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The Crusades and the Near East

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by Kostick, Conor

133, 136–7, 142–4, 149–52

  Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor 204,

  Guido de Vigevano 196

  238–9, 259

  Guiscard, Robert 15

  French army 16, 110, 116, 121–2, 174

  Gumushtakin 37–8

  Frenkel, Yehoshu 3, 258

  Guy of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem 20,

  Friedman, Yvonne 6, 258–9

  41, 121

  Frisia/Frisians 117, 121

  Froben Christoph, Count of Zimmern

  Hadith texts on the Prophet 135, 139,



  Fulcher of Chartres 4–5, 14–15, 57–8,

  Hagenmeyer, H 177

  88–90, 107–9, 116, 120–1, 162,

  al-Hakim 216

  164–5, 181, 191, 199; attitudes to

  Hanbalite community 34

  Byzantium 174–81

  Harim 38, 92

  Fulk V of Anjou and Jerusalem 89, 91,

  Hastings, Battle of 11, 19


  Hattin, Battle of 19–22, 41, 234

  Helena’s chapel, Holy Sepulchre,

  Gabriel of Melitene 88–9

  Jerusalem 219

  Galen 197, 205

  Hellenic identity 72–5

  Gaston of Béan 12–13

  Henry I of Jerusalem 95, 122, 240, 249

  Gautier of Compiègne 131, 133, 135–6,

  Henry VI of Germany 64, 70

  142, 144–52

  heresy 4, 132–3, 143–8, 150–2, 168, 173,

  Geffroi (medic) 192

  176, 259

  Genoese 42, 98, 121

  Hersent (medic) 193

  genres 134–7, 142, 148, 150

  Hethoum I 84, 86, 97–8

  geopolitical issues 17–18, 65, 85

  Hethoumids 84, 87, 92–3, 97

  Gerard of Cremona 191

  Hillenbrand, Carole 3, 201

  German army 16, 110, 118, 120–1

  Hippocratic legacy 189–91, 193, 195,

  Germans/Germany 115, 123–4, 166,

  197, 205


  Historia Hierosolymitana (Fulcher) 162,

  Gesta Francorum 123, 163, 165–6,

  164–5, 174–81

  169–74, 176–7, 181, 191–2, 241

  Historia Iberosolymitana (Robert of

  Gesta Tancredi (Ralph of Caen) 141–2

  Rheims) 122–3

  gestures of conciliation 241–50

  Hodgson, Natasha 3–4, 260

  Ghazarian, J. G. 85

  Hodierna of Tripoli 89, 96

  gift-giving 244–6, 249

  Holy Lance 118

  Godfrey of Bouillon 29, 63, 112, 115–19,

  Holy Roman Empire 96–7, 123

  123–4, 164–5, 171, 174, 176, 192–3,

  Holy Sepulchre, Eichstaett 225

  246, 249

  Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem 5, 119,

  Golan Heights 32–3

  216–23, 217, 221–2, 225–7, 262

  Golgotha rock 216, 218, 220

  Holy War 6, 22–3, 32, 36–7, 229, 231–2

  Gothic style 5, 220, 220, 223–4, 227, 262

  see also jihad

  Grandes chroniques de France 242

  hospital development 205–8

  Greek materia medica 197–8

  Hospitallers 21, 92, 96, 98, 206–8, 223,

  Greeks 59, 65, 83, 85, 90–2, 96–8, 143,

  224, 226

  166, 170–2, 175–6, 191–2, 197 see also

  Hugh, Duke of Burgundy 121


  Hugh of Caesarea 239, 246

  Gregorian reforms 217–18

  Hugh of Vermandois 114–15, 166, 169,

  Gregory VII, Pope 56, 75, 140


  Grigor, Armenian Katholikos 92, 95

  humoral medicine 190, 192, 199–203


  I N D E X

  Hungary/Hungarians 67, 97, 111, 113,

  Islamic notions of peace 229–31


  Italians 16–17, 29, 121, 206, 258

  Italy 139, 191

  Iberian texts on Islam 132, 139, 151

  Itinerarium Peregrinorum 122, 194, 240

  Ibn ‘abd al-Zahir, Muhyi al-Din 244

  Ivo, Bishop of Chartres 177

  Ibn al-Athir 29, 31, 38–9, 41

  ibn al-Khashshab 36

  Jabal al-’Awf mountains 32–3

  Ibn al-Qalanisi 32, 42

  Jaffa 20, 31–2, 88, 98, 110, 122, 192

  Ibn al-Qaysarani 39

  Jerusalem 8, 18–20, 42, 86, 90, 119, 124,

  Ibn Butlan 196–7

  200–1, 238; architecture 206, 216–27,

  Ibn Hisham 151

  217, 220–2; and Byzantium 58, 60,

  Ibn Jubayr 43

  171; Holy Sepulchre 5, 119, 216–23,

  Ibn Ridwan 194, 196

  217, 221–2, 225–7, 262; patriarchs of

  Ibn Rushd (Averroes) 230

  21, 60, 112, 248; as principal goal 6,

  Ibn Wasil 238

  40, 56–7, 63–4, 66, 261; throne of 21,

  identities 4, 114–16, 262; Byzantine 55,

  83, 112, 115, 117, 121–2; truces

  67–75; Hellenic/Roman 69, 72–5;

