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by M. K. Eidem

  She’d been right. Grim admits to himself, it would have made it nearly impossible for him. He would have wanted to announce she’d conceived, securing her place at his side but it would have been the wrong thing, for the others would have been lost. His Queen was wise and he would always respect her thoughts and opinions but never again would he allow her from his side.

  Today they would return to Luda, all of them. Montfort was frantically preparing an unused wing for the females. Guards on the walls have been doubled. Already he is receiving requests from males eager to be considered by the females, all wanting to come to Luda to meet them. Lisa teased it would be good practice for when they started calling for their girls. He'd growled his displeasure. She'd just laughed.

  Before any of that could happen though, they needed to attend the Assembly of Lords, one last time. There were two Houses without Lords and many submitted their requests for the honor of replacing them, pledging their loyalty to House Vasteri. To become a Lord was a rare thing. The Lord's male offspring received the title on the Lord's death. Houses only changed if there was no heir, an uncommon event since a Lord always had the means of attracting a female. Wray must now decide who will rule them. He consulted with Grim and several other trusted Lords, asking their opinions but the final decision would be his.

  “You’re thinking awfully hard.” Beautiful golden eyes look up at him, so filled with love that he’s sure his heart will burst.

  “You should still be resting.” He mummers capturing her lips, ensuring she won’t be resting anytime soon. Rolling her onto her back, he deepens the kiss, letting her know his need. Opening for him, he slowly sinks into her hot moist depths knowing this is what the Goddess always meant a joining to be, one female, one male, forever. “I love you my Lisa.” Increasing his thrusts, he feels her tightening around him until they explode together.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Lisa finds she's once more sitting in the Assembly of Lords and while the circumstances are different, the feeling of the room is the same, anticipation. Not for a Joining Ceremony, for Wray has dissolved that but because today two new Houses will be born, two new Lords named. It's been over two hundred years since one new House was named let alone two.

  Turning, she looks to make sure the others have settled. It's been a busy week, getting to know these women. Each was so different, with different needs and fears that she tried to address. Kim had helped and to her surprise Lady Isis.

  Lisa had insisted that all the members of House Luanda eat evening meal together, so they could get to know Grim. It had been much like the meal with his warriors at first, stiff and quiet but finally they all relaxed, asked questions, and seemed satisfied with the answers.

  Now they all sit proudly in the House Luanda area, wearing the coverings Wray had ordered made for them before Joinings and capes symbolizing they were under the protection of the King of Luda. Looking to Rebecca, she sees her friend is pointedly ignoring Cullen who stands next to her chair. She suddenly realizes he's always been near her, even on the Searcher he'd stayed close. When she'd been injured, he carried her to medical, never leaving her side. Seeing her sneak a quick look at Cullen, Lisa raises an eyebrow, Rebecca rolls her eyes but blushes. Looking from Cullen to Rebecca, Lisa can't help but smile as she faces forward. It seems Cullen has set his sights on Rebecca and she's going to make him work for it.

  The announcement of the Emperor's arrival has the Assembly rising to see the entrance of Wray, Kim, and Princess Destiny in her mother's arms. Many lean forward for a better look at the newest princess, for the Emperor to allow her to be seen is unexpected. Kim stands proudly next to Wray, shifting Destiny slightly, so all can get a better view before Wray puts a hand at her elbow, assisting her to sit.

  Wray's gaze travels slowly around the Assembly, taking in the changes. House Bertos and House Reeve have been emptied, leaving no evidence of those who once ruled from there. Several Houses have been moved closer to him, others further away, an outward show of his appreciation for their support. House Rigel is one such House, it now sits directly next House Luanda and he sees that Lady Isis sits next to Lord Oryon, instead of behind, nodding he shows his approval of the change.

