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Page 14

by Jan Irving

  Kain admitted with obvious chagrin, “You saw something like it at Manticore the other night, but you didnt like it.” “ I didnt get it,” Nick corrected. “Not at first. But Siren took the time to stick around and explain it to me, not run off, sure Id be revolted.”

  Kain bent his head, the angle hiding the scars so that Nick reached out and lifted his chin, deliberately bringing them into the light. Siren had called him the most beautiful man hed ever seen, and Nick could see what he meant from the untouched part of Kains face, but he also found that the seams and pits of Kains harsh experience with the fire were growing on him. If Kain chose to wear them, it would make no difference to Nick.

  “Youd be safer away from me.”

  “I told you I dont want to be safe,” Nick growled. OUTSIDE Rosss apartment, Dr. Armand Leyland reached into his pocket and pulled out a single black petal from the rose hed shown Ross.

  Ross had been shaking. Armand ran the silky petal over his lips, reliving the moment. The smoky fear smell that Ross exuded. It hadnt occurred to him that anyone, anything could threaten him but Kain when Armand had set him up to seem the villain.

  Now he was obviously beginning to suspect there might be more to it, and it terrified him. Kain had been a safe villain because Ross must have known deep down that Kain would never truly hurt him.

  For a while, Armand hadn t been sure how hed approach Ross. It wasnt possible until he gained more power, more control. Experimented.

  Finn had helped. He fingered the petal, smiling now. Smiling as the glamour faded and his true face looked up at Rosss window, still lit late into the night. KAIN swept Nick off his bed, gravely holding his eyes as Nick looped his arms around his neck. He carried him into his bathroom and placed Nick carefully on a towel-covered stool while he ran hot water in a huge soaker tub. It was neon-orange, seventies renovation and the inevitable vines curled from the ceiling, but the water was hot.

  Dazed, still thinking about their conversation and the very physical prelude to it, Nick stared at the yellow and orange checkerboard mosaics on the wall as Kain licked him, like a wolf with a cub. First the scratches on Nicks pale arms, Kain inspecting them carefully and making soft sounds when he found finger-shaped bruises, the legacy of Kains hands, his need.

  Seeing he was getting worked up again, and not in a good way, Nick commented, “That mosaic is fucking ugly.” Kain looked up, surprised. “Uh, yes.”

  “Darling, I think we need to redecorate.”

  Kain shook his head at Nicks antics. “Does nothing keep you down?” “ Yes, being apart from you,” Nick admitted, very seriously. “All right. Now lean over the tub,” Kain directed.


  “Why do you think?” Kain raised his brows. Hed licked all the bruises and scratches away but one place was less accessible…. Nick blushed, but let Kain position him so he hung over the brimming tub, bottom raised. It reminded him of when Kain had swatted him with rolled-up paper, so of course he got hard.

  Kain spread him and tongued his ass. Nick trembled, ambushed by the sudden emotion gripping his throat at this intimacy, somehow feeling more exposed with Kains hands opening him, with his tongue buried inside, with the knowledge that just as Obsidian had seen almost every part of him exposed in cyberspace, now Kain saw him physically.

  It stung at first, but with every lick, eased.

  Soon Nick sighed at the sensations.

  And he felt Kain smile against his thigh.

  It will be all right, hed promised Kain days ago. Now, reunited the way they needed to be, maybe it would be. IN THE water, sleepy against Kain, and slightly horny from his tender care, Nick noted in surprise as the bright lemony light caught Kains face clearly, “Your scarring…. Its softened!”

  Kain gave a rigid nod.

  “Was it Siren? Did you let him help you?”

  “No, it was you. That night I almost drained you…. Blood of my mate.” “ Oh,” Nick said. He reached for some soap, wanting to spend some time running it over Kains lean body. It was amazing to be here with him, sharing the normalcy of a shared tub.

  “ You should go back to your room,” Kain warned, jaw flexing. “Or it could happen again. Im new to being a fae and lately… not myself, according to Finn.”

  Frowning, Nick hesitated with the soap short of touch. “Is the room mine again?” Hed been banished to Marilyns, after all. And he was still pissed over that.

