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Corviticus University

Page 6

by J. E. Cluney

  “We just started season four, we’re onto episode three. We’ve already watched it before, but it’s an awesome series worth rewatching,” Oliver explained as he pulled his legs up to huddle into the arm of the lounge.

  Skip quietly cheered as the TV sounded off, the Game of Thrones theme music playing as he reached the menu.

  “Hot milos all around,” Lucas declared as he strode in with two mugs. The other two were floating behind him, as if being carried by an invisible person.

  He slumped down beside Skip on the other lounge, handing him one mug as the two floating ones drifted over to Oliver and I.

  “Extra marshmallows for our little pixie if she so desires,” Lucas grinned, and I giggled as the bag of marshmallows floated into the room and set down on the coffee table.

  “Are we waiting for you, Marcus?” Skip called out over his shoulder.

  “I’m coming,” Marcus muttered as he entered the living room, glancing at me finally then looking longingly at the other lounge. Lucas was spread out though, his feet propped up on Skip’s thighs. Something that struck me as odd, but I didn’t question it.

  Marcus sighed, eyeing the vacant spot beside me.

  “Do you mind?” he asked, his voice low, as if it was something he hated to ask.

  “Do you?” I shot back instantly, and he scowled. “Whatever, sit,” I rolled my eyes.

  He made a soft grunt as he sunk down beside me, distancing himself as best he could from me.

  I ignored him, instead shuffling closer to Oliver, who seemed pleased that I was now pushed up against his side a bit.

  I imagined any other girl would feel out of place and maybe even intimidated in this roomful of young men, but despite it only being my first day here really, I felt at ease.

  Skip played the show, and I sighed as I sipped my hot milo, grateful that Lucas had left a teaspoon in it for me to stir the marshmallows in.

  I tried to refrain from asking questions, but I slowly caught on to what was happening in the show.

  The immediate forced sex with the brother-sister pair at the funeral was a little strange, and I couldn’t help but glance around at my male companions. Thankfully, they seemed to be all immersed in the show.


  It wasn’t until the scene with Oberyn and Ellaria and their companions that my body began to react despite my inner scolding. The sensual scene, with multiple lovers, both male and female, made me shift uncomfortably as I throbbed. God, I hadn’t been laid for ages, and this was just plain cruel, watching this scene with a group of sexy guys. I tried to keep my cheeks from flushing in their presence, as Skip murmured in approval and Oliver leaned forward to take in the delicious scene.

  I knew instantly that Marcus had sensed my slight arousal as he sucked in a breath, and I clenched my jaw as I flicked my hooded eyes to him.

  His frosty blue eyes were struggling to stay on the TV, and his jaw was set as his fingers dug into the arm of the lounge. My body ached, desperate for the touch I’d gone so long without. I could feel the tension in the air around him, and I glanced down to his jeans, curious to see if it had caused a reaction.


  “VB,” Marcus growled.

  I turned to him, frowning. “What was that?”

  “Vampire Bait,” he muttered, flicking his eyes to the coffee table. “Your magic.”

  I followed his gaze and groaned as the marshmallow bag shuffled and barked.

  It full on barked, a tiny, soft sound.

  “What was that?” Skip asked, pausing the show as he sat up straight.

  Lucas had a curious smile playing at his lips as he sat up too, removing his legs from on top of Skip’s.

  Oliver laughed as a little marshmallow bounded out of the packet, soaring across to the lounge in one giant leap.

  How its tiny little legs had managed that was beyond me.

  Skip was laughing now, leaning forward and clasping his hands as the four legged marshmallows spewed from the packet, rushing in all directions.

  I looked back to Marcus, who seemed to have relaxed now that something else had our full attention. My throbbing had died down too as I watched in horror as the marshmallows barked and ran around.

  “They’re puppies?” Oliver chuckled, freezing as the first marshmallow leapt onto his lap. They had no faces, just little legs, but each time they made that strangled bark, a soft hollow would appear in the end of the marshmallow. It was utterly freaky.