  "Lords, warriors, Tornians. Today we present to you our daughter, Princess Destiny." He looks at her and smiles. "No longer will we hide our daughters away, never to be seen like some type of 'possession'. She will have the freedom to learn and experience life but that does not mean she won’t be protected, as all our females will be, even if that means they are protected from us, for I've come to believe that we have become the greatest threat to our females. Steps will need to be taken so more females become available but that is not a discussion for today. Today two new Lords will be named, two new Houses created and I demand everyone here assist them as they make the Etruria Region and Planet Vesta strong, proud, honorable Houses again."

  Silence meets the Emperor's decree. Grim stands placing his arm across his chest, bowing. "House Luanda pledges to support and assist whatever males the Emperor deems worthy to be Lords."

  "House Rigel pledges to support and assist whatever males the Emperor deems worthy to be Lords." Lord Oryon stands bowing to the Emperor. Wray waits until every House has pledges their support before continuing.

  "My gratitude, my Lords, for not only for your support but the wisdom you have given me in these trying days. I've listened to your suggestions on who should be chosen and why. I've consulted not only with my advisors but with the Empress as she sees things from a unique viewpoint that I have come to rely on." He looks around the Assembly seeing he has shocked many. "That being said the final decision is still mine and mine alone. We will start with the Lord of Planet Vesta."

  "Vesta is an important planet as most of you know." Wray looks to the females in Grim's area as he continues. "The planet has rich fertile soil that produces vast and varied amounts of food that helps sustain planets that are less productive. Its Lord needs to be strong enough to protect his people, efficiently use his resources, and still being able to understand the needs of those requesting help. I've found one or the other of these traits in many. However, there is only one, I believe, possesses both. He has served his current Lord well enough for him earn not only the right to go on the Searcher but to be chosen for the Joining Ceremony. Warrior Cullen,” Wray turns to face House Luanda. “Present yourself."

  Grim and Lisa turns in shock when Cullen's name is announced, finding he is even more shocked than they are. Rebecca’s mouth drops open as she turns to stare at the male she’s been busily ignoring.

  “Sire?” Cullen questions hoarsely. He hadn’t requested this honor, hadn’t believed himself worthy and then there is Rebecca, his eyes move to her.

  “You are my choice Cullen. Do you refuse your Emperor?”

  “Never Majesty!” Cullen stiffens at the accusation. He would ever refuse his Emperor.

  “Then take your place Lord Cullen, House Nizer will now reside next to House Rigel.”

  “Yes majesty.” With a last, look at Rebecca, Cullen turns. His eyes go to Grim and he bows as a Warrior, one last time, to the male that’s brought him to this point, his King. Grim returns the bow, showing all his respect for Cullen. Turning, Cullen leaves House Luanda, moving to create his own. Stricken eyes follow Cullen’s departure before they go blank and Rebecca stiffly faces forward.

  All wait as Cullen takes his place in the area next to House Rigel. Lord Oryon turns giving him a slight bow, acknowledging his change in status, for it is the bow given to an equal, not a warrior. Cullen returns the bow.

  “My next choice was much more difficult.” Wray continues. “The Etruria Region is vital to the Empire, with its vast mineral resources that power the Empire, many still untouched.” Lisa realizes Wray is again explaining this for them. “Once it was under the rule of the Emperor but many centuries ago it became apparent that to properly manage these resources another needed to be in charge, therefore a new House was created.”

/>   “The reign of Bertos has caused great harm and I alone carry that blame.” He hears the Assembly gasp. “It is the Emperor’s responsibility to make sure his people are cared for properly, it is what an Emperor does.” He pauses, looking at Carly before continuing. “That Bertos was able to influence honorable warriors so severely that they would kill, that not one of these warriors felt they could come to me, is unacceptable. It breaks every trust, the one between warriors, between them and their Lord, between a warrior and their Emperor. It must be rebuilt. To do this an exceptional warrior is needed. One whose honor has never been questioned, whose loyalty to the Empire is undeniable. He has to have the ability to correct the damage Bertos has caused to the warriors in his care, for there is no doubt he has harmed them. I have been informed that it mattered not how a warrior succeeded in Bertos’ House, only that he did.” This causes a stir of discontent in the Assembly. “This must be corrected. There is only one male I believed could do this…” The Assembly holds its breath.