  27–34; warfare 28, 34–5, 41; captured

  Holy Land settlements 119–22;

  (1073) 13–14; captured (1099) 17, 22,

  kings/kingdoms 111–13; linguistic

  27, 32, 84, 123, 132, 144, 161, 217;

  107–9, 108, 111–18; national 84,

  captured (1187) 16, 87, 122, 206,

  109–11, 118–19, 122–5, 166; regional

  226; captured (1291) 44

  73, 112, 117–19, 124

  Jerusalemite History (Fulcher) 107

  ideology: Byzantine 2, 55, 60–2, 67–72,

  jihad 6, 22, 27–9, 34–40, 42, 44, 229–32,

  261; crusade 6, 22–3, 61, 70, 149,

  234, 237, 258

  151, 229, 232, 258; Holy War/ jihad

  Johannes of Viktring 113

  6, 22–3, 27–9, 32, 34–40, 42, 44,

  John II Komnenos 58, 91–2, 99

  229–32, 234, 237, 258

  John of Brienne 96–7

  idolatry 139, 141–2, 148

  John of Damascus 137, 148

  Il-Ghazi, Najm al-Din 36

  John of Wurzburg Würzburg 119–20, 206

  ‘Imad al-Din al-Isfahani 40–1, 243

  John V Palaiologos 66–7

  infantry 10–11, 20

  Joinville 16, 22, 98, 195, 248, 260

  Innocent III, Pope 63–5

  Jones, Meredith 141

  inscriptions in mosques 34, 37–40

  Joscelin I of Edessa 88, 90–1

  internal conflicts: Christian 17–18, 99,

  Joscelin II of Edessa 90–2

  114–15, 117–18, 121–2; Muslim 14,

  Jotischky, Andrew 90

  29, 35–6, 44, 234

  Julian of Sidon 97

  Iran 14, 40

  Iraq 14, 41

  al-Kamil 238–9, 259

  Isaac Doukas Commenus of Cyprus 92

  Kangas, Sini 4, 259–60

  Isaac II Angelos 61–3

  Kedar, Beni 191, 237

  Isabella of Jerusalem 122

  Kerbogha 163, 172, 175, 239

  Isabelle of Antioch 95–6

  khil’a 249

  Isabelle of Courtenay 92

  kings/kingdoms and identities 111–13

  Isabelle of Farabelle 93

  Kinnamos, John 62, 91

  Ishaq, Hunayn b. 205

  Kirakos de Ganjak 95

  Isidore of Seville 138, 166

  kiss of peace 248–9

  Islam, Christian responses to 4, 131–4,

  Kitab al-Hadaya 246

  151–3, 259–60; 12th-century writings

  Kitab al-jihad (Al-Sulami) 35

  134–8; developing interest 133,

  kitab al-malaki (Al-Majusi) 197–8

  parodies 135, 143, 145, 147, 150–2;

  knights 10–12, 19

  Saracens 132, 134–42, 152; vitae

  Knights of St John see Hospitallers

  Machometi 139, 142–51

  Konstandin Rupenid, Prince 88, 90

  Islamic medicine 189, 194–200, 205, 208

  Konstandin, son of Vasak 95, 97


  I N D E X

  Koran 45, 137–8, 148, 150–1

  Armenian-Latin marriages; clerical

  Koziol, Geoffrey 243–4


  Krey, A. C. 163

  martyrdom 37, 142

  Krüger, Jürgen 5–6, 262

  Mastnak, Tomaz 231

  Matthew of Edessa 88

  Lane-Poole, Stanley 261

  Mauss, Marcel 245

  Langre, Bishop of 63

  Mawdud of Mosul 33, 36

  Latin language 113, 116

  medicine 5, 189–96, 262; hospital

  Latin states 83–4; in Byzantine lands 55,

  development 205–8; medical

  60, 65–6, 73, 132; warfare 17–21

  cooperation 44; medical regulation

  Latin-Armenian marriages 2–3, 83–99,

  201–5; practices 198–201; theory

  260; early alliances 83–93; later

  196–8, 203

  alliances 93–9; Rupenid-Frankish

  medieval society 9–10

  genealogy 87

  Melisende of Jerusalem 89, 260

  Latins, Byzantine perception of 70–2

  mercenaries 11, 14

  leadership: crusader 12–13, 15–16, 18,

  Metochites, Theodore 69–70

  114, 120–1; Muslim 29, 34, 38–41

  Michael the Syrian 88, 93

  Lebanon 32, 146–7

  Michael VIII Palaiologos 65, 69

  Leon I, Lord of the Mountains 90–2,

  Migne, J. P. 138

  94–7, 99

  military titles, Muslim 34, 37–40

  Lepage, Y. G. 144

  military training 11

  Liber apologeticus martyrum (Eulogius)