  “Mischief magic, always entertaining,” Lucas grinned, flicking his twinkling green eyes to catch mine.

  “Um, why’s it doing that?” Oliver murmured, frowning at the marshmallow.

  The marshmallow that was humping his hand.

  “I’m so done with this,” I groaned, covering my face as my cheeks flushed.

  “Does it have anything to do with the scene we just watched?” Skip asked, struggling to contain his soft snorts of laughter.

  I lurched off the lounge, darting out of the room and bounding up the stairs in embarrassment. I couldn’t bear to be around them when they figured out why that had happened.

  I threw myself on my bed, scowling and groaning into my pillow as I heard the men downstairs trying to deal with the marshmallows.

  Lucas was a witch. Surely he could handle it considering he made stuff do his bidding all the time.

  After a few minutes had passed and downstairs fell silent, laughter bubbled up inside me and I let it out, utterly disbelieving this whole situation.

  “It was pretty funny.”

  I rolled over, giving Lucas a soft smile as he leaned on the doorframe. His suit was a little ruffled since he’d been sprawled on the lounge, but he looked quite entertained as he gave me that crooked smirk.

  “Did you get them under control?” I asked, biting my lip as he chuckled. I should’ve helped deal with my mess.

  “Yeah, I dealt with it. Although, Ollie ate that one marshmallow that was having fun with him,” he snickered.

  “I’m sorry,” I sighed.

  “Don’t be, Oliver told me that apparently you never got taught how to control your magic. Your mischief magic reacts to your emotions, although, being horny, that’s rather interesting, isn’t it?” he grinned as he folded his arms and cocked his head.

  My face felt like it was on fire as I averted my gaze, instead glaring down at my pink socks.

  “Hey, relax, we’re pretty open with that kind of stuff here,” he said gently. “Although, you did spark a response from Marcus. He even called you vampire bait,” he snorted at the term.

  “Yeah, well, he better not get any ideas,” I said instantly as I played with the hem of my dress.

  “You’re safe here, we’re like a family, and hopefully, you can slot right into that. I got a sense from you that you’d fit well with us here.”

  I didn’t want to tell him that I felt more at home here than I’d felt with my Aunt and my cousin. There was no feeling like I wasn’t equal here, and Oliver and Skip had made me feel quite welcome and at home.

  “Hey, I meant to give you this too,” Lucas straightened. He pulled out a small charm bracelet as he crossed over to my bed and sat down at the end. “I’d appreciate if you could always wear it. Oliver can’t control his shifts, and when he changes, well, it’s the only way we can communicate with him,” Lucas sighed.

  “He doesn’t like to talk about that, does he?” I said as Lucas offered me the silver charm bracelet. It had a cat, stars, and hearts hanging from the chain. I held out my wrist, and he happily did it up for me, his warm fingertips brushing my skin and making it tingle.

  “He has his reasons for not wanting to talk about it,” was all Lucas shared. He didn’t say it like he wished I didn’t ask, more like he knew it wasn’t his tale to share. But he knew more than me, I knew that instantly.

  “Thank you for accepting my application too, I was really running out of time to find a place. When do you want me to pay rent?” I asked as Lucas’s fingers lingered on my ski
n. It was hard for me to not focus on those warm fingertips, how he was rubbing soft circles into the back of my hand automatically. It looked like he didn’t even realize he was doing it as he looked out my window in thought.

  “Whenever is easiest for you, you said you had some work starting here, so just after your payday I guess,” he said.

  I relaxed as he massaged my hand, my mind flicking back to Marcus’s reaction. I wouldn’t deny that his reaction had excited me.

  Even if he was a tool.

  That’s how long it had been since I’d been laid. Even a tool excited me.

  “Sorry,” Lucas sighed as he quickly pulled his hand away and gave me a sheepish grin. “Habit.”

  “Who’s the lucky girl?” I asked with a smile, although a sharp twist in my gut made me purse my lips. I had no right to be jealous. Hell, I hadn’t even considered that my housemates were probably not single like me.

