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Magnolia: Hidden Realms of Silver Lake (Four Sisters of Fate Book 4)

Page 9

by Vella Day

  “I was wrong,” she said.

  He hadn’t expected that. “About?”

  “I shouldn’t have been angry with you when you did that bottle spell on me. I realize now that you were only trying to help.” She looked to the side. “I want to be honest with you. When I found out you were a god, I became competitive—or maybe I should say I was a bit jealous.”

  He let go of her hand and cupped her cheek. “Truth be told, I was a little competitive too. I mean, I’ve never met a goddess before and had no idea what to expect.”

  She dipped her chin and looked up at him through her lashes. “You’re fine now, right?”

  “Completely. Dwelling on those first-reaction feelings won’t allow us to move forward, and I want to—move forward, that is.”

  She smiled. “So do I. More than anything.”

  “Does that mean you would be willing to mate with me? I don’t want to make any assumptions or keep any secrets.”

  Magnolia dragged a finger down his chest. “If you play your cards right, I just might agree to be with you—forever.”

  His skin sizzled. Forever was such a wonderful word. Josh was surprised at her flirty nature. She’d been so uptight when they first met, though in all fairness, she’d just been through a terrible ordeal. Keeping with her card reference, he said, “I’ve been known to win a hand or two.”

  Her mouth slightly parted, and when her body pulsed with light, Josh could no longer keep away from her. He dragged her close and kissed her hard. Their breaths mingled as she ran her hands up and down his back, causing his scales to flash and glow. When Magnolia tugged his shirt out of his jeans, his dragon roared.

  Mate, mate! Do it, his dragon begged.

  I plan to as soon as you give us some peace.

  Magnolia’s acceptance of them gave Josh such joy that he couldn’t kiss her enough. His hands roamed over her body. When he slipped his palms under her shirt and realized she didn’t have a bra on, his cock turned to steel. He lifted off her shirt and tossed it on the back of the sofa. Making love in the living room however wasn’t what he had in mind when he mated.

  Josh broke the kiss and stood. Without a word, he slipped his hands under her legs and lifted her up. “Which way to the bedroom?”

  If Magnolia had any hesitation about what they were about to do, she would tell him to put her down. “Down the hall, first room on the left.”

  His heart sang. He wanted to run and shout for joy, but he didn’t want her to think he was an immature fool of one hundred and thirty-two.

  Inside her room he placed her on the bed.

  She leaned over and flipped on the nightstand light. “I want to see your naked body.”

  He could see well with or without the light, but he wanted to grant her every wish. “Fine by me.”

  As much as he wanted to climb on top of her and hold her and kiss her, he needed her undressed too. He slipped off one of her shoes, while she kicked off the other. All that was left was that cute little skirt. “I love this outfit.”

  “I was hoping you would.”

  After he shucked off his boots and pants, Josh wanted Magnolia to remove the rest of his clothes. With his gaze on her beautiful face, he climbed onto the bed and crawled on top of her. “You make me happy, Magnolia.”

  “And you are giving me my dream. Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.”

  Josh bent down and captured one nipple between his teeth while he massaged the other breast. Light pulsed under her skin, bringing him great joy. If he ever met Fate, he would give her anything she desired. Magnolia was perfect.

  “You’re overdressed,” she said.

  When she pressed up on his chest, Josh rolled to the side, and her fingers flew to his buttoned shirt. Now he could see how foolish he’d been in thinking he could have her undress him. He didn’t have the patience. After she unbuttoned the top three buttons, he waved her hands away and then lifted his shirt over his head. It landed next to his slacks.

  “Crap. The condom is in my pants.” And they were on the floor out of reach.

  She grabbed his wrist. “I don’t want to use one.”

  “Are you sure?” He had no idea if she could get pregnant at her age or not, but he suspected the biology of a goddess’ body was quite different from a human’s.

  “Absolutely.” She nudged his shoulder, indicating she wanted him on his back.

  When he rolled over, Magnolia crawled on top and then straddled him. Whoa. This new dynamic lit her up even more. If she wanted to be in charge, that worked for him. All Josh wanted was to make love with her.

  “I think you forgot something,” she said.

  Josh lifted up his hips and dragged down his briefs. He then tossed them next to the rest of his clothes. “Better?”


  Magnolia leaned over and kissed him, grinding her core against his cock. His scales were probably lighting up the room, but he couldn’t tell given how bright her body had become. Knowing she was excited turned him on something fierce. Their tongues dueled and their breaths combined, making it harder and harder not to bite her neck and make her his forever.

  He grabbed her ass, careful not to let his nails dig into her skin. As much as Josh loved touching Magnolia, his need to mate with her eclipsed everything. He broke the kiss. “Ride me,” he commanded.

  Magnolia grinned. “Not before I do this.”

  She slipped to the side, knelt, and then bent over. When she drew his cock deep into her mouth, his body burned hotter than any fire he’d ever been near. He clutched her hair and wrapped it around his palm. With every suck, he moaned and tugged harder. Just as he was about to lose it, she stopped and climbed back on him.

  “I wanted to make sure you were ready,” she said.

