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Magnolia: Hidden Realms of Silver Lake (Four Sisters of Fate Book 4)

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by Vella Day

  “It doesn’t matter.” Okay, she sounded irrational once more, but Magnolia had never lost control like this in her life.

  “I can reverse the spell, but I can’t promise the rest of your house won’t be torn up.”

  Magnolia’s breaths came out rapid. “I’ll control myself.”

  “Fine.” This time Josh closed his eyes and mumbled something while he waved his hands once more. His shoulders slightly sagged, and then he opened his eyes. “You are back to your full strength.”

  To test whether he was telling the truth, she teleported to the workroom and then returned. “Thank you.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said. “I was merely trying to help.”

  She had acted like a spoiled jerk. “I know. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to be by myself.”

  He stared at her like she’d lost her mind. Hell, maybe she had, but she wouldn’t be able to figure anything out if he stayed.


  Just as quickly as he arrived, Josh disappeared, and a wave of isolation washed over her once more. Had she been too harsh? Most likely, but reducing a person’s powers without permission was inexcusable.

  Damn. Or was it just what she had needed?

  Chapter Ten

  Instead of returning home or heading to the cabin, Josh teleported to Kronan’s house. His friend might be in the middle of some séance or something, but Josh needed answers before he lost Magnolia for good. He had to assume she’d have enough sense to call him again should things go haywire.

  Before he raised his hand to knock, Kronan opened the door. “You look troubled, my friend.”

  The damn man claimed he wasn’t psychic, but Josh wasn’t so sure. “I am. Can I come in?”

  Kronan stepped to the side. “Of course. I have a client coming in a few minutes, but until then, I am all yours.”

  Josh strode over to his usual high-backed chair. “It’s about Magnolia.”

  “I figured. What happened?”

  “She just told me that she is a goddess of Fate. Can you believe that?”

  Kronan’s eyebrows rose. “It’s not as if we aren’t aware of gods on Tarradon, now are we?”


  “You don’t seem cool with it for some reason.”

  “I am okay with it. Why wouldn’t I be?” Josh asked, wondering if maybe he wasn’t as good with it as he believed.

  Kronan shrugged. “Seeing how you are more powerful than she is, I guess you wouldn’t have any reason to feel threatened by her powers.”

  “I’m not, which was why I thought it would make things easier between us if I explained what I was. Secrets can kill a relationship before they start.”

  “I agree, but I assume it didn’t go as planned?”

  “Hardly. When I told her about being the water dragon, she took it rather well, but when I explained that I am the immortal god of water, she reacted rather poorly, and I’m not sure why.”

  “Was she jealous?” Kronan asked as he retrieved two beers from the fridge and handed Josh one.

  “I didn’t think she was, but with Magnolia I can’t be certain about anything. I think Magnolia believes I should have blurted out my secret as soon as she confided in me about her powers.”

  “She has a point.”

  He’d come here for answers, not criticism. “Anyway, she teleported home in a huff, but it wasn’t long before I got an emergency call from her.”

  “Naturally, you went there in a flash.”

  “Is that a bad thing? She is my mate.”

  His friend held up a hand. “Nope. Go on.”

  “When I arrived, her workshop had broken pots and other stuff all over the floor. Apparently, for no reason at all, things started to fly around the room, and Magnolia claims she wasn’t responsible for it.”

  “That is a bit odd. I take it you performed the bottle spell on her?”

  “Yes, and therein lies the problem. While nothing moved after that, Magnolia was furious that I would do that to her without her consent.”

  His brows pinched. “She was right. You should have asked.”

  Josh waved his beer. “Now you tell me?” Okay, maybe he had goofed. “Do you have any idea what could have caused her telekinesis to go crazy?”

  “I have known anger to cause it.”

  “Magnolia certainly was upset. When we went to the county fair yesterday, we had a great time. Nothing moved there. We then went back to my cabin and, shall we say, enjoyed ourselves. All was calm there as well.”