  Kain raked his glistening wet hair back from his forehead, looking frustrated. A familiar look when he and Nick locked heads. “Nick, I dont want you to leave my house, do you understand? If I had my way, Id chain you to a wall in my dungeon and visit you to fuck you and feed you.” Kain took the soap and used it to stroke Nicks skin, as if he couldnt keep his hands off him. “Id never let another man even look at what is mine.”

  Nick covered Kain s hand. “But you wont do that because most of the time, you are not your monster. And besides, I thought you thought the idea of sharing me was sexy.”

  Kain shrugged. “Under certain conditions, maybe. As long as we both know its for my pleasure and youre completely mine.” “You could have really hurt me, but you didnt. Things are looking up.”

  “If youd fought me….” Kain closed his eyes tightly. “Thats a moot point since I didnt want to fight. I wanted,” Nick meshed his fingers with Kains,“to be fucked.”

  “Nick….” “ So I belong to a supernatural being.” Nick cupped Kains scarred cheek, something he was making a habit of to get his point across. “Well just have to find a way to deal with that part of you. I go to school to become a better artist, so all we need is to be better educated, right?”

  “Why dont I trust you when you sound so fucking reasonable?” But now Kains arms were firm around Nick. Nick gave Kain an innocent look, but it didn t look like Kain was buying it. “Were agreed that we have to talk to someone who might know about this stuff.Like… Siren?”

  Kain growled.

  Smiling, Nick ignored him, taking command of the soap. It was time to take advantage of the size of the tub.


  The familiar hoarse whisper from beyond the kitchen door, summoning him. Hearing it, Finn blinked, blade raised to chop fresh herbs. He was making a raspberry and lavender cake. He liked to fill the center with oozing fruit and sugar and like the finest European pastry; it relied on simple flavor and not too much processed sugar to—


  No, he didnt want to open that door. He didnt want to go in the tunnel and see him.

  Chained, bleeding wrists. Iron. Iron so Luke couldn’t break free. Though part of him screamed not to turn the knob, he did, just like always.

  “HERES your medicine, Kain,” Finn whispered, as if wary of Nick

  overhearing him. “It… will help with the cravings. Maybe help keep Nick safe from you; I know youve been worried,” Finn outlined. Nick was packing up his art supplies for class, and he turned to glare at Finn. This was going too far with interference between him and Kain; he didnt want Kain encouraged to keep secrets, especially from him. He opened his mouth to tell him off but Kain did it for him.

  “ What do you know about my„cravings?” Kain growled, glaring at the mug that Finn was thrusting in his direction. “I dont want to drink that shit.”

  “Ive helped you before.” Finn frowned, wide eyes on Kains face. “Are you forgetting again?”

  Kain looked away, swishing the liquid in the mug. “ Kain, you cant kid yourself about this! Not if you really care about Nick. Or do you want him to wind up in the hospital again?” Deliberately, as he left Nicks impromptu studio, Finn switched on the lights in the room, which Nick had left turned off so Kain could visit comfortably with him.

  “Fuck!” Kain cursed, raising a hand to shield his eyes. Nick folded his arms, determined he was going to be a part of this. He wasnt sure what Finn was up to.“Is sensitivity to light something all fae suffer from?”

  “How the fuck would I know?” Kain scowled. Nick raised a
brow. “Peachy! Thats just great; have this big, lifechanging experience and hide here in a big, falling-down house and dont try to become functional, dont try to understand yourself.”

  “I run a company.” But Kain dropped his gaze, flushing a little. “ Better than you do your life, apparently,” Nick said. His voice softened. “You need to know yourself; go into the shadows and shine a light.”

  Kain reached out and sifted a hand through Nicks hair. “Brat. Where did you get such smarts?” Nick shrugged. “An artist needs to tell the truth in his work.” He stepped away from Kain, wincing from the movement and trying to hide it. He was still a little raw from the night before. He colored now, remembering crushed leaves, churned-up earth… and Kain. In him, on him.

  “ Just how late is this night class?” Kain didnt look happy so Nick suppressed a smile. He was certainly acting more and more like a boyfriend, which suited Nick. He saw the fae stuff as a quirk; they just had to learn how to deal with it and then they could enjoy spending time together.

  “Late. Ill crash at Marilyns,” Nick suggested. “I havent spent much time with her lately and I miss her.”

