It felt comfortable and secure and each time Tom reached out for her hand, she felt it all over again. Each time he touched her; a warm sensation raced through her veins and made her heart beat faster. Was this what it felt like to be in love? That question crossed her mind continuously in the past twenty-four hours.

  “Eat,” she encouraged him.

  “Yes M’am,” he teased her with a boyish smile. He obeyed and picked up his spoon.

  Everything in her life was coming together. For years, she thought her career was her world. Now, she had Tom and he was her world. Jess was happy he was bonding with his daughter. Tom was lucky his daughter did not give up on him and that Nicole had been so diligent and patient in regards to a relationship for the two.

  Tom finished eating and asked Jess about the closure of the case. She filled him in on Trevor’s confession and his heart ached for her as tears formed in her eyes when she spoke of her parents. He squeezed her hand gently. He began to speak and nodded-off mid-sentence. The medication Jess gave him with his lunch took effect. Quietly, she got up and removed the tray from his lap. He stirred and opened his eyes with great effort. She apologized for disturbing him and told him to rest.

  “You won’t leave?” he asked like a child not wanting to be left alone.

  “I promise, I’ll be downstairs and will keep checking in on you.”

  As his eyes fought to remain open, he said he had one favor to ask before he went back to sleep. She could tell he was tired as his words dragged when he spoke.


  “A kiss, a long-awaited kiss” He barely got the words out.

  Jess set the tray down on the bedside table and leaned down until her lips met his for a tender kiss. It was as if they were teenagers again experiencing their first kiss. Tom was right; it was definitely a long-awaited one. His eyes closed again as she lifted herself up from the bed. He drifted back into a peaceful sleep. Jess headed for the kitchen with the tray in her hands and with each step she took she thought of Tom.

  She cleaned up the kitchen and went out into Tom’s back garden and sat at his patio. What an amazing view he had of the bay. It was so peaceful and relaxing, she felt at home. She decided to give a quick call to the team and let them know Tom was home and recovering fine.

  First on the list was Mike and he sounded rested himself. He was relieved to hear Tom was recovering well and said he was more relieved that Jess was okay and finally happy. Her next call was to Gina. Gina was always so cheerful and pleasant. Jess could not remember ever seeing her in a bad way; even considering the fact her father left them when she was a young child, she lost her mother in the car accident and her only living relative, her sister, lay in a coma. Her only word when Jess told her she was at Tom’s was “finally.” Jess laughed light-heartedly. She’d heard the word “finally” a lot lately. Her last call was to Eric, and again she heard the word ‘finally’. She wondered if they all knew before she and Tom did that they were meant to be. It made her realize even more that she and Tom had definitely built walls around their hearts, yet to everyone close to them it could be seen so clearly. Eric was also happy to hear the good news and told Jess that Tom was in the best hands possible. She ended the call letting him know the team would meet Monday morning at headquarters.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jess gave Tom tender-loving-care over the weekend and enjoyed every single moment. Tom told her he wished he was more mobile to spend their first weekend together, and as lovers he had added. She reminded him they had their whole future ahead of them.

  Amanda joined them late Saturday morning. Nicole had delayed leaving; she knew Jess and Tom needed some time alone. The three ate lunch in the garden. Tom moved slowly but the fresh air felt good. He was getting good at taking orders, Amanda told him. She had brought a bunch of movies and Jess ordered Chinese food. Tom did well with his wonton soup and a small amount of chicken. Jess was adamant on following the doctor’s instructions. Tom never complained about the great care she provided.

  Though he was recovering and in some discomfort, Tom told both his girls on Sunday morning during brunch in the garden, that it was the best weekend of his entire life. Amanda told her dad before she left on Sunday they needed to make it a habit. Tom agreed.

  “Time for bed, Tom,” Jess sternly said after Amanda left.

  “I thought the doctor said I had to behave for the first week.” He joked with her. At that point he was lucky just to get up and down the stairs. She laughed and motioned him up the stairs. She closed the front door and locked it. Now they were alone.

  Jess settled him into his bed and climbed in beside him. She snuggled in and held his hand.

  “Where’s my kiss good-night?” he asked her, grinning.

  “Are you making this a habit?” Jess raised an eyebrow.

  “A habit, I hope, that lasts a lifetime.”

