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Page 35

by M. K. Eidem

  “But…Tornians don’t like short, fat girls.” She whispers.

  “Fat! You are not fat!” Lisa immediately denies. “You and I are the same weight!”

  “Your three inches taller than me!” Abby fires back.

  “Who told you this?” Isis asks softly, interrupting the two.

  “Told me what?”

  “What Tornian males want.”


  “There’s your answer then.” Isis tells her. “She was jealous of you Abby. Risa knew every male would want you. You are soft and they crave that. You are small and it will make them even more protective of you. Then there is your hair, it is a color never seen here before and your eyes, they are the color of the Goddess’. Risa was right to fear you, for you will be much desired.”

  Lisa and Abby look at Isis stunned.

  “What? You think that just because I’ve only had one male I don’t know what they want. I do have four male offspring you know.”

  Lisa can’t help but laugh. “Isis, I have much to learn from you.”

  “And I from you. I never knew resting with a male could be so…enjoyable.” She smiles before her attention returns to Abby. “So who is this male? Trust me. He will be very pleased with you.”

  “He’s going to be so busy now.” She whispers. “He isn’t going to have the time.”

  “Trust me, he will make the time for one such as you.”

  “You’re sure?” Abby looks at her with hopeful eyes.

  “Yes.” Isis assures her. “What is his name?”

  “Ynyr.” She whispers. “His name is Ynyr.”

  Isis’ hand flies to her throat. “Ynyr. My Ynyr?”

  “Your Ynyr? What do you mean?”

  “Ynyr is my third offspring. He has just been named Lord.”


  “You’ve chosen one of mine…” Abby sees Isis’ eyes fill seconds before she’s engulfed in rose colored arms.

  “My Ynyr will have a female…I will have a daughter…” Isis doesn’t try to hide her joy.

  Wray frowns at the note he’s just been handed. Why do the females need to return to the Assembly? He knows Kim planned to confront the females, demanding that they start working together. It had worried him enough that he demanded two Guard stay in the female chamber with her, something never before allowed and she’d agreed. Now it seems something has happened.

  Looking over the Assembly, he realizes they have accomplished everything they needed. Lord Callen and Lord Ynyr have been fully accepted by the Assembly. They will take warriors from every House to assist them in establishing their own. It is time to release the Assembly so that they may return home and adjust to the sudden changes.

  Turning to reply to note he finds Kim entering their area, carrying Destiny. Frowning he realizes all the females are returning. He did not give his permission for this. Opening is mouth to convey this he shuts it at the look in his Kim’s eye. Something is definitely going on.

  “Have you finished your male business?” Kim asks sitting down.

  “Yes.” He raises an eyebrow at her comment.

  “Good, then it is time for female business.” Stunned, he’s arms instinctively wrap around Destiny as she places her in his arms before standing to face the Assembly.

  Grim spins around as the females under his protection enter his area. What are they doing here? How had they gotten here? Lisa just gives him a secretive smile as she and the girls sit.



  “How did you get here?” He’s eye fly to her Guard.

  “Why we walked Grim.” She informs him teasingly.

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it!”

  “We were perfectly safe. All of us.” She gestures to the Assembly and he suddenly realizes all the females have returned. “We’ve become aware of some female business that needs taken care of.”

  “What?” Looking to their girls, he sees they’re smiling, before he can ask more the Empress speaks.

  “Lords, warriors, Tornians.” Kim imitates Wray. “Many changes have happened in the last week, changes that will take time to adjust too, such as a female addressing this Assembly. It is my duty as a Tornian, my right as your Empress, to see to it that every female is as happy with her male as I am with mine.” She gives Wray a loving look. “That is why we have returned to this Assembly, for a female under King Grim’s protection, wishes to choose her male.” Kim sits and all eyes turn to House Luanda.

  As Kim speaks, Lisa leans over to whisper in Grim’s ear, telling him what has happened. He looks at her in shock and she just shrugs.

  “She loves him Grim. It seems you may have been right, that it isn’t just Vasteri males.” Her eyes cloud. “She will be safe, won’t she?”

  “Yes, my Lisa, Ynyr will make certain of it, we all will.”

  "That's my cue." She tells him as Kim finishes speaking and stands.

  Lisa slowly lets her eyes travel around the Assembly seeing she has everyone attention. "Empress Kim is correct. Abby,” She gestures and Abby stands. "One of the females under King Grim's protection has found the male she believes worthy of her. Since the Emperor has dissolved the Tornian Joining Ceremony, we, your females, have decided a new tradition is needed, a blending of the two cultures if you will. On Earth, there is also a ceremony when a male and female decide to join. It is witnesses by the family and friends of both, showing they support the union. They face each other, vows are given, promises made. On Tornian, the female turns her back to the male, removing her cape and the male puts his own around her, signifying his willingness to care for and protect her." Lisa pauses.

  "As Abby will be the first to choose her male here on Tornian it is her right to decide the ceremony and I believe she has chosen very wisely. Lady Isis if you, Lord Oryon, and your male offspring would present yourselves to the Assembly floor, House Luanda will join you there, so all can witness this joyous occasion."

