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His Untamed Desire

Page 4

by Katie Reus

  He pulled out a black T-shirt with a scene from the movie The Crow on it. It had been his years ago, but she’d taken it because she’d loved his scent. He brought the shirt to her and sat on the edge of the bed, clearly keeping distance between them. “This looks familiar,” he said softly.

  “I’m not giving it back,” she said as she tugged it over her head and threw the towel on the floor.

  Once she was dressed, they stared at each other for a long moment and she could tell he wasn’t sure what to say either. She bit her bottom lip and he scooted a few inches closer.

  He didn’t touch her as he spoke. “I’d like to stay with you tonight. I’ll keep my clothes on and—”

  “Okay.” She didn’t even need to think about it. She wanted Hector’s arms around her even if it would be a little bit of torture to be wrapped up in his strength and spicy scent.

  She pulled her covers back and they slid in together. She turned her back to him and let him spoon her from behind as if they’d done it a thousand times. She could feel his erection against her back, but he just held her. Having him hold her like this was better than her fantasies. She couldn’t believe that Hector was actually in bed with her. For the first time in so long she finally felt safe and able to sleep peacefully. No one would be getting past Hector.

  Chapter 4

  Daphne opened her eyes to the scent of bacon and coffee. Rolling over in her bed, she saw Hector was gone but knew he had to be the source of the delicious smells. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she found him downstairs sitting at her kitchen table reading a newspaper and sipping coffee.

  He looked so domestic it made her giggle.

  His eyebrows rose. “What’s funny?”

  She shook her head and zeroed in on the full pot of coffee. Until she had coffee, she wasn’t talking. There were strips of bacon on a plate next to the pot and a carton of eggs he’d laid out. She snagged a piece of bacon and bit into it. Heaven. She quickly poured a cup then sat at the table across from him. She definitely wasn’t surprised he’d made himself at home. They’d known each other far too long for him to act otherwise. “How long have you been up?” Her voice was still scratchy from sleep.

  “About an hour. Didn’t have the heart to wake you.” He raked a heated gaze over her face that told her he’d struggled with it, though.

  She knew that being woken by him would be a sensual experience. Somehow she shoved that thought aside. “Thanks for breakfast and coffee. How’d you sleep?”

  He gave her a hooded look that said so many things, yet nothing at all. He cleared his throat. “Well enough.”

  In other words, he would have slept better if they’d gotten more physical. Or she assumed that’s what he was implying. Her insides were all twisted up around him. But she couldn’t dwell on any of that right now. She had more important things to deal with. She needed to tell her Alpha what was going on with Troy, but didn’t know how to broach the subject.

  As if he read her mind, Hector’s eyes narrowed. “You’re going to tell Angus?”

  Damn him for being so perceptive. “Yes, but I’m going to talk to Troy first. I told him I’d call him tonight and I’m going to. I’ll tell him that I’m taking the situation to my Alpha. Maybe he’ll just leave town when he hears that.”

  Hector grunted and stood. “How do you want your eggs?”

  Okay then. Not up for discussion apparently. “Over easy. And I’d like three please.” As a shifter she had a higher than normal metabolism and she was starving this morning. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was later than she’d realized. That orgasm had seriously knocked her out. “If you have to go to work in a few hours, don’t feel like you have to stay.”

  Hector looked at her over his shoulder from where he stood in front of the stove. His green eyes were shuttered and she couldn’t read the look he gave her. Finally he turned back around. An awkward silence stretched between them until he spoke.

  “I took the day off. I’d like to spend it with you.” Though he didn’t form it as a question, she heard it in his words.

  Daphne wondered if she was being stupid by getting tangled up with him. Really, where could this lead? Still . . . “Me too.”

  It was subtle, but the tenseness in his shoulders loosened. Shoulders that were unfortunately covered by his sweater. She’d been hoping for another peek at his chest and back. She started to ask if he had anything specific in mind when her landline rang. There were only two people who called her house. She picked up the portable from the cradle next to her refrigerator and inwardly cringed when she saw the number.

  Not because she didn’t want to talk to Leta, but because she’d just gotten intimate with her best friend’s brother. Trying to act casual, she answered, “Hey.”

  “Hey. It’s not too early is it?” Leta sounded panicked.

  “Of course not. What’s going on?” Forgetting her previous nervousness, she sat back at the table, keeping an eye on Hector.

  “It could be nothing, but . . . two pregnant felines have gone missing in the last couple days. They don’t have an Alpha to look out for them, and maybe I’m being silly, but I’m worried. I’m pregnant too and what if someone is targeting us?” Leta’s voice rose with each word, the worry practically rolling off her through the phone line.

  “What does your mate say?” Daphne asked, trying to keep her voice soothing. The thought of anyone targeting pregnant shifters was despicable. But pregnant shifters were almost as weak as humans and would be easy targets. What would be the point, though? She nearly snorted at herself before the thought had fully formed. There were enough hate groups that loathed supernatural beings that they wouldn’t need a reason. Still, targeting pregnant women was pretty damn extreme.