  Mitchell, Piers 191, 262


  Mleh, Lord of the Mountains 93

  Lignages d’Outremer 93

  Mongols 14, 84, 86–7, 97–9

  Lilie, R. J. 92–3

  monotheism 148, 151, 248, 259

  linguistic identities 107–9, 111–18

  Moore, R. I. 149

  Louis IX of France 13, 23, 97–8, 248,

  Morea Chronicle 73

  260, 262

  Morfia, wife of Baldwin II 88–9, 260

  Louis VII of France 63, 70, 120

  mosque inscriptions 34, 36–8

  Lucca 177, 180

  Mosul 41, 163

  Lucienne of Apulia 98

  Muhammad, western name-variants 134,

  Lucius III, Pope 207–8


  Lusignans 86, 95, 97–8

  muhtasib role 205

  Lyon Eracles 93–4

  Murray, Alan 4, 262

  Muslim chroniclers 29–30

  MacEvitt, Christopher 87, 90

  Muslim internal conflicts 14, 29, 44, 234

  ‘Machomet’ 134–7, 141–2

  Muslim law 44, 229–30

  al-Majusi 191, 197–8

  Muslim responses 2, 38–41, 44–5, 258;

  al-Malik al-Salih Isma’il 40–1

  ceasefires 31–2, 34, 38, 41–2, 44;

  Mamluks 14, 16, 44, 66, 84, 86, 99, 235,

  commerce and collaboration 42–4; to

  237, 247–8

  First Crusade 28–30; jihad 6, 22,

  Mansourah, Battle of 13, 16, 22

  27–9, 34–40, 42, 44, 229–32, 234,

  Manuel I Komnenos 58–60, 64, 70,

  237, 258; to Third Crusade 30–1; the


  ‘ Ulama 34–5

  Manzikert 260

  Muslims, Western perceptions of 132–42,

  maps: language regions of France 108;