  “Are you kidding me? I was ready the moment you opened the door wearing that damned sexy outfit.”

  She grinned, captured his dick, and slid it straight into her opening. At that moment, Josh was convinced he’d transported to another realm. His teeth sharpened to the point where he feared if he kissed her, he might draw blood.

  Magnolia lifted up slowly and then dropped back down. She was too enticing and too incredible. If Josh didn’t control the speed, their once in a lifetime mating would be over before it began.

  He grabbed her hips. “Don’t move.”

  Her mouth opened, but she wisely said nothing. He eased out of her, and then using all of his control, slid right back in. It was so damned hard not to fill her fast and hard. When she tightened her pussy around his cock, he realized the futility of holding back.

  As if she could read his mind, she leaned over and offered him her breasts to suckle. His body pulsed and glowed as he licked one nipple and then the other. Meanwhile, her light grew until it enveloped them both.

  This was it. The time to unite. Josh drew her closer and dragged his mouth to that perfect spot between her neck and shoulder blade. He inhaled and then pressed his sharpened teeth against her delicate neck. When she lifted up and then dropped down hard on his cock, all thoughts left his head. His teeth dug into her skin, and her grip on his shoulders turned almost brutal in its force. His sight dimmed and all sounds seemed far away. Then her screams of pleasure filled the room as her inner walls held him tight, causing his orgasm to explode.

  As if he’d opened a vein, her light filled him, and the two gods combined. For a moment, he feared they’d both combust as lust, total bliss, and love filled and surrounded him.

  When the pulsing and explosion ebbed a bit, Josh wrapped his arms around her, not ever wanting to let her go. Whether they had teleported to another realm for a bit and then returned, he would never know.

  Magnolia lifted her head. “We survived.”

  Josh didn’t know why he thought that was funny, but he did. “That’s true, but it won’t be long before I want to do this again.”

  “How about we eat first, assuming the food isn’t burned?”

  She had prepared a meal for h
im. The least he could do was eat it. “Spoilsport, but if the burning smell coming from your kitchen is any indication, we might be going out.”

  “Oh, shit.” As she climbed off of him, he detected faint blue scales under her skin. “Ah, Magnolia?”


  “Your glow color has changed.” He dragged a finger across her thigh where what looked like light blue scales were underneath the surface.

  She stared at it. “Are those dragon scales?”

  “I can’t be certain, but they sure look like mine.”

  She shook her head. “My mother told me I’d never be able to shift even if I mated.”

  “With an ordinary shifter, maybe not, but remember I’m a god.”

  “Do you think I really—?”

  She didn’t have to finish her sentence. “There’s only one way to find out.”

  “Not tonight. I don’t want anything to tarnish this moment.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, my love.” Which was why he planned on making love with her many more times before morning.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Ready?” Josh asked.

  Magnolia probably wouldn’t be ready for weeks. After mating with Josh and then making love twice more last night, she was lucky she could walk, let alone attempt to fly. But here they were, standing in the middle of the large field behind her house. With trees surrounding much of the property, no one would be able to see her failed attempt.

  “I do want to try, but really what’s the point when I can teleport?” she asked.

  “We don’t want others to know we are gods, remember?”

  He had a point. It was why she didn’t teleport unless no one would be at the start or finish point. “True, so what do I need to do?”

  Josh dragged his hands down her shoulders. “This is supposed to be fun, not torture.”

  She should have been more enthusiastic. “You’re right. You might need help someday, and I want to be there for you.”

  He leaned over and kissed her. “This is not about you saving my butt. I can handle myself quite well in the sky, but I appreciate the offer.”

  Once more, his logic was sound. Magnolia inhaled to center herself. “Okay, I’m ready now.”

  Josh smiled, and Magnolia debated suggesting they go inside and enjoy each other again, but he seemed so excited to show her how to shift that she didn’t want to disappoint him.

  “It’s really quite simple, or at least it should be for a goddess. First, close your eyes and picture what I look like in my dragon form. Then raise and lower your arms, pretending like you’re flying. Your body will begin to change. It will feel strange but just go with it. I’ll be right here.”

  Used to concentrating when doing spells, Magnolia inhaled and then exhaled to slow her heart rate, allowing her subconscious to take over. Then what sounded like bones cracking and feeling her body stretching way beyond its limit roused her. She opened her eyes. Holy shit! She was fifteen feet tall!

  “You have to flap your wings if you want to fly,” Josh telepathed with way too much cheer in his voice.

  She’d almost forgotten that they could now talk to each other telepathically. Excited that she’d succeeded in shifting, Magnolia flapped her wings and lifted off the ground. Whoa. Adrenaline rushed through her veins. She wasn’t prepared to actually fly, but other than teleporting back to the ground, she needed to do something to stay aloft.

  Out of the corner of her eye Josh appeared, and relief washed through her.

  He shot ahead of her. “Follow me,” he instructed.

  “I have to admit this is cool. I just don’t want to crash though.” She assumed she could teleport even when in her dragon form.

  Josh shot out a stream of fire. “I won’t let that happen.”