  “Interesting. It could be anger, or it might be someone doing this to Magnolia to get your attention—someone with a plan to break you two up.”

  His friend was talking nonsense. “I have no one in my life—or rather didn’t until Magnolia came around.”

  Kronan tossed back his beer. “Hmm. My second option is more far-fetched.”

  Josh was desperate. “I’ll entertain any theory.”

  “Don’t you find it odd that you just happened to be flying over her house when you smelled smoke?”

  “I thought it was just luck.”

  “Or was it?” Kronan stood and began to pace. “Let me get this straight. When things were going well between you, Magnolia had no accidents, as I’ll call them. As soon as you two fight, things get out of hand.”

  “Yes. What are you saying?”

  He smiled. “I think I have the answer.”

  Magnolia paced her living room for a long time after Josh left. She waited for an object to move but nothing did. Why was that? Had his crazy bottle spell reset her abilities so that now she was good to go? Magnolia didn’t deal well with uncertainty.

  Of all the times for her sisters to be away, this was the worst. She needed them now more than ever, but she wouldn’t chance contacting them using any kind of mental telepathy. They had made a pledge not to use any of their goddess abilities, and Magnolia didn’t want to be the one to ruin a streak they were working on.

  She snapped her fingers. Mom! While she wasn’t always around growing up, she bet her mother might have some answers.

  “Hey, Mom. Everyone is on vacation, and I could use some daughterly advice,” she telepathed.

  No surprise, there wasn’t an answer. Maybe it was just as well. In need of something to eat, Magnolia entered the kitchen, and who should be standing there, but her mother. “Mom?”

  Her mother hugged her. “Don’t act so surprised. You contacted me.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  As if her mom lived there, she opened the fridge, pulled out a container full of water, and poured herself a glass. “What’s the emergency?”

  “Let’s sit in the living room. It’s a long story.”

  For the next half hour, Magnolia detailed how much her life had changed because of the fire. She told her about Josh being her mate, as well as the god of water. She left out the lovemaking part. Saying the words to her mom would have been too embarrassing.

  Her mother said nothing for a minute. “I have never spoken directly to Fate, but your grandmother Ophelia has. She might be able to give you a better perspective.”

  That wasn’t the answer she wanted. “The last time I spoke to Ophelia, she talked in riddles. I swear she has this fear of saying anything specific in the off chance we will claim she was wrong.”

  Her mom chuckled. “That’s for sure, but from what my mother has told me, Fate can be a trickster.”

  “What does that mean? That Fate is involved in this mess somehow?”

  Her mom leaned forward. “I don’t know, but tell me this. What is stopping you from mating with Josh?”

  Way to change the subject. “I told you. He didn’t tell me about his powers when I told him about mine.”

  “Seriously, Magnolia? I raised you better than that. He might have been waiting for the right moment to tell you. The poor man probably wanted time to think things through. It’s not everyday someone announces they are a goddess.”

  “He didn’t act
surprised at my news. In fact, he seemed to have known about me.”

  “Hmm. Men hide their feelings better than women. Have you made love with him yet? Because if you have, you’ll soon find out that no matter how angry you are with him, you won’t be able to stay away.”

  “Yes, and yes, I can—if I put my mind to it.”

  “Magnolia sweetheart, listen to me. Your job is to put mates together, which means you have to do whatever it takes to be with Josh.”

  Oh crap. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.”

  Her mom tightened her grip on her glass. “Then you need to start. Josh will suffer too much if you don’t. His dragon will be demanding that the two of you be together.”

  “Wow. I guess I need to let bygones be bygones then, but what about the bottle spell he put on me to bind my powers?”

  Her mom reached over and clasped her hand. “You have to ask yourself why he did it. Was it for your own good or to benefit him?”

  “To help me, but he should have asked me first.”

  A familiar look of disapproval crossed her mom’s face. “Your house might have been ruined if he’d taken the time to discuss it with you.” She pressed her lips together. “I think I know what’s going on.”