  “He wants us to be more cautious and he wants to get the word out to all pregnant shifters that something might be going on. I know there are some expectant moms in your pack, but you have an Alpha and . . .” Leta trailed off and Daphne could hear her sniffling.

  “Oh, honey. Don’t cry. I’ll talk to my Alpha today and—”

  “I’ve already talked to Angus about this,” Hector said, cutting her off.

  Daphne looked up from where she sat at the coffee table. He would have easily heard their phone conversation. “You did?”

  He nodded. “Last night. I received a few frantic phone calls so I called him. He’s promised to look into it, and you know Angus.”

  Daphne nodded. She did indeed. Her Alpha was extremely protective of those who lived in his city, regardless of species. If anyone fucked with supernatural beings in New Orleans, they’d be facing his wrath. “Did you hear that?” she asked Leta.

  There was a long silence, then, “Yes.” Leta cleared her throat, all traces of sniffling and crying gone. “Is that Hector?” Leta whispered, though there was no point considering Hector would definitely hear.

  Daphne winced. It might be later than she normally slept in, but it was still only eight o’clock. There was no reason Hector would have stopped by this early and besides, she didn’t plan to lie to her friend. “Yes.”

  “Go upstairs or somewhere private. I want to talk to you without my nosy brother listening.”

  Daphne glanced at Hector who just raised his eyebrows and shrugged. She hurried upstairs and ducked into her bathroom. She turned on the shower for extra noise. It should keep him from listening, though she had a feeling he was respectful enough to tune them out anyway. It was just the way Hector was.

  “All right. I’m upstairs.”

  “Oh my gosh! Are you sleeping with my brother?” Leta didn’t sound angry, which was a good sign.

  “Not . . . exactly.” She and Leta normally told each other everything, but there was no way she could tell her friend about last night.

  “But you’re . . . ah, I can’t even say the words, but you’re like, maybe hooking up with him?” />
  Daphne swallowed hard. “I have no idea what we are. You’re not mad, though?”

  “No! If you two get mated we’ll finally be sisters for real.”

  “I seriously doubt—”

  “Whatever, I don’t want to hear it. I know you’ve always had a crush on him and let’s just say he was very aware of you a few years ago.”

  Daphne snorted because that was simply not true, but she didn’t comment. The one time she’d put herself out there for Hector, he’d rejected her attempt to kiss him. It had been humiliating, mainly because he’d tried to let her down gently. He’d been all sweet about it. If he’d been an asshole it would have been so easy to get over him. Ugh, she didn’t even want to think about that. “Can we please not talk about Hector?”

  Leta sighed dramatically. “Fine. But if you guys do get mated, I better be the first to know. That’s all I want to know though. I don’t want any details about . . . the rest of what you two do.”

  Daphne grinned. “No problem.”

  They talked for a few more minutes, mainly about Leta’s fear for pregnant shifters, then disconnected. Leta had a very caring and dedicated mate, so Daphne wasn’t worried about him watching out for her. Daphne was really glad Hector had already talked to her Alpha, but she planned to talk to Angus too about the Troy situation and the missing felines.

  A few minutes later she found Hector downstairs putting both their plates on the table. Seeing him moving around her kitchen felt natural, like he belonged there. Not the kitchen exactly, but her house and her life. When he saw her, his gaze darkened and he quickly closed the distance between them. Before she could blink, he’d slid his fingers through her hair and clasped the back of her neck. His mouth brushed over hers, sensual and soft at first before developing into something needier.

  He came at her hard, the strokes of his tongue demanding and hungry. She clutched at his shoulders, afraid she’d melt into a puddle at his feet. Her nipples tightened and unbearable heat flooded between her legs. The scent of her own desire intermingled with his and she was glad she wasn’t the only one affected.

  Eventually he pulled back, his breathing shallow. “After we eat, I was hoping we could spend the day at the Square.”

  She blinked, trying to absorb his words. It was amazing he could even talk after that kiss.

  “You can drive my bike,” he continued.

  Okay, that jerked her out of her daze. The thought of driving his Ducati around the city and hanging out at Jackson Square was very appealing. “I might never give her back once you hand over the keys,” she said as she sat at the kitchen table, proud of the way she kept her voice from shaking.

  “Her?” He frowned as he sat across from her.

  “Oh, yeah. That Ducati is definitely a she. In fact, I think I’m going to name her.”

  “Don’t get too attached,” he grumbled good-naturedly, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

  Daphne couldn’t help but wonder if there was a double meaning to his words. Don’t get too attached to the bike or to him?

  • • •

  Hector watched Daphne across the small table eating, trying not to stare too hard or to look like a lovesick cub. Even if that was exactly what he felt like. They’d spent the entire day at the Square, walking, shopping, and even taking a historical carriage ride. They’d known everything the guide had been telling them since they’d both lived there for years, but it had been touristy and relaxing. And it had let Hector hold her hand.

  Such a small thing, but he liked touching her any way she’d let him. Daphne had been open and relaxed with him all day and he’d taken full advantage. She’d even bought him a voodoo doll at one of the local shops, telling him he should use it on annoying customers. Normally shopping was the last thing he wanted to do, but being with Daphne had been fun. Luckily there hadn’t been any sign of that little shit, Troy. Hector was still angry about that vampire, and even though the guy was weaker than him, Hector didn’t like to underestimate anyone. Even humans. It was a mistake.