  The thought made me deflate a little. Such sweet guys like them, I doubted they were single; they were probably comfortable around me because they were taken.

  “No one right now,” he shrugged.

  “Oh, that’s a shame,” I said, but my heart fluttered. So he was single right now.

  No, Ally. He’s your landlord.

  That was a no-no.

  “Such is life,” he shrugged. “So, you want to come finish the episode with us?”

  “I think I might just chill up here for a while, I’m a bit tired actually,” I said. I didn’t want to tell him that I was not up to seeing Marcus again right now. I felt strange about him after that episode. He’d seemed so uninterested in me, like I was just a nuisance, and yet he’d reacted to my moment of horniness. Not to mention I could just picture the grins Oliver and Skip would give me, and I wouldn’t be able to hide the reason as to why the marshmallows had become horny little dogs.

  “Okay, but if you change your mind, you’re more than welcome to join,” he smiled as he patted my knee.

  “Thanks,” I murmured as he stood up and headed for the door.

  Once he’d shut the door behind him, I rolled over and reached for my iPod in the bedside table. Some music sounded good right now.


  I groaned, rubbing my eyes as I sat up groggily. I’d drifted off, and my iPod had died at some point as I listened to the Evanescence albums.

  A glance out the window revealed it was still pouring with rain, and I rubbed my arms as I pulled my jacket tighter around me.

  I wondered how long I’d slept for?

  I tugged my earphones out and set the iPod down on the bedside table as I stretched. I glanced down at my bag of textbooks I’d moved to the floor when I’d curled in bed. I should really check my schedule. I only had one more day off before uni started.

  I straightened out my dress, which had ridden up and crinkled thanks to my nap, and moved to perch on the end of the bed as I dug through the bag for my schedule.

  It was a little booklet with my temporary schedule, teachers, and a map of the University. I’d organize my proper schedule on my introductory days.

  I loved the insignia for the uni, the shield with the phoenix in it. A symbol of magic and hope.

  My schedule was pretty basic. My veterinary science lectures were first up Monday morning with an introductory lecture, followed by a fae magic class in the afternoon.

  My first semester’s study units were animal management for veterinarians, animal and veterinary biology, and veterinary professional foundations.

  I had Fridays free, where I would work my new cafe job, along with Saturday and a short Sunday shift.

  I needed to check with Lucas if it was still okay to borrow his laptop for study, and maybe ask if it was possible to borrow it for my classes and lectures if needed.

  I sighed as I set down my schedule after glancing over the map of the university. It was a rather large uni, but I shouldn’t have expected anything less considering it was the only supe university up in this area. There was one down at Caloundra, but it didn’t offer the Veterinary Science degree that I wanted to do. Not to mention it was a little too close to home. I wanted a fresh start away from where I’d grown up.

  The next one was down at Caboolture, and then Brisbane had not one, but three of them.

  I checked my hair quickly, running my hands over it to find the ponytail was rather loose. My mirrored wardrobe gave me a full view of my look, and I sighed at my reflection. My hair needed fixing, as it looked how I’d expect it to look after a nap. I redid it as I stood, and then headed out into the hall.

  I spied Oliver in his room, the door wide open as he read a book. Predatory cats biology. It made me smile as I stepped to his doorway and knocked on the doorframe.

  “Hey,” Oliver’s face lit up as he sat up on his queen bed. His room was rather sparse, a desk to one side with a chair, a bookcase stacked to the brim with books and DVD’s beside it, and a set of drawers and bedside table on the other side. The sliding door wardrobe was closed, and it had one mirrored door as well, set at the end of his bed with a window above his drawers. His desk was set up on the opposite wall to the window.

  “Sorry about earlier,” I murmured.

  “The marshmallows? Don’t worry about it,” he waved it off.

  “So, you nervous?” I asked, stepping into his room when he patted the bed for me to join him.