  Under his breath, Kain admitted, looking a little embarrassed, “I dont want to let you go.” “ But you will. Your possessiveness is sexy when we play, but I like spending time with my friends.” Nick shoved another sketchbook into his knapsack and then hit the light switch, so that softer candlelight dominated again. He smiled at Kains look of relief.“Im not the reclusive type. Im just in love with one.”

  “ Thanks,” Kain said, giving Nick a shy look, as if he liked hearing certain words from him. “Although I do feel managed sometimes. Anyone ever tell you that youre bossy?”

  “ Thats because you are managed.” Nick didnt deny it. “And dont mention it.” Then Nick nodded at Finns mug, which he had been obediently sipping from as they talked. “Whats in that?”

  “ Fuck knows.” Kain took another swallow. “Supposed to help with the blackouts. And hes right; I cant risk them now youre staying under my roof.” In a husky voice, he said,“Cant risk you.”

  “ Uh-huh.” Nick swallowed, hearing the words Kain didnt say. But he frowned, wanting to ask Kain more about the stuff. Unfortunately a glance at his watch warned him hed have to table it tonight.

  “Nick. You did enjoy what we did, yes?” More color stung Kains cheeks. “I know you came but….” He took a deep breath. “Fuck!” Seeing Kain still needed reassurance, Nick retraced his steps, cupping Kains scarred cheek as he held his gaze. “I liked it.” Kain closed his eyes, nuzzling Nick s hand.

  “And if I hadnt, well, sex isnt an exact science. It would be nothing to be embarrassed about if I didnt come perfectly every single time.” Nick bit his lip in amusement at Kains appalled look. “As long as I do most of the time, right?”

  “Im not embarrassed! And you will come perfectly every single time!” “ Okay.” A smile tugged at Nicks mouth as he slung his bag over his shoulder. At the door, he glanced back at Kain as an odd grief tightened his throat. Maybe it was better they spend some time apart. Last night had been so fucking intense and then theyd had to talk, to rebond, to heal….

  “Happy Halloween, boss!”

  Kain grunted.

  Siren sauntered over to Detective Manners, who was standing near the bar in Manticore. “You wished to speak with me?”

  Manners nodded, giving Siren a narrowed glance.“Looked you up. You dont seem to have any last name.” “ No.”

  “Some kind of rock star thing?”


  “Uh-huh. About your whereabouts the nights of the murders….”

  “ Weve been over this, Detective.” Siren now had an edge to his voice. “I have witnesses that place me here at the club. Unless I could be two places at the same time?”

  “ Men you were with, huh?”

  Siren nodded.

  “Who you could have paid to cover for you.”

  “ I could have, but I did not need to.” Siren pushed back his long black hair, blue eyes flashing at Manners. He didnt miss her scent changing, reacting to his looks. Everyone wanted him, human or demon, but few took him seriously it seemed. Or at least the people he wanted….

  “ Tell me about your boss, Kain Mitchell.”

  Sirens fist clenched. “What of him?”

  “You know him well, do you?”

  Siren swallowed thickly, heat moving through his body.

  …Sinking his teeth into Kain’s throat. Kneeling behind him as he fucked one of the others, body coated with sweat, beautiful, defiant. Then they’d all been on him. Fangs sinking into his thigh, his neck, his chest, his three“lovers” tasting him, taking him.

  Mateo had tried to mount Kain but he’d weakly kicked him away, even as he was fading….

  And inexplicably, Siren intervened. Leaning over Kain, seeing the haze in his eyes. “I want inside.”

  But Kain only flipped them over, his erection pressing against Siren, his hand fisted possessively in his hair. Startled, Siren stared into his green eyes.

  “No,” Kain said, “I will have you.”

  “ He is extremely… strong willed,” Siren said, touching the scar on his own neck, given him by Kain that night theyd exchanged blood by accident—transforming Kain into a dark fey.

  “I think hes my guy.” “ I did some digging of my own, Detective Manners. I discovered you are ambitious and are working toward becoming chief of police. It would certainly help if you were to find this mysterious killer.”

  “ Politics has nothing to do with it!” Manners spat. “Or do you like someone going around torturing, burning, and killing blond hustlers? Especially when they are your regulars?”

  “ Politics always has something to do with it. Whether its the Roman Senate or what is happening here in our fair city.” Siren spoke from experience. “And no, if I find out who is doing this… he will be destroyed.”