  political boundaries 7–8

  Mutafian, Claude 83–5, 93

  Maqamat al-Hariri 247

  Myriokephalon 58, 93

  Mardin 36, 38

  marginalisation of Byzantium 2, 55–6,

  Nakamura, T. 232

  61–4, 74–5

  national identities 84, 109–11, 118–25,

  Marqab 17–18


  marriage 2–3, 30–1, 140–1, 260 see also

  Native Christians 5–6, 18, 22, 83–4, 176,


  I N D E X

  196–7 see also Armenian-Latin

  Philip of Antioch 97


  Philip VI of France 196

  naval warfare 17, 42, 238

  Philomelium 170, 175

  negotiations 17, 29–35, 43, 65, 67,

  physicians 190, 193, 195–6, 208

  232–9, 242–5, 248, 250; Saladin-

  Piacenza, Council of 14, 56, 162

  Richard I 240–1, 246–7

  Pierre de Flory 93

  Nicaea 16, 57, 65, 69, 71, 74, 162, 170,

  Pierre de Queivilliers 23

  175, 180

  pilgrimage/pilgrims 21, 30, 32, 57–8, 61,

  Nicholson, H. J. 195

  63–4, 114, 120, 205–7, 218

  Nikopolis Crusade 67

  Pisans 42, 121

  non-combatant crusaders 114, 162, 169

  Plaimpied sculptor 222–3, 227

  Normans 121–3, 163, 166, 180, 197

  political boundaries (maps) 7–8

  Notaras, Loukas 74

  pollution theme in crusade literature 139,

  Nur al-Din 18–19, 22, 35, 39–40, 93,


  234–5, 237, 258

  Praeceptum (Augustine) 207–8

  Nussbaum, Shmuel 232

  Prawer, Joshua 201, 205

  propaganda: Christian 132–3, 135, 139,

  oath-taking 166, 169–70, 180, 247–8

  142, 147, 150–1; Muslim 28–9, 32,

  Odo of Deuil 63, 120

  34–6, 40–1, 234

  Omar of Azaz 249

  Provençals 122, 262

  On Airs, Waters, Places (Hippocrates) 193

  Pryor, J. H. 17

  On the Management of Diseases (Ibn

  Pseudo-Kindi 137

  Butlan) 197

  Pseudo-Udalrici Epistola... 167

  Orderic Vitalis 90, 172

  Orgueilleuse of Harim 93–5

  al-Qadi al-Fadil 42

  origin myths 110–11

  Qalawun 44, 244

  otherness 134–5, 141, 152

  Quaestiones Naturales (Adelard) 197

  Otia de Machomete (Gautier) 131, 136,

  Qur’an 45, 137–8, 148, 150–1

  142, 144–5

  Ottomans 67, 125

  Ralph of Caen 118, 122–3, 141–2, 193

  Oultrejourdain 18

  Raymond, Count of Toulouse 12–13, 16,

  41, 58, 92, 117, 169

  papal authority 65, 73, 167

  Raymond du Puy 207–8

  Paris, Matthew 247

  Raymond III, Count of Tripoli 89, 95–6

  parodies of Islam 135, 143, 145, 147,

  Raymond of Aguilers 117, 175–6, 180,



  Paschal II, Pope 163, 173

  Raymond of Poitiers 91–2

  Patrologia Latina (Migne) 138

  Raymond of Saint-Gilles 114–15, 117–19,

  peace 6, 258–9 see also ceasefires; Christian

  180, 241

  notions of 231–2; diplomacy 238–41;

  Raymond Rupen of Cilicia 89, 95–7, 260

  gestures of conciliation 241–50;

  al-Razi 191, 204

  initiatives 233, 233–8; Islamic notionsr />
  Regalis dispoitio (Al-Majusi) 197–8

  of 229–31; proclamations of 249–50

  Regimen sanitatis (Guido da Vigevano)

  Peace of God movement 231


  peasantry 10, 44

  Regino of Prüm 110

  People’s Crusades 114, 120, 124

  regional identities 73, 112, 117–19, 124

  Persia 14, 84, 112

  Reynolds, Susan 111

  Peter the Hermit 114, 162, 169, 180,

  Rhineland attacks on Jewish communities

  189, 239


  Peter the Venerable 137, 148, 150

  Richard I of England 11, 13, 19–22, 31,

  Philip, Count of Flanders 12, 92

  70, 92, 120–1, 193–5, 236, 242,

  Philip I of France 114, 177

  245–6, 262; negotiations with Saladin

  Philip II of France 11–12, 120–1, 193

  240–1, 246–7


  I N D E X

  Richard of Devizes 240

  Shi’ites 22, 29, 36

  Ridwan of Aleppo 14, 29, 33, 36

  Shirkuh 239

  Risala (Pseudo-Kindi) 137

  Sicily 29, 31, 113, 118, 131–2, 139, 191,

  Robert of Artois 13, 16

  204, 260

  Robert of Flanders 116, 124, 165, 171,

  siege warfare 12, 16–17


  Simeon monastery, Antioch 221

  Robert of Lucca (medic) 193

  slaves 201–4

  Robert of Normandy 15, 115, 174

  Smail, R. C. 19

  Robert of Rheims 122–3

  Somerville, Robert 178–9

  Robert the Monk 123–4, 177, 179, 192

  sources: for Clermont 178–80; for

  Roger (medic) 193

  crusader narratives 136–7, 152

  Roger of Antioch 17, 33, 90–1, 197

  Spain 11, 29, 191, 231

  Roger of Howden 120

  Speculum historiale (Vincent of Beauvais)

  Roger the Frank, conqueror of Sicily 29


  Roman identity 69, 73–4

  Spiegel Historiael (Jacob van Maerlant)

  Romanesque style 219–20, 225


  Rüdt-Collenberg, W. H. 86, 90, 93, 96,

  spoliation 219–20


  standing armies 14, 18, 21

  Rupenids 84, 87, 88–9, 91–3, 97

  Statutes of the Hospitallers 206–8

  Stephanie (Rita), wife of John of Brienne

  sacred locatities, recreations of 225, 227


  St Anne’s Convent, Jerusalem 88

  Stephen II, Count of Blois 115, 170–1,

  St James Armenian cathedral, Jerusalem

  174–6, 181


  Stephen of Pisa 197–8

  St John’s Hospital, Jerusalem 206–8

  styles of war 12, 14–21

  St Louis’ Crusade see Louis IX of France;

  succession 88–9, 96, 98–9

  Seventh Crusade

  Successor States 68–9

  S. Maria, Muristan 224

  Sufis 36, 40

  St Paul’s letter to Timothy 167

  Suger, Abbot 139

  St Paul’s, Worms 225

  al-Sulami 22, 35, 230–1

  Saladin 17–22, 30–2, 41–4, 61, 86, 94–5,


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