  “Then it’s a deal.” She leaned into him and their lips met tenderly.

  Jess lay wrapped in Tom’s arms, listening to him breathe. There was nothing else in the world that mattered to her at this very moment. Sedated with comfort, security and the love of a man left her in a relaxed state. The sun poured in through the open curtains of the patio doors and onto Jess. She felt the light shine upon her and she stretched, thinking she’d had the best sleep of her life. Reality set in and she jumped out of bed in one leap, realizing that it was morning. They had slept through the night since late afternoon the day before. She turned to look at the clock on Tom’s bedside table. It showed five a.m. Tom still slept despite her leap out of the bed. Jess sauntered into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The shower definitely helped bring her out of the sleep fog she’d been in. Her stomach reminded her she was starved. She hadn’t eaten since noon the day before.

  The smell of breakfast poured up the stairs and into Tom’s bedroom, waking him. Tom cautiously removed his painful body out of bed and paced himself down the stairs, following the smell.

  “I woke up and you weren’t there,” Tom frowned like a lost child. He found her busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

  “I’m right here Hun,” she turned briefly and smiled. Jess was a woman who enjoyed to cook and to eat, despite her work ethics. He whispered her name as his hands encased her waist, and she leaned back against him and rested her head on his chest.

  “Morning darling”

  “I like that much better than ‘sir,’” he told her, and she laughed.

  For a long moment they stood there taking pleasure in a simple embrace. Then Tom moved his face in closer to her. “I can get used to this,” he said in a sedated voice. The scent of jasmine from her hair filled the air around him. She agreed with a sound of pleasure. He moved her around compassionately to face him and he leaned in to meet her lips. She felt the soft silk of his lips move across hers ever so gently. His lips left hers. He stood there and looked deeply into her loving eyes. She longed to kiss him again but reality set in.

  “The eggs” Jess screamed, and then laughed as she tried to save the burning breakfast. They ate the breakfast she salvaged, still laughing. They fit together so well, like finding the last two pieces of a puzzle. A perfect fit. They were the best of friends and had been for the past few years. Besides working together as partners, their interests were
similar outside work as well. They just never allowed themselves to enjoy life.

  “So what’s on Jess’s agenda today,” Tom asked in a nonchalant tone as if they were an old married couple sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast.

  “Meeting the team at the office and having lunch with Mark.” Then she wondered if he would be okay. “Do you think you will be okay for a few hours without me,” she asked.

  “No,” he replied and laughed. Jess looked up from her plate.

  “I mean, yes. I won’t be okay without you emotionally, but I think I can get by without your nursing abilities.” He tenderly touched her hand to let her know he was doing a lot better.

  “I like hearing you say that. I’m really going to miss you. Tom, the last few days have been heaven and part of me doesn’t want to go back to reality.” Her heart was full of love. The thought of leaving him, only for a few hours made it ache.

  “What the heck were we thinking the last few years?”

  “We weren’t.” They laughed.

  Tom offered to clean up while she got ready for the office. He promised he would move around slowly and not over-do it. She accepted his promise and left him to clean the kitchen. When she returned to the kitchen, he had cleaned up and put a fresh pot of coffee on. He handed her a cup. She thanked him and leaned in toward him to reach his lips with hers.

  “Jess, do you have a moment to talk before you head out,” Tom’s tone didn’t sound good to her.

  “Sure. Is everything okay,” she asked.

  “I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier about reality setting in. I wanted to run something by you and see if you agree,” Tom sounded serious.

  She motioned to the kitchen table and he followed. She sat looking at him with concern and waited for him to continue.

  “You mentioned earlier about the reality of going back to work.” He reached out to take her hand in his and gently stroked it and looked deep into her eyes. “The past few days have been heaven with you Jess. It feels so right. I’ve never before felt what my heart feels with you in my life. My future looks so different now, so fulfilling and worthwhile. I’ve also waken up to appreciate I have a wonderful daughter who loves me in spite of the terrible father I’ve been to her.” Tears formed in his eyes, both for regret of what he had missed and for gratitude of the love he received from Jess and Amanda. He paused for just a moment to regain his composure before he continued. “I want the chance to make my future, our future, the best I can for us and for Amanda. So, I’m thinking of resigning from the team.”


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