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Corviticus University

Page 5

by J. E. Cluney

  My housemate had informed me that he’d died, she’d seen a girl crying out on her lawn one day and asked, learning that ‘Billy’ had passed away from sudden cancer.

  “Hey, wanna know a secret?” Oliver leaned forward, resting his arms on the back of the seat.

  I quivered at his sudden closeness, of that boyish grin as he moved his face closer.

  “What?” I breathed.

  “Skip’s name, he hates it. His parents are dicks, they thought it was funny,” Oliver murmured.

  “Skip?” I raised an eyebrow.

  It wasn’t that bad of a name, although rare. More known in the States. “No,” Oliver chuckled as he leaned forward to whisper into my ear.

  My cheeks flushed as his hot breath washed over my ear, but then my chuckles rose up, turning into giggles as I registered the name.

  Skip returned, diving into the cruiser to try to flee the rain. Too bad he brought most of it in with him. He was dripping wet, but damn, that slick, chiseled chest was a sight for sore eyes. I could look at it all day.

  He handed me the carton of stubbies and thrust the bottle of Midori at Oliver.

  “Skip, I’m so sorry,” I murmured, unable to stifle the soft giggles that escaped.

  “For what?” he frowned, and Oliver snickered, causing him to glance between us, confused.

  “I really did love little Skippy,” I said, bursting into chuckles as Skip’s face dropped and he rounded on Oliver.

  “You cunt, you told her?” he groaned. “Not cool, man.”

  “Hey, if she’s going to be living with us, we shouldn’t have secrets,” Oliver grinned as he moved back into his seat to pull his seatbelt back on.

  “Seriously though, that’s a little cruel,” I said once I reined my chuckles in.

  “Yeah, well, they’re not exactly the world’s best parents,” Skip rolled his eyes. “Could be worse though.”

  “What’s worse than a kangaroo shifter called Skippy?” Oliver snorted.

  “The dairy kids,” Skip shot back. “That was a marketing stunt right there, everyone knows it.”

  “What dairy kids?” I asked, feeling like I was missing some common knowledge.

  “Locals here know all about them, one of them’s called Cheeky,” Skip grinned. “Don’t even get me started on the others.”

  The cruiser started up, and I managed to get the pair to tell me more about these kids of the local dairy farmers, and I couldn’t contain my groans on the behalf of the children.

  “Do you know what bothers me? How Christmas is barely over, and yet Easter stuff is all over the shelves,” Oliver stated as we headed back.

  “I know right,” I groaned. “As if I need the extra temptation.”

  “Right, you’re a fae, and a pixie at that, your sweet tooth must love it,” Skip smirked.

  “Yes, and I’m a sucker for chocolate bunnies and eggs,” I sighed in defeat. “I actually gave in just last week and got myself a big bunny. I ate it all in one go, I’m a pig,” I pouted.

  “Wow, no willpower at all,” Skip laughed.

  “You’re not a pig,” Oliver snorted. “Don’t call yourself that.”

  “Oh, but I am, what little money I have leftover from work after paying my bills and rent, usually goes on food. And normally it’s something yummy. Like bee stings! God, the bakery down in Landsborough makes some of the best ones,” I moaned. I’d caught a bus into the station there before catching another to Maleny to then get my taxi.

  While I waited for my bus to arrive, I’d popped across the street to the renowned bakery and selected a small bee sting. Small meaning it could maybe be shared between two people.

  Nope, I annihilated it in one go.

  “The bakery in Maleny sells bee sting slice, it’s amazing,” Oliver grinned.

  “Don’t egg me on,” I grouched on him.

  “Bee sting. I like it,” Skip stated.

  “Who doesn’t,” Oliver said.

  I felt completely at ease with my two companions. Like I’d known them for years it felt like.

  I loved it.

  I smiled as we pulled up before the gorgeous house, and Skip pulled up out the front of the small two bay garage to the left of it. I’d noticed it yesterday when I’d arrived, but I hadn’t seen this big beast of a car. I wondered why he didn’t park inside the shed.

  “Lucas has his inherited old Ford Falcon in there. Got it from his grandfather I believe,” Skip explained when I asked. “Fancy little beast.”