  This ought to be good. “What is that?”

  “You’ve fallen for his heroic and charming ways, and it scares you to death. I know that when your father died, I asked a lot from you—maybe too much. I’m sorry, but I had to go back to work to earn enough money to support our family of five.”

  She’d heard that her whole life. “I know.”

  “Fate gave your dad and me the ability to conceive.”

  Magnolia had heard the story many times too. “Yes, and Ophelia had to spend her life on Earth helping others, and dad had to give up his immortality that he’d received when you two mated.”

  “Yes, and because I was grateful I could have children, I was determined to make sure my girls were worthy and able to carry out Fate’s wishes.” She half-smiled and shook her head. “I raised such wonderfully competent women.”


  “Let me finish. It was my fault for not preparing you for finding love. To be honest, I wasn’t sure you or your sisters would be granted mates. After all, you are here to be Fate’s eyes and ears.”

  “I know.”

  “But Fate must be so very proud of all of you, of what you’ve done that she is willing to give you what you crave. I think this is her way to making sure you two get together.”

  “Are you saying she started the fire just when Josh was flying overhead?”

  “I wouldn’t put it past her.”

  “And my haywire telekinesis?”

  Her mom smiled. “It did force you to call him.”

  Holy crap. “I think you’re right. Every time our mating progress stalled, something happened.”

  “See? Please don’t throw away this wonderful gift. Will you two argue about things? Absolutely. Your dad and I had our share of disagreements, but he was my mate, and I loved him.”

  Guilt replaced any annoyance she had harbored. “I messed up, didn’t I?”

  “Oh, sweetie. Maybe a little. I’ve not met Josh, but if he is half the man—or rather god—that I think he is, he is waiting for you to go to him.”

  A tear welled in her eyes. She’d been so foolish and petty. “I think I was jealous and scared.”

  Her mom huffed out a laugh. “I would have been too. You are used to being in charge, and Josh threatened that. But this is a wonderful gift Fate has given you. Lean on Josh. Let him help you. For once in your life, you don’t have to do everything by yourself.”

  The tears flowed. Those words gave her such freedom. “Thank you.”

  Her mom hugged her. “I just wish I could have been a more supportive mom, but I wanted the four of you to be strong. And you are. I am so proud of you.”

  Magnolia sniffled and then leaned back. She swiped a hand under her eye. “I never cry.”

  “Be thankful you now have a reason to.”

  They chatted a bit more, and Magnolia promised that after she and Josh mated, they would all meet.

  Her mom stood. “You know you can call me anytime.”

  “I do now.”

  They hugged once more, and then her mother left. Magnolia’s conversation with her mom gave her a lot to think about. What she worried about now was whether Josh would forgive her for being so petty. He’d told her he had the whole weekend off, so maybe he would like it if she cooked him dinner. Working with her hands to create something always energized her.

  Magnolia grabbed her phone and then hesitated. It might be better if she just surprised him. The question was: where was he? Josh could be at the cabin or at his house—wherever that was. Birk for sure was friends with Josh, but she didn’t want to contact him. None of the Guardians needed to know she was in town. If it were a true emergency, they’d find her somehow.

  Ever since Magnolia met Josh, her ability to make decisions had gone out the window. She’d been in control her whole life, and things had been simple. Now, she was a jumbled mess.

  Did she want Josh? Absolutely. Her mom was right. She had to respect that he had been waiting for what he thought was the right time to tell her his secret. He might have asked her to the cabin for that very reason.

  Her fingers touched the phone. As if Fate was waiting for her to call him, her cell practically leaped into her hand. If she hadn’t grabbed it, it might have ended up on the floor. “Okay, okay. I’ll call.”

  With her heart beating rapidly, she dialed his number. One ring. Two rings. When it reached five rings, she was about to hang up when he answered. “Magnolia, are you okay?”