  Oryon shoots shocked eyes to his Isis. What is going on? The look she gives him is full of happiness and tears telling him that yes, one of their offspring has been chosen. But which one? He looks from the three sitting behind him, seeing them quickly rise to their feet, to Ynyr sitting across from him, looking stunned. Which one has the Goddess blessed. Knowing there is only one way to find out he rises, holding out his arm to Isis. As one, they move to the floor where Ynyr joins them.

  Grim, Lisa and Abby stand on the floor of the Assembly, the other females, and Guard forming a semicircle behind them, showing they support Abby. Facing them is Oryon and his family.

  "Two families now face one another." Lisa speaks. "Showing their support for the joining of a male and female, soon they will become one family, an Earth tradition. It is Abby's choice to also follow the Tornian tradition of her male covering her with his cape, surrounding her in his protection, blending the two traditions." Turning she gives Abby a fierce hug. "Are you sure?" She asks softly.

  "Yes." She says softly causing Ynyr to stiffen. Nodding Lisa steps back looking to Grim.

  "A request was made by this female for protection from House Luanda, a request I gladly granted. Abby now states she has found a male worthy of her and I agree. She has chosen well. With this joining, House Luanda and House Rigel shall always be linked for Abby is a member of our family." Lisa nods at his side. "Abby, chose your male."

  Ynyr can't believe this is happening. Is this Abby the female he spent so many hours talking too? Her one word wasn't enough for him to be sure. He looked for her this past week, making up reasons to speak with King Grim, hoping to hear her so he could present himself to her. If this is truly her, will she choose him? How would she know? He and his brothers resemble each other with greatly. What will he do if it is and she chooses one of them instead?

  When she first stood, his breath had ceased. She was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. Her shockingly white hair falling past her shoulders and her eyes so blue you knew the Goddess was gazi
ng upon you. She was so tiny that every protective instinct in him had risen up even as her lush curves called for him to sink into her, to find his release. He'd forced himself to look away from her, shamed that another should appeal so strongly to him when he only wanted her. Could this amazing creature be her?

  Isis slips her hand into Oryon's as Grim speaks. They stand behind their offspring, showing their support of this joining and while joy fills her heart for Ynyr, it weeps for the others, especially Ull her oldest, for he has already been rejected in the joining ceremony, to have it happen twice. Oryon looks at her, the question in his eyes, she looks to Ynyr, answering. Only she sees the flicker of emotion in her male's eyes before they return to Grim. She knows he is feeling the same as she, joy, and sadness.

  Abby steps away from Grim, moving to House Rigel. She recognizes the first male, he'd been in the Joining Ceremony, and while he is handsome, he isn’t the male for her. The next male is lighter in color than the first but still so similar they could almost be twins. The third is much younger than the other two, maybe even younger than she is. His body isn’t as developed as the others are and his eyes, while serious, seem to hold a glint as if he finds all this fun and exciting. Then she’s in front of Ynyr.

  He is even more handsome up close then from behind a plant. He, of all of them, is a blend of his parents. Massive like his manno so you never doubt his strength but there is gentleness in his eyes, like his mother's, assuring her he'd never harm her. There's no gentleness in those eyes right now, they bore into hers full of questions and desire, but is it for her? So much has happened to him this day will he accept her? She wants to turn to Lisa, asking her advice but knows she can’t. Ynyr is now a powerful Lord. If she is to be his Lady then she must be able to stand, for him and herself.

  “Hello Ynyr.” She speaks softly and watches his eyes widen. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Abby.” He closes his eyes as he says her name for the first time. Abby. His. “My Abby.” The eyes that look into hers are blazing with possession and desire.

  “If you want me…” She can’t keep the doubt out of her voice but she doesn’t look away.

  Ynyr’s eyes narrow, he doesn’t understand why she would say such a thing, of course he wants her. Every male will want her she is beauty. He sees she’s waiting for his response. Finding he's unable to speak, he nods.

  Still facing him Abby unties Grim's cape, letting it fall away along with his protection. As it does, she sees panic enter Ynyr’s eyes. What is wrong?

  “I…” Ynyr looks to his hands. He carries no cape. He has yet to choose his House color.

  “Here.” Isis steps to him, removing her own cape. “Use this until you have your own.”

  "Thank you mother." Ynyr gives her a grateful look and moves to claim his Abby.

  "Stop!" The order freezes everyone. Abby spins around shocked that Lisa has stopped the ceremony. Grim frowns down at her.


  "I have several demands to make before I can allow this." Lisa steps forward her eyes never leaving Ynyr. "I believe you to be worthy male Ynyr. If you weren't the Emperor would not have chosen you as a Lord, Grim would not have been willing to remove his protection, and Abby wouldn't love you." She begins. "But you know nothing of dealing with a female from Earth. I've been told we can be most 'irritating'." She looks to Grim, seeing the quirk of his lips, his Lisa isn't going to let him forget that comment. Alger coughs to cover his laugh. She returns her attention to the two before her.