  “ Destroyed?” She slapped a hand on the bar. “This is my business.” “Not entirely.” He gave her a stony glance.

  “Whatever, but you better stay out of it! And the next time Mitchell experiences one of his convenient blackouts, Ill be there.”

  Siren blinked. “His what?”

  Manners turned to leave but paused.“Weird shit goes down in this club. You want to know whats also weird?”

  “What?” Siren raised a brow.

  “One of my vics bodies is missing. Just… gone from the morgue. I guess you dont know anything about that?”

  “No, I dont, detective, but its very revealing, dont you think? Thank you for the information. Ill look into it.”

  Obsidian: Nick, you almost didn’t come.

  Moonbeam: Well, hello to you, Obsidian. Yes, I’m enjoying this lecture very much, thank you.

  Obsidian: ... Moonbeam: All right, yes, but I did so it wasn’t a big deal. I admit our encounters haven’t been quite what I wanted. Yet. Something is missing.

  Obsidian: It wasn’t a big deal! Clearly you have much to learn from me. I wasn’t myself. I do care about pleasuring you—very much.

  Moonbeam: No kidding you weren’t yourself. Burying yourself alive in the back forty will do that. Remember what I said about knowing yourself? You need to work on that.

  Obsidian: I...

  Moonbeam: Are you trying to apologize?

  Obsidian: No!

  Moonbeam: Okay.

  Obsidian: It won’t happen again.

  Moonbeam: You mean you won’t...?

  Obsidian: If you hadn’t been so raw, I would have done more. Moonbeam: It did missing was the sometimes, even though what you do fulfills every fantasy I’ve ever had.

  Obsidian: ...

  Moonbeam: I wanted you, don’t doubt that, but I want to be more to you. Obsidian: I took you like an animal.

  Moonbeam: ...

  Obsidian: You want to be away from me now. I felt that when you left. Moonbeam: You misunderstood; I just need some time to process. I...never let anyone inside before. It wasn’t how I en
visioned it. And you aren’t the easiest boyfriend.

  Obsidian: I would take it back if I could.

  hurt a little, Kain, but what was intimacy. I want that with you Moonbeam: I don’t know if I want you to. I just need to

  understand. Me. You.

  Obsidian: What’s to understand? I’m the monster who just about grabbed you— Moonbeam: It wasn’t like that! Kain, it was a mistake for you to retreat that much. I want you to promise me you won’t anymore. Not from me.

  Obsidian: When I was inside you, I didn’t care about anything but you under my hands, taking my cock. Moonbeam: Fuck, stop saying that...

  Obsidian: Why not?

  Moonbeam: Because I’m getting hard and I have to stand up and give a presentation soon. I’d prefer to do it sans woody.

  Obsidian: Oh.

  Moonbeam: Yes, oh. Before I completely chicken out, because you’re not here, looking at me—

  Obsidian: Yes? Moonbeam: You know I’m horribly in love with you. Not singing-in-the-rain love, but a burning in my gut, consuming me from the inside.

  Obsidian: ...

  Moonbeam: Shit. I shouldn’t have said that, right? You’re going to ignore that I said that.

  Obsidian: Nick, let me drive you to Marilyn’s after your class. Moonbeam: I don’t think that’s a good idea. We really need a little breather.

  Obsidian: There’s a killer loose. I’ll wait for you. You don’t even have to look at me, talk to me, since you don’t want—

  Moonbeam: Do you even listen to me? What part of I’m in love with you do you not get?

  Obsidian: Has left the room. Moonbeam: Because if we’re in a thing, like a relationship-thing, then we need to communicate. Hello? Damn it!

  KAIN had to pull onto the side of the road, sweat prickling his hairline. He squeezed his eyes shut, hands rubbing his temples. He had to get to Nick, make sure he was safe, but his head was pounding, the first sign.

  No, oh, no.

  Not tonight.

  Red pain….

  NEAR the university, where he was hoping to intercept Nick Anders, Dr. Armand Leyland followed a scent, an invisible ribbon of warmth in the foggy night air until he came to the body of a student, schoolbag splashed with blood, insides tangled like seaweed, staring blue eyes, blond hair, in the pale, dead face.


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