  “For uni? Nah, the first week shouldn’t be too hard. Lucas is into his third year, he told me the first week will be pretty laid-back, introductions, a proper schedule. The one they gave you is just a rough guide, the actual timetable will have all the workshops and practical days. They have an on campus veterinary center, so that’s a bonus,” he sat up, crossing his legs as he set his book down beside him. I sunk down on the edge of the bed, noting how he had a creamy peach colored bed set. Probably helped mask the ginger and white cat hair when he shifted.

  “I wonder if we’ll share classes since we’re both studying the same thing,” I mused.

  “I can make sure we are. Actually, Lucas suggested I make sure we can be in the same classes. Just in case I have… issues,” he chewed his lip as he looked out the window. The rain had eased a little, and I hoped it cleared up for my first day.

  I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect on Monday.

  “What kind of issues?” I asked, but I instantly played with the charm bracelet Lucas had given me.

  “If I get stuck in cat form. The tutors and professors have all been informed of my issue, and they’ll be understanding if I miss days. I can just study off you if we share classes,” he grinned hopefully.

  “Sure, I don’t mind,” I shrugged. Having him sharing my classes made me relax a little. At least I wouldn’t be alone in a strange, unknown place.

  “I’m already getting Fridays off, so it’ll just be selecting my line-up of lectures, prac and tutorials I guess,” I shrugged.

  “Cool,” he nodded. “I can show you to class Monday, that’ll be fun.”

  “Have you ever been to the university before?” I snorted.

  “Well, no,” he frowned.

  “So we’ll both be just as equally lost finding our first class then,” I arched an eyebrow at him.

  “Well, no, Lucas has class too, Skip doesn’t start till later in the day, and Marcus takes the evening/night classes with the other vampires. Luke can show us where to go,” Oliver retorted.

  “What’s Marcus studying?” I asked.

  “Bachelor in game design. His class is one of the most normal ones actually. Our Veterinary science classes will have special days where we focus on our magic and/or abilities to help us in the practical and hands on stuff. Lucas’s classes focus on Business Management and Sorcery and Magic. Only witches can do sorcery and magic,” Oliver explained.

  “He must be really good at it, especially if the bracelets work,” I said as I eyed the silver charm bracelet.

  “They do work, and he is really good, he comes from a long line of strong magic-wielders,” Oliver said.

  “You’re lucky you ended up living here with him, somewhere else might’ve been harder, especially with your shifts.” I glanced at him, wondering if he might let me in a bit more, tell me more about this curse of his. He just frowned down at his hands for a moment.

  “I’ve known Lucas since primary school, although not in the same grades. Our families both live here in Maple Grove, and they’re quite close, hence why we became good friends. Well, even Skip and Marcus went to primary school with us, and we became friends in roughly grade four,” Oliver said. “I was only in grade one, but they didn’t mind.”

  “Marcus lived here before he got turned? What was he before he became a vampire?” I asked, curiosity winning out. Only supes lived here in Maple Grove, which meant there was more to Marcus than I knew.

  “He was a witch,” Oliver said, but I could see his uneasiness surfacing at the subject. No one had told me anything about how Marcus had been turned, it made me worry. What were they all hiding?

  “Skip left the high school after grade eight to go work on his parent’s farm. He was living with his grandmother here while he attended the supe schools. Maple Grove has a primary school, a high school, and a University,” Oliver explained, dodging the topic of Marcus. I’d have to touch back on that later, I had a few questions I wanted to ask about it, but I could sense Oliver didn’t want to talk about our vampire housemate.

  “How’d Skip get into uni then?” I asked, but I guessed the answer. The same way as me, considering I’d ditched school before completion to work, and yet here I was.

  “He applied for a pathways program, where they test you to give you a ranking. He got in,” Oliver said as he fiddled with the arm of his jacket.

  Same as me. I’d had to apply for the pathways program too, and try to do it all online or over the phone. That had been a struggle, but they’d made the exception for me.

  Now here I was.

  “Do you know what Skip’s goal is with his studies?”

  “I think he wants to become a conservationist or something along those lines. Find solutions to environmental problems, protect the wildlife and ecosystems,” he shrugged. “That’s about all I know.”


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