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His Untamed Desire

Page 5

by Katie Reus

  Neil’s eyes grew wide as his head snapped in Hector’s direction. When he made eye contact, he took a step back. “Shit. Sorry, man. I thought you were Leta’s brother.”

  “I am.” Hector was surprised he’d managed to squeeze those two words out.

  “Oh . . . I just assumed you guys were friends because of Leta. I didn’t know . . . Sorry, sorry,” he repeated as he backed away.

  The only thing that made Hector feel a little bad for the guy was how red his face and ears had turned as he mumbled a good-bye and practically ran from the restaurant.

  “Sorry about that,” Daphne murmured as she picked her sub back up. She said it so casually, as if this was an everyday occurrence and he figured it was. She probably got hit on all the time, something his jaguar didn’t like at all.

  “You don’t have anything to apologize for.” Hector shrugged even though he felt anything but relaxed. He knew Daphne would be pursued by members of her pack and his human side understood why. She was gorgeous and at the prime age to mate. His animal side was just plain pissed that other males wanted her. And until—or if—they were mated, there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  Once they finished their meal, he paid and they made their way to his Ducati. She’d been driving it all day and he had to admit it was hot watching her slide onto it. With Daphne’s long legs and lithe form, she looked so damn graceful.

  A few blocks later she palmed the keys and swung them around her fingers once. “I feel like there was no losing that bet for me. I get to drive your ride and . . .” She trailed off and flushed, but he knew what she was thinking.

  He leaned against her until she had to sit on the bike. Holding onto the handlebars, he embraced her with his body and didn’t stop until his lips lightly brushed against hers. “And?”

  “And I had the best orgasm of my life,” she whispered.

  Her words sent a jolt straight to his cock, which had been in a perpetual state of hell all day. Just being around her kept him aroused. The best orgasm? Hell, they were only just getting started. “Let’s get out of here,” he growled.

  She nodded, her dark eyes glinting wickedly. He tried to tell himself that he’d show restraint tonight no matter what, but wondered if he was fooling himself. He’d never wanted a female so badly in his life. The need to mate and claim was almost overwhelming him.

  Turning, she slid onto the bike and he got on behind her. His erection pressed up against her, but there was no helping that. Having Daphne in front of him like this brought up so many vivid and erotic fantasies. He’d love to take her from behind and sink his canines into her as they made love. The thought of bonding and mating with her didn’t scare him at all. The realization stunned him, but also soothed his inner jaguar.

  After checking to make sure they were clear—Daphne was very careful with his bike—she pulled into traffic and zoomed away. She was a fast but aware driver, and as she zipped through traffic, he tightened his grip on her hips. He loved feeling her body against his in a way that floored him.

  They were only two blocks from her home and the need and energy pulsing through him really made him wonder how the hell he’d be able to take things slow. They’d never talked about him staying over again, but he wanted to if she’d let him. And if she let him into her bed— Fuck!

  Hector’s head snapped up at the sound of screeching tires. A black SUV had pulled in from the oncoming lane of traffic and was gunning right at them.

  They were going to be hit head-on in two seconds. He tensed, wrapping his arms around Daphne and wishing he could completely protect her, but she violently swerved.

  They made a hard right and slammed into the curb. The turn was too sharp and the bike caught on the edge, throwing them forward. He tried to hold on to her but the impact was too much. He flew through the air over the sidewalk and slammed into a tree before bouncing back onto the pavement.

  Pain ricocheted through his entire body and he was pretty sure he’d cracked a rib, but he jumped to his feet. The SUV was squealing away, but all he could focus on was Daphne’s unmoving body sprawled face down in a patch of grass before him.

  Panic humming through him, he raced toward her.

  Chapter 5

  With his heart in his throat, Hector slowly rolled Daphne over onto her back. When she blinked at him, some of his tension eased. Being a shifter made her incredibly strong and resilient, but seeing her lying motionless had ripped his heart out.