  "I realize your manno and mother have an unusual relationship at least by Tornian standards but you are still going to have questions. Questions your manno isn't going to be able to answer for he has no experience with Earth females. I ask that you contact either Wray or Grim when these questions arise." Ynyr eyes widen at the thought of contacting either of these males regarding this. What would they think of him?

  "Misunderstandings will arise Ynyr." Lisa tells him softly. "Misunderstandings that can cause great harm when none was intended. Part of protecting Abby will be to make sure that doesn't happen and the only way to do that is to speak to those who been there. Isn't that how you became such a worthy warrior?" She tilts her head questioningly. "You listened and learned from those who came before you then applied what you learned. This is no different."

  "My Lisa is correct Lord Ynyr. Much of what we've been taught and assumed does not apply to these females. I would be honored to share what I've learned with you, for the benefit of your female, if you find you have the need." Grim replies, realizing once again how blessed he is to have his Lisa, for she understands the Tornian male's pride.

  "I too, Lord Ynyr, would be honored to assist you." Wray informs him.

  "Can you do this Ynyr?" Lisa questions. "To protect Abby."

  "I can do this." Ynyr immediately replies. Nodding Lisa looks to Abby.

  "Abby you are going to have questions too. You will misunderstand things Ynyr does, for Tornian males are very different from ours. Which leads me to my final demand." Her eyes return to Ynyr. "I wish to be allowed to communicate with Abby, for her to be allowed to communicate with me. You will find that we are very social creatures Ynyr and enjoy interacting with both males and females." Abby is surprised when Ynyr frowns, Lisa speaks to males, why couldn't she? "It is our way and something you will have to work out, together. Abby will be questions that only another female will be able to answer for her. Problems only Kim and I will be able to help her with because we've both been in her position, being alone in a strange new world. What we can't help her with your mother can for not only does she know you she understands the Tornian way as way Kim and I don't. Can you agree to this Ynyr?

  Ynyr looks from the Queen of Luda to his Abby. She is asking for his permission to make sure his Abby is happy, happy with him. She is trying to assist not only Abby but also him in making sure this joining is permanent. Something he realizes he greatly desires.

  "Yes. I can agree to that."

  Nodding Lisa steps back to Grim's side and Ynyr wraps his cape around Abby, pulling her close he feels his universe shift.

  Lisa finds Rebecca standing in front to the view window, watching Tornian get smaller and smaller. She's wanted to talk to her since they boarded the Raptor. She's been too quiet since Abby and Ynyr's Joining Ceremony.

  “Rebecca?” When she turns, Lisa sees the sadness in her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, just thinking.”

  “About Cullen?” Shock crosses Rebecca’s face before it’s quickly masked.

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Because you tried so hard to ignore him.” When Rebecca says nothing she tries again. “He never left you side after Risa attacked you. He carried you to medical. Did you know that? He let no one but Hadar near you. He cares a great deal about you.”

  “If he did he would have said something.”

  “He is Tornian Rebecca. It’s up to the female to speak up. Why didn’t you?”

  “Why would I? So he can abandon me again?”

  “Abandon you? How did he do that Rebecca?”

  “When we arrived on Tornian he just disappeared. No good-bye, nothing, just gone. I won’t go through that again.” Rebecca’s eyes take on a faraway look.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What?” She snaps back into herself. “Nothing. It doesn’t matter.”


  “No Lisa, this is the way it should be. I was meant to be here to help you, to help Kim and eventually every other woman that conceives. That’s enough for me.”


  “It’s been a long day.” She cuts her off. “I think I’ll go to bed. You’re okay?” She runs a critical eye over her friend, seeing that while she has a healthy glow she seems tired and who wouldn’t be after what she’d done today.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Then I’ll see you tomorrow.” Turning she leaves the room. Concerned eyes follow her only to widen when Grim steps from
the shadows.

  “You heard?”


  “What are we going to do?”


  “Nothing? What do you mean nothing?”

  “She is not ready my Lisa. In your heart, you know this. Something has happened to her, making her unwilling believe in Cullen, to trust him. Until she can we can do nothing.”


  “My Lisa, if you had not trusted in me, believed in me, where would we be? If it is the Goddess’ wish that they become one then they will, we have to trust that.”

  “Then I will pray to the Goddess Grim, that she can find a way to bring Cullen and Rebecca together, that she will find a worthy male for every female because I want everyone to be as happy as we are. To have what we have.”

  “I will pray for that also my Lisa for every male deserves the blessings she has given me." He frowns, his voice becoming even gruffer. "As long as those blessings aren’t our daughters, for no male will ever be that worthy.”

  Laughing Lisa slips an arm around Grim’s waist and together they walk to their chamber, neither seeing the sudden brightness of eleven stars as the Goddess responds to their prayer. As they fade three new stars are born of the purest light ever seen. What could that mean?

  About the Author

  Michelle has always loved to read and writing is just a natural extension of this for her. Growing up she always loved to extend the stories of books she'd read just to see where the characters went. Happily married and the mother of two, who are nearly out of the house, she's found she has time to write again. You can reach her at she'd love to hear your comments.


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