  “Cool,” was all I could say to this, and Skip just raised an eyebrow at me.

  “You’re really not a car gal are ya?” he questioned.

  “Nah,” I gave him a half smile. I certainly was no car fanatic. If it ran and got me from point A to point B, then that was good enough for me.

  “Ready for a mad dash to the house?” Oliver sighed, the rain beating down on the windows still.

  What I wouldn’t do to curl up on the lounge with a hot chocolate in hand.

  “Guess so,” I said, glancing down at my two bags of groceries and my bag with my textbooks and schedules.

  “Here, I’ll take your groceries,” Skip offered, leaning over to grab them.

  My breath caught as his warm arms brushed my bare legs, and I got a closer look at his bare chest.

  He seemed to sense my change, and he gave me a sly smile as he pulled my bags up.

  “C’mon, don’t want those textbooks getting wet,” he grinned. My heart jumped as I tried to focus only on his glittering blue eyes.

  My cheeks flushed as I nodded, my mouth dry at his sudden closeness as I hastily grabbed my bag of textbooks.

  Oliver swung his door open and slammed it behind him, but before I had a chance to climb out into the rain, struggling down out of this high beast of a machine, Oliver was at my door and opening it. He offered his hand, and I accepted the help down from the big cruiser.

  Oliver grinned as he intertwined our fingers, dragging me after him to the house. My breath hitched at his touch, a warm tingle shooting through me as my stomach knotted. I doubted he even knew what effect his touch had on me. It’d been ages since I’d had a partner, since I’d had the touch of a man. I’d forgotten just how nice it was, even just to hold hands. Not to mention Oliver was incredibly cute, and my cheeks flushed as my mind brought up the vivid picture of him naked on my bed. Damn, maybe I’d forgo saving for a car and get a good vibrator first. That sounded like a good idea.

  Skip was cursing as he tore after us, but then the rain suddenly stopped.

  I came to a stop as I looked around dumbly. The rain was still falling, but it seemed to be bouncing off a bubble surrounding us.

  “Guess Lucas is home,” Oliver stated as he squeezed my hand.

  My eyes dropped to our joined hands, and a smile spread across my face. He had a firm but soft grip on me, and I caught those mischievous amber eyes as they lit up.

  Did he feel the same interest too, that little spark? I returned my gaze to the protective bubble around us, grinning stupidly at the magic that vibrated in the air. I could actually feel it, like when I crossed through the wardings. It tingled against my skin, making the hairs stand up on end.

  “C’mon, he won’t want to shield us forever,” Skip said as he drew up behind me. His hand touched my lower back, and I quivered at the soft touch.

  What was it with these damn attractive men? Were they trying to make me swoon for them? Hell, they seemed completely oblivious to how they were making me feel. Maybe this was how they treated all their female friends.

  Friends, yes, I felt like it was safe to call us that now. They seemed genuinely nice, and fun to be around. Living with them would be good, although, maybe falling for them was a bad idea.

  My eyes landed on the strikingly handsome man on the verandah, looking out at us with an arched brow and a soft smile. His arms were crossed, but that was not what drew my eyes. It was the lavish black suit and crew cut, the front styled in a side sweep. He was breathtaking in a
charming way, that crooked smile making my chest tighten.

  Damn, what was with the men in this house? How was I to not think about them? Maybe Lucas cast some magic on them to make them all irresistible. That seemed the most likely.

  “Luke!” Skip called out, his hand leaving my back and making me nearly pout. I caught myself, internally scolding my body for reacting to his touch. Hell, I was still secretly warmed by Oliver’s hand holding mine.

  These men were too much, it was like they’d known me longer than just a day. I felt close to them already, which was weird. But I liked the company of Oliver and Skip, they were uplifting and fun.

  The closer I got to the verandah, the more I could appreciate Lucas’s devilishly handsome features.

  His hair was a golden blond now that I was closer, the kind of hair you’d expect from someone who loved to sit out in the sun for hours bleaching it, and his skin was a gorgeous sun-kissed color. As I climbed the steps to the verandah being dragged by Oliver, I could see the flecks of vibrant green lighting up that deep forest green hue in his eyes. His five o’clock stubble was sexy as hell too.