  “I’m sorry about your bike,” she said, her voice raspy.

  An invisible fist tightened around his heart. “Fuck the bike. Are you okay? Is anything broken?”

  Pushing herself up so that she was sitting, she stretched her arms out in front of her and moved her legs. “I’m good.” Glancing up and down the sidewalk, she frowned. There weren’t any humans walking by and no one in traffic had stopped for them. “Pissed, though. What was that jerk thinking?”

  Hector wasn’t sure it had been an accident. Before he could voice that thought, Daphne looked at him with concern etched on her face. She gently cupped his cheek. “Are you okay?” She ran her hands down his shoulders and arms, as if inspecting him for injuries.

  He’d been in worse situations, but he liked the concern she was showing. “I’m fine.” Unable to stop himself, he gathered her in his arms, hugging her close. Inhaling her jasmine scent soothed his raging inner jaguar. Someone had tried to hurt Daphne and that wouldn’t go unpunished.

  After a few long moments, she pushed at his chest. “You’re going to suffocate me.” Her voice came out garbled.

  Though he didn’t want to let her go, he wanted to get her the hell out of there. “Let’s get you home.”

  As they both stood, his gaze on Daphne, she winced at the bike. It was on its side, scratched up, and the front light was busted. When her dark gaze met his, he could read what she was going to say before she did. “You don’t think Troy was behind this, do you?”

  The thought had definitely crossed Hector’s mind. He hadn’t scented the vampire while they’d been out today, but they’d also been in the heart of New Orleans where it was sometimes difficult to decipher everything. The perfect place to blend in if you were a supernatural being. “What does he drive?”

  “I have no idea.” She shook her head as she wrapped her arms around herself. Her sweater sleeves were torn and he could see traces of blood, but no injuries because she would have already healed.

  “We’re going to see Angus at the crack of dawn tomorrow.” He wanted to take her tonight, but Daphne looked shaken up and so vulnerable. He wouldn’t add to any of her stress.

  She nodded once. “Okay.”

  “And I’m staying over again.” He’d been hoping she’d ask him to anyway, but after this, he wasn’t letting her out of his sight.

  Daphne let out a sigh of relief and he knew in that moment he wouldn’t attempt anything sexual tonight. She’d just had a scare and the last thing he ever wanted to do was take advantage of her. He just wanted to be there for her tonight. The need to protect and soothe her was almost overwhelming.

  He righted the fallen bike and started it. He was thankful it didn’t give him any problems, but he was definitely going to have it looked at. Luckily they only had a few blocks to go. “I’ll drive.”

  When she didn’t attempt to argue, he slid on the front and savored the feel of her wrapping herself around him. Yeah, if the vamp was behind this, that fucker was going to pay.

  • • •

  “You weren’t kidding about the crack of dawn.” Daphne glanced at Hector as they strode up the walk toward her pack’s mansion. The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon and it was colder than normal. The ride over had been nice since no one had been on the road, but her lungs burned from the chilly air.

  “We’re taking care of this now and this isn’t the type of thing you tell your Alpha over th
e phone.” There was no room for argument in his voice.

  She was starting to learn that while Hector seemed incredibly laid-back, he had an underlying dominant streak. From the very limited experience she’d had with him in the bedroom, she had a feeling this was who he was at his core.

  “You’re so bossy,” she muttered.

  “You like it,” he shot back.

  She could feel her face heat up, but she didn’t deny it. When he’d ordered her around in the bedroom it had been hot. And she wanted more of it.

  During the day the pack left the front door unlocked—because seriously, who in their right mind would mess with lupine shifters—but at night they locked it. So she wasn’t surprised that the door was locked now. She was shocked, however, when Hector pulled out a key. She had one too, but he wasn’t pack. Apparently Angus really trusted him. That said a hell of a lot about his character because her Alpha kept his own pack on a short leash.