  She smiled. Oh, yes, she was very okay. “I’m good. I called to apologize.”

  “Apologize for what?”

  Really? “For starters, how I treated you after you rushed over here and tried to help me. How about coming over for dinner at seven, and we can discuss it further?”

  “You sound, I don’t know, happy?”

  “If all goes according to plan, I will be.”

  He laughed. “I’ll be there.”

  When she hung up, Magnolia twirled around, feeling about seventy years younger. Uh oh. She’d promised him dinner but had no idea what he liked to eat. She checked all of the cupboards and the refrigerator. In the end, she decided on fish fillets. In case fish wasn’t his thing, she prepared two different vegetable dishes and a salad. For dessert, she would go with ice cream, topped with chocolate sauce. It was Poppy’s jar of sauce, but Magnolia bet her sister wouldn’t mind.

  At six, all that was left to do was stick the meal in the oven. Next up was to shower and then put on something sexy. Josh Gerrard was going to be in for the time of his life tonight.

  Chapter Eleven

  Josh couldn’t believe Magnolia had called so soon after she had basically thrown him out. He wondered if Fate had intervened as Kronan had suggested. His friend had no proof of his belief, but he seemed to think that Fate might think Magnolia needed help in admitting the two of them belonged together. Sure, Magnolia might say they were fated, but she wasn’t acting like she wanted to mate—until now.

  A sudden case of nerves shot his ass in gear. Dinner meant he should buy her wine and some flowers, so he rushed out to his car and drove to town. Flying would be faster, but landing in a densely populated area was always difficult.

  Josh replayed their short conversation. The fact she apologized still amazed him. Something must have happened, but what? Had Fate visited Magnolia? Or had one of her sisters returned unexpectedly and convinced her to reconsider her actions?

  It didn’t matter. He was going to have dinner with Magnolia, and from her tone, they would have a very interesting evening. It was probably too soon to be discussing mating officially, even though his dragon had been rather demanding.

  Once Josh purchased the flowers and wine, he rushed home to shower and change. She’d really only seen him in casu
al clothes, but wearing a suit didn’t seem right if they were eating dinner at her kitchen table.

  It wasn’t that he hadn’t dated, but this might be the most important night of his life. After changing his mind a few times about what to wear, Josh chose black slacks, black boots, and an aquamarine colored long sleeve button down shirt.

  Because he had a few minutes to spare, he decided to fly to her house instead of teleporting. Appearing in her kitchen wouldn’t be cool. Josh wanted to treat this as their first official date. Magnolia deserved that much.

  He landed in the lot behind her house, shifted, and then headed for her back door since Magnolia would most likely be in the kitchen.

  He knocked, and when she answered, he almost dropped the bottle of wine. Josh was sure his eyes had bugged out, and he had no doubt they were flashing teal. Magnolia had her hair pulled up into some kind of ponytail with tendrils hanging seductively down the side of her face, and she wore pink lipstick that accentuated her light blue eyes. The most startling part of her outfit was the low cut top, short skirt, and heels.

  “Wow. I think I might be underdressed,” he said.

  She smiled. “No, silly. You look great. Come in.”

  Inside, the kitchen smelled of lemon, garlic, and maybe capers. His ability to identify odors didn’t extend to food. Josh handed her the flowers and wine. “These are for you.”

  Her mouth opened, and then her chin trembled. “No one has given me flowers before. Thank you.”

  His heart broke for her. “May there be many more bouquets in your future.”

  She laughed, causing his blue scales to glow under his skin.

  Her face turned a pretty shade of dark pink. “You are a nice man, Josh Gerrard. Let me stick the fish in the oven. While it is cooking, how about stepping into the living room where we can chat?”

  From the way her eyes were glistening and her skin glowing, his little goddess had something pleasant in mind. “Sure.”

  Totally out of character, she grabbed his hand and led him over to the sofa. Every cell in his body caught on fire with anticipation. When she sat down, he slipped next to her, causing their legs to touch.


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