  He nodded at me, and I spied the ear piercing in his left ear, a dazzling diamond-like stone glinting at me. Hell, his whole air screamed wealthy, from those polished black boots right up to the dark crimson satin tie. It wouldn’t surprise me if that earring was a real diamond.

  “Well, it’s nice to finally meet you in person,” Lucas said, and I caught the slightest hint of satisfaction in his eyes as he glanced at Oliver clutching my hand.

  Guess he was hoping Oliver might have a chance.

  Hell, I was interested in the lot of them, all sexy and charming and friendly. Except Marcus, he was just a delicious piece of eye candy as long as he kept his mouth shut. Once that opened, his attractiveness couldn’t salvage his shitty personality.

  “Likewise,” I finally said, realizing I’d been ogling him for a few moments. Damn, that smile was perfect. Skip’s smile was warm and friendly, even flirtatious but I got a whole other feel from Lucas.

  “Well, the weather has taken a shitty turn. Guess you won’t be mowing the lawn,” Lucas said as he glanced at Skip, who had climbed the steps behind us. I only now realized that he was standing awfully close behind me.

  If I just stepped back, I’d feel that bare ripped chest against me.

  “We should watch a movie. See if Ally likes the same stuff as us,” Oliver grinned.

  “Bee Sting here might want to settle in still, she might not want to sit with a bunch of guys just yet,” Skip warned him, although the devious smile on his lips made it clear he didn’t dislike the idea.

  “Bee Sting? Really?” I rolled my eyes at the pet name.

  “It suits you,” Skip chuckled, but his skin was prickling out here on the verandah, the rain pounding down around us and the sudden wind whipping it our way.

  Why he hadn’t grabbed a shirt still baffled me.

  “Well, I’m going to make hot milos, and I intend to watch the next few episodes of Game of Thrones. Whoever wants to join me, can,” Lucas shrugged.

  “Hot milo sounds good,” I nodded, pulling my bag of textbooks to my chest as the cool wind chilled me. I really wanted to change into something warmer. A dress had been a terrible idea as my legs were covered in goosebumps, and the wind was threatening to blow it right up and give the boys a lovely look at my old, worn panties. I seriously needed some new ones.

  “Well, let’s get inside where it’s warmer,” Lucas stepped aside, the door swinging open on its own.

  I grinned as I felt the magic once more. I knew it was Lucas’s doing, and it exhilarated me. I could see that it had the same effect on Oliver and Skip as they brushed past him into the house, their movements light and practically tingling with electricity. I liked the feel of Lucas’s magic; it was both welcoming and yet exciting all at once.

  I headed inside, sighing as the cool air gave way to a warmer interior. I wondered if he had the reverse cycle on or a fire, but then just summed it up to magic. Damn, he was good with it.

  I followed Skip through to the kitchen while Oliver flopped down on one of the red lounges, sprawling out like the cat he turned into.

  “Thanks for carrying those,” I said as Skip set my two grocery bags on the center island.

  “Don’t mention it,” he waved me off. “I’ll start putting it away, do you want any of it labeled?”

  “Just the chocolates,” I said after a moment of deliberation.

  “Of course,” Skip snorted.

  “Hey, I need them,” I defended, and he just gave me a cheesy grin.

  “Go take your books upstairs little pixie,” he shooed me away.

  I turned up my nose playfully, which he just chuckled at, before I tromped up the stairs.

  I dumped my bag of books on my bed and abandoned my sandals at the foot of the bed before slipping on some dull pink socks. They’d faded a lot over the years, and I was in need of some new ones.

  I glanced back at my sandals, my worn joggers set beside them. Maybe I’d invest in some heels, I’m sure my housemates would like them.

  I groaned at myself. God, I was already hooked on these boys. It wasn’t hard though; they were caring and funny, and I already had an intriguing feeling about Lucas. There was just something about him that fascinated me.

  Too bad Marcus was a jerk. Otherwise I’d have the perfect bunch of housemates. Not to mention the house was surprisingly tidy considering that four men lived here.

