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Page 11

by Angela Ford

  “You don’t have to do that now Tom.”

  “It’s the right time. I built the team and have had the best years doing so, but now, you and Amanda are more important to me. I want to teach again at the FBI academy. I enjoy preparing the agents for their careers, and it will also give me a more structured routine. I can spend more time with my daughter. And you and I both know that the FBI won’t allow a married couple to work as partners or be on the same team.”

  Jess seemed to be thinking about what he’d said, and then stopped. “Did you just say, ‘married couple’?”

  Slowly and cautiously he brought himself down to one knee and took her hand.

  “Marry me Jess, be with me forever?”

  “Yes,” she answered him and joined him on the floor. They kissed.

  “I will always love you and will do my best to make you happy.”

  “You already do.”

  Jess beamed with happiness as she drove into headquarters. She was still smiling as she walked down the corridor and into the situation room. At first, Jess didn’t even notice that her team was there.

  “I take it Tom is good.” Mike was the first to speak up. His comment startled Jess and brought her back to reality.

  Her smile broadened and she replied, “He’s recovering extremely well”.

  Gina stood near the computer at the front of the room, so Jess walked up to her and before Gina could speak, told her that she had some news to share, if she would please take a seat.

  “I’m not sure where to begin.” All of a sudden, she was at a loss for words. How could she just spill the news of Tom’s decision to leave the team? Then there was his marriage proposal.

  “Jess, we’ve known that you and Tom were meant to be together long before you two finally realized it.” Mike broke the ice. She sighed in relief and then laughed.

  “Well, since you are such brilliant profilers and already know that part. Tom’s decided to resign from the team. He wants to go back to the academy to teach so that he can spend more time with his daughter, and as we all know, a married couple cannot be partners on the same team. So that’s about it.” She spoke quickly so no one could interrupt.

  “Married?” Gina jumped up and ran to Jess and almost tackled her down in an embrace. The rest of the team joined them and congratulated her. After a few moments of the ‘team hug’ Jess announced they should let Gina begin the meeting.

  Her lunch with Mark was just as successful as her meeting with the team. He too was genuinely happy for her and Tom and said that her parents would be very happy for her. They had a great chat about Jess’s parents. For the first time, Jess felt as though she knew her dad’s business. Mark shared stories about the cases he and her dad worked on. She was grateful to have him in her life and asked if they could remain close friends and have lunch once in a while. He seemed pleased and accepted her invitation for future luncheons, and told her that she had also given him something to look forward to.

  Jess went back to her office to review the caseload and distribute assignments. She’d asked Tom’s superior if she could take the next week off.

  “Are you planning to go away,” he’d asked her.

  “No, I need time off to care for Tom,” she’d responded.


  Jess laughed. Did every single agent at the bureau realize it before us? She wondered.

  It was just after two o’clock in the afternoon when she arrived back at Tom’s house and found him resting in bed. As if he sensed her presence, his eyes opened when she entered the room and a smile spread across his face. He motioned for her to lie down beside him, where they spent the rest of the afternoon snuggled together.

  They had dinner out in the garden with the spectacular view of the bay lit up at night. They chatted about their future, planning a wedding, his transfer to the academy that was already in process and how delighted Amanda was when he shared his plan with her. Tom said that Amanda called and wanted to come over again on Saturday to spend the night with them, and Jess told him she looked forward to it. Jess reminded Tom of his appointment the next day with Dr. Elliott and also said she wanted to ask the doctor if Tom was okay to fly. She asked Tom if he would like to go with her to the beach house for a few days to recover. She thought the salt air and the serenity of the beach would be good for him. He said he thought it was a terrific idea.

  The doctor gave Tom permission to fly. He knew Jess was taking good care of him. Tom called Amanda that night and told her that he and Jess were taking off to the east coast for a few days but would be back Saturday afternoon for their get-together.

  They took a flight early Wednesday morning for the east coast. After the plane landed Jess went to the car rental booth. She had rented a convertible for them to enjoy the ride along the shore into Vineyard Haven. Tom remarked on the spectacular view of the ocean and commented many times how fresh the air was. Jess told him about her family trips to the beach every summer when she was younger. As they drove through the little village, she pointed out shops and cafes she enjoyed with her mom. There were so many memories. It amazed Jess to realize the times and the love she shared with her parents. She had been too hard on herself. Tom shared with her that he wished he had been a better father to Amanda when she was young and then she would have had stories like Jess’s to share. Jess assured him it wasn’t too late and not to live with regret, but to look forward to the future and the many memories and stories to be shared.