  “Want some of my po’boy?” Daphne held out her shrimp sub.

  He shook his head and stabbed one of the fried shrimp on his plate with his fork. They’d stopped at a local restaurant on Iberville that he frequented at least once a week. The place was packed, but all his focus was on her. His inner jaguar and his human side were in complete accordance about her. He wanted to claim her, to make her his forever.

  “You sure? Because you’re staring at it like you want to devour it.” She held it out playfully.

  Hector shook his head again. “It’s not the po’boy I’m staring at.” Not exactly subtle, but he couldn’t stop himself. Daphne needed to know how serious he was about her. He was going to take things slow physically, but he didn’t want there to be any doubt of his intentions.

  Her cheeks flushed crimson and she mumbled something under her breath before taking a bite of her sub. The way she turned red was cute, but he was still unsure what she wanted from him. She’d been sweet and flirty, and yes, sensual all day, but he couldn’t get a read on her.

  “So what do you plan to do once you have your master’s?” he asked after a few minutes.

  Her eyes lit up as she set her food down. “I hope to get a job at the local VA. Veterans need better access to health care, not just here but on a national level. Eventually I’d like to get my PhD too, but I’m ready to start working as soon as I complete my master’s.”

  She was right about the lack of good health care for veterans and he respected her for wanting to help. “What happens if you don’t find a job locally? Will you leave?” They might not be even close to that place in their relationship, but if she needed to relocate, he knew he’d go anywhere she wanted. That knowledge alone told him how much he’d already fallen for her. It was likely too soon, but it felt like he’d known her forever. When she’d walked back into his life, something inside him had woken up with a vengeance. And it wasn’t going away.

  Daphne shook her head. “I honestly don’t think that’ll be a problem. I sort of have a standing job offer, but if something falls through then no, I’m not leaving again. I missed my pack and my family while I was at Duke. I’m glad I went away for college, but this is where I belong.”

  He was glad to hear it. Not that he wouldn’t move for her, but he loved New Orleans. When he and Leta had moved there, he’d felt at home for the first time in his life.

  “What about you?” she continued. “I know you don’t plan to work for Angus forever.”

  “In the next five years I hope to open up my own restaurant in the Quarter, but I’m not in a rush. When I do it, I’m going to do it right.” Restaurants and bars had a high failure rate. He knew that no matter how much he planned it still might not fly, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be as prepared as he could be.

  “You know I love talking about food. What kind of restaurant?” She picked her sub back up and took another bite.

  “A mix of South American and Creole food mainly, but I also plan to have a full bar and dance area. It will cater to humans or shifters during the daylight hours but all supernatural beings at night.” Even though they were always welcome, Angus didn’t cater to vampires at his bar and Hector wanted something all-inclusive. Vamps could spend some serious money and he had no problem capitalizing on that as long as everyone played nice.

  “You’ll be successful.” Daphne said it so matter-of-factly, it took him off guard.

  He’d never had a desire to go to college and he’d secretly wondered if that would be an issue with her. The fact that she believed in him warmed him from the inside out. “Yeah?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I’ve seen you at the bar and you pretty much run the place when Angus isn’t around. You’re a feline and I know he doesn’t care about species differences, but still, that says a lot about how much he trusts you considering you’re not technic
ally pack. You think he’d ever let Saul run the place while he was gone?” Daphne rolled her eyes.

  Hector didn’t bother to fight his grin. He loved working with Saul, but the guy was too busy chasing tail to take anything seriously. Actually, all the lupine shifters that worked there were just as bad. “Good point.”

  Daphne started to say something when a member of her pack waved at them from across the restaurant. Hector nodded at the lupine shifter, Neil, as he approached. The wolf was tall, barely an inch shorter than Hector and he was broad. He was definitely an alpha in nature, but he wasn’t a warrior member of the Campbell pack. He was also the same age as Daphne, and considering the way the dark-haired wolf was eyeing her, Hector had no doubt he was interested in her.

  Keeping his jaguar contained would be harder than he’d expected because at that moment, he knew his cat was in his eyes. He knew because Daphne’s eyes widened when she looked at him, but Neil had barely glanced at him once. If he had, he’d probably be backing the fuck off right now.

  Neil shoved his hands in his pockets, as if he was nervous. The slightly bitter scent that rolled off him confirmed it. “Hey, Daphne. Heard you were back in town. You’re staying, right?”

  She nodded politely. “Yes, not at the mansion though. I’ve got my own place.”

  “Yeah, me too. Moved in with some of my brothers a month ago. I love the compound, but we needed some space. So, uh, I know you haven’t been back long, but, uh, I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me sometime next week.” The words came out in a rush, as if he’d been practicing.

  Hector wanted to claw the little punk to shreds for asking her out right in front of him, but Daphne beat him to it. “Are you kidding me, Neil? I’m on a date right now. That’s extremely rude to me and to Hector.”

  Damn, she didn’t pull her punches.


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