  I hurried back downstairs to find Skip had already put away my groceries, and a quick look in the fridge revealed my bag of Freddo’s were stuck in the door. ‘Bee Sting’ was scribbled on it in permanent marker. I just grinned at the nickname. It was certainly an interesting one. But it made me crave some delicious bee sting. How I wished we’d stopped at the bakery in Maleny now to try out the slice they had.

  I eyed the blue cooler on the bottom shelf, frowning at Marcus’s name plastered on it. Curiosity won out, and I unzipped the cooler to peek inside.

  I recoiled at the sight of blood bags.

  Of course.

  “How many sugars in your hot milo?” Lucas asked, and I jumped as I turned to spy him over by the kettle. I quickly zipped up the cooler, grateful that he was facing the kettle still. How long had he been there?

  “Two please,” I said as I straightened. I caught my breath as Lucas waved his hand and the teaspoon rose from the sugar jar and dropped sugar into the row of mugs while Lucas grabbed the milo from an overhead cupboard.

  “Wow, that must be extremely useful,” I breathed.

  “It is,” Lucas gave me a devilish grin as he flicked his hand towards me.

  I jumped as the milk rose from the fridge door that I was still holding open.

  “Marshmallows?” he asked.

  I was mesmerized, watching dumbly as the milk container opened itself, floating in mid-air as it poured into the mugs.

  “Haven’t seen witch magic in action before?” Lucas asked, grinning as I finally dragged my eyes away from the floating milk bottle.

  “Um, no, I was, well, I guess sheltered, from supernatural stuff, went to a mainstream human school,” I mumbled, moving to the side as the milk whizzed back and set itself back in the door.

  “Wow, that’s strange,” Lucas frowned as he leaned against the counter and folded his arms.

  I was still stunned that he was wearing a suit.

  “Not as strange as your suit,” I shot back.

  “This? Well, I like suits, sue me,” he shrugged, giving me that dashingly crooked smile once more.

  Damn, he was swoon-worthy.

  “Wait, you wear them all the time?” I said in disbelief.

  “It’s my brand,” Lucas posed for me, causing me to giggle. “I grew up with rich parents and an equally rich lifestyle. Which meant that my parents were always dressing up, and that meant me too. I kinda kept it when I inherited this house, it’s just a part of me,” Lucas shrugged.

sp; So I was right, he was a secret millionaire. Could this deal get any better?

  “So, you’re a pixie wolf?” he asked, cocking his head to the side as the kettle boiled and began pouring hot water into the mugs. The teaspoon dove down in perfect sync after it, mixing the hot milo’s.

  “Yeah, that’s me,” I pursed my lips.

  “Cool, interesting mix.”

  “A witch looks like more fun,” I remarked as the kettle set back down and the dishwasher opened up as the teaspoon dove in.

  Magic. Now this was a real step up from my old life. So much better than mischief magic.

  “You didn’t answer earlier, do you want marshmallows?” he repeated his earlier question as he pushed off the counter and rummaged through an overhead cupboard.


  “Okay, go sit, I’ll be out in a minute,” he said.

  I did as asked and headed out, my bright grin dropping as I spied Marcus entering the living room on the other side.

  Great. The vampire had risen.

  “Morning,” Marcus droned as he slunk through the living room, only giving me the barest of glances before slipping past.

  Probably seeking out his breakfast in the cooler.

  The thought made me shudder. Did he just drink it cold? Did he pour it in a glass or just suck it from the blood bag?

  “You watched any Game of Thrones?” Skip asked. He was relaxing on one of the lounges, which had been pulled away from the wall to angle towards the TV better. Oliver had done the same with the other one.

  “A little bit,” I murmured. I’d borrowed the first two seasons from a video shop to try to watch it, but I knew that it was almost finished now and the final season would be coming out soon.

  I flicked my eyes between the two lounges, debating where to sit.

  Oliver was grinning, and I knew he wanted me to sit next to him, whereas Skip was just getting the show ready. He seemed to be using a PlayStation remote, and it took me a moment to realize that we must be watching it through the console.

  I joined Oliver, who moved to give me room to sit beside him.


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