  Jess slowed the car after passing through the village and signaled her turn onto the gravel road bordered with trees on both sides. The feeling of pure relaxation embraced her very being as the path of trees opened up and there it stood the beach home. It looked magnificent.

  “Jess, this is amazing!”

  “I know, isn’t it? My mom always referred to the driveway into the home as the ‘enchanted forest.’”

  “The view is simply breathtaking,” Tom smiled in content as he watched her gaze at the home before her.

  Jess smiled, “Wait until you see the inside.” She opened the front door and told him the story of the first time they’d seen the beach home. Tom stood in awe as he looked straight ahead, viewing the ocean through the large windows directly across from him on the other side of the home.


  “I know. Isn’t it great? Come on; let me give you the grand tour.”

  They walked hand-in-hand into the kitchen. There were baskets and casserole dishes of food on the counter. Tom looked inquisitively at Jess. She told him she’d contacted Mrs. Roberts the day before to let her know they were coming. Tom had heard a lot about Mrs. Roberts from Jess on their way there and told Jess he would love to meet the Roberts.

  “You will, tomorrow at high noon.”

  “High noon” Tom asked.

  Jess explained to Tom that when she was a child she always visited Mrs. Roberts at high noon for tea, as she was told that was when ladies have their tea. Tom thought it was sweet and he couldn’t wait to meet the woman who had done so much for Jess. But that night, she was all his and he wasn’t about to share her with anyone. The rest of the world did not exist.

  Jess took him by the hand and led him out to the deck. She explained that it was time to experience the ultimate sunset. They stood hand-in-hand and watched it together. Tom told her he could not believe it was possible to fall more in love with her every minute, but he was. Every simple gesture and every single touch or look delved deeper into her heart. She knew their life together would be full of love and happiness. After all these years, after all she’d survived, she was holding hands with her prince and their real-life fairytale would be the best ever told.

  After the sunset, the beach home darkened and she suggested it was time to build a fire. They dined on a wonderful meal prepared by Mrs. Roberts, and a lovely bottle of cabernet sa
uvignon that she’d left for them. The evening was the most romantic Jess could ever imagine.

  “Tom, did you hear what I just said?” He had drifted into his thoughts and apologized to Jess.

  “Everything okay,” she voiced with concern.

  “I keep thinking I’m dreaming. Here I am at the most beautiful place with the most amazing woman and I keep waiting to wake up,” he admitted. Jess smiled and reassured him this was reality.

  They sat by the fireplace for a while and Jess reminisced about times spent there with her mom and dad. There was a moment of silence at the end of a story and she looked up at Tom to make sure everything was okay. He was just staring at her when she looked at him with a puzzled look. He said nothing. He leaned in toward her lips and kissed her gently. He withdrew from the kiss to look at her once again and she placed her hand along his jawline to direct him back into the kiss. He did not argue and followed her lead. The kiss began as a tender and gentle kiss as his lips traced hers, and then it deepened and the passion between them exploded. There was nothing said, nothing heard but their deep breaths and the beating of their hearts. Jess took him by the hand without leaving his lips and led him to the bedroom door.

  “Jess, are you sure?” he asked as her hand reached for the doorknob. She looked deep into his eyes and replied with a simple, “It’s time to start a new beginning that will last a lifetime.”

  He followed her in and slowly she began to undress him as his lips met hers. Their hunger for each other burned deep in their kiss. Tom paused for a short moment to take a breath. “It’s been quite a few years since I’ve been with a woman,” Tom spoke nervously, out of breath.

  “Then at least one of us has a clue.” She chuckled. He placed both hands on her face gently and gave her a smile of reassurance.

  Nothing more was said, nothing else mattered. As they undressed and slipped into bed, passion overcame him. After they made love, Jess lay wrapped in Tom’s strong yet gentle embrace.

  “I love you,” Jess whispered in his ear.

  “I love you,” he whispered back.

  Those three little words she heard were the only ones she wanted to hear. Secrets, tragedy and fear created walls around her heart. Inevitable fate opened her heart to the possibility and gave her strength to love. A love that was undeniable. Because working together would never be enough. Finally, there was closure.

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