  When they entered, the house was quiet. Her boots clicked against the marble floor, echoing in the foyer. She paused, worrying if they’d wake Angus and Iris.

  Hector nodded toward the stairs. “I called him while you were in the shower.”

  Daphne’s lips pulled into a thin line. “You could have told me.”

  “Sorry. I’m not used to . . . just sorry. I’m not trying to take over this situation. I want you safe and Angus needs to hear this from you.”

  “I know.” She was dreading telling him, though.

  When they reached Angus’s office, which took forever to get to in the giant house, Daphne wiped sweaty palms on her jeans. She loved her Alpha. He was good and fair, but she’d never had much of a reason to see him for anything official. It was weird to be there now. Thankfully Hector was with her. He was such a calming influence without even trying. With his hand at the small of her back she was able to lose some of her nervousness.

  Before she had a chance to knock, the door swung open. Angus stood on the other side, an easy smile on his face. He was tall, the same height as Hector, but much bigger. He reminded her of a pro-football player. Of course he was three hundred years old and a whole lot more badass. He looked to be in his forties, though, and was very handsome.

  “Daphne. Hector.” He nodded and noted the way Hector was holding her.

  They’d shown up together at dawn so it was pretty obvious there was something going on between them, but she didn’t like feeling as if she was under a microscope.

  “Hi, Angus.” She wiped her hands on her jeans again and her Alpha just shook his head.

  He pulled her into a hug that immediately eased the rest of her lingering tension. “I can’t believe you’re nervous, child,” he murmured.

  She expelled a shaky laugh as she stepped back. “I feel like I’m being called into the principal’s office or something.”

  “Sit and eat and we’ll talk about what’s going on.” He motioned to an overstuffed couch by one of the big windows.

  Her Alpha wasn’t much on formality, but she was thankful to see he’d placed a tray of cookies and a coffee carafe on a bronze tray.

  Hector took her hand and they both sat while Angus chose a seat across from them in a high-backed chair that reminded her of a throne. He sprawled out, looking at ease, but she knew a capable, brutal wolf lurked beneath the surface.

  “Did you make this or did Iris?” she asked as Hector began to pour them two mugs, only half-joking.

  Angus smiled suddenly, the action breaking up the harsh lines of his face. “God, I’d forgotten how cheeky you could be. You’ll be happy to know my mate made the coffee and the cookies.”

  At hearing that, she snagged a cookie and practically inhaled it. She needed something since Hector had pretty much shoved her out the door that morning without sustenance. Once she’d eaten a few more, she jumped right in to what was going on with Troy, the human-turned-vampire. She’d even tried calling the new vampire the night before since she’d told him she would, but he hadn’t answered. She couldn’t shake the feeling that he was behind the SUV that had tried to ram them. She talked for a few minutes straight, barely taking a breath, and when she was done, she felt a million times lighter.

  “And you haven’t told your parents about this?” Angus asked after a long moment.

  “No.” She hadn’t wanted to worry them.

  “This isn’t the pack way.” There was a bite of censure in his words, but his dark eyes remained kind.

  “I know and for that I’m sorry. Troy was a human and I just . . . I thought I could take care of this myself. It seemed so inconsequential and I didn’t want to bother anyone with it.”

  “Nothing is inconsequential when it comes to the well-being of my people.”

  Okay, now she felt like a kid. And of course Hector was there to witness it. He’d been very quiet, letting her talk and not interrupting. He was definitely a rock, someone she could lean on. That thought scared the hell out of her because she was afraid to get used to it.

  After a long moment, Angus gave a brief nod, almost to himself. Like he’d made a decision. “I’ll take care of this. I think I might know who his maker is, and if not, I’ll find out. You’re going to let Hector shadow you until this is dealt with.”

  The thought of spending a lot of time with Hector was very appealing, but she didn’t want him forced into it. That wasn’t right and he could start to resent her. “Alpha, that’s not necessary.”

  “You either accept this or move back to the mansion until this situation is settled.” Angus’s eyes went pure wolf for a moment, reminding her that he was her leader.