  He was the best man she’d ever known. And yes, she could finally admit that she loved him. “If you’re listening, Fate, thank you.”

  Even though Fate did not answer, it didn’t dampen her mood. Magnolia followed Josh as he flew parallel to the ground for a while and then slowly climbed. It took her a while to feel comfortable enough to flap her wings a few times and then merely glide. She had no idea where he was headed, but she would follow him to the ends of the realm.

  He flew over the city where several dragons circled overhead. It was cool when she spotted one of her Guardian friends. It made her feel like she was part of some bigger culture.

  “We should head back,” Josh telepathed. “I don’t want you to overdo it on your first time.”

  She wasn’t tired, but he would know better. When they arrived at her home, to her delight, she was quite adept at landing. Changing back into her human form took a bit more effort however.

  Once Josh shifted, he rushed over to her. “What did you think?”

  She smiled. “It was amazing.” Magnolia stepped closer and then dragged a finger down his chest. “I think it calls for a nice dinner out. What do you think?”

  “I love the idea.”

  As if they’d been together for years, she savored the moment as they sauntered back to the house, chatting about the wind and the best way to fly. “Do you have to go to work tomorrow?” she asked.

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  Josh pulled open the back door and motioned her in. “It will be torture being away from you all day too.”

  She loved how much he wanted to be with her. “You know, the next time you have some time off, we should plan a trip together.” Pride filled her for making that suggestion. Magnolia Faiten never went anywhere. Now that she was with Josh, things were about to change.

  “You pick the place, and I’ll make it happen.”

  She turned around and threaded her arms around his neck. “I love you, Josh Gerrard. If I’ve been remiss in telling you, I’m sorry.”

  He grinned. “I figured it out, but I’m sure I love you more.”

  “Ooh, you are competitive.”

  “That I am.”

  Magnolia kissed him and then strode over to the kitchen table and sat. “I’ve been thinking.”

  Josh sat across from her. “About?”

  “Our shop closes at six each night, but after we close, my sisters and I often are called upon to help the Guardians.”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  She stilled. “You don’t know who they all are, do you?” Or had Birk Caspian told him?

  “It’s not like I can’t guess that Declan Sinclair and Birk Caspian are two of them.” He held up a hand. “Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.”

  “How did you figure it out? Everyone is so careful to keep their identity a secret.”

  “I am a god, remember? I can sense the powers that reside in a shifter, and the Sinclairs and Caspians have special magic. You’ve also let their names drop more than once.”

  “That was because you are my mate, and I don’t want any secrets between us.”


  “Here’s the thing. I need to live in this house—for my sisters and for the sake of the Guardians.”

  He leaned back in his chair. “I see, and since I live on the outskirts of town, you want me to move in with you?”

  “Would that be so bad?”

  He blew out a breath. “There will be four women and two bathrooms. You tell me.”

  She hadn’t thought this through. “What do you think we should do? I can’t imagine us living apart.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. How about I move in with you until your sisters return from vacation? Then later we can figure out a long term solution.”

  Magnolia pushed back her chair, stood, and then held out her hand. “You are an amazing man. Let me show you my gratitude.”

  He laughed. “You do wonders for my soul, Magnolia.”

  “I’m hoping I can do wonders to a few other parts of your body too.”

  Josh laughed. Life was about to get really interesting.

  For dinner, Magnolia and Josh flew to a larg
e park near downtown, landed, and then shifted. Josh had said it was often too crowded during the day to use this as a landing spot, but at night, few people were about. Being able to see so well was an added benefit. Who knew finding Josh would have so many added perks?

  “I wonder if you’ve inherited any of my talents,” Magnolia asked.

  “Like telekinesis?”

  “I guess. I mean you can already teleport, do spells, and are immortal.”

  He cupped her face. “If I did inherit anything, it would be great, but if I didn’t, it’s okay. I say we enjoy our dinner and worry about my extra talents later.”


  Happier than she’d ever been, Magnolia straightened her skirt and finger combed her wind-blown hair. “You never said where we are going to dinner.”

  “To my favorite spot—the Highlander’s Steakhouse.”


  “Only for you, my sweet goddess.”

  Magnolia looked up at him. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “We both have Fate to thank.”

  More than he could ever know. Hand in hand, they walked to the restaurant. Somehow, the bustling city invigorated Magnolia instead of overwhelmed her. Even the street noise and occasional shouts were enjoyable.

  But as soon as they stepped inside the restaurant, Magnolia stilled. Josh placed a hand on her back. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. “I thought I sensed one of my sisters, which is impossible because they are still out of town.”

  “Table for two?” the hostess asked.

  “Yes,” Josh said.

  As she led them to the back, Magnolia stopped in her tracks. “That’s Acacia.” She turned to Josh. “I need to speak with her and ask why she’s here.”

  He leaned over. “It looks as if she has a date.”

  Her sister looked up, took a double take, and then pushed back her chair. She rushed over. “Magnolia, what are you doing here?” Acacia looked at Josh and then back at her.

  “I should be asking you the same question. I thought you were still camping in Hearndon Province.”


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