  “That is until he refused me.” Everyone gasps in disbelief. Who would refuse to rule the most powerful House in the Empire? Wray holds up his hands to silence the Assembly. “I hold no ill will towards Lord Oryon for refusing me.” All eyes turn to House Rigel to see Lord Oryon and Lady Isis, sitting as one, showing no regret. “Lord Oryon believes he is not the right male for this task, that a younger male is needed to correct Bertos’ harm. He and Lady Isis are happy with their offspring on Rigel and have no desire to begin again. I find I can't argue with him. It is one of the reasons I wanted him for Etruria, for he will speak his truth in what he believes best for the Empire, even if it does not advance his own position. Something few have the fortitude to do. You have my respect and gratitude Lord Oryon.” Wray gives him a deep bow, something never done, shocking all, including Oryon.

  “Lord Oryon’s self-sacrificing decision left me in a predicament." Wray continues. "I wanted one like him to rule Etruria. One that has his values, who understood his decisions affect more than just those he rules but the entire Empire. Bertos understood this and used it to cause harm. This will never be allowed again. I expect Etruria to become a shining example to every House for what is expected of them.”

  “It is a large task I am assigning this male, to take on a House that has been destroyed by lies and deceit and retrain its warriors so they are honorable and worthy of being called Tornian.” Wray can see that many who had wanted this position are now shrinking away from what he will demand of them. “It was then that I realized that Lord Oryon was correct, he is not the male I need, the male the Empire needs, and with this realization came the understanding that only one male could possibly compete with Lord Oryon.” Wray pauses dramatically, knowing he has everyone’s attention.

  “Warrior Ynyr stand.” Wray orders and gasps are heard throughout the Assembly. Warrior Ynyr? Lord Oryon’s third male? No male so young has ever been named Lord, not even when replacing his own manno. Lady Isis spins in her chair to look at her offspring, her shock evident. Slowly Ynyr stands.

  “You are my choice Warrior Ynyr, for you have been raised in your manno’s House, learning from him what truly makes an honorable male. You have two older and a younger brother, so you will understand what the warriors under Bertos rule have had to endure. You also have the specialized training, taught here at Torino that will be needed in Etruria. There is also the matter of you saving my life when Bertos could have ended it.” Kim gives Wray a sharp look. What is he talking about?

  “Because of all these things I have chosen you to be the new Lord of Etruria but there is one condition I will make.”

  “What is that majesty?” Ynyr voice is strong and clear revealing none of his shock or doubt he is the right male.

  “Warrior Korin will be you second for the first year of your reign. He is familiar with the warriors and will be able to give you invaluable insight into those that can be redeemed. After that year, it will be your decision to either offer him a position in your House or allow him to move on. Can you live with that condition Warrior Ynyr?” All wait on bated breath for his response.

  “I can live with that majesty, as long as if I find his work deficient, I may release him before the year is completed.” Ynyr looks to the male in question standing in the back of what was once House Bertos. Wray smiles at Ynyr’s guts, to negotiate with his Emperor. He is his father’s son.

  “I can agree to that, since I am already denying King Grim’s request, that Korin be sent to Luda to complete his training as one of Queen Lisa’s Elite Guard.” Wray sees Korin’s shock, he hadn’t known of Grim’s request. “Can you do that Warrior Korin? Support a new Lord in the building of his House, for the betterment of the Empire?”

  “Yes majesty!” Korin immediately replies, knowing he’s being given a second chance. Nodding Wray turns his attention back to Ynyr.

  “Then Lord Ynyr, take your place in the Assembly of Lords.”

  Lisa smiles as the girls run through the gardens of the female's chamber. Wray had excused the females from the Assembly once Ynyr had taken his place next to the Emperor.

  Kim immediately took control of the chamber, asserting her authority as Empress. She made the women sit together, refusing to let the two groups distance themselves from each other. She forced them to introduce themselves, who their male was and where they were from. It was tense for several seconds until Lady Isis stood, doing as Kim requested then pointedly looked at a pale blue female next to her who slowly stood.