  She looked at Hector, hoping to see if he was okay with this, but his expression was unreadable. Well, hell. She glanced back at Angus and nodded. “Hector can stay with me, but if it doesn’t work out, I’ll move back here.” There, that would give him an out if he didn’t want to spend all his free time with her. She couldn’t get a read on him, and she was afraid that he might feel backed into a corner since Angus was practically ordering him.

  Next to her, Hector growled low in his throat, but when she glanced at him, he was looking straight at Angus. “I need to talk to Angus alone, Daphne. I’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes,” he said quietly.

  Frowning, she looked back at her Alpha, who had a speculative gleam in his eyes. “If this is about the missing pregnant shifters, I want to hear what’s going on. Leta’s the one who called me and I have a right to know. A lot of my packmates are pregnant.”

  “Daphne, I need to talk to your Alpha in private.” He wasn’t being high-handed or rudely dismissing her, but she didn’t like that there was no give in his voice, or that he wasn’t offering her an explanation.

  Gritting her teeth, she stood. “Fine.” She’d find out more from her packmates later anyway. “Angus, thank you for dealing with Troy and if possible, maybe he doesn’t have to get hurt?” She knew that would never be her decision now that her Alpha was involved but figured it didn’t hurt to ask.

  Angus grunted a non-response as his mouth lifted up at the corners—though it didn’t look like a smile. More like he was trying not to bare his teeth. After a quick glance at Hector, who still wouldn’t look at her, she exited the room. She knew that Angus’s office was soundproofed for privacy and security reasons so she didn’t bother trying to eavesdrop. Instead she headed downstairs and waited, even though she was seething inside at being left out by Hector of all people.

  • • •

  Hector rubbed a hand over his face as he hurried down the stairs. He knew he’d annoyed Daphne, but he’d needed to talk to Angus and there was no way he’d planned to tell her what about. It wasn’t as if he had to ask anyone for permission to mate with Daphne. That’s not how things worked in the shifter world. But Angus was a good boss and he looked out for all supernatural beings in New Orleans, something he didn’t have to do. Hector respected the man and
he’d wanted to let him know what his intentions were. And, if he was being honest, he wanted Angus to spread the word around to the Campbell pack that Daphne was off-limits. Angus hadn’t been surprised and had even seemed happy about their possible mating.

  Hector found Daphne outside on the front wraparound porch leaning against one of the pillars with her arms crossed over her chest. She pushed up and scowled when she saw him. “Done having your all-boys talk?” Sarcasm laced her words.

  “I wasn’t leaving you out to be rude or because I didn’t think you shouldn’t be privy to our conversation. What I needed to talk to Angus about was private. Not pack business and nothing to do with the missing shifters. Don’t forget, he’s my boss.” Okay, their conversation had had nothing to do with work, but Hector didn’t want to lie outright.

  “Oh.” Her shoulders relaxed a fraction, but he could still see questions burning in her eyes.

  He held up his bike keys. “I’ll let you drive.”

  “You fight dirty.”

  “Hell, yeah.” He tossed her the keys.

  She caught them with a smile and turned away from him, sauntering down the drive with a not-quite-subtle sashay of her hips that drove him insane. He was sure she was intentionally teasing him and he didn’t care. He loved watching her move like that.

  The drive back to her place was slightly torturous considering how close he was pressed to Daphne and unable to do anything about it. But the second she turned his bike off, his entire body went on alert. That familiar scent of danger lingered in the air.

  It wasn’t something specific, but he’d sensed it the other night when Troy had shown up out of nowhere. The scent reminded him of darkness, like something greasy and oily lingering in the air.

  “I smell it too,” Daphne murmured and he looked down to find her gaze on him.

  “We need to sweep your house.” If that bastard Troy was in there, Hector was taking care of this right now.

  “I’ll go in from the back, you can take the front,” Daphne said quietly.


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