  The midday meal was brought and as before it started out with silence but slowly, with the help of the girls and Isis, the two different groups began to talk. Without the negative influence from Risa, they discover they have more in common than anyone thought they would. Many of the females felt as Isis did, wanting to stay with their offspring but hadn't believed they could.

  Kim promised them that she would look into this and that changes would be made, including allowing them contact with their offspring. It was going to take time for the two groups to learn to trust each other but today was a good first step.

  Following the girls Lisa is surprised to see Abby sitting beside the wall, a hand resting on it, tears silently running down her cheeks.

  "What's wrong?” Lisa is immediately at her side. She's grown very fond of the blonde girl. While only twenty, Abby has been on her own since sixteen, when her parents and younger brother were killed in an automobile accident. Since then she finished high school and was putting herself through college, all while working two jobs. One of which was working in the college library, it's where she'd been taken from.

  "'s nothing."

  "It certainly is your crying. What's happened?"

  "I..." She touches the wall again, causing Lisa to frown. What's so special about this section of wall? Sitting down she realizes that the section is more thick plant growth than actual wall. She can't see or reach through it but she can hear voices on the other side.

  “Abby, tell me.”

  “When we first arrived here I was so scared, everything and everyone so different and then there was Risa…”

  “She’s gone Abby. She can’t hurt you now.”

  “I know but it was because of her that I’d come out here. She didn’t like it out here so I could escape her taunts.”

  “She taunted you?”

  “Me, Rebecca, everyone, even her own females. She was such a bitch.”

  “Yes she was. So you came here.” Lisa prompted.

  “Yea. I’d cry. I wanted to go home, not that there’s anyone there missing me but still…”

  “I understand.”

  “So I was crying one day and that’s when he talked to me.”

  “Talked to you? Who? A guard?”

  “I never knew. He was on the other side of the wall. He heard me crying and tried to calm me.”

  “You weren’t scared of him after what Risa said?”

  “No, for some reason I knew I was safe with him and then there’s the hedge

  “There is that.” Lisa assesses her. “So you talked.”

  “Yes, nearly every day. He told me about his life, I told him about mine. He answered my questions, asked many of his own.”

  “You care about him.” Big blues eyes fill as they look at her.

  “So much…” She whispers.

  “Then we will find out who he is and he can come to Luda.” Lisa looks up to see Isis approaching. “I’m sure Isis will help us discover who this male is.”

  “What is wrong?” Isis asks looking from Lisa, as she’d insisted she call her, to the tiny female next to her. She is a beautiful creature with hair so light it’s nearly white, eyes of the deepest blue look at her with so much sadness that it breaks her heart.

  “Abby is interested in a male.”

  “That is a wonderful thing.” Isis smiles at her.

  “No, it’s not.” Abby denies.

  “But why?”

  “Because once he sees me he won’t want me. Look at me!” She gestures down to her generous curves.

  “What’s wrong with the way you look?” Lisa demands. “You're beautiful.”

  “I’m short. I’m fifteen pounds overweight and he’s gorgeous.”

  “What? I thought you didn’t know who he was?”

  “I didn’t. Not until he came and talked to Grim, I’d recognized his voice anywhere.” Lisa thinks back trying to figure out who Abby is talking about but there’d been so many males needing to talk Grim that she didn't have a clue.

  “Why didn’t you just talk to him?”

  “Because I saw the way he looked at you. Looked at Kim. I’m not anywhere close to what you two are.”

  “Us? What are you talking about Abby?”

  “Kim survived the Ganglians. You survived not only Grim but Luuken, I could never do that!” Lisa lets the Grim comment slide.

  “Abby, when I was sixteen I was living at home with my parents. You were on your own, getting yourself to school plus supporting yourself. You are a survivor! You’ve survived being kidnapped, taken to an alien planet and didn’t let it break you. You’ve helped every woman here in some way. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you are always helping someone